Five-color lotus flowers are not too rare, but high-quality five-color lotus flowers are very rare.

Gao Xian felt that a seventh-grade five-color lotus was not good enough, but it was difficult to find a higher-grade five-color lotus in a short period of time.

Gao Xian pondered for a moment and asked: "Brother Jin, how many spiritual stones do you think it takes to buy a seventh-grade and five-color lotus?"

"The seven-grade and five-color lotus flower takes at least a thousand years to grow. The conditions required are very harsh. It is an auction again, so the price must be very high."

Jin Dabao saw that Gao Xian's expression was not good, and he hurriedly said: "Although the seventh-grade and five-color lotus flowers are precious, the demand is not high. They are either used to condense golden elixirs or to refine elixirs.

"In my opinion, four to five million low-grade spiritual stones are enough to photograph a five-color lotus."

Gao Xian nodded, he could still accept this price.

"Brother Jin, please help me find a higher-grade five-color lotus..."

Gao Xian still refused to give up. It would be best if he could find the ninth-grade five-color lotus.

With the blessing of his Vajra and Taizhen Idol, the ninth-grade five-color lotus can also be digested.

If Yun Qingxuan hadn't pointed out that the golden elixir needed to be refined at the ninth level, he originally thought that the third-grade five-color lotus flower would be enough.

Now he understands the purpose of the five-color lotus, which is to provide pure five-element spiritual energy when forming elixirs.

His goal is the Nine-turn Golden Elixir. Of course, the higher the five-color lotus, the better.

As for the Yuan Yuan Dan that condenses the golden elixir, the sect has it, but there is no need to ask for it from outside.

A large sect like Qingyun Sect must have important resources needed to advance to the Golden Core. Only in this way can the sect's power be maintained and order within the sect be effectively controlled.

If you want to form an elixir within the Qingyun Sect, you must first ask the Qingyun Sect for its opinion.

Gao Xian relies on his sect, so he naturally doesn't need to worry about this.

It's just that his practice of the Great Five Elements Kung Fu is not a secret method of the sect, and the sect does not have corresponding elixir-forming spiritual objects.

After leaving Wanbao Tower, Gao Xian returned to his home in Qingyun City.

When Zhou Ye saw Gao Xian coming back, his smile turned into a flower.

Rumors about Gao Xian have long spread throughout Qingyun City. After all, it is a secret involving the golden elixir. It is fragrant and bloody, and contains all the most important communication elements.

Gao Xian's notoriety was a great benefit to Zhou Ye. When others know that he is a wise person, they all respect him and give him face.

Now when you go out to do things, if you show off your Gao Xian name, almost anything can be done easily.

Of course, Zhou Ye is also very measured, and everything he does is within his capabilities.

Without Gao Xian's signature, it's not impossible, it just takes a lot of effort.

Gao Xian is away from home all year round, so Zhou Ye is in charge here, so he is very unhappy.

Regarding Gao Xian, Zhou Ye had already adjusted his mentality. He knew that he would never be Gao Xian's father-in-law. If he missed this opportunity, he would miss it.

Nowadays, everyone says that great talents will become golden elixirs and have a bright future. He was already content to hold Gao Xian's thigh while eating.

In addition, Zhou Ye actually knew Gao Xian fairly well. I know that this guy actually has a pretty good temperament and can be kind to him. Of course, this guy is also cruel and ruthless. He understands this deeply.

Zhou Ye bowed his hands and said hello respectfully: "Master, I'm back."

Gao Xian glanced at Zhou Ye and said with a smile, "We men don't have to be so polite."

"I'm a housekeeper, so I have to distinguish between high and low." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

Gao Xian didn't say anything else. He never liked being superior. I also try my best to take care of these old people around me.

Although Zhou Ye is a bit naughty, he is actually not a bad person. In the early years, it was also good for him. He always remembered this.

As for Zhou Yuling's apprenticeship, it cannot be said that Zhou Ye was wrong.

Gao Xian was a little angry at the time, but he looked away now. However, calling him this way makes Zhou Ye feel at ease, so he can just let him.

"Uncle Zhou, I have some spiritual objects, elixirs and so on. You can help me deal with them."

There are many things on Ye Huanyuan that Master Jin Dan can carry with him, and most of them are of some value.

It's just that these things are not of high quality and are very messy, so they are not suitable for Jin Dabao to handle.

Zhou Ye is familiar with it, so he can sell it at a good price if he slowly handles it.

