Lianyun City is adjacent to Jinxia Mountain to the north and Baicang River to the south.

Lianyun Sect was built on Jinxia Peak. Looking from the sky, Jinxia Mountain is covered with golden trees.

Under the sunshine, Jinxia Mountain seems to be covered with a layer of golden clouds, shining with golden light.

Gao Xian knew that the tree was called the Golden Cotin Tree, which was known as a wild alien species. It could absorb the golden aura and produce golden leaves that would be invincible at all times.

Among the golden trees all over the mountain, you can faintly see various buildings such as palaces, pavilions, pavilions and pavilions.

The golden cotinus trees are like golden umbrellas, covering 90% of the Lianyun Sect. The exposed corner has a mysterious and sublime charm.

When Gao Xian observed Jinxia Mountain with a flower appreciating mirror, he could see countless golden auras in the shape of leaves, overlapping and undulating, like a sea of ​​golden light. Even the city at the foot of the mountain was covered by the sea of ​​golden light.

He just glanced twice and felt dizzy. If Sister Lan hadn't appeared in time to help him control his consciousness, he might have fainted.

Gao Xian didn't dare to look any further. The mountain-protecting formation in Jinxia Mountain was too powerful. Its ferocious magic power was hundreds of times more powerful than that of Yun Taihao, the real Jindan person. He couldn't spy on it.

The majesty and sublimity of Jinxia Mountain truly reflects the extraordinary and unparalleled aura of the cultivators. It makes people feel awe.

This spying also made Gao Xian strongly vigilant.

The shadowless robe can penetrate the protective array at Li Shuanglin's home, but it cannot penetrate the Lianyun Sect's protective array. The difference between the two is really huge.

The invisible state of the shadowless robe is not truly invisible, and will still be interfered by magic power.

The last time he killed Zhu Changsheng, he was almost broken by the violent magic attack and his intangible state was broken.

There are dozens of great foundation-building monks in Lianyun Sect, and there is also Jindan Master Yun Taihao sitting in charge. As a small Qi practitioner, it is better for him to be more honest.

Gao Xian's eyes turned to Lianyun City. This large city is surrounded by mountains and rivers. The outside is surrounded by a green city wall several feet high. Sixteen areas are divided into six long streets, three horizontal and three vertical. It looks quite neat.

If you look carefully, you can see that the buildings in Beicheng District are tall and wide, with rigorous layout and gorgeous style, making them obviously richer and more prosperous.

Correspondingly, the buildings in Nancheng District are low, dilapidated, and extremely messy. They are in a state like a large Pegasus gathering.

The spiritual light of the magic circle spreading from Jinxia Mountain completely covered Lianyung City.

One mountain and one city are connected into one whole, showing the trend of echoing from beginning to end. It involves the method of spiritual energy movement, which is complicated and subtle, but it is not something he can understand now.

Gao Xian only remembered that his teacher Xu Mingyuan's home was in the West District and he had dozens of disciples.

The teachers are also very knowledgeable and willing to give advice as long as they have some talent. Of course, these apprentices eventually became his money-making tools.

He was very inconspicuous among the many disciples. He only had some talent in alchemy, so he was sent to Pegasus Ji.

The Aoki airship landed smoothly at a special venue outside the east gate. Gao Xian, as a distinguished top-floor single-room passenger, disembarked directly from the bow passage.

Ordinary passengers disembarked from the stern, carrying various luggage and items, huddled together in a mess.

Gao Xian glanced at this group of cultivators and was filled with emotion. When the original owner went to Pegasus Ji three years ago, he was also in such a mess.

Three years later, everything is different.

In his memory, there are not many remaining memories of Lianyung City. When he returned to Lianyun City, his deepest feeling was that the spiritual energy here was abundant, far better than Pegasus Ji. It's a good place to practice.

Coming back was the right choice!

A rough wooden fence separates the Aoki spacecraft landing area.

When Gao Xiancai came out of the gate, two people came up to him with a smile, "Where are you going, Mr. Tao? Our Jinyuan Inn is safe and comfortable, and a single room only costs five talisman per day..."

"Master Dao, we will pick you up and drop you off at Quanfu Inn, and we will provide you with three meals a day."

