The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 113: Diversity and obstacles help each other

"This is inappropriate. You two had better put on your clothes quickly..."

Gao Xian, who was standing in the corner, couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he saw Yang Qiying and his wife starting to take off their clothes.

He came here to get some news, but he didn't want to watch an action movie.

However, you can’t help but look at it. In other people's rooms, he may be plotted by someone if he makes a mistake. This is no joke.

Although Gao Xian felt that the couple was a bit suspicious, he hadn't found any problems yet, and he couldn't really stand by and watch the couple work like this.

He was about to urge the shadowless robes to leave through the wall, but suddenly realized that something was not right.

Although Yang Qiying and Yang Qiying were entangled together, they were both exhaling spiritual energy and moving their magic power.

The two people are obviously divided into two types of magic power: water and fire. When they work together, they are somewhat in harmony with each other.

Gao Xian practiced the yin and yang chakra with Qiniang all day long, and the Fengyue Baojian was the foundation of his success. He was an expert in this aspect.

With just one glance, Gao Xian could tell that Yang Qiying and Su Yue were practicing dual cultivation.

The two men's magic power was like water and fire, and they were originally incompatible with each other. It's just that through a certain secret method, they can be integrated into one body in an exquisite way, transforming the mutually restraining power into mutual support.

In this joint state, the mana and consciousness of the two people have obviously increased significantly.

Gao Xian must carefully restrain his consciousness to avoid being sensed by the other party.

According to Gao Xian's understanding, using spiritual consciousness is actually equivalent to radar, which continuously releases electromagnetic waves outwards and reflects the signals back through the electromagnetic waves for analysis.

When radar search is enabled, the radar's own position will also be exposed.

Divine consciousness is also similar to this active observation method. When the released spiritual consciousness senses the cultivator, it will also be sensed by the cultivator.

Whoever's consciousness is more powerful and whose operation skills are more sophisticated will be able to take the initiative in the battle of consciousness.

In contrast, flower appreciating mirror is actually a passive observation method.

To put it simply, no matter how Gao Xian adjusts the Flower Appreciating Mirror, he is adjusting his own state and will not release power outwards, making this spell extremely concealed.

By adjusting the flower appreciating mirror, Gao Xian can see more details, the movement of spiritual energy, the combination of mana, etc.

Yang Qiying and Su Yue seem to be close, but what they do is extremely serious, and they are also extremely serious.

The two men's mana circulated like this for one hundred and eight days, and then they slowly withdrew their mana, each exhaled a breath of turbid air, and completed the practice.

Gao Xian was also eye-opening and learned a lot. He had already reached the master level on the yin and yang wheel, but Yang Qiying's practice showed him another way, but they reached the same goal.

Gao Xian concentrated on learning knowledge, but it wasn't until Yang Qiying and Su Yue finished their work that he felt something was wrong.

"Why are you just watching from the side? I feel sorry for the couple."

I’ve just seen it all, but I can’t go out and apologize to the couple!

Therefore, next time I will give you two more elixirs to make up for it, that’s all I can do...

Gao Xian's moral bottom line is relatively flexible and he can always make good adjustments in such matters.

He originally came here to inquire about the news, but he didn't expect to see a husband and wife practicing together. The other person's level was very high, so he became a little involved.

You'll react to this and you won't want to stay any longer.

But Yang Qiying suddenly spoke and mentioned him.

"You saw Gao Xian several times today. Are you attracted to him?"

Yang Qiying didn't seem to be jealous, but rather teasing.

Su Yue rolled her eyes at Yang Qiying charmingly, "Gao Xian is very handsome, so that doesn't fascinate me.

"I'm just curious. Gao Xian is obviously Zhu Qiniang's keeper, so how can he have the courage to get married with Zhou Yuling?"

"Perhaps this pretty boy has a high waist and a strong hand." Yang Qiying said casually.

