On the first day of March, the mountains are full of green, with occasional patches of colorful purples and reds, and the spring scenery is pleasant.

A huge black fish flew through the clouds towards the Qingyun Mountains. The sudden appearance of the huge flying fish caused the invisible magic circle in the air to ripple slightly.

Dots of golden runes emerged, forming a huge light net blocking the front of the black fish.

The black fish swung its tail and stopped in front of the light net.

Several cloud cars soared into the sky on Jinxiao Peak and soon arrived in front of the big black fish.

Several cultivators got off the first cloud car. The woman in green clothes leading them had a beautiful appearance and a gentle temperament. She was the first Tong Xiujun in the Water Ministry Si Liyuan.

For a sect as large as Qingyun Sect, Si Liyuan is the department responsible for external communication and hospitality.

The Wanling Sect's Yunsha flying ship has arrived. This is a distinguished guest from the Qingyun Sect. Of course, the head of the Si Liyuan has to come up to greet him.

The gills of the huge black fish opened, and several figures flew out from it.

The man at the head was tall, with straight facial features, his skin was slightly purple, and his robes were also purple.

He stood there with a serious look on his face, his eyes sparkling with lightning, and he was very majestic.

Tong Xiujun knew this person, Wan Changan, a master of the late stage of Jindan, whose status in Wanling Sect was equivalent to the deputy sect leader. It is said that he is more powerful than Yun Changfeng.

Wan Changan made the final decision on the two peace talks and other matters.

This person actually came to participate in the Golden elixir celebration, which somewhat surprised Tong Xiujun.

After thinking about it, she thought it was very reasonable. Wan Changan must have taken this opportunity to discuss the alliance with the Qingyun Sect in detail.

This is also a good opportunity for contact. Compared with formal negotiations, now contact for trial, you can make assessments and judgments in advance, which is a good thing for both parties.

Tong Xiujun looked at the people behind Wan Changan. There were several Jindan masters who had their own magnanimity and were very extraordinary.

Especially a tall and burly man, who wore a half-length scale armor outside his robe and carried a black iron rod.

This man has an extremely strong magical aura, even stronger than Wan Changan.

Where he stood, he felt as solid and powerful as a mountain.

Tong Xiujun has never met this man, but he has heard of his name. Niu Wanyong, who is said to be able to carry mountains, is the most capable master of Wanling Sect.

Within the Wanling Sect, everyone knows and fears Niu Wanyong's name.

This time Niu Wanyong also came, obviously coming to Qingyun Sect to show his strength.

Tong Xiujun felt a little awkward. She thought about it for a moment. Among the sect's Jindan masters, there were only a few who could defeat Niu Wanyong.

For example, it is impossible for Yun Changfeng and Shui Yujun to personally fight against Niu Wanyong.

Winning is not honorable. If you accidentally lose a move, you will be unable to hold your head high for the rest of your life.

The handsome man next to Niu Wanyong has a slender figure and a slightly long face, but it does not affect his handsomeness, but makes him look easy to recognize.

Ma Tengyun, the newly promoted Jindan of Wanling Sect, should be less than forty-five years old this year. He is also a very famous genius.

Finally, there is a beautiful woman wearing a turquoise skirt. Looking at her delicate figure, her facial features are extremely delicate, especially her pair of blue eyes, which have a strange charm that seduces people.

Tong Xiujun didn't know this girl, and judging from her cultivation, she should be in the late stage of foundation building. A group of masters each had their own talents, but only this woman's blue eyes left a deep mark on her heart.

"Yan Feiyin has met Tong Zhenren."

The woman noticed Tong Xiujun's gaze, she smiled and bowed, this kind of etiquette used by secular women was very smart and elegant when she used it.

Tong Xiujun nodded slightly, but she was muttering in her heart, why did she bring such a beautiful woman here for marriage?

"Everyone, please get in the car..."

Tong Xiujun invited Wan Changan and others to board the cloud car. The other party's cloud shark airship was a huge living creature, and its power had reached the peak of the golden elixir.

Wanling Sect is good at controlling spiritual beasts. It is very unsafe to put such a thing into the sect. Moreover, it is not in line with etiquette.

These cloud cars are specially used to welcome guests, with gorgeous and exquisite shapes and comfortable rides.

It's just that there is no protective circle, and the safety is very poor.

More than thirty people from the Wanling Sect came this time, and each took a cloud car to the Jinxia Palace in Jinxiao Peak.

The Jinxia Palace has golden steps, jade pillars and glazed tiles. It is a beautiful building and is specially used to receive guests.

Tong Xiujun arranged the group of people and turned around to find Yun Changfeng.

When Wan Changan comes in person, he must be given a high standard of reception.

When Tong Xiujun left, Niu Wanyong snorted, "The Qingyun Sect is so fancy, but there is no one who can make the decision. This is looking down on us!"

The handsome young man Ma Tengyun smiled: "Senior brother, there are certain rules for the sect's dealings. If Yun Changfeng comes to pick us up, it would be too flattering and will only make us look down on..."

Niu Wanyong snorted again, "I heard that Yun Qiushui is a third-grade golden elixir sword cultivator. I just want to see it this time."

The pretty Yan Feiyin said softly: "Senior brother, you should show mercy and don't beat him to death."


