Gaoxian is also the abbreviation of Gao Renxianshi.

The two sentences modified by Yun Qiushui put the two people's names together, giving them two meanings, which is quite clever.

When friends and brothers get along, the first thing is to get along well, and the second thing is to help each other.

Just like Yun Qiushui, when Gao Xian praised him, he also knew that he would praise him in return. This was the way to get along with friends.

As for unfavorable advice, just say it twice. If it doesn't work twice, don't say it again.

Respecting other people's choices is more important than imposing what you think is right on others.

Only children need to be reiterated. Adults don’t need to, really don’t.

It's amazing to be able to take care of yourself. Don't try to manage others, whether it's out of good intentions or whatever...

Gao Xian understood this truth in his last life. He didn't have many friends, but he got along well with them all.

He didn't have many friends in this life. Yun Qiushui, Yun Qingxuan, and Lu Jingxu were half friends and half brothers.

Qiniang, Yuling and others can only be regarded as lovers, and have very few attributes of friends.

Seeing the golden elixir formed by Yun Qiu Shui, there were visions of surging winds, roaring dragons, and roaring tigers. It must be a third-grade golden elixir. He was really happy for Yun Qiu Shui.

Reciting poems to compliment each other is a trivial matter.

Gao Xian was actually curious about how many grades of golden elixir Yun Qiushui had formed.

There is also a huge gap between the upper three levels of golden elixirs.

The first-grade golden elixir is said to be peerless. When the elixir is completed, the golden light penetrates directly into the origin of the soul. It is said that one can glimpse the past three lives through this.

In this way, one can clearly see the true nature, generate supreme wisdom, break through all demonic obstacles, and open up a smooth path for cultivation.

It is said that a first-grade golden elixir can at least lay the foundation for becoming a god, and it is not a delusion to take the next step to becoming a Chunyang Dao Lord.

As for the second-grade and third-grade golden elixirs, they just wait and see. Although they each have magical powers, there is no way to compare with the first-grade golden elixir.

No matter how curious Gao Xian is, he still knows how to behave and will never ask more questions. After all, it involves the foundation of a cultivator, and it would be bad to ask too clearly.

If Yun Qiushui is willing to speak, then he will listen. If people don’t say it, it’s not convenient to say it.

If he uses himself to save others, he would not tell others about his true cultivation level.

Jindan Daoist people around him fell down one after another, and Lu Jingxu and others congratulated Yun Qiushui.

"Master Yun obtained the third-grade golden elixir today, and our sect has gained a peerless master. I am very happy and congratulated..."

"Master Yun, your elixir reaches the third level, congratulations."

"The first person in a thousand years to condense golden elixir with his sword cultivation body, congratulations to Master Yun..."

No matter what everyone thinks in their hearts, their faces are full of enthusiastic congratulations.

Including Shui Yujun and Tong Wenjun, Daozheng, they are not trying to deal with the Yun family, so they must try their best to show goodwill at this time.

Of course, several Jindan masters felt particularly bitter. The addition of a third-grade Jindan sword cultivator to the Yun family had once again raised the Yun family's strength to a higher level.

It has been very difficult for all the families to join forces to fight against the Yun family. Now they don't know how to face the Yun family.

They had expected this beforehand, but it was still difficult for them to accept that Yun Qiushui had formed a third-grade golden elixir.

Fortunately, Qingyun Sect is so big, they don't need to directly confront the Yun family, they just need to try to check and balance the Yun family in terms of power.

Yun Changfeng's face was full of joy and Yun Qingxuan fell down. He bowed his hands to everyone, "Thank you all very much. Qiu Shui's achievements are all due to the strength of the sect and your support..."

As the leader of the cadres, Yun Changfeng speaks impeccably, which is much better than Yun Qingxuan and Yun Qiushui.

Gao Xian, a former small salesman, was also ashamed of himself.

Yun Changfeng said to Gao Xian again: "Thanks to my nephew who accompanied Qiu Shui to practice swordsmanship. You are indispensable for his ability to form elixirs."

"I also learned a lot from Brother Yun."

Gao Xian said politely: "We learn from each other and make progress together."

This statement was very novel, and Yun Changfeng realized that Gao Xian was still a bit naughty. No wonder Qiu Shui and Qing Xuan liked him.

He smiled slightly: "Okay, okay..."

Yun Changfeng was very high-spirited now, and he said loudly: "Today is a happy day for the autumn water to form pills. I will treat you all to a drink, and we will go to Yunxiao Tower to get drunk..."

Regardless of their attitude towards the Yun family, many golden elixirs will support them at this meeting.

A group of people flew lively to Yunxiao Tower, which is also a restaurant owned by Qingyun Sect. Because of the high price, few people come to this restaurant.

Yun Changfeng treats guests, so naturally he doesn't care about the price. What's more, there will be corresponding discounts according to the sect level.

After Yun Changfeng and everyone left, Gao Xian, Yun Qingxuan, and Yun Qiushui were left on Feixian Peak.

Yun Qingxuan then slowly said to Yun Qiushui: "Not bad."