"I always feel that Gao Xian has some ability, but I can't explain it clearly." Su Yue said hesitantly.

"A person at the fifth level of Qi training, no matter how strong he is, can have great abilities."

Yang Qiying said disapprovingly: "We should try our best to find the hidden foundation-building monk..."

Hearing this, Gao Xian felt a chill in his heart. This couple really had a problem!

Su Yue was obviously more cautious. She whispered: "Be careful, it's all about being heard. From now on, you will still have to use a silent note when saying these."

Yang Qiying snorted slightly with some dissatisfaction, "You can be heard in bed, so just accept your fate."

"You're quite angry, let me help you calm it down..." Su Yue saw that Yang Qiying was unhappy, so she smiled charmingly and moved closer.

Seeing the two couples rolling together, Gao Xian hurriedly used the shadowless robe to pass through the wall and leave the bedroom.

If you already know that there is a problem between this couple, there is no need to continue watching the show. Although he has Sister Lan, he can't stand it.

When Gao Xian returned home, he took off his coat and got into Qiniang's bed.

Although you can't do anything, it's good to touch and hug her.

No matter how good Sister Lan is, she is from another dimension. Qiniang is alive and warm, which is very different.

"What did you find?"

Zhu Qiniang was awakened and didn't care about Gao Xian's little actions. She was more concerned about the new couple.

In the dark room, Qiniang's eyes were extremely bright. Gao Xian felt a little guilty and couldn't do any more tricks.

He honestly explained the situation of Yang Qiying and Su Yue, and finally said with great certainty: "This man and woman must be undercover spies."

Zhu Qiniang asked: "What are you going to do?"

"It will be easier if we know their identities."

Gao Xian had already thought about this. He said: "They are our alarm. As long as we keep an eye on them, we can judge the enemy's movements in advance and prepare in advance."

Zhu Qiniang nodded, this is indeed a very safe method.

There is an extremely crucial detail here, which is that someone must be able to discern the other party's movements.

Otherwise, keeping two spies with ninth-level Qi training around would be a recipe for disaster.

"These two people have practiced secret skills together, and they can help each other. The two of them work together to double their combat power. You must be careful."

Gao Xian reminded Zhu Qiniang that he was not afraid of this couple. Although Zhu Qiniang was strong, she might not be able to defeat Yang Qiying and Su Yong head-on.

Zhu Qiniang responded softly, seeming a little absent-minded.

Gao Xian was a little confused and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just a little tired."

Zhu Qiniang suddenly sighed softly, and Gao Xian's mention of Shuangxiu touched her heart.

Taking Tiangui Pill every day, and Gao Xian assisting her in her practice with the Yin and Yang Chakra, her body's alienation has been greatly improved.

It's just that the Lapis Lazuli drug she took was too powerful and had fundamentally changed her body.

Gao Xian was making rapid progress every day, but her progress was slow, with almost no possibility of building a foundation.

It won't be long before she can no longer keep up with Gao Xian. This made her feel sad.

Gao Xian is not good at guessing women's thoughts, but he understands Zhu Qiniang very well. Zhu Qiniang's biggest worry is her alienated body.

He thought for a moment and said, "Don't worry, my level of alchemy has improved greatly recently, and it won't take long to improve Tiangui Pill."

Through Fengyue Baojian, Gao Xian can see changes in his alchemy level. He is only one step away from the alchemy master.

In fact, there is no very strict standard for the identification of alchemy masters.

Generally speaking, those who can stably refine high-grade elixirs of the same level will be recognized as alchemy masters.

He now refines a large number of elixirs every day. Although they are all low-level elixirs, he can continue to accumulate experience.

Just by relying on these low-level elixirs, one can push alchemy to the master level.

By then, I think there will be a way to improve Tiangui Dan.

Although Zhu Qiniang didn't have much hope for this, she was very grateful to Gao Xian for his good intentions towards her.