"Sir, all those things were sold last time, with a total of 237,000 spiritual stones."

Zhou Ye took out a storage bag and handed it to Gao Xian with both hands, "They were all replaced with high-grade spiritual stones."

Gao Xian took it casually, took out the high-grade spiritual stones inside, and returned the remaining 70 medium-grade spiritual stones to Zhou Ye.

"Uncle Zhou has worked hard too. We can just spend our daily expenses from here."

To maintain such a large house and many servants, the daily expenses are actually quite high.

Gao Xian did not settle the accounts with Zhou Ye in detail. He knew that Zhou Ye would definitely make some money, but the old man should have a sense of proportion and there was no need to worry too much about it.

"Master, Mr. and Mrs. Wei Cheng have come to visit twice. I think they have something to do..."

Wei Cheng and Wei Shuangshuang, a pair of foundation-building monks, live next door. Zhou Ye also often meets and greets each other, and receives gifts from these two during holidays. He has a good relationship with them.

On the other hand, Zhou Ye always felt that Gao Xian was a little interested in Wei Cheng and his wife. I just don’t know if this interest is for their business or just for Wei Shuangshuang...

After reading the novels written by Gao Xian, Zhou Ye felt that Gao Xian must be a playful person. It’s not surprising to have these thoughts.

Naturally, Gao Xian didn't see the old man's dirty thoughts. He originally didn't want to talk to Wei Cheng and his wife, because the businesses in Nancheng were a bit too dirty.

At this moment, he changed his mind. He couldn't just point at Wanbao Tower, but he also wanted to cast the net as wide as possible.

Nancheng District gathers all kinds of gray businesses in the Qingyun Thirty-Six Sects. If you are lucky, you may be able to get a five-color lotus.

He explained: "Uncle Zhou, go see if these two are there and invite them over."

Zhou Ye worked quickly and led Wei Cheng and his wife back in a short while.

We haven't seen each other for two years. Wei Shuangshuang is wearing a lake blue skirt and a dark blue wide-sleeved jacket. The dress is very formal and elegant, but also a bit conservative. But she still can't hide her graceful and plump figure.

There was a hint of apprehension in her bright eyes, her red lips were slightly parted, and her aura of a young woman with a bit of coquettishness was very charming.

Wei Chengcheng is obviously much older, and the serious injury he suffered that time should still have a considerable impact on him.

Both of them were very respectful when they saw Gao Xian, even a little cautious in their words and actions.

They are the ones doing business and have the best information. Of course I know the rumors about Gao Xian.

To be honest, both of them felt a little regretful at this moment. If they had known that Gao Xian was such a person, they should have stayed away.

But they didn't know how to live or die and had to go up. As a result, Gao Xian came to the door.

Gao Xian saw that the couple was a little nervous, but he didn't explain. It was better to be afraid of him, which would save a lot of trouble.

"How's business going, you two?"

"Very good, very good."

Wei Shuangshuang responded hurriedly, "With Shui Yuying gone, business in the Southern District will become easier again."

As she spoke, she glanced at Gao Xian, and saw that Gao Xian's face was half-smiling, but his eyes were as bright as stars, as if he could see directly into her heart, which made her a little panicked.

After two years, Gao Xian has actually changed a lot.

As a foundation-building monk, Wei Shuangshuang's perception is still very keen. What's more, I had close contact with Gao Xian several times, and I was extremely impressed by him.

Two years ago, Gao Xian was gentle and elegant, his manners were without any pretense, and he even had a touch of sophistication.

Now Gao Xian is obviously more handsome, looking flawless and perfect like a heavenly being. He is still very polite and gentle, but it makes people feel awe.

But his eyes were staring at her, could it be that he was attracted to her?

Gao Xian didn't know that Wei Shuangshuang would have so many things in his mind, he said: "I'm looking for you two to ask for your help. I need high-grade five-color lotus flowers.

"You two run a business in Nancheng. If you have high-quality five-color lotus flowers, you must contact me..."

Wei Cheng and Wei Shuangshuang breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that Gao Xian really had something to ask them. They nodded repeatedly and promised to help Gao Xian and pay attention.

Back home, Wei Cheng suddenly looked serious and said to Wei Shuangshuang: "What do you think Master Gao means?"

Wei Shuangshuang looked puzzled: "Isn't he looking for the five-color lotus?"

"I see more than that."