Yun Qiushui smiled proudly: "Sister, I am no worse than you now."

He thought for a moment and then said proudly: "Swordsmanship is far better than the same level. I am better than you now!"

"It's not too late to talk about this after you get the Shenxiao Tianfeng Sword."

Yun Qingxuan has a cold temperament and doesn't like to be competitive. She just said this to remind Yun Qiushui not to be too proud.

The Zixiao Yun Light Sword is a third-level spiritual sword that is compatible with Yun Qiushui, but this sword's level is a bit low. I want to use this sword to compete with the world's golden elixirs, but it is not enough.

Yun Qingxuan nodded to Gao Xian, "Junior brother, I will talk to you about the Five-Colored Lotus in the next year."

After saying that, she flicked her sleeves to activate the cloud umbrella and left.

"Hehe, she's a little jealous of me."

Yun Qiushui said proudly: "You have always been better than me since you were a child. Now you will lose your advantage and be unhappy."

Gao Xian didn't notice that Yun Qingxuan was unhappy. To be honest, judging from Yun Qingxuan's ability to break through the Xuanzhen Sect's formation, it was still very easy to suppress Yun Qiushui.

He didn't hit his good friend, he just smiled along with him.

"Look how hypocritical your smile is."

Yun Qiushui was a little dissatisfied. He grabbed Gao Xian's sleeve and shouted, "We are good friends. She is just the sister of your good friend."

"Yes, yes." Gao Xian nodded repeatedly.

"Good boy..."

Yun Qiushui suddenly looked at Gao Xian thoughtfully, "I've been in seclusion for the past few years. Don't you have a crush on my sister?"

"That's not the case."

Gao Xian hurriedly waved his hands to deny, "This really doesn't happen."

Yun Qiushui took a deep look at Gao Xian and said, "Why are you anxious? Once you form the elixir, you will be a perfect match for my sister. I don't think she will object. It's good for you two to get together. We will really be a family." .”

Gao Xian couldn't help but smile. Yun Qiushui also had good intentions, but even if Yun Qingxuan was willing, he had to think about it carefully.

Such an ascetic wife looks good from a distance, and she is not bad as a friend. If you really marry someone home, well, it doesn't seem to be that interesting.

Of course, it would be fine if Yun Qingxuan didn't mind him finding a lover...

Gao Xian just thought about it in his heart. He was afraid that he would be beaten to death by Yun Qiushui if he spoke out.

"Today is your great day to form a pill, so go ahead and do your work."

Gao Xian said: "I will also go back and rest for a few days."

"You have a good rest, I will come and play with you in a few days."

Yun Qiushui nodded. Gao Xian had been practicing sword practice with him for more than a year, so he must be tired.

Gao Xian was not polite and urged the Yin and Yang Heavenly Reincarnation to return to Xuandu Peak.

Daniel was extremely happy to see Gao Xian back. It was almost two years since I last saw Gao Xian.

Daniel has also made great progress in his cultivation in the past two years. He has reached the tenth level of Qi training, which is one step away from foundation building.

Gao Xian checked Daniel's cultivation and was quite pleased with it.

This kid is already over thirty, and he will be able to build a foundation by purifying his cultivation in two more years.

As for the Foundation Building Pill, it is easier. A large sect like Qingyun Sect has a Foundation Building Pill recipe internally.

The alchemy master of the Alchemy Academy will refine a batch of foundation-building pills every year.

Not to mention anything else, with his status as the true successor of Shenxiao, it is easy to exchange his good deeds for three or four Foundation Building Pills.

Even if the elixir academy is in charge of the Ministry of Fire, the Minister of Fire Daozhengtong Wenjun would not dare to embarrass him on such a matter.

Gao Xian and Daniel talked about the situation in the past two years, and there was nothing special.

During this period, Li Feihuang and Zhou Yuling came several times. Nothing happened at Zhou Ye's place.

Qiniang had sent several letters, but Da Niu didn't dare to open them and read them. The letters are kept in the study room. But he went out and wrote a letter to Qiniang, explaining that Gao Xian had something to do recently and was unable to reply.

Gao Xian was also relieved that Daniel was doing things quite safely.

Back in the study, Gao Xian first read Qiniang's biography. Nothing much, just a briefing on the current situation.

The battle between the Lianyun Sect and the Qisha Sect has become increasingly fierce in the past two years. However, Yun Taihao is obviously a smart man and did not send Qiniang to the battlefield. He has always arranged to stay in Lianyun City.

After Gao Xian dealt with these chores, he went to the bathroom to take a refreshing bath. After returning to the bedroom, he activated the magic circle and had a good sleep.

Feixian Peak is very safe, but practicing swordsmanship with Yun Qiushui consumes a lot of energy.

Yun Qiushui successfully formed the elixir, his cultivation level improved greatly, and his whole person entered a higher level of life, and the previous consumption was naturally nothing.

Gao Xian had been practicing swordsmanship for more than a year, polishing his swordsmanship every day, with almost no rest. He was really tired.