The man lowered his voice as he spoke, and said with a vulgar expression: "There is also a female concubine who has studied in the Hehuan Sect. Baojun is satisfied that the price is affordable..."

Gao Xian glanced at this man. He was a little confused whether Lianyuncheng's service industry was developed, or whether this man was talking nonsense just to attract customers.


Before Gao Xian could talk to this man, Qiniang's voice came to his ears.

Gao Xian looked up and saw Qiniang standing next to a carriage. There was no smile on her face, but her green eyes were shining with joy.

Today Qiniang was wearing a golden robe with a hint of red, and on it could faintly see the light flashing like golden cocoa leaves. She wears a golden fishtail crown on her head and a black sheathed sword on her waist, giving her an air of nobility.

After not seeing each other for dozens of days, Qiniang's appearance has not changed. Her robe, hair crown, and sword are all of the second level.

The two-horse chariot behind her has a yellow wood frame with carved cloud patterns, dragons and phoenixes on the outside, a green umbrella canopy as the top, and a green curtain on the outside, which is quite gorgeous. There was a thick and strong woman standing beside him, holding a long whip in her hand. She was obviously the driver.

Zhu Qiniang has an extraordinary bearing, and with the BMW car as a foil, she naturally has the majestic aura that a great foundation-building monk should have.

The two men surrounding Gao Xian also saw Qiniang. Although they did not know Qiniang, they recognized that she was a foundation-building monk. Their expressions changed greatly, they bowed and walked away in panic.

Gao Xian also smiled. After not seeing her for dozens of days, Qiniang had changed so much that he felt some pressure.

"You came."

He walked over and greeted me with a smile, "Excuse me, Qiniang, please come and pick me up personally. I'm flattered."

He had sent a letter to Qiniang before coming, so he was not surprised when Qiniang showed up.

Zhu Qiniang was used to Gao Xian's jokes and didn't care. I haven't seen Gao Xian for a long time, but seeing him look so elegant now makes my heart full of joy, and a smile naturally appears on his face.

The coachman Zhu Ying standing by was shocked.

During this time, Zhu Qiniang got along well with each other and successfully became the elder of the outer sect of the sect. On the contrary, the Zhu family was purged with iron-blooded means, and all those who resisted were executed.

Within a few dozen days, Zhu Qiniang had essentially taken control of the Zhu family.

There was a great foundation-building monk who wanted to take advantage of the situation and seize the Zhu family's property.

For this reason, Zhu Qiniang directly sent the duel book to the great monk. The two great monks dueled at the Life and Death Platform of Lianyun Sect. Zhu Qiniang injured the other with one heavy blow.

In this battle, Zhu Qiniang gained the respect of everyone in the Lianyun Sect. It also allowed Zhu Qiniang to tightly hold the power of the Zhu family, and no one dared to confront her.

The young man in front of me, who had no idea of ​​his origins, dared to talk to Zhu Qiniang so frivolously. He really didn’t know how to live or die!

What surprised Zhu Ying even more was that Zhu Qiniang didn't care at all, but instead held Gao Xian's hand intimately and got into the car.

Although Zhu Ying did not dare to look further, she was also shocked. Many people privately said that Zhu Qiniang had a male favorite in Pegasus. It seemed to be true!

This male favorite is indeed handsome, but a little too presumptuous!

Zhu Ying was a little confused, how could a plaything have such magnanimity, and how could Qiniang tolerate the other party's teasing? !

It can be seen that this person must have an important position in Qiniang's heart.

Zhu Ying was from the same side as Qiniang, and had dealt with Qiniang before. When Qiniang came to power, she was selected as a close guard.

For her, she jumped from a late-stage qi practitioner on the fringes of the family to the center of family power, and her status was greatly improved.

She knew very well that to be a close guard, let alone ability, the first thing was to be loyal and reliable, and the second thing was to understand Qiniang's thoughts.

Since Qiniang valued this person so much, she naturally had to attach great importance to him. Even if she could not please this person, she would never offend him.

While Zhu Ying was thinking about it, he heard Zhu Qiniang say from the curtain: "Go to Xu's house in Sanyuantang, Ping'an Street, West District."

The cyan curtain may seem thin, but it can protect against wind, rain, sound, and prying eyes from outsiders.

