The flowing light and shadow suddenly became certain. Gao Xian had returned to his original position, which was exactly the same as before.

Behind Gao Xian, the white gold rainbow light slowly drifted away, and he returned the four-foot green blade to its sheath with his backhand.

Gao Xian looked at Yan Feiyin across from him. The two looked at each other. Gao Xian's eyes were shining brightly like stars, but Yan Feiyin's bright blue eyes were dark, with a hint of death...

However, in the blink of an eye, Yan Feiyin's bright eyes shone with strange light, and the blood lines on her neck quickly shrank and recovered, leaving no scars at all.

But there are still some blood marks on the neck, like a strange-looking red necklace.

At the same time, one of the three long tails swaying behind Yan Feiyin suddenly disappeared.

Gao Xian was a little surprised. This girl had a way to die as a substitute. No wonder she was so confident!

Just now, his Qingfeng movement had broken the opponent's eight-tone shield and cut off the opponent's neck.

The main reason is that the little girl just said it nicely, and everyone ordered it to stop, but she came up and used her powerful spiritual weapon to attack with all her strength, but she had no intention of stopping.

Gao Xian didn't believe what the other party said, but he hoped that the other party would do what he said.

As a result, the other party played dirty tricks and destroyed the little trust between people. Naturally, he won't be polite when he strikes.

The opponent's natal spirit beast is really powerful. Not only can Yan Feiyin possess the magical power of the golden elixir, but it can also bear fatal injuries for her.

The long white tail that dissipated must be the price of suffering damage.