Niu Wanyong couldn't help but laugh proudly. Of course he knew that Yun Qiushui should not be underestimated, and Yan Feiyin was just having fun with him and could not be taken seriously.

Wan Changan ignored Niu Wanyong and said to Yan Feiyin: "You should pay attention to Gao Xian this time. This man is known as a master of magic and swordsmanship, and he is quite famous.

"I heard that this person practices the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, so he needs five-color lotus flowers to form elixirs. You can try him out if you find a chance. It would be best if you can seriously injure him... This will save him from competing with you for the five-color lotus flowers, and let Qingyun Sect know about us. It’s awesome!”

It's normal to fight with each other and kill someone by mistake. It's just that this is the Qingyun Sect after all, so it's better not to go too far.

Yan Feiyin nodded, "I know how to do it."

Ma Tengyun said with a smile: "Junior sister Yan took action, not just to manipulate the boy at will."

Wan Changan said calmly: "Gao Xian killed the Jindan Demon Cultivator, and it is said that he also killed Shui Yuying. They say he is sinister and vicious, Feiyin must not be careless."

"Uncle, don't worry, I can kill him even if he is a golden elixir, let alone a small foundation builder."

Yan Feiyin is fully confident in this. Her spiritual beast is powerful, far better than ordinary Jindan Daoist. Not to mention that she also hides her cultivation.

Even against Yun Qiushui, she was somewhat sure of winning. No matter how famous Gao Xian is, it is not worth mentioning at this level.

Wan Changan also knew Yan Feiyin very well and knew that this young female cultivator was first-rate in her scheming skills.

She was secretly calculating Gao Xian, and there was absolutely no reason for her to fail.

"I heard that the Yuelun Sect is also coming..."

Wan Changan suddenly felt something as he spoke. He looked up and looked through the golden glazed tiles to lock onto a black spaceship in the blue sky.

There is a large black flag on the huge spaceship, with a half-circle and half-missed silver moon wheel painted on it, which is the emblem of the Moon Wheel Sect.

There were several cultivators standing on the deck. The woman at the head had a cold face and a crescent-shaped silver mark on her eyebrows.

Behind the woman stands a young man in red robe. This man has thick eyebrows and tiger eyes. He stands with his hands behind his back. Although his magical aura is not as good as that of the woman in black, his aura is more powerful.

"New Moon Sword Bai Zizhen, that young man must be Bai Hengyang, the genius of Yuelun Sect..."

Wan Changan glanced at it from a distance and saw that the young man's magical aura was as blazing as the sun, and he was following the path of the Red Sun Scripture of another branch of the Yuelun Sect.

Crescent Sword Bai Zizhen's eyes suddenly focused, and a sharp sword intent struck down in the air. The lightning flashed in Wan Changan's eyes, and he defused the opponent's sword intent.

Although Wan Changan was not afraid of Bai Zizhen, there was no need to compete with her. He withdrew his voyeuristic gaze.

"The Yuelun Sect is really here, and the leader is Bai Zizhen, the New Moon Swordsman. This person's swordsmanship is powerful and vicious. You guys, stay away from her..."

Wan Changan said: "It's really lively this time. If the Qingyun Sect doesn't handle it well, showing up will turn into making a fool of yourself!"

Niu Wanyong, Ma Tengyun, and Yan Feiyin all smiled. They were eager to see the Qingyun Sect's jokes.

Of course Yun Changfeng knew that the Yuelun Sect was coming, but the other party didn't reply, but they passed through many sects along the way, and this trace could not be hidden.

Seeing the Crescent Sword Bai Zizhen in the lead, Yun Changfeng also had a headache. This woman had a cold temperament and acted like a sword, which was extremely sharp and sharp.

I don’t know how much energy it takes to deal with this person properly. But everyone else is here, so they can’t be kicked out.

Tong Xiujun was busy for most of the day, and finally arranged the people of Yuelun Sect to Bixia Palace, which was not too far from Jinxia Palace.

Jinxia Palace is gorgeous and Bixia Palace is elegant. They are both used to entertain guests, but their styles are different.

Yun Changfeng also got busy. He met Bai Zizhen and Wan Changan successively and agreed to entertain the two sects in the evening, and then the three sects would have fun together.

Gao Xian, who was staying at Xuandu Peak, was retreating in a quiet room. He didn't know that masters from both sects had arrived.

Ten days ago, he accumulated enough human aura and raised the Great Luo God Transformation Technique to the master level.

It took him ten days to slowly digest the huge changes brought about by this upgrade.

Although he understood some of the complex and magical changes, he still needed time to ponder and study them.

Gao Xian felt that he still had time, and it would not be too late to go to Jinxiaofeng to attend the celebration on the third day of the lunar new year.

Unexpectedly, Yun Qiushui suddenly came to the door.

Gao Xian could only come out of the quiet room. Yun Qiushui smiled and said, "It's not like your temperament to practice so hard."

Before Gao Xian could speak, Yun Qiushui added: "There is a banquet tonight. I have inquired about it. Yan Feiyin of Wanling Sect and Yue Qingwei of Yuelun Sect are both here. I will take you to see the beauties..."

(It’s the third update~ Let’s vote for the month~)

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