The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 126 Seventh Level of Qi Training (Third update! Please vote for me!)

The first month was uneventful, and the second month was uneventful.

In March, the spring breeze blows from the south, and overnight there is a touch of green on the mountains and fields.

Gao Xian stood on the roof and looked at the distant mountains, and the words of Mr. Jin naturally rang in his heart: "Spring is coming, all things revive, and it's the mating season again..."

This sentence really suited the occasion, and he felt it so deeply.

Qiniang has been taking the Tiangui Spirit Pill for several months, and practicing the Yin and Yang Chakra with him every day, and the problem of her body's alienation has been solved.

Originally Qiniang's muscles and bones were as strong as iron and her internal organs were as strong as wood, but now her muscles, bones and muscles have softened, or become more pliable. Her internal organs maintain the toughness of wood and are full of vitality at the same time.

To put it simply, Qiniang's body returns to normal while retaining its original advantages, and at the same time makes the body more energetic, agile and explosive.

This also allowed Qiniang to improve her cultivation greatly. Her body, spiritual consciousness, and magic power reached their peak, and all aspects of her strength gradually became integrated. This is the so-called tenth level of Qi training.

At this point, there is only one layer of window paper left to build the foundation.

In this state, Zhu Qiniang's skin is moist and tender, her body is flexible and elastic, and she shouldn't feel too comfortable to the touch.

Gao Xian just couldn't bear it and had to stand on the roof to enjoy the cool breeze to calm down.

He is not pretending to be innocent on purpose, nor does he have any moral burden. Qiniang is also willing to communicate with him further.

The problem is that Qiniang has practiced the Hunyuan Golden Body for more than 20 years and is now at a critical juncture when preparing to build the foundation.

The combination of yin and yang will destroy Qiniang's more than 20 years of cultivation, which will do more harm than good.

Gao Xian and Qiniang agreed that they would have in-depth communication after she established her foundation.

It was just that the two of them were whispering and breathing back and forth, and their bodies were stuck together. Qiniang didn't resist at all, so it was too much for him.

The spring breeze in March still carried the chill of melting ice and snow, and Gao Xian only blew it for a while before he completely calmed down.

He decided to suspend his dual cultivation with Qiniang because he was really afraid that he couldn't bear it anymore.

Qiniang needs to build her foundation, and she also needs to concentrate on her cultivation. Factors such as lust will cause great interference to her.

Despite Qiniang's usual calmness and calmness, in fact she has lacked love since she was a child. Very thirsty for love. Gao Xian saw this clearly.

So in terms of emotions, Qiniang is not as calm and rational as him.

If Qiniang can build the foundation, it means that Qiniang can compete with the Zhu family, and it means that Qiniang can gain a firm foothold in Lianyun Sect.

As Qiniang's closest partner, his status will also rise, and he will no longer have to look at other people's faces in the future.

Now Qiniang still lacks a foundation-building pill, which is more troublesome.

Foundation Building Pills are not only expensive, but also extremely rare.

Every sect that can refine the Foundation Establishment Pill has very strict control over the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Gao Xian was helpless, Qi Niang had no channel, and he, a small alchemist squatting in Pegasus Ji, had no place to get the Foundation Building Pill.

If there was a foundation-building elixir recipe, he should be able to refine it with his level as a first-level alchemy master.

Unfortunately, any high-level elixir recipe is very rare. Especially the foundation-building elixir recipe is a secret that is not passed down by the sect.

Gao Xian also understood this very well, as the Coke formula in his previous life had to be kept secret. There is absolutely no way that precious elixirs that can change the level of a person's life will be spread outside.

He couldn't help Qiniang, so there was no point in being anxious. His main focus now should be on cultivation.

The Turtle Shell is extremely easy to use. After taking it continuously for several months, he was just a little closer to condensing the spleen orifice.

He has also made rapid progress in swordsmanship and should soon be promoted to the master level.

Gao Xian was just thinking about the follow-up plan when he saw Qiniang walking out of the room.

When Qiniang arrived at the gate, she turned around and waved to Gao Xian. There was no expression on her face, but there was a smile in her bright green eyes.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with having sex now, but it was a bit funny to see Gao Xian's nervousness.

She also understood that Gao Xian was doing it for her own good. This man is very lustful, his body has already given him away!

Before Gao Xian could respond, Zhu Qiniang had already gone out.

Gao Xian floated down from the roof. He was still a little embarrassed and a little sweet. Anyway, the feeling was a bit complicated.

