“Eh… Huh!? What did you just say, again? ”

Suspecting that his ears were hallucinating, Erinai looked at Tang Yi blankly.

“So, that girl will lose, and I’ll take her place in the halberd.” Tang Yi said seriously.

He doesn’t know much about Mito’s glamorous cooking, but if there is not much butterfly effect, it is proper to lose.

Since this is the case, it is better to let him come, on the one hand, you can return the favor of Erina, and on the other hand, you can also fight with Kohei Sojin, yesterday the other party also challenged him, this time let the other party completely die.

Hearing Tang Yi’s explanation, Erinai frowned slightly, “You underestimate Yu Mei, she is not weak in terms of meat cuisine. ”

“Better than me?”

At this moment, Xue Che Eri Nai had nothing to say, although she didn’t know how deep Tang Yi’s research on meat cuisine was, but in terms of comprehensive achievements in cooking, she must have dumped Mito Yumei Street.

“Are you serious? It’s not impossible, no,” Halfway through the sentence, Erina, Shōkiri, suddenly changed her words, “It’s up to you to eat the halberd!” ”

“Okay, I’ll go after her.” Saying that, Tang Yi was about to leave.

“Wait, this is for you.”

Tang Yi, who walked to the door, turned around and just happened to see Rina Rina throwing him something.

Reaching out and grabbing the thing, Tang Yi found that it was a silver key.

“The key to the kitchen, it will be your private kitchen in the future, don’t be robbed of it.”

With a slight smile, Tang Yi said confidently: “Don’t worry, in this academy, the person who can take things away from me has not yet appeared!” So, I’ll go first. ”

Looking at Tang Yi’s departing back, he smiled playfully, “Things have become interesting, look forward to his cooking.” Will it be Chinese food? Or his… Specialized? ”

When he said the word specialized, Xue Che Eri couldn’t help but think of last night’s “Red Sea Rainbow Light White Jade Building”.

If it is it, I am afraid that except for the members of the ten masters who take out the killer dishes, the rest of the students will not be able to resist at all.


There was an aunt cleaning in the corridor, and Tang Yi asked casually, and the other party informed him of Mito’s ghostly whereabouts.

Following the instructions of the cleaning aunt, Tang Yi quickly went downstairs and saw the hotly dressed girl in the hall on the first floor.

The other party was facing five or six construction workers in uniforms and ordering something.


“It’s you!” Hearing someone say hello, Mito Yumei stopped talking and looked sideways.

“Know me?”

“Of course, your name has spread all over the academy in recent days.” She said lightly: “I saw you just now, does Lord Erinai have any other orders?” ”

“Yes, she asked me to do it with you.”

“What? Are you going to donburi with me? ”

“To be precise, I will participate in the halberd in your place. Of course you can follow. ”

Saying that, Tang Yi didn’t explain anything too much, and walked towards the outside of the building.

“Wait… Make it clear to me! Mito said with a frown, so he had to follow.

She was very unhappy in her heart, and Erina-sama actually let an outsider take her place!

However, no matter how unwilling she was, she could only obey Erina’s orders.

Tang Yi and Mito Yumei went to the Donburi Research Association together.

On the way, Tang Yi asked about the cause and effect of the matter.

All in all, because Donburi Ken didn’t have any honors and achievements, Erina, who didn’t like it, wanted to abolish it through the Jujie Council.

The means is to cut funds, or reduce the activity department, in short, to force the other party to the cliff.

And ordinary people, when they hear the name of Erina, Erina, will run away.

Now the donburi is empty, except for the minister.

“Is that ‘no talent’ again… This girl is so emotionally intellectual, she will be hated. ”

Tang Yi silently commented on Erinai in his heart, but he had no other thoughts.

It is itself the law of the jungle, although the practice is slightly worse, but that is from the position of the weak.

“However, I did this as if I was aiding and misbefriending… Forget it, I’d better accumulate some yin virtue for her, and try to keep the donburi as good as possible when the time comes. ”

Thinking so, the two finally arrived at their destination.

The door of the ministry room was open, and Tang Yi walked directly in with Mito Yumei and greeted him heartily.

“Good noon, donburi guys.”

As soon as they entered the door, the three people in the room all cast their gazes, and immediately after, three voices sounded in unison.

“Tang Yi!”

“It’s you!”


These three are very interesting, one is Kohei Sojin, the other is the boy at the head of the plane, and the last one is Tang Yi’s classroom partner, Tian Sue.

Seeing her, Tang Yi’s eyes lit up and said with a smile: “Yo, Xiaohui, don’t you go to class?” ”

“Eh, it’s already the noon break…” Tian Suohui was also very happy to see Tang Yi’s appearance, and asked with even more concern between words: “Are you okay, Tang Yi?” I heard you called in sick. ”

“Oh… Well, that’s it! Tang Yi laughed dryly, he couldn’t think of saying that he was skipping class to fool around with Erina.

“Is it? That’s great. Tashoe patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

So cute.

Tang Yi thought in his heart, this kind of soft girl’s personality is good, I really want to take it home as a daughter-in-law.

“What are you going to do? Mito! At this time, the boy at the head of the plane finally had a chance to speak.

Mito Yumei did not answer, but looked at Tang Yi and whispered: “He is the Minister of Donburi Research, second-year Konishi Kwanichi.” ”

Nodding, Tang Yi chuckled and said, “First meeting, senior Xiaoxi, I am Tang Yi in the first grade. ”

“You’re the transfer student? Can I help you? “

Konishi Hiroshi looked bad, after all, Tang Yi appeared with Mito Yumei, and Mito Yumei was one of the reasons why their donburi became like this.

“What’s going on… I’ll put it bluntly. Tang Yi grinned and said, “I’m here to fight the book, follow me to eat the halberd, if you win, you can get reborn by donburi!” ”

As soon as these words came out, the three of them were shocked.

In particular, Xingping Chuangzhen suddenly raised his spirit, and his eyes stared at Tang Yi intently.

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