When Gao Xian got home, he went straight to the alchemy room.

After choosing in the medicinal materials room for a while, he was relieved to find that all the medicinal materials he needed were available.

I immediately opened the Fengyue Treasure Mirror and found the Yin Yang Heqi Pill on the back.

Yin-Yang Heqi Pill is a prescription recorded in "Dongxuan Zhenfang", which is specially used to stimulate the vitality of men and women to conceive offspring.

In order to improve his alchemy skills, Gao Xian casually practiced some Yin-Yang Combination Qi Pills, used a hundred points of Humanity Spiritual Light to upgrade to the master level, and never bothered about it again.

Today, when I was listening to Nan Zhengxing talk about Nan Pingsong's intention to have a baby, Gao Xiancai suddenly remembered the Yin Yang Heqi Pill.

At Nan Pingsong's age, if he wanted to have a baby, he really had to rely on pills.

However, Gao Xian wanted to refine the Yin Yang Heqi Pill not for Nanping Song, but for Nan Zhengxing.

Yin Yang He Qi Dan can be used to give birth to children, but it can also be used to deceive people.

Gao Xian's level of alchemy is very high now, and he is not far behind the level of an alchemy master.

He already has his own understanding of elixirs. In particular, he has a deep understanding of the pharmacological properties of several elixirs recorded in "Dongxuan Zhenfang".

The Yin-Yang Combination Qi Pill can help practitioners give birth to children. This is because the Yin-Yang Combination Qi Pill can stimulate practitioners' vitality and allow them to release true yin and true yang in the process of doing things.

For practitioners, this kind of release will damage the foundation of practice. As long as Qi practitioners want to build a foundation, they will almost never give birth to children. This is true for both men and women.

Nan Zhengxing wanted to use Zhou Yuling as a furnace and absorb her cultivation, which Gao Xian couldn't bear.

It's hard to kill such a thing directly. Gao Xian had an idea when he heard Nan Zhengxing talk about having a baby.

Gao Xian added two hundred points to the Yin Yang He Qi Pill, raising it to the full master level.

Another 300 points were added to the Burning Love Pill, and the Burning Love Pill was upgraded to the full master level in one breath.

The Qingqing Pill is a pill specifically designed to stimulate sexual desire and has no serious use.

Gao Xian has always disliked this elixir and never used it. Today, we have to use the Burning Pill to deal with Nan Zhengxing. Of course, we must invest some humane aura.

Fortunately, he had accumulated more than 19,000 points of Humanity Light, so even a few hundred points would be nothing.

Yin-Yang Heqi Pill: Inspires the innate spirits of men and women to reproduce. (200/200 Grandmaster level)

Burning Love Pill: Burning love and obsession, indulge your nature. (200/200 Grandmaster level)

Gao Xian upgraded two kinds of elixirs to the full master level, and gained some insights into the method of refining elixirs.

Although it is not enough to help him enter the realm of alchemy master, it is obvious that he has made considerable progress.

This can be seen from Fengyue Baojian. The alchemy data has been improved by more than 500 points.

The refining process of these two partial elixirs is much more complicated than Tiangui Dan and Lujiao San.

Even though Gao Xian was a perfect master in the two elixirs, he was busy until dawn before refining a batch of elixirs for the Burning Love Pill and the Yin-Yang Heqi Pill.

He refined very little, a hundred pills of the same medicine.

Daniel got up and saw movement in the alchemy furnace, and came over to take a look. He was quite surprised to find Gao Xian refining alchemy.

Because Gao Xian rarely stayed up late refining elixirs, judging from the aroma of the elixirs, they were also the types of elixirs that were not often refined.

Gao Xian asked Daniu to make breakfast. After he prepared the elixir, he happened to have breakfast with Qiniang and Daniu.

After eating, Gao Xian went to bed.

A night without sleep is nothing to the fifth level of Qi training. There’s just no need to endure it. Practitioners also need reasonable rest.

At night, Gao Xian found Nan Zhengxing in Feihuayuan.

He walked through the wall and took the medicine as planned.

Gao Xian briefly checked Nan Zhengxing's physical condition. He found that Nan Zhengxing's cultivation was very pure, and several days of continuous indulgence had almost no impact on his body.

After doing this, Gao Xian left the room.

Gao Xian saw that everything was going according to plan and looked at the posture of the beauty. She should be from the Hehuan Sect. She was wild but restrained, so he didn't look any further. He's not that kind of person.

After returning home, Gao Xian did all his homework, and finally fell asleep peacefully with Sister Lan practicing Aiki Shuangxiu.

The next night, Gao Xian repeated his old tricks. Nan Zhengxing, who was a little tired at first, unknowingly took the Qingqing Pill. He was so excited that he couldn't control it and ran to Feihuayuan again.

The main thing is that Gao Xian can disappear without a trace and can pass through the wall to transfer property, which is really like a ghost. Mi Shen Powder is colorless and odorless, making it difficult to prevent.

With these two methods, Gao Xian can do whatever he wants to torment Nan Zhengxing.

Although Nan Zhengxing was at the eighth level of Qi training, he never imagined that someone could use any means on him at will.

Feihuayuan's drinks would inevitably be filled with some fun drugs, and Gao Xian's elixirs would not leave any residue, so Nan Zhengxing had no idea that he had been tricked.

For six consecutive days, Nan Zhengxing was always in an abnormally excited state because of the burning pill.

Nan Zhengxing and Wang Kai didn't care about this. With their eighth-level Qi training, playing for ten or eight days was nothing at all.

Wang Kai only felt that Nan Zhengxing was a little too excited, but he could understand it. After all, Nan Zhengxing was under strict supervision at home and was not allowed to go out and have fun.