She gently hugged Gao Xian's neck and leaned on his shoulders, curling up as much as possible and nestling in Gao Xian's arms.

In this vast world, only Gao Xian can be relied upon by her.

Gao Xian understood Qiniang's thoughts, and he was not in the mood to do anything else. He just held Qiniang like this, feeling particularly satisfied and with a faint but long-lasting peace and tranquility.

This chaotic world of cultivators is like a turbulent sea. Any wave may capsize his small boat.

Qiniang relies on him, and he also relies on Qiniang. This kind of mutual trust and dependence is even more precious to souls from other worlds.

In April, the weather really warms up and Pegasus Fair becomes really lively.

Treasures are constantly being excavated from the ancient sect ruins of Qingxia Peak, attracting casual cultivators from all directions.

Gao Xian didn't know whether these casual cultivators could make a fortune, but his Lujiao San and Tiangui Dan would definitely sell well.

For him, the most important thing is of course to accumulate a lot of humane aura.

Both the Da Ou Divine Magic and the Electric Photovoltaic Dragon Hand have reached Grand Master perfection. Gao Xian didn't know what magic to use the human aura for.

The Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire is a powerful attack spell with huge potential.

The Zhengyang Spear can not only directly attack the enemy's soul, but also destroy evil and eliminate filth.

Shadowless robe, the secret technique of invisibility. Including the flower appreciating mirror, they are all very useful.

These spells are of very high levels, and you need to invest a lot of humane aura to upgrade them.

Gao Xian thought twice and upgraded the small magic of Ruyi Jinsuo first.

The promotion of Da Ou Divine Technique to Grandmaster Consummation improved his intelligence, and he also taught himself the particularly complicated Geng Gold Sword and Shield.

It's just that the Geng Gold Sword and Shield is too difficult, and Gao Xian's progress is very slow with his daily practice.

He now has no shortage of attack methods, but he doesn't have any serious protective spells. All protection relies on magic weapons.

It is obviously very necessary to master a powerful protective spell. Moreover, Gengjin Sword and Shield integrate offense and defense, which is the most complex and exquisite spell in the first level.

The so-called first level only means that the level of Qi training can be practiced, but it does not mean that the power of Gengjin sword and shield is limited to the first level.

Of course, the pairing of the Ruyi Golden Cord and the Geng Golden Sword and Shield was all his own guess.

Nowadays, the enlightenment of humanity is easy to come by, so Gao Xian dared to try.

The arrival of Yang Qiying and his wife made Gao Xian realize that Pegasus Ji was at the center of the whirlpool. He must improve himself as much as possible so that he can protect himself, Qiniang and Yuling.

The Ruyi Golden Cord is a small magic. If you invest a thousand humane spiritual light, the Ruyi Golden Cord can be upgraded to the master level.

Sister Lan appeared on the back of Fengyue Baojian, and the golden light in her hand condensed into a golden whip several feet long.

Sister Lan shook her hand casually, and the golden whip danced like a long dragon.

After Sister Lan demonstrated it, Gao Xian immediately mastered the Ruyi Golden Cord.

Looking at Fengyue Baojian again, there is also an annotation of Ruyi Jinsuo on it.

Ruyi Golden Cord: Condensing the metal magic power into a long cord, wishful changes. (1/2000 Grandmaster)

Gao Xian's consciousness entered the Temple of Heart, and he tried the Ruyi Golden Cord.

This long, tough and sharp rope made of gold mana can be up to five feet long, and it is indeed quite powerful when struck.

It is not impossible to tie people up with ropes. It's just that this kind of spell has no practical significance.

With that skill, wielding a long rope is enough to trigger a round of ice arrows and a round of flame bombs, or draw a sword and strike dozens of swords.

Gao Xian was a little disappointed. The Ruyi Jinsuo only had this function and was flashy.

However, since there is a desired change, maybe we can play some tricks.

For example, turning the golden rope into golden thread?

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