The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 121 Chaos (Third update, please vote for me!)

"Senior, I don't know what happened here. Our gang leader, the Yang family and his wife are all missing..."

The old ghost hunched over and led the way, carefully introducing the situation to Mu Yunxiu.

Although the old ghost was cunning and cunning, he did not dare to be rude in any way towards this great cultivator of the Seven Evils Sect.

Mu Yunxiu followed the old ghost into Yang's house. He glanced around the yard. The powerful spiritual consciousness of the foundation-building monk allowed him to see many details.

There were no bodies on the ground, but judging from the blood stains on the ground, at least twenty cultivators died in the courtyard.

Moreover, they were all killed by one blow under some kind of spell. This spell is extremely powerful and cruel, and only when it falls on the body will the blood spray out in this shape.

Mu Yunxiu suddenly thought of what happened in June last year, when a group of people from the Red Snake Gang were killed.

He remembered clearly that the murderer killed a person with an ice arrow from fifty steps away. He was quite impressed by his superb magical skills.

The blood stains on the ground looked very much like the traces left by spells like ice arrows.

In a small place like Pegasus, there wouldn't be many great foundation-building monks.

Therefore, it is almost certain that it was that person who moved it.

Mu Yunxiu's face turned slightly ugly when he thought of this. Chi She, Yang Qiying, and Su Yue had no luck facing such an insidious and ruthless foundation-building monk, and they must all be dead.

Red Snake, Yang Qiying, and Su Yue had been lurking in Pegasus Ji for several months and made many arrangements in advance.

Once the three people died, most of these arrangements were ruined.

Moreover, the other party made the right decision to take action today and made it clear that they knew their plan. This made Mu Yunxiu feel quite uneasy.

Bai Mingfeng, who was on the side, saw that Mu Yunxiu's face was a little solemn, and he asked casually: "What?"

Mu Yunxiu sighed and said: "Looking at the blood on the ground, I guess it was the hidden foundation-building monk who took action. Yang Qiying and Su Yue must be dead."

"A few junior qi practitioners will die if they die."

As a third-level foundation-building monk, Bai Mingfeng didn't care about the life or death of Yang Qiying and Su Yue.

Although the two of them were disciples of the Qisha Sect, the sect had too many qi training disciples, so two more and two less would have no effect.

Mu Yunxiu shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter whether a few people live or die. The key is that the great foundation-building monk chose the right time to take action. He must have known about our plan. I'm afraid today will not go well."

Bai Mingfeng laughed: "What kind of threat can a junior who just built the foundation pose?"

As he spoke, he raised his head and glanced at the western sky. After the setting sun disappeared over the mountains, only the last trace of afterglow was left on the horizon.

The sky and the earth were shrouded in hazy darkness, but the red glow was like fire, which made the dusk a little more bright.

Bai Mingfeng had lived for more than one hundred and thirty years, and he had long since grown tired of watching the dusk no matter how beautiful it was. He looked to the west looking for our sect's ironwood flying ship, but found no trace of the flying ship.

He said casually: "This time, Senior Brother Guan will lead the team and preside over it. It will be useless for anyone to come."

"Senior Brother Guan has great magical powers and great wisdom. If he takes charge of this matter, it will definitely happen."

Mu Yunxiu quickly nodded in praise. Guan Wen'an was a great monk at the ninth level of foundation building. He was only one step away from condensing the golden elixir. He did not dare to offend him.

Although he has a good relationship with Bai Mingfeng, he must be careful with his words.

On the other hand, Bai Mingfeng was not wrong either. As long as Guan Wen'an is there, even if there are a few foundations hidden in Pegasus Ji, it won't be a big worry.

However, Senior Brother Guan was quite cautious and allowed them to test first while he provided support from behind.

There was nothing wrong with the plan, it was just that they had to be more careful as pioneers.

Bai Mingfeng knew that Mu Yunxiu didn't mean what he said. They were sent as vanguards, and he was somewhat dissatisfied with Guan Wen'an.

It's just that Guan Wen'an has strong cultivation and seniority, and his position in Qisha Sect is very important. With Guan Wen'an here, they can only obey orders.