Wei Cheng took a deep look at Wei Shuangshuang, with a complicated expression on Fang Zheng's big face.

Wei Shuangshuang was a little unhappy to be seen, "What do you mean, is it possible that he is attracted to me?!"

"Nancheng is in chaos right now, and the two of us can't control the situation. If we can use Master Gao's banner, business will be much easier."

Wei Cheng hesitated and said, "If Master Gao doesn't leave tonight, go and beg him."

Wei Shuangshuang's face turned red, "Wei Cheng, what do you mean?"

Wei Cheng sighed and lowered his head and said, "Now that the matter has come to this, can we still resist?"

"We, the Wei family, are not easy to mess with." Wei Shuangshuang's chest heaved with anger, and his breath became a little thicker.

"How about compared to Mizutama Sakura?"

Wei Cheng shook his head and whispered: "It's not a bad thing to have a relationship with him. How about you go..."

When Wei Shuangshuang thought about Gao Xian's rumors, he couldn't help but feel cold all over, and the boiling anger in his heart was immediately extinguished.

Gao Xian had dinner and was reading in the study when he saw Zhou Ye leading Wei Shuangshuang in with a sneaky expression.

Then, Zhou Ye left like this and closed the door tightly.

What surprised Gao Xian even more was that Wei Shuangshuang wore a beautiful white fox fur, covering her whole body tightly.

The weather was a bit cold, but Wei Shuangshuang was just a foundation-building monk. Why did he wear so much when he came to visit his home?

Before Gao Xian could say anything, Wei Shuangshuang took off her white fox fur. She wore a sapphire blue tube top underneath, a skirt of the same color, and a tulle blouse on the outside.

You can see her skin is like snow through the blouse, especially the young woman's plump and smooth skin, which is almost overflowing.

Gao Xian immediately understood that this was a honey trap, no, this was a self-sacrifice.

He was a bit dumbfounded. He was innocent and pure, and he was devoted to the Tao. In the eyes of outsiders, he was actually a womanizer, and he was also a thief who was a good wife.

This is a bit embarrassing.

Use this to test him and try to mess with his Taoist mentality! Witch!

Gao Xian thought for a moment and put the fox fur on Wei Shuangshuang, "It's cold in the room, fellow Taoist, it's better to put on some clothes."

Wei Shuangshuang was a little surprised. She was ready, but Gao Xian did this. What did he mean?

She saw clearly just now that Gao Xian's eyes did not look like a gentleman.

"Fellow Taoist must have misunderstood..."

Gao Xian explained it, but Wei Shuangshuang didn't quite believe it. She was a little embarrassed and said, "I've been here, but things haven't been done, so I just go back like this. Old Wei doesn't believe it."

Wei Shuangshuang's eyes flickered when he spoke, and his cautiousness and tenderness showed that he was at your disposal, which even made Gao Xian a little tempted.

Gao Xian was just tempted, thinking about it didn't matter, what he did was the key.

He still sent Wei Shuangshuang away, but agreed that Wei Shuangshuang would use his name to act.

Of course, it may be good for Wei Shuangshuang and the others in the short term. In the long run, this may not be a good thing.

Gao Xian also explained clearly the pros and cons. As for Wei Shuangshuang and the others, that's up to them. He only wants five-color lotus flowers.

Anyway, with Zhou Ye watching, he didn't bother to pay attention to anything else.

Gao Xian temporarily stayed in Qingyun City. After all, the city was lively and popular, so he could relax and rest.

It wasn't until April that Gao Xian returned to Xuandu Peak.

There was nothing to do in the mountains, so Gao Xian only gave lectures twice a month, and the rest of the time was very free.

Li Feihuang would come to stay for three to five days a month, and Zhou Yuling would come here occasionally.

Fortunately, they won't touch each other, so there will be no embarrassment.

Gao Xian practiced slowly and slowly, and his condition got better and better. In July, he naturally broke through to the eighth level of foundation building.

The life span increased by ten years, reaching 650 years.

October came in a blink of an eye. Gao Xian was reading in his room when he suddenly received a letter from Zhou Ye Fei Sword.

"It's urgent. Please come back quickly, Master Gao."

Gao Xian flicked the flying sword that conveyed messages. It was definitely him who gave it to Zhou Ye. But what emergency could Zhou Ye have?

Any news about five-color lotus?

Gao Xian decided to go and have a look. No one in Qingyun City dared to touch him!

(Double update, please give me a monthly ticket~)

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