Amidst the loud noise, the Qingmu Xuangang spurted out and turned into a long cone of flame more than twenty feet long, piercing through the entire pharmacy in the front yard.

Cyan flames enveloped the area, and people and objects were shattered.

The blazing cyan flame seemed to melt the entire Hall of Eternal Life.

Before the impact of the green flames arrived, Gao Xian turned into an intangible state.

The world in his eyes became black and white, and he himself existed in this world like a shadow.

If you look at Zhu Changsheng in this state, you can see that the old man's whole body is spraying dazzling white light outwards, just like the thin tail flame of a rocket flying into the sky.

The cyan flame that Zhu Changsheng activated was even brighter, and the black and white world seemed to be burned through by the flame.

Gao Xian's body was like a shadow, twisting and oscillating in the flames.

He was secretly shocked that the old man's death blow was so powerful that even he turned into an invisible state and was hit by the magic power.

It can be seen that even if the magic power is strong enough to a certain level, it can destroy the invisible state!

Fortunately, the green flames came violently and went away equally quickly. In the blink of an eye, the green flames had completely dissipated.

As Zhu Changsheng's consciousness collapsed, the Aoki Mysterious Light that was restrained by his consciousness also collapsed. The Aoki Mysterious Light turned into a layer of invisible mana and spread out in disorder.

Standing under the wall, Zhu Qiniang felt as if she was being hit by an invisible heavy hammer. The Xuanhua magic shield emitted by her Huangtang robe shattered on the spot. The huge impact of magic blasted her through the wall and flew several feet away.

The phantom in the sky flickered and changed, and Gao Xian's figure emerged. He glanced at Zhu Qiniang, who fell to the ground and was covered in dust. Fortunately, her mana flow was stable and her consciousness was concentrated. She looked a little embarrassed, but she was not actually harmed.

Gao Xian also breathed a sigh of relief. He had just mocked Zhu Changsheng because he knew that the old man was not dead and he had to hold back his hatred.

If the old man takes action against Qiniang, it will be over.

Fortunately, the old man was not clear-headed, and his defense was broken by his taunt, and he immediately dealt with him wildly.

This blow was so ferocious that the entire Changsheng Hall was razed to the ground.

Everyone in the Changsheng Hall was killed on the spot. Even the middle-aged man who was at the ninth level of Qi training brought by the old man was killed by this blow.

The sound was so loud that the entire Pegasus gathering could hear it.

Gao Xian was extremely excited at this moment. Zhu Changsheng was so heavy that he couldn't breathe.

Today, he overturned Zhu Changsheng with his own hands. He felt that his whole body was extremely smooth and comfortable, let alone this kind of pleasure.

He quickly realized that Zhu Changsheng's last blow had alarmed many people. It's okay for others, but if Li Shuanglin comes over, he won't be able to deal with it.

Gao Xian didn't dare to delay. He hurriedly collected Zhu Changsheng's storage bag and put the old man into another storage charm with a flick of his long sleeve.

After doing this, Gao Xian used the shadowless robe to cover the still dazed Qiniang.

Zhu Qiniang saw Zhu Changsheng's body, but she still couldn't believe that he was killed by Gao Xian so easily.

No matter how much she thought beforehand, she could never imagine such an ending!

Using Qi training to counterattack the second-level monks of the Foundation Building, if this spreads out, all cultivators in Jiuzhou will be shocked!

Gao Xian was very calm and sober at this moment, and he quickly left the ruins with Qiniang, who was in a daze.

The two of them had just moved to the back of the Changsheng Hall when Gao Xian saw Li Shuanglin flying from the sky, and in the blink of an eye he was above the ruins of the Changsheng Hall.

Gao Xian didn't want to confront Li Shuanglin, so he took Qiniang and hid behind a wall.

The distance between the two sides was a hundred steps away, and it was absolutely impossible for Li Shuanglin to see through the shadowless robe with his eyes. Even if he scanned it with his spiritual consciousness, he couldn't sense the existence of the shadowless robe.

Gao Xian conducted several tests on the only foundation-building monk in Pegasus Ji.

Twenty steps is a safe line. Beyond twenty steps, Li Shuanglin would not be able to detect the Shadowless Dharma Clothes.

Gao Xian didn't dare to speak. He hugged Qiniang tightly and reminded Qiniang to pay attention through this action.