Bai Mingfeng felt that Guan Wen'an was a little too cautious. So what if there were two foundation-building monks hiding in a small Pegasus gathering?

This time they sent out five great foundation-building monks together, and brought with them nearly a thousand Qi practitioners.

Even if there is a problem with a few people placed in Pegasus Ji, it will not affect the overall situation.

Bai Mingfeng said to Mu Yunxiu impatiently: "Forget it if you can't find that person, don't waste time here. Let's go directly to Li Shuanglin!"

Mu Yunxiu hesitated and said, "Senior Brother Guan hasn't arrived yet, should we wait?"

"Wait a minute."

Bai Mingfeng said: "Greetings to Zheng Yong and Yuan Peng, the four of us can defeat Pegasus Ji together. Even if there is any ambush by Lianyun Sect, we can escape unscathed!"

Seeing Bai Mingfeng being so active, Mu Yunxiu was reluctant, but it was hard to object.

"Okay, call Senior Brother Zheng and Senior Brother Yuan to do it together."

Mu Yunxiu said to the respectful old ghost standing by: "Don't worry about what's going on here in advance. You go and gather people. When we take action, you will lead people to set fire to kill people and disrupt the Pegasus gathering..."


The old ghost bowed respectfully and hurried out of the yard with a few of his men.

After coming out of the gate, the old ghost couldn't help but look back at Mu Yunxiu and Bai Mingfeng in the yard.

The old ghost was very uneasy. Yang Qiying, his wife, and Red Snake died just like that, but the murderer did not know where he had gone.

Naturally, a great foundation-building monk like Mu Yunxiu was not afraid, but he was scared to death.

You narrowly escaped from that person last time, what should you do if you meet that person again?

It's just that he doesn't dare to disobey orders. He can only be careful and don't follow the rules...

Mu Yunxiu and Bai Mingfeng also quickly left the Yang family and went straight to Li Shuanglin's residence.

What the two of them didn't know was that Gao Xian was in a back-seat house behind Yang's house, less than a hundred steps away from them in a straight line.

Gao Xian used the Flower Appreciation Mirror to see through many obstacles and see the actions of Mu Yunxiu, Bai Mingfeng and others. These two people couldn't notice Gao Xian.

This is also because the mystery of the Flower Appreciating Mirror allows Gao Xian to observe the two foundation-building monks unilaterally.

Gao Xian knew very well that if he used his spiritual consciousness to conduct induction observation, the two foundation-building monks would definitely find something wrong, and then their position would be locked through the mutual induction between their spiritual consciousness.

Exposing your spiritual consciousness is like activating a radar. While observing the other party, you will inevitably be discovered by the other party. Unless there is a huge gap in strength between the two sides.

It is precisely because of the skill of the flower appreciating mirror that Gao Xian dares to stay here and not leave.

Gao Xian also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Mu Yunxiu and Bai Mingfeng leaving.

The powerful and pure magic power of the two foundation-building monks made Gao Xian feel tremendous pressure.

The gap in mana between the two sides was very large. Gao Xian felt that there was at least a twenty-fold gap.

This is only the difference in mana. The great foundation-building monk also has powerful foundation-building magical powers, powerful second-level magic weapons, various superb secret techniques, etc., which are all beyond his comparison.

Gao Xian knew very well that he could only compare with the great monks at the early stage of foundation building in terms of spiritual consciousness and speed of reaction.

If you really put it into practice, his advantages in these two aspects will not make much sense.

Gao Xian was very self-aware of this. This time the Qisha Sect launched a large-scale attack, and his little arms and legs could not stop it.

Finding that there was a problem with Yang Qiying and Su Yue's identities, he and Zhu Qiniang made arrangements early.

He doesn't care about others, nor does he want to care about them.

After receiving accurate information from Yang Qiying and Su Yue last night, Gao Xian not only informed Wan Zhen, but also informed Zhou Ye, Zhou Yuling and Huang Ying early.