Returning to the room, Gao Xian suddenly felt something in his heart. He felt that the earth under his feet was so thick and endless, and seemed to be pulsing with some kind of spirituality.

He knew the time had come, swallowed a mouthful of tortoise shell powder, and came to the bed to sit quietly and perform the Five Elements Exercise.

As the Great Five Elements Gong continues to flow, a spiritual orifice naturally condenses at the Pishu point, which faintly echoes the spiritual energy of the endless thick earth, establishing some mysterious connection.

Through this mysterious connection, Gao Xian felt that his magic power became stronger and stronger.

The muscles, bones, and internal organs were nourished by the magic power of the earth system, and they became significantly more solid.

Gao Xian slowly opened his eyes. After five months of practice, he successfully condensed the spleen orifice and advanced to the seventh level of Qi training.

The seventh level of Qi training is the so-called later stage of Qi training.

Among Qi practitioners, those in the later stages of Qi training can be considered masters.

The reason why he has made such rapid progress is that on the one hand, he has become more and more refined in the Five Elements Kung Fu, and his cultivation efficiency has been greatly improved.

Coupled with the assistance of magical instruments such as the Green Lotus Crown and the Yin and Yang Chakra, the body and mind are always in the best condition. What's more, his spiritual consciousness is getting stronger and stronger, and he can practice the Great Five Elements Kung Fu with ease.

The most important thing is the turtle shell, which can help him quickly condense the spleen orifice, saving him at least five or six years of hard work. This is also the fundamental reason why the cultivation speed of the true disciples of the sect is much faster than that of casual cultivators.

With one more spiritual orifice to circulate and breathe out spiritual energy, his mana increased by about 50%.

The most direct effect of the improvement in mana is that it will be easier to cast various spells, and the power of the spells will also increase accordingly.

The spleen orifice corresponds to earth magic power, and earth magic has the greatest gain.

The only earth spell Gao Xian masters is the geomagnetic wheel, and he is not planning to learn any other earth spells.

At this stage, he can only learn some low-level spells. There is not much use in learning it. It also consumes a lot of energy and resources to practice, which is not worth the gain.

Now the various spells he has mastered can be combined and matched organically to meet his life and combat needs.

Gao Xian's consciousness sank into the Temple of Mind and he practiced the geomagnetic wheel several times.

The speed of the geomagnetic wheel has increased by about 30%, which is very fast and can further unleash the power of the electro-photovoltaic dragon hand.

The control of the geomagnetic wheel has also reached a new level.

A normal geomagnetic wheel can only allow him to glide two inches above the ground.

Now he can glide three feet above the ground. This change allows him to adapt to various complex terrain environments.

If he wishes, he can even use the Geomagnetic Wheel to attack his enemies. Of course, this attack is very inefficient and is only suitable for special occasions.

The biggest advantage of the geomagnetic wheel's ascension is that it can be combined with the shadowless robe.

While using the Shadowless Robe, he can also control the geomagnetic wheel to move slowly.

Once the speed of the geomagnetic wheel is increased, the running mana will destroy the concealment effect of the shadowless robe.

Gao Xian opened the Feng Yue Baojian and took a look. Sure enough, the proficiency of the geomagnetic wheel had been greatly improved, and he was only 500 points away from the master level.

You must know that this kind of serious magic cannot be added with human spiritual light. Even if it is in harmony with the yin and yang wheel, it will be very slow to practice.

Being able to make such huge progress is mainly due to breakthroughs in Qi training and cultivation.

Facts have once again proved that personal cultivation is the foundation. After all, magic and alchemy are just auxiliary heretics.

Gao Xian cast various spells several times in the Temple of Heart and Soul, and after basically mastering his current state, he withdrew from the Temple of Heart and Soul.

Spring has arrived, and loose cultivators from all walks of life have begun to gather at Pegasus.

The riot last September scared away a lot of people. However, the ruins of the ancient sect were right there, and even the casual cultivators couldn't resist the temptation of getting rich overnight.

The leader of the Lianyun Sect, Yun Taihao, personally took action, but the Qisha Sect that everyone expected did not appear.

After half a year, many casual cultivators felt that this matter might have completely passed.

After being deserted for half a year, Gao Xian's income in all aspects has dropped significantly. Seeing that the casual cultivators were back, of course he had to hurry up and work.

In addition to practicing every day, he now makes alchemy in a furnace. There was no time to play with Zhou Yuling.

In the afternoon, I made a furnace of deer horn powder and obtained 1,500 pills. This is also the limit of the alchemy furnace.

Gao Xian prepared the pills and left the rest to Daniel.