Zhu Qiniang also woke up now. Although she was still extremely shocked, she was able to cooperate with Gao Xian in concentrating his magic power and adjusting his aura.

Li Shuanglin, who was flying with air control, landed cautiously on the ground. As soon as he saw the tragic scene, he knew that it was the foundation-building monk who took action.

Flying with the wind is very convenient and very stylish for traveling. It's just that flying in the sky is not as practical as stepping on the earth.

If you really encounter a sneak attack, it is very dangerous to be in the air without cover, and it is difficult to change your position quickly and avoid the attack.

Only when you become a real Jin Dan, and then use the Perfect Jin Dan to control your magic power, can you make desired turns in the air and advance or retreat without hindrance.

Li Shuanglin walked around the Changsheng Hall and found no valuable clues.

Judging from the remaining mana, it was definitely Zhu Changsheng who took action. Only his Qingmu Lihuo Jue has the characteristics of such a fusion of wood and fire magic powers.

The problem is that he only sensed the Qingmu Lihuo Jue, but did not detect the mana aura left by Zhu Changsheng's opponent. This was too weird.

Judging from the condition of the ruins, Zhu Changsheng should be dead. If he didn't die, he would never run away quietly by himself.

The relationship between Li Shuanglin and Zhu Changsheng was already bad. This time Zhu Changsheng went to Pegasus Market to fight with him for food. He wished that Zhu Changsheng would die early.

It's just that Zhu Changsheng died so inexplicably, which made him very uneasy.

It is even more terrifying that the other party can kill Zhu Changsheng without leaving any trace!

Li Shuanglin's face was extremely gloomy. He held his sword and stood on the ruins in silence for a long time...

Gao Xian glanced at Li Shuanglin twice with the flower appreciating mirror, and then took Zhu Qiniang to the house on the west edge.

It's not safe to go home at this time, so I'd better hide first.

When the two of them entered the yard, Da Niu, who was hiding in the house, hurriedly greeted them, "Seventh sister, brother, you are here."

Daniel was extremely excited, and he was especially worried about Gao Xian and Zhu Qiniang.

The key is that this time the enemy is Zhu Changsheng, the ancestor of the Zhu family and a great foundation-building monk. He felt that Seventh Sister and Gao Xian were dead, and he felt extremely depressed and uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, just after he arrived, Gao Xian and Qiniang arrived.

Seeing that the two of them were fine, Daniel was so excited that he wanted to cry.

Gao Xian comforted Daniel, but the child was obviously frightened.

Zhu Qiniang had no intention of caring about Daniel. She said to Daniel: "You watch from the yard and don't let outsiders come in."

After saying that, Zhu Qiniang pulled Gao Xian into the room.

This earthen house was very dilapidated. Because no one had lived in it for a long time and no one had cleaned it up, it was full of dust and had a faint musty smell.

Without Zhu Qiniang saying anything, Gao Xian took out Zhu Changsheng's body first.

Fortunately, the room is dilapidated, so there is no need to pay attention to it.

Zhu Qiniang calmed down completely now. Without saying anything, she skillfully began to inspect the body. All valuable items such as robes and magical implements were quickly stripped off.

The old man, who was left in only a pair of middle-class clothes, was lying on the ground dryly, and he didn't know who he was looking at with his wide-open eyes.

"Evergreen robe, second-level mid-grade, probably, it should be sold for more than 10,000 spiritual stones.

"The Ten Thousand Years Peach Wood Sword is said to be taken from the Great Demon of the Ten Thousand Years Peach Tree. It is a second-level top grade and has a great blessing effect on wood cultivators. It can sell at least 30,000 spiritual stones..."

Zhu Qiniang sorted the various items and checked them one by one, muttering to herself.

Gao Xian didn't want to intervene, and there was no need to intervene. Qiniang was much better than him at picking up corpses and identifying them.

He asked in a low voice: "What should we do next?"

After killing Zhu Changsheng, the current level is over.

The problem is that there is a Lianyun Sect behind Zhu Changsheng. If the sect traces it, how should they explain it?

She said without raising her head: "What else can I do? Old man, these things are very valuable. Just selling one of them is enough to buy the Foundation Establishment Pill.

"When I complete the foundation building, we will be able to establish a foothold in Qingyun City, and then we can start again."

Gao Xian nodded, this method was considered safe. It was just that he was a little reluctant to leave Pegasus Ji like this.

He thought for a moment and took out Zhu Changsheng's storage bag, "Let me see what good things the old man has."

