The ice dragon exuded a trace of coldness, and the heat of the air made it melt and drip slightly, and the sound of clicking water droplets lapping on the dragon’s body was silent.

The three judges tasted the saury in silence, and no one said another word.

It seemed that affected by the atmosphere among the judges, and the entire venue fell into a quiet moment.

Everyone has a premonition that obvious thoughts can arise from the judges’ reactions and evaluations.

Seem…… Victory and defeat have been scored!

Looking at the dripping ice dragon, Isshiki took a deep breath, took a step forward, and shouted loudly to the audience: “The tasting session is over!” Entering the final review, below is the general marshal Xue Che to announce the final result! A perfect end to the long autumn tryout! Let’s look forward to the ultimate winner… Which side? ”

Hearing this, the more than 3,000 spectators present all had a feeling of unfulfilled meaning.

Their gazes fell on Tang Yi, and there was a subtle illusion in their hearts, this person’s strength was bottomless, and no one knew what kind of dishes the other party would come up with next time.

Gently putting down the chopsticks, with the sound of the chair moving, Sakukisen Zuemon stood up.

Despite his age, his figure was still burly, and his face was full of calm expressions, first sweeping over Ye Shanliang, and then looking at Tang Yi.

Knock knock!!

The sound of gongs and drums sounded, and the thick and deep drum sound gradually changed from long to urgent, like an invisible rope, pulling everyone’s hearts.

In this saturated atmosphere, Xue Chexian Zuoemon spoke in a voice full of oppressive force: “The two of you have worked hard…!” At the moment of victory, you all showed your superb cooking skills against each other, and finally served delicious dishes under the witness of countless people. ”

“First of all, let’s talk about the technique of cooking! In this regard, whether it is Ye Shanliang or Tang Yi, you have all worked hard, and those who taste the dishes can read the bitterness behind the chef from the dishes. Ye Shanliang’s grasp of the fragrance, Tang Yi’s brilliant carving knife work… Very exciting! ”

“In terms of the choice of ingredients, the two of them can be said to be comparable, both selected the best and fresh saury in autumn, showing the quality of a chef!”

“But these are nothing, what is really surprising is the respective dishes! A truly ingenious dish, just having an intoxicating taste and aroma, is not good, so that when people can taste the dish, the chef who made this dish emerges in their hearts…! ”

Speaking of this, Xue Chexian Zuoweimon paused for a moment before he said in a deep voice: “… In other words, ‘a unique dish that only that chef can make’! And at this point, those who received a higher rating … It’s Ryo Hayama! ”

Ryo Hayama!

Everyone thinks they’ll hear that person’s name, but the real incoming voice doesn’t.

The audience was stunned, even suspected that they had misheard, and after looking left and right, they found that they were not alone.

“How is that possible? The chief marshal is not? ”

“Could it be that Tang Yi Great Demon King will lose? Impossible, whether it is from the reaction of the judges or the atmosphere brought to the scene, it is impossible! ”

The skepticism was good, but it quickly spread, and the vast majority of neutral viewers were incredulous by this assessment.

Hayama Liang did the same, his pupils shrank slightly, and then revealed a trace of ecstasy.

“I want to win! Sure enough, I am the strongest! It was his mistake! Run, I’m going to win! My cuisine is a must-kill dish, the best dish I can come up with so far! It can win! I will win! ”

As if noticing the excitement in his heart, Alice Xiu’s brows furrowed, and she couldn’t help but speak, “Grandpa…”

However, Vencherionora stood up, put her hand on her daughter’s head, and shook her head with a slight smile.

The speech of the Zoemon continued in the face of the Sixen Fairy.

“…… Only that kind of dish is enough to be called a ‘must-kill dish’! But in the end, the winner of the championship is the one who stands at the top of the chef who can use his cooking skills to the extreme and sublimate it! ”

After a pause, he shouted, and the voice spread throughout the audience, and even echoed.

“And this person’s name is…”

At this moment, except for Tang Yi, who still had a smile on the corner of his mouth, everyone raised their hearts to their throats.

As if he was indifferent to the result, Tang Yi smiled, but there was a hint of helplessness hidden in the smile.

Others may not understand the meaning of those words, but as himself, he knows quite well.

“I can’t get rid of ah, I can’t get rid of my father’s shadow… Any skill begins with imitation, and sure enough, I am still a long way from my father’s realm. He thought to himself: “But even so, even if it is an imitation…”

On the big screen, the broadcast screen slowly went black, and a picture of victory was being enlarged.

“The winner of the championship is…” said in a deep voice of Xue Chexian Zuoweimen: “Tang Yi player! ”

When the results were finally announced, Hayama clenched his fist sharply and raised his right hand, and he turned to the audience and began to greet him with congratulations.

“Run, we won!”

His gaze closed on the faculty table, and finally locked on his mentor, but the other party’s expression made his smile fade quickly.

“Don… Tang Yi? ”

“Did Tang Yi win!? Sure enough, he won! ”

“For a moment, I seemed to hear Ye Shanliang’s name, but it was Tang Yi on the big screen, that should be right!”

The audience also reflected one after another, among which Tang Yi’s fans were even more relieved.

“Tang Yi?” Hayama’s eyes widened, he looked at the big screen sharply, and then his face changed, “How so?” ”

He quickly turned around, looked at Xue Chexian Zuoemen, and said incomprehensibly: “Isn’t that so! Commander-in-chief, you clearly said before that it was my higher evaluation! My dish is a must-kill dish, how can it be him who wins? ”

“You’ve worked hard,” Dojima Silver interjected, comforting, “You’re already excellent. Although this fish swallowing banquet is not a must-kill dish, and even has obvious traces of imitation, but…”

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