I slept like this for seven days, and Gao Xian didn't practice double cultivation with Sister Lan in the sea of ​​consciousness. His soul was buried deep in the sea of ​​consciousness, not thinking, and in a state of pure deep sleep.

After seven days of training, he finally recovered half of his energy.

It will take some time to recuperate before you can truly regain your mental state.

In addition to his normal practice, Gao Xian takes a walk in the mountains every day and completely relaxes his mind.

He didn't do anything that needed to be thought about, and it wasn't until the end of December that Gao Xian fully recovered.

At this time, among the thousands of mountains covered with silver, only Xuandu Peak’s silver contained thousands of bright reds.

The enchanting peach blossoms also have the appearance of being proud of the snow and bullying the frost, which is really unique and interesting.

Gao Xian stood under a peach tree and picked out a beautiful peach blossom. He thought that the Chinese New Year was coming and it was time to visit relatives and friends.

Well, there are four people in total, Yun Qingxuan, Yun Changfeng, and Lu Jingxu. Oh, and there are Zhou Yuling and Li Feihuang.

I just want to give some gifts, but it's a bit troublesome. Yun Qiushui and fire ginseng wine are enough.

Yun Changfeng, the last time he killed Xie Zui, he got an evil spirit crystal of high quality. He tried it, but it was of no use to him. It was just a gift. Lu Jingxu, please give me the elixir of longevity.

Zhou Yuling and Li Feihuang are relatively simple. They are both building foundations. They just need to give some pills and spiritual objects needed for cultivation. In terms of value, the gifts from these two people are the most valuable.

Of course, Gao Xian will definitely favor Zhou Yuling, 80% for Zhou Yuling and 20% for Li Feihuang. This distribution is not only based on emotional considerations, but also based on practical conditions.

Li Feihuang relies on the Li family, so he actually has no shortage of training resources. Just give her some meaning.

As for Yun Qingxuan, it's a bit troublesome. She doesn't like ordinary gifts, and it's not easy to give expensive things.

Yun Qingxuan's thigh must be hugged.

Gao Xian feels that Yun Qingxuan is reliable and much better than Yun Changfeng and Yun Qiushui. Whether it’s doing things or being a person.

Looking at the peach blossoms in his hand, Gao Xian suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Returning to his study at home, Gao Xian wrote a short message and put the peach blossom in the envelope.

Call Daniel and ask him to go to the Jade Mirror Palace. Fortunately, Daniel has a Xun windmill, and he can barely control it with his magic power, but it will be a little harder.

Watching Daniel swinging into the sky, Gao Xian returned to the room and opened the Fengyue Treasure Book.

Wind and Cloud Sword Sutra: The wind is ever-changing, the clouds hide rain, snow, thunder and lightning, and all kinds of magical powers are available in just one sword. (1540/800000 Grandmaster)

After practicing swordsmanship with Yun Qiushui for more than a year, his swordsmanship broke through to the master level.

Gao Xian found it incredible that he entered the country so quickly. He vaguely felt that there was a special power in Feixian Peak, where he could easily comprehend the mysteries of Fengyun Sword Sutra.

Maybe it's the legacy left by the powerful men of the Qingyun Sect in the past, or maybe it's what Yun Zaitian, the Nascent Soul Lord, has done.

It was precisely because of this that he was so tired after returning from Feixian Peak.

Sword techniques are different from other secret techniques and magical powers. They are the first-class killing techniques. If you improve by one point, your combat power will increase by ten points.

His swordsmanship has reached the master level. Although he is still unable to pull out the Dongji Qinghua Divine Rainbow Sword, he can already faintly sense the Dongji Qinghua Divine Rainbow Sword. Perhaps if the swordsmanship reaches the master's perfection level, it can establish a connection with the Dongji Qinghua Divine Rainbow Sword.

His current swordsmanship realm has established a mysterious and stable connection with the Qinglian Sword, which further enhances the power of the Qinglian Sword.

With his sword skills today, he could kill two of his clones two years ago.

Even when facing Zhang Changzhen in the Xuanzhen Sect's formation, Zhang Changzhen will be killed within three swords before the opponent activates the formation.

Gao Xian held the Green Lotus Sword, but unfortunately, no matter how good his sword skills were, there was no one he could kill, which made him feel a little disappointed.

He then thought about it, Yun Qingxuan said that he would talk to him about the five-color lotus after the new year, and he thought something good should happen.

By then, maybe his peerless swordsmanship will be put to use...

At the same time, Yun Qingxuan was opening the letter sent by Gao Xian.

Yun Qingxuan was a little surprised when he saw the delicate peach blossoms in the envelope. The peach blossoms were in full bloom on Xuandu Peak at the moment, so Gao Xian gave him a flower?

Then look at the short poem on the letter: Xuandu has nothing, just give me a spring.

Yun Qingxuan held the peach blossom in her hand, and there was a touch of joy in her cold and crystal eyes.

Although the flowers are ordinary, when paired with these ten words, their artistic conception is meaningful and profound. It can be seen that Gao Xian is careful...

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