He happily went to find Zhou Yuling.

The fence in Zhou's backyard was very high, and he jumped over it in a familiar way. Because of the geomagnetic wheel, he landed as light as a feather.

The shadowless robe on Gao Xian's body fluctuated slightly, and then returned to a stable and invisible state.

It wasn't until he entered Zhou Yuling's bedroom that Zhou Yuling realized something was wrong. She reached out to grab Gao Xian, but failed.

This surprised Zhou Yuling. Her bedroom was very small, but she couldn't see Gao Xian. She could catch Gao Xian every time. Why did she fail this time?

Just now, Gao Xian slid silently through the geomagnetic wheel and slid past Zhou Yuling like a ghost. This was also the result of the shadowless robe plus the power of the geomagnetic wheel.

Just when Zhou Yuling was in shock, Gao Xian gently held Zhou Yuling's slim waist from behind.

Zhou Yuling turned around without hesitation and struck Gao Xian's ribs with the tip of her elbow.

Although she rarely goes out, she is quite diligent in physical skills. He is also alert and can fight back in a very short time when attacked.

In terms of close combat, Gao Xian has electro-photovoltaic dragon hands, which are much better than Zhou Yuling.

As soon as the muscles in Zhou Yuling's neck and shoulders moved, he knew what Zhou Yuling was going to do.

When the tip of Zhou Yuling's elbow came towards her like a spear, Gao Xian gently held the tip of her elbow with his hand, and at the same time reached out and grabbed Zhou Yuling's neck.

The Grandmaster's electro-photovoltaic dragon hand at full level immediately made Zhou Yuling lose her resistance.

"It's me, it's me, don't get excited..."

Gao Xian didn't dare to make trouble with Zhou Yuling anymore, he hugged Zhou Yuling and said softly.

Zhou Yuling felt weak all over and itched from the seams in her bones, as if something was about to come out, but there was no way to vent it. She couldn't help but twist like a snake.

She knew that Gao Xian's skills were very sexy and she couldn't stand it when touched. It’s just that you’ll get tricked every time.

She was a little embarrassed and shouted: "Gao Xian, um..."

How could Gao Xian let her scream? Zhou Ye was right in front, and the old man had very pointed ears.

He immediately blocked Zhou Yuling's mouth.

After a while, Zhou Yuling lost her temper, and her eyes were full of charming spring.

When Gao Xian saw that Zhou Yuling was no longer angry, he let go of Zhou Yuling.

Zhou Yuling touched Gao Xian's heart with her hand: "You heartless person, you haven't come to see me for seventeen days!"

"I'm busy practicing."

Gao Xian looked aggrieved, "I worked very hard to advance to the seventh level of Qi training."

He turned around and smiled: "Now I am the same as you, both are at the seventh level of Qi training."

Zhou Yuling looked surprised: "You have reached the seventh level of Qi training so quickly?!"

She turned around and said with some frustration: "Three years ago I was practicing on the second level of Qi. Three years later, I am still practicing on the seventh level."

With the help of Gao Xian's Tiangui Spiritual Pill, she had actually sensed the signs of a breakthrough early, but she had not been able to advance to the eighth level of Qi training in the past few months.

She watched Gao Xian catch up, but she stayed still. This feeling was really uncomfortable.

"Don't compare yourself to me. I'm in a special situation."

Gao Xian comforted him softly: "After all, my talent is peerless and no one can match it."

Zhou Yuling's eyes bulged with anger, and she couldn't help but open her small mouth and bite Gao Xian's neck.

"This stinky man, even if he doesn't comfort her, he goes out of his way to make her angry!"

"Don't say goodbye, I'm done with it, I'm done with it..."

Gao Xian repeatedly apologized and joked in moderation. Zhou Yuling was obviously in a bad mood. It was not very kind of him to rub salt into other people's wounds.

The two played intimately for a while, and Zhou Yuling suddenly said seriously: "I just heard a piece of news today, which is very important to you. If you don't come to me, I will go to you tonight."


Seeing Zhou Yuling being so formal, Gao Xian had a vague premonition of something bad.

"Zhu Changsheng, the foundation-building ancestor of the Zhu family, has come out of seclusion."

Zhou Yuling said: "The sect plans to add another foundation-building monk to Pegasus Ji. I heard that Zhu Changsheng is actively seeking to be stationed in Pegasus Ji..."

Gao Xian's heart immediately became cold, even Zhou Yuling in his arms no longer smelled good!

(10,000-word update~ Dear gentlemen, please vote for support~ Bow)

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