If Zhu Qiniang had not taken the initiative to transmit the message to the outside world, Zhu Ying would not have known what was said or done in the curtain.

Zhu Ying responded in a deep voice, shaking the bridle slightly. The two red horses had been trained for a long time, and after receiving the instructions, they started to move forward smoothly.

Gao Xian, who was sitting in the carriage, did not feel any shock. This shock-absorbing effect is even better than the top-end car in his previous life.

Gao Xian looked around curiously. The carriage was very spacious, enough for four people to play mahjong, and it could also have two waiters serving tea.

The two rosewood benches facing each other are very spacious, enough for two people to lie side by side. It is covered with lake green brocade, which is low-key and elegant, and is soft and comfortable to sit on.

There is a long tea table in the middle of the seats, with fruits, desserts, etc. on it, and drawers for storage underneath.

There is also a small three-legged bronze lotus incense burner in the corner of the carriage, and its long and gentle fragrance drifts everywhere along with wisps of white smoke.

"So angry."

Gao Xian couldn't help but sigh. He had been in Pegasus for several years and had never seen such an exquisite and luxurious life.

Zhu Qiniang said calmly: "This car is Zhu Changsheng's car, named Qingluoyu, and it is a magic weapon. That's why it can drive so smoothly. This thin curtain is enough to resist ordinary second-level spells."

"It's worth at least seven or eight thousand spirit stones. Unfortunately, it's just a plaything and cannot be used for much.

"Flying is prohibited even in Yuncheng and Jinxia Mountain. This car is quite convenient. More importantly, it is very impressive and makes people dare not underestimate it. It can save a lot of trouble..."

Gao Xian nodded in praise: "A great foundation-building monk must have this kind of magnificence."

This Qingluoyu was equivalent to a customized bulletproof luxury car in his previous life. It was not only a symbol of power and status, but also had high safety.

Thinking of the bitter days with Qiniang in Pegasus, I felt even more emotional. Today, Qiniang is completely different.

Seeing Gao Xian's envious look on his face, Zhu Qiniang couldn't help but smile, "If you like this car, I'll give it to you. It will be convenient for you to get in and out of Lianyuncheng."

"That's not necessary."

Gao Xian shook his head: "Something happened at my master's place. It's not good for me to drive in and out in a high-profile car every day."

He turned around and asked: "Qiniang, do you know what happened to my master?"

If the timing hadn't been right, Gao Xian would have really thought that Qiniang killed his teacher Xu Mingyuan.

"I don't know. It seems like they went into the mountains to collect medicine and the people disappeared."

Zhu Qiniang said: "There has been no news for so long. He must be dead."

She then added: "It's not that you hate Xu Mingyuan, it's just the right thing for him to die and save a lot of trouble."

Gao Xian said: "It's a good thing for me. I'm afraid there may be some grudges involved, and the murderer won't let it go. That would be troublesome."

"It's hard to say."

Zhu Qiniang said: "Although Lianyun City is protected by a magic circle, it is not open to the outside world. The city is not safe, so you must be careful."

Gao Xian nodded and said with a somewhat complicated expression: "I still don't understand. There are so many disciples in the master. What does it mean for the master's wife to send a letter asking me to come all the way back?"

"Maybe I miss you." Zhu Qiniang said casually.

Gao Xian glared at Qiniang, "Foundation-building monks can't talk nonsense!"

Zhu Qiniang said calmly: "I'm not against you finding a woman. If you really have an affair with your wife, you have to hide it. If people find out, your reputation in Lianyun City will be ruined."

"It was fine."

Gao Xian looked sure on the surface, but felt a little guilty in his heart. He has no dealings with Bai Yurong, but he cannot guarantee that the original owner is pure and flawless.

Zhu Qiniang didn't dwell on the matter, she just reminded Gao Xian not to mess around.

This is not a Pegasus gathering. There are dozens of foundation-building monks on Jinxia Mountain, as well as a Jindan Daoist.

Their powerful power penetrates into every level of Lianyung City and forms forces and organizations.

The situation in Lianyuncheng is much more complicated than Pegasus Ji.

Zhu Qiniang was afraid that Gao Xian didn't know the depth of it and would accidentally step into a trap.