Huang Ying was hiding somewhere, while Zhou Yuling, Zhou Ye and Qiniang were hiding in the basement on the edge of Pegasus Ji. They have floating cloud flags to cover their presence. As long as they don't emerge on their own, no one can find their traces.

The afterglow of the sunset completely dissipated, and the sky became really dark.

Gao Xian found a tall chimney and stood on it. From this location, you can barely see Li Shuanglin's house.

He has a shadowless robe to protect him, and no one can see him, so he can just watch the fun with peace of mind.

Under the dim night, a series of spiritual lights shone in Li Shuanglin's house. It was his family's protective magic circle that was activated.

"Li Shuanglin come out and die!"

One person shouted in a deep voice, his voice as rich and stirring as a bell.

Gao Xian, who was hundreds of steps away, was shaken by the sound, and the water in his body rippled slightly. It was the shadowless robes that spontaneously resisted the overly powerful sound.

All the cultivators in Pegasus Ji heard this shouting and heard someone provoking Li Shuanglin, the great foundation-building cultivator.

This loud shout was like throwing a huge boulder into the hearts of all cultivators in Pegasus Ji, causing many waves.

As long as the practitioners with normal brains realize that something is wrong.

Members of the law enforcement team who heard the commotion quickly gathered towards Li Shuanglin's residence.

In the past year or so, Pegasus has gathered a large number of casual cultivators, and the law enforcement team that originally only had more than a hundred people has expanded to more than three hundred people.

The members of the law enforcement team all lived near Li Shuanglin's home. When they heard someone clamoring to kill Li Shuanglin, the members of the law enforcement team quickly gathered.

Many cultivators from the law enforcement team were wearing black robes, and more than two hundred people gathered together in a chaotic manner.

The leader is Li Minggui, captain of the law enforcement team. As Li Shuanglin's confidant, he is naturally the most active when he discovers that someone is making trouble at Li's house.

Li Minggui led a group of men to the front door of the Li family and saw Mu Yunxiu and Bai Mingfeng standing there.

"How dare two people come to cause trouble?"

Li Minggui vaguely felt that something was wrong, and then used the Qi Observation Technique to look at the opponent carefully. Although he could not see the opponent's specific cultivation level, he could see that the opponent's robes and swords were emitting a superb aura.

This made Li Minggui feel guilty. Could it be that the other party was a foundation-building monk?

Before he could figure it out, a group of men around him were already shouting and cursing.

"What kind of dog dares to bark at Mr. Li's door!"

"You are looking for death!"

"This thing that doesn't know how to live or die..."

There were so many people in the law enforcement team, and they shouted and cursed together in a loud voice.

Mu Yunxiu looked indifferent, he didn't care about these Qi practitioners.

Bai Mingfeng has a fierce personality. When everyone scolds him in front of his face, his temper suddenly rises.

He silently activated his magic power to move his natal magical power, the Seventeen Evil Ghost Hammer.

When the cultivator completes the foundation building, he has completed an evolutionary transformation from his spiritual consciousness to his body and magic power.

In this process, the cultivator will naturally understand a secret technique that is very suitable for him.

This secret technique, which can only be obtained by completing foundation building, is also called the natal magical power.

The power of the natal magical powers is far greater than that of ordinary spells, and they are extremely compatible with practitioners, and almost all of them can be cast instantly.

Foundation-building great monks generally regard their natal magical powers as their most important means of killing.

The Seventeen Evil Ghost Hammer activated by Bai Mingfeng was condensed into a black giant hammer through seventeen evil souls. It is powerful and sinister.

If an ordinary cultivator is rubbed against the body by the Seventeen Evil Ghost Hammer, his life will be taken away by the sinister evil energy.

Facing one to two hundred members of the law enforcement team, Bai Mingfeng did not dare to be careless. He would use his natal magical power to defeat the opponent first.

Li Minggui, who was opposite him, sensed something was wrong. Just when he was about to order everyone to take action, Bai Mingfeng raised his hand and summoned the Seventeen Evil Ghost Hammer.

A large ball of black air spurted out from the palm of his hand, and the black air gathered in mid-air to form a seventeen-sided prismatic hammer that suddenly hit Li Minggui.