The turquoise storage bag has complex patterns composed of golden runes on it, which looks very delicate.

There is the old man's spiritual mark on the storage bag. If it falls into the hands of Daniel, he will not be able to open this spiritual mark for ten or eight years.

Gao Xian urged the Zhengyang Spear, but in just a few moments he destroyed the old man's mark of consciousness and opened the storage bag.

It is a storage bag worthy of a foundation-building monk. It has nine square meters of space and contains many items.

Most of them are various medicinal materials, neatly placed on one side in categories.

There are also ordinary clothes, food, drinks and other sundries, which are also placed in an orderly manner.

There were not many truly valuable things, so Gao Xian saw more than a hundred middle-grade spiritual stones at first glance.

The old man is worthy of being the head of the family, and he actually has so many spiritual stones!

Next to a pile of spiritual stones, there are some magic weapons and magic talismans. There are also several jade slips recording secret techniques, and two jade boxes.

Gao Xian took out several exquisite jade boxes without caring about anything else.

Check the contents of the storage bag not with your eyes, but with your spiritual sense. The jade box was placed inside, and he couldn't see what was inside the jade box.

Judging from experience, Gao Xian felt that the jade box should contain elixirs, so they needed to be preserved in this way.

He opened the first jade box and saw a pill that was as red as blood.

The pill is about the size of a walnut, and the outer layer of the pill is very thick, sealing the medicinal properties very well.

Gao Xian still used the scent-sniffing technique to smell the clear medicinal fragrance emitted by the elixir.

Judging from the scent of the medicine, it should be the best elixir for improving one's cultivation. As for what it was, he couldn't tell clearly.

Zhu Qiniang on the side was a little excited, her green eyes sparkling: "Foundation Pill!"


Gao Xian's face was full of disbelief. He had never won even ten yuan in lottery tickets. How could he be so lucky!

He handed the elixir to Zhu Qiniang, "Are you sure?"

Zhu Qiniang carefully took the elixir and looked at it repeatedly for a while with her identification skills. She nodded vigorously: "It's the Foundation Establishment Pill!"

Gao Xian couldn't help but be overjoyed. Whatever he lacked, he got what he needed. Nothing could be happier than this.

He opened the other box and found another Foundation Establishment Pill.

Gao Xian glanced at the old man lying upright on the ground, and said with some emotion: "You are a good man! Thank you."

Zhu Qiniang suddenly said to Gao Xian: "I will build the foundation now."

Her tone was calm, but her eyes were extremely bright, with an unshakable determination.

"There's no need to take risks."

Gao Xian didn't quite understand Zhu Qiniang's choice. There were two foundation-building pills that could greatly increase the chance of foundation-building.

However, he heard that foundation building also requires timing.

When the cultivator accumulates his cultivation to the extreme and then generates induction, this is the best time to build the foundation.

Although Qiniang's cultivation has reached the tenth level of Qi training, she is still not at the point where there is no way forward. It's a bit too risky to take the Foundation Building Pill to build the foundation now.

"If I can successfully build the foundation, we won't have to leave."

Zhu Qiniang said seriously: "I can go to Li Shuanglin and cooperate with him. Just say that Zhu Changsheng was assassinated by the Qisha Sect.

"Zhu Changsheng's teacher died long ago, and he has no backup in the sect. No one will waste too much energy on a dead person.

"With Li Shuanglin's endorsement, the sect has also made it clear."

Gao Xian thinks this method is good, but the risks must be borne by Zhu Qiniang.

He hesitated and said, "Some are too risky."

Zhu Qiniang looked directly into Gao Xian's eyes: "How sure are you of killing Zhu Changsheng?"

"There's always 50 or 60 percent."

Zhu Qiniang suddenly smiled. She gently stroked Gao Xian's cheek and said softly: "Zhu Changsheng values ​​your talent in alchemy and will not embarrass you. You risked killing him all because of me!"

"It doesn't matter if I take some risks to build the foundation."

She paused and then said: "Once Zhu Changsheng dies, the Zhu family will have no one in charge. If I can build the foundation, I can become the head of the Zhu family.

"If this happens, it will be of great benefit to you and me."

Zhu Qiniang raised her eyebrows as she spoke, with a heroic look on her face, "Remember what I told you, those who have achieved success in the past and present have never calculated it. Sometimes you just have to move forward bravely and don't think too much!"

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