No one was in charge of Pegasus, so Nan Zhengxing let him go immediately.

Furthermore, it was impossible for Wang Kai to restrain Nan Zhengxing. It would do him no good to ruin Nan Zhengxing's career. If Nan Zhengxing couldn't improve his cultivation, it would be more to his liking.

On the seventh day, when Nan Zhengxing and the woman were taking a nap, Gao Xian came in.

This time he looked at the woman carefully. He could see clearly just now that there was a wild expression in this woman's eyebrows. At first glance, she was a casual cultivator, not a member of the Hehuan Sect.

It is very common for female casual cultivators to come to Feihuayuan to work and make money. Because they work part-time, female casual cultivators have less worries about doing things.

People from the Hehuan Sect are more disciplined in doing things. Even if they can absorb a man's cultivation, they can also control it within a certain degree and will never squeeze the other person dry at once. After all, this is a long-term business. If you squeeze out all the customers in one go, who will come back?

From the conversation just now, we know that the female cultivator is very greedy and keeps asking Nan Zhengxing for spiritual stones and magic weapons, which makes Nan Zhengxing very impatient.

Gao Xian decided to give Nan Zhengxing three times the amount of elixir.

From his point of view, this woman was so greedy that she would never miss the opportunity to absorb Nanzheng Xing's cultivation.

This was enough to directly destroy the foundation of Nan Zhengxing.

Just as Gao Xian expected, when the woman found the opportunity, she absorbed the essence without hesitation.

Only then did the woman realize that something was wrong. She looked at Nan Zhengxing again. His face was as yellow as paper, his breath was weak, and he looked like he was dying.

The woman was startled. She knew that she had caused a big disaster. This man had lost his True Yang and his cultivation foundation had been destroyed. She would definitely be held accountable when he woke up.

She looked at the unconscious Nan Zhengxing with a complicated expression, and then looked at the clothes and swords placed by Nan Zhengxing beside the bed.

Judging from the robes and swords alone, they are worth at least a thousand spiritual stones. Besides, this man also has a storage bag.

Thinking of this, the woman's eyes showed a vicious look. She pulled out the golden hairpin on her head, and under the influence of magic power, the golden hairpin shone with a dazzling sharp light.

Gao Xian outside the wall was a little surprised. He took a fancy to this woman's ruthlessness and felt that she would definitely dare to harm Nan Zhengxing. Unexpectedly, she turned so evil that she wanted to kill someone.

He sighed softly in his heart: "Brother, this is what you deserve..."

The woman didn't think too much. She held a gold hairpin and stabbed Nan Zhengxing in the eye. The three-inch-long gold hairpin was almost completely submerged.

Nan Zhengxing's body trembled, and his other eye suddenly opened and stared at the woman, his eyes full of horror and disbelief.

The woman looked a little guilty, but she didn't forget to cover Nan Zhengxing's mouth. She also used her other hand to push the golden hairpin an inch deeper.

This pierced Nan Zhengxing's brain. His body trembled and twitched twice, and he immediately lost his breath.

The woman breathed a sigh of relief. She pulled out the golden hairpin and wiped it twice with the sheets before inserting it into her head again.

She hurriedly put on her clothes and wrapped Nan Zhengxing's robes, swords, storage bags and other items on the sheets.

After packing her things, the woman opened the window and jumped out quietly. She was very familiar with Feihuayuan and quickly left Feihuayuan quietly.


The low chime of the bronze clock that told the time echoed in the dark night. The woman hid in the shadow of the corner and carefully looked around. She didn't see anyone, so she hurried towards the southeast corner.

Mid-February is the hottest and coldest time of the year.

The woman hugged the package tightly in the cold wind and carefully turned into a path. She stopped behind a firewood pile.

The location here was secluded and sheltered from the wind. She wanted to catch her breath, but her heart was beating wildly all the way here.

The woman couldn't help but pull out the sword and look at it. The sword blade shone with a bright and cold light, illuminating the woman's face and causing a happy smile to appear on her face.

"This sword must be valuable! Once you sell this sword and find a place to hide, you can use the money to live happily..."

The woman was thinking about good things when she suddenly felt a sharp pain between her eyebrows. She felt as if her head was pierced by an invisible blazing spear.

She couldn't make any reaction. The black man fell to the ground as soon as she saw him, and lost his breath in an instant.

The water light circulated in the darkness, and Gao Xian slowly emerged.

Gao Xian looked at the dying woman with a complicated expression. After careful consideration, he decided to kill her. Only in this way can the clues be completely cut off.

If the other party seeks wealth and life, then he will be killed. After many brutal battles, Gao Xian's heart became harder and colder, and he immediately killed him.

The newly trained Zhengyang Spear fired three consecutive shots, directly destroying the woman's soul. She died without even knowing what happened.

Gao Xian put away all the swords and robes, picked up the storage bag left by Nan Zhengxing, quickly destroyed the spiritual brand on it with the Zhengyang gun, and opened the storage bag.

Gao Xian didn't bother to check the contents inside, so he moved everything into his own storage bag and put the woman's body into the storage bag.

Nan Zhengxing's storage bag has the Lianyun Sect logo on it, so it cannot be sold or used for one's own use. Simply use it to place corpses, it's simple and hassle-free.

Gao Xian found a secret place to bury the storage bag, and then quietly returned to his bedroom.

He used the shadowless robe every time he came in and out, and Daniel was completely unaware of this.

Only Qiniang next door could tell from the slightest movement that he was back.

Qiniang didn't say anything. Gao Xian went out every night these days, so Qiniang knew he must be up to something. Since Gao Xian didn't say anything, she wouldn't ask any more questions.

Gao Xian put the harvest on the table and sorted it out one by one, and soon discovered a surprise!

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