
There was a look of confusion on Gao Xian's face. He didn't lean against the window, but he could clearly see the person coming through the flower appreciating mirror.

There were two young men in total. The leader was wearing a bright blue robe, with jade pendants, sachets and other accessories hanging on his ruffs. He had a delicate appearance, fair skin, and a somewhat romantic and unrestrained temperament in his hands.

Another young man is tall and strong. He has a plain appearance but a steady gaze. He wears a black robe and a long sword at his waist.

Two practitioners at the seventh or eighth level of qi training. The young man in the lead has a higher cultivation level, and the young man behind them looks more experienced.

Gao Xian is now experienced and can tell the depth of the two young men's cultivation at a glance.

Judging from their clothes and temperament, the two of them should be cultivators of the Lianyun Sect. Judging from Zhou Ye's affectionate attitude, they have a relatively close relationship with Zhou Ye.

Zhou Yuling is so nervous. Could it be that she has some special relationship with the leading man?

People have already arrived in the courtyard, and it is not convenient for Gao Xian to speak anymore. He can only express his confusion with his eyes.

"You'd better not meet each other. Just stay in the house and don't make any noise. I'll talk to you later."

Zhou Yuling used voice transmission to explain to Gao Xian. She checked her hair and clothes again, and then she looked at Gao Xian again.

Gao Xian gently nodded to Zhou Yuling, indicating that there was no problem.

Zhou Yuling thought for a moment and said to Gao Xian: "Hide it."

There was no other way, Gao Xian could only activate the Shadowless Clothes to completely hide his figure.

Watching Gao Xian quickly disappear without a trace, Zhou Yuling couldn't help but smile on her face. She found it amusing every time she saw Gao Xian perform this spell.

She couldn't help but stepped forward and pinched it. It felt smooth and firm and she didn't need any force at all.

But as soon as she grabbed it, a piece of water rippled in the air, faintly revealing most of Gao Xian's body, and Gao Xian's vague helpless expression was visible.

Zhou Yuling smiled mischievously, this spell is really fun. However, this spell is very suitable for spying on people, Gao Xian wouldn't use it to do bad things, right?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but glared at Gao Xian fiercely, which meant to warn him not to mess around.

Gao Xian was naturally confused as to how he knew Zhou Yuling's thoughts.

Zhou Ye didn't see Gao Xian and Zhou Yuling in the main hall, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that it would be too embarrassing for the two parties to meet here.

There was no movement in the bedroom. It seemed that Gao Xian saw the opportunity and left first, or hid.

Zhou Ye raised his voice and said: "Ling'er, Senior Brother Qinnan is here..."

Zhou Yuling in the bedroom curled her lips in disgust, made a silence gesture to Gao Xian, and then opened the door and went out.

Gao Xian sat down on the chair and took some time to look at the people outside.

Separated by a wall, even without Wuyingyi, several people couldn't see him. But he could see several people extremely clearly.

After Zhou Yuling went out, she greeted the handsome man lukewarmly. From the address, she knew that this Senior Brother Nan was Nan Zhengxing.

The man next to him is called Wang Kai, and he should be Junior Brother Nan Zhengxing.

Zhou Yuling said a few polite words, then turned around and went back to the room, making no attempt to hide her cold and distant attitude.

Zhou Ye explained a few words with a smile. Although Nan Zhengxing was a little disappointed, he could still maintain his demeanor on the surface.

After the guests and hosts had a conversation, Nan Zhengxing stood up to leave. Zhou Ye politely stayed with them for a few words before sending the two of them out.

After a few people left, Gao Xian showed up. He said angrily: "You make me look like a thief. Who is this?"

Zhou Yuling's face was full of apologies: "Oh, it's all my father's fault. He insisted on climbing a high tree and promised me to Nan Zhengxing. At first, my father ignored me and didn't say a word. This matter has already passed.

She said with disdain on her face: "Now the Nan family is bringing up old matters again, how shameless!"

"You are a married woman!"

Gao Xian pointed at Zhou Yuling with a sad look on his face and lectured: "How can you still come here to seduce me?"

Zhou Yuling's face was full of grievance and innocence, but she felt that she didn't care. She could only carefully coax Gao Xian: "Nan Zhengxing and I really have nothing to do with each other. Brother, don't be angry."

"Humph, someone else's wife,"

Seeing that Zhou Yuling was about to cry, Gao Xiancai laughed and said, "Other people's wives are more exciting! Mrs. Nan, come here, let me touch her!"

Only then did Zhou Yuling realize that Gao Xian was joking. She threw herself into Gao Xian's arms with tears in her eyes and bit him hard on the mouth.