She reminded Gao Xian again: "If your reputation is bad, it will give others an excuse to attack you. Lianyun City is more prosperous and lively than Pegasus, and the struggle is more cruel.

"Once Xu Mingyuan dies, I don't know how many people will be eyeing this fat piece of Xu family. You must be careful."

"I see."

Gao Xian said: "I'll just come back and take a look. I'm not interested in the teacher's property..."

After a while, Qingluo Yu slowly stopped.

Zhu Ying, who was driving in front, jumped out of the car and whispered respectfully: "Sir, we're here."

Zhu Qiniang looked at the Xu family through the curtains. It had a vermilion gate, tall stone lions on the left and right of the gate to guard the house, and seven bluestone steps in front of the door, which looked quite impressive.

"Shall I accompany you in?"

"It saves a lot of trouble," she said.

Gao Xian thought for a moment and said: "Forget it, I am just an inconspicuous registered disciple. No one will target me. Taking you in will only arouse the suspicion of the fellow apprentices."

"That's fine, just be careful. I live in the backyard of Changsheng Hall in the North District, so it's easy to find."

Zhu Qiniang gave a few more instructions and repeatedly asked Gao Xian to pay attention to his safety. If you really need something, go back and find her. After all, there are too many masters in Lianyun City, so there is no need to take risks.

Gao Xian got out of the car, and Zhu Ying, who was standing beside him, smiled respectfully. Gao Xian nodded to the woman, then flicked his long sleeves and stepped up the steps.

The door is closed, and the side door is open.

Gao Xian was not polite and stepped into the side door. Someone walked out of the room sitting next to him. He was a little unhappy at first, but when he saw Gao Xian's handsome appearance, his eyes were as bright as stars, he was wearing green clothes and carrying a sword.

The man's face straightened. He bowed politely and asked, "A distinguished guest is here. What do you want me to do?"

This man was in his thirties, with small eyes, dark skin, a mustache, and a gray robe. He looked a bit vulgar.

At this moment, he was respectful and smiling, showing even more humility.

Gao Xian remembered that this man, Jiang Cheng, was the seventh among his brothers. Because he was smarter and could slide his beard, he always followed the teacher.

He smiled at Jiang Cheng and cupped his hands: "Senior Brother Jiang, you don't recognize me anymore. I am Gao Xian."

Jiang Cheng was shocked. He remembered that the teacher had such a registered disciple who was sent out to help the teacher make money at a young age.

He looked Gao Xian up and down again. His appearance was indeed correct, but his demeanor and demeanor had changed so much. Looking at Gao Xian's deep aura, he was already in the middle stage of Qi training.

Jiang Cheng's face was full of surprise and uncertainty. He explained dryly: "Junior Brother Gao, you have changed so much that I didn't even recognize you..."

Thanks to Yulu Shen, Dragon Fighting in the Wild, Yulong Tianya, Addis Plan, and Begonia Fruit Rewards~

Thanks to shuci1997, Little Black Cat and White Cat, What's the Use of Nicknames, Xianyunbu, Xichuan, Shali, Can't Find the Direction, Passerby from Heaven and Earth 666, The years of scientists flow with loneliness, fighter10383, Xingyue Gegeyao, Qiankan Snowstorm 2017, Nine Disasters with Flying Knives, Quotes Bu Yu, Twenty Years of Bookworms, Xizi, A.D. 1, zhenzhensh, I like to read your books, ZhouShiFang, blasphemy, joy, depression 123 me 23, cranes in the mountains , Hanshan Guying Piaolingke, coolgun, student 21, Gao Zhenghuan, I finally have time, Xinghang Zuzun, The shore of earth, wind, water and fire, Qianyuan Shixing, Gufanyiyi, Han Huanlin, Rainbow X, The bear that cannot fly , Walking Together in Dreams, 0Qi'an0, Crazy Man Brings a Knife at Night, Excalibur 2008, Wind Roaring, Guoguoda, 0045, Kong Gao, Obviously, Yusheng Book Friends Z, Landing Mortals 3, etc. book friends reward ~

I bow and thank you, I am truly grateful~ Every reward is true love~ There are too many brothers and sisters who have subscribed and voted monthly, I cannot thank them one by one, I bow~

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