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(Thanks to the 20,000 tips of “[Empire] amount paid on time” ~ ~ This is the second change, and there are 2 more)

Gradually, diners began to gather in front of Tang Yi’s kitchen counter, and from seven or eight people at the beginning, it soon grew to more than twenty people.

Fifteen cages at a time, three hundred roasted wheat, seventy-five plates.

At first, Alice didn’t care much, but when the radio rang, she finally showed surprise.

“When the review started 10 minutes, he was still 0, I was 100, but in the 28th minute, he actually grew a hundred copies at the same time as me, this guy… Caught up with my speed! ”

Alice couldn’t help but look at the kitchen counter opposite, Tang Yi was busy rolling the dough, there was no time to worry, and the roasted wheat in the cage drawer had already been sold, but only a few diners chose to leave, and most of them were still waiting in front of the kitchen counter for the next cage of roasted wheat.

“Is Chinese food that attractive?” She couldn’t help but mutter, pouted very unconvinced, and said in her heart: “Anyway, it’s just a fresh picture, and soon people will be cold.” ”

Thinking of this, she was in a happy mood again, thinking about what kind of conditions she should put forward after winning the competition.

Meanwhile, kitchen counter 22 on the other side.

Alice, who was busy, also took the time to look at Tang Yi’s situation.

Hearing that Tang Yi finished 100 copies in 28 minutes, she was even more surprised than Alice.

She knew very well that Tang Yi had not sold a copy at all in the first ten minutes, that is, the other party had sold 100 copies in eighteen minutes, although it was the same here, but in fact, the speed was a little behind.

“His cage has tripled from five to fifteen, and as long as his mawheat making catches up, it will be faster after that!”

Erina’s face became a little nervous, “I don’t want to lose to him!” It’s time to speed up here! ”


Tang Yi’s forehead had already appeared subtle sweat stains, but the movements on his hands did not abate in the slightest, and pieces of paper-thin dough were born from under his hands, quickly piled up, and the height of the barrier was five or six centimeters.

“400 sheets complete!”

Rolling out the last noodle into a dough, Tang Yi finally stood up and let out a long breath.

“I’m really tired, it seems that I still have to strengthen my endurance once after that!”

Thinking so, Tang Yi looked at the steamer, the white heat continued to overflow, and the fragrance also spread from the gap in the steamer to the nose.

Sniffing slightly, Tang Yi nodded with satisfaction, and said to the diners waiting outside: “It’s okay, a plate of four, do it yourself, don’t squeeze, if it is overturned, everyone can’t eat it, please line up to cooperate, thank you.” ”

While speaking, Tang Yi brought out a large stack of plates and put them on the kitchen counter.

“Finally, I can’t wait!”

“Line up! Line up! Didn’t you hear Chef Tang Yi’s words? ”

“If you want to eat, you can honestly line up, Chef Tang Yi’s roasted wheat, you can’t eat it anywhere else!”

Spontaneously driven by the diners, about twenty people lined up in two and began to take plates and fill them with roasted wheat in a regular manner, and then walked aside to enjoy breakfast.

If someone wants to secretly pack a few more, it will also be stopped by the people behind, after all, there are so many in one cage, if the person in front installs more, maybe it will be their turn to be gone!

And the long line here also quickly sucked away diners over, forming a virtuous circle.

Senamihiro had already eaten the fifth plate, patted his stomach with satisfaction, and said with a smile: “It’s really enviable, Tang Yi, when the subject is over, it’s better to teach me how to eat golden roasted wheat in the future.” ”

Hearing this, Tang Yi glanced at him funny, shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and said, “Yes, I am happy to promote Chinese food.” ”

“Then it’s settled!” Senamihiro had happily put down the empty plate, turned his head and looked around, before he said helplessly: “I still have work here, so I won’t continue to bother you, come on!” ”

With a wave of his hand, he turned and walked to his next target.

As the auditor of this project, he could not stay in one place for a long time, although he had been there for more than half an hour.

“Molecular gastronomy…”

Se Nahiro had quickly walked to Alice’s kitchen counter, and muttered a little in surprise as he looked at the three-style egg dishes on the countertop, as well as the latest various tools.

“Miss Alice?”

Hearing that someone recognized her, Alice also put down the tools in her hand, and looked up slightly to see Hiroshi Se in the crowd.

“It’s you, the guy who has been staying with Tang Yi.” She pouted at first, but soon laughed slyly, “Finally tired of Chinese snacks? Try my ‘Three Forms of Egg Dish’! ”

Fed up?

Hearing this word, Sena Hiroshi was already startled for a moment, and then shook his head with a smile, and did not defend anything.

If he hadn’t eaten enough, he would really be reluctant to leave.

“Then I’ll try it.” As he spoke, Hiroshi Sena had already picked up one of them.

The first type of egg dish is a small porcelain bowl containing a poached egg with a transparent yolk and a granular object inside.

The second is a bit like a regular boiled egg, cut in half from the middle.

The third is a whole egg, but apparently processed and dispensed with a small straw.

After a little hesitation, Sena Hiroshi had already picked up the first one, and after a little look, he poured it into his mouth.

The next moment, his face suddenly became surprised, “What a rich juice… The protein is jelly made from diluted seawater, and the yolk is also made by fixing salmon eggs with gelatin! The jelly has a cool taste, smooth and refreshing, and the salmon roe is also full of elasticity… Need! ”

Saying that, he looked at the second egg dish again, this time he looked seriously and quickly saw the difference.

“The egg whites should be white asparagus mousse, the yolk part… Is it Dutch chutney? What a genius idea. Worthy of the name of the Son of God! ”

Saying in amazement, he picked up a small straw again, inserted the third egg dish, and after sucking gently, the delicacy inside the eggshell immediately entered his mouth.

“This is … Milkshake!? Shakes made with eggs, milk and cane sugar! It’s delicious, warm and refreshing, perfect for breakfast! ”

Looking at Senamihiro’s already shocked expression, Alice smiled and said, “How is it?” ”

“It’s amazing, these three egg dishes have all the delicious elements of the sea, the forest and the earth! Fully qualified, compared to Tang Yi’s gold burning, it is not bad at all! Seina nodded with emotion and said, “Thank you for your early arrival.” ”

With that, he put the empty tray down and continued to look for the next target.

Seeing that he only ate one plate and left, Alice’s eyes widened all of a sudden.

“Obviously I stayed at Tang Yijun’s place for half an hour…” She pouted dissatisfiedly, looked in Tang Yi’s direction again, and couldn’t help but mutter: “It’s so fast, the empty plate is already more than half of mine!” I have to speed up too! ”


After walking around the A field, Sena Hiroshi was already satisfied, and looked at the time, an hour had passed.

Walking out of the venue, he returned to the monitoring room, and in front of a pile of monitors, he saw Dojima Ginzheng standing there with his hands folded to his chest.

“Sena.” Seeing him return, Dojima Silver glanced sideways and asked, “How is the situation?” ”

“All three of them are very good, and judging by the cuisine, they all have their own characteristics and are comparable.” Se Nahiro had already chuckled and said, “However, I look at Tang Yi better, and his golden roasted wheat will win.” ”

“Huh?” Dojima Silver raised an eyebrow, “You know the bet between them, right?” Even if that’s the case, you’re optimistic about Tang Yi? ”

“Of course, it’s not just a simple win, it’s a big win! The number of copies Tang Yi will eventually sell will reach more than 600!! ”

As soon as these words came out, Dojima Silver was really surprised, it was the first time he saw his deputy give such a high evaluation to a student. _

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