She muttered aggrievedly: "I'm even crying, and you're still scaring me! Ugh..."

Gao Xian was bitten in pain, but he could only endure it, who asked him to take the initiative to flirt. He also wanted to comfort Zhou Yuling, "Don't cry, don't cry, I'm teasing you. If you dare to steal my wife from me, I will kill that boy tomorrow!"

"Yes, kill him!"

Zhou Yuling also got angry, but Gao Xian could see that Zhou Yuling was just talking about it.

Although she is smart and clever, I am afraid she has never killed anyone with her own hands. Not to mention killing someone to solve the problem just because of this.

"Nan Zhengxing is the great-grandson of my master Nan Pingsong, one of dozens of great-grandsons! This man is greedy for money, lustful, and opportunistic. This kind of person will never succeed."

Zhou Yuling only met Nan Zhengxing twice, and she had a very bad impression of him.

I also asked people in private and found out that Nan Zhengxing's character was too bad, and I became even more disgusted with him.

Greed for money and lust is not a big problem, but opportunism is incurable.

There are no shortcuts on the path of a cultivator. You must practice hard to keep moving forward. Once you have an opportunistic mind, you will no longer have the patience to practice slowly.

No matter what such practitioners do, they will never achieve anything.

Although Gao Xian is also glib, he is able to practice alchemy in a down-to-earth manner, which is completely different from Nan Zhengxing.

Zhou Yuling's view is actually very unreasonable. She bases it entirely on her likes and dislikes and then finds reasons.

Gao Xian saw this very clearly. He felt that Zhou Yuling thought of him too well.

The relationship between men and women is difficult to explain clearly. If every point is calculated clearly, it cannot be called love.

Back home, Gao Xian couldn't help but think of Nan Zhengxing.

He is also a handsome and handsome man, but of course, his appearance is not as good as his. There is a feminine air between this man's eyebrows, or a bit of a sissy.

In his previous life, sissy and beautiful boys were still very popular. It's a pity.

According to Yu Ling, Nan Zhengxing is very problematic. Of course, Gao Xian didn't see it.

He knows people, but not their faces. Even though the flower-appreciating mirror is so good, it can't see through the changes in people's hearts. How could he see through Nan Zhengxing's character at a glance?

Gao Xian's consciousness moved, and the red flame sword flowed out from his long sleeves silently, swimming like a fish between his fingers, and it was extremely agile.

This is actually very dangerous. The Red Flame Sword is so sharp that one mistake can break two fingers.

Gao Xian also condensed his lung orifices, which were more in tune with the sharp gold energy, and he became more refined in controlling the red flame sword.

Practicing the sword like this is of course a bit dangerous, but it can improve his concentration and deepen the connection between him and the Red Flame Sword.

The Red Flame Sword is also the most expensive magical weapon in his hand and the most powerful. With his current spiritual consciousness, he can freely control the Red Flame Sword within thirty steps.

For people like Nan Zhengxing, even if they have any powerful protective magic weapon, it will be useless, because the Red Flame Sword is so fast and powerful that it will not give the opponent a chance to activate the magic weapon.

What's more, it's not easy to kill people with Wuyingyi.

The problem is that Gao Xian never thought about killing anyone.

Nan Zhengxing and Zhou Yuling had a normal relationship, Zhou Yuling also clearly rejected it, and Nan Zhengxing had no intention of stalking them.

Killing people for this reason is not his style.

It's just that you have to find out this person's situation and see what his plans are.

After Gao Xian finished his homework, he slowly put on his magic weapon and sword, and spoke to Qiniang again, and then he let his shadowless clothes float across the wall.

During the day, he noticed Nan Zhengxing's sachet. At that time, he triggered the scenting technique and smelled the aroma in the other man's sachet.

The aroma is as fresh as grass after rain, and as deep and soft as incense. Its aroma is complex, unique and long-lasting, and it obviously has magical effects such as calming the mind and repelling filth and odor.

Nan Zhengxing wears such a sachet, which is equivalent to opening a locator for himself.

Gao Xian turned a small circle in the cold night wind and found Nan Zhengxing and his companion Wang Kai.

The two of them were sitting in a private room in Feihuayuan, drinking. Next to them sat three beautiful beauties accompanying them.

Several people had obviously been drinking for a while. Nan Zhengxing and Wang Kai were both drunk. The people in the room were all disheveled and wild, looking very lively.

Gao Xian secretly sighed: "This guy is pretty good at playing!"

Third update, please give me a monthly pass

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