The black giant hammer has a thick and hard texture, and there are strange and ferocious faces on the seventeen faces, roaring silently, and when it crashes, it makes a huge roar like heavy thunder.

The horrified Li Minggui made a dodge gesture, but his body suddenly shattered into dozens of pieces under the seventeen-faced black giant hammer.

The ferocious and tyrannical Seventeen Evil Ghost Hammers continued to move forward, shattering everyone and everything they passed.

A team of more than two hundred law enforcement team practitioners gathered together, and a hole was blasted through the team by the Seventeen Evil Ghost Hammer.

At least dozens of Qi practitioners were killed by the ferocious blow of the Seventeen Evil Ghost Hammer.

Broken flesh and blood sprayed all over the sky, and the scene was extremely bloody and ferocious.

Such a ferocious and powerful spell also scared the courage of the law enforcement team cultivators, and everyone screamed and ran away.

Bai Mingfeng sneered: "The mob!"

Gao Xian, who was watching the battle from a distance, clearly saw the power of the seventeen evil ghost hammers through the flower appreciating mirror.

He then switched the flower appreciating mirror to the candlelight ghost mode. In this mode, the mana auras emitted by Bai Mingfeng and Mu Yunxiu were like two balls of flames, and the numerous cultivators from the law enforcement team scattered in all directions were like dots of fluorescent light.

Although there are many cultivators in the law enforcement team, their level of magic power is very low. All of them combined cannot compare with the two great foundation-building cultivators.

Gao Xian also lamented in his heart that hundreds of Qi practitioners pose no threat to the foundation-building monks. The gap between the two sides is really too big.

He doesn't like the law enforcement team. This group of law enforcement monks has no sense of responsibility in doing things, but each one is better than the other in making money, and their methods are more vicious.

It cannot be said that the law enforcement team is not good, because Li Shuanglin, who takes the lead, has this kind of character.

Now that the law enforcement team has been defeated, Gao Xian has no sympathy. It's just that the situation is so critical, but Li Shuanglin is nowhere to be seen, which is a bit abnormal.

Gao Xian kept switching between flower appreciating mirror modes, but could not find any trace of Li Shuanglin.

At this time, Bai Mingfeng and Mu Yunxiu ignored the fleeing law enforcement team cultivators, and they joined forces to attack the Li family's protective array.

The two great foundation-building monks joined forces and forcibly broke through the Li family's magic circle without using a few moves.

As the aura of the magic circle dissipated like a curtain, Bai Mingfeng and Mu Yunxiu entered the Li family.

The two of them killed everyone they saw. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people in the Li family were killed.

Bai Mingfeng and Mu Yunxiu failed to find Li Shuanglin, so they set fire to Li's house.

The meaning of setting fire is very simple, it is to tell all the casual cultivators in Pegasus that Li Shuanglin is finished!

Sure enough, the flames of the Li family seemed to have ignited the ambitions of the Pegasus cultivators.

Groups of casual cultivators continued to gather, and the next step was to rob, kill, and set fire as a matter of course.

Fires were flying everywhere in Pegasus, and it soon fell into chaos...

Gao Xian didn't like this kind of chaotic evil, but he didn't have the ability to stop so many casual cultivators unleashing their evil intentions.

After a period of observation, Gao Xian discovered that four foundation-building monks had gathered in the center of the Pegasus gathering.

These four foundation-building monks had a clear goal and led their men to raid the shops in the central area. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed on the spot without mercy.

The shops in Pegasus Ji are all Lianyun Sect properties and have gathered a lot of wealth. It is the best target for plunder.

It can be seen that the other party has detailed plans in advance.

Gao Xian didn't want to watch anymore. Li Shuanglin had run away, and Pegasus Ji was completely finished this time.

Before the Qisha Sect had officially taken over Pegasus Ji, they still tried to find a way to escape first.

Gao Xian turned around and was about to leave when he saw a group of casual cultivators rushing into Wan Zhen's home, followed by Wan Zhen's roar coming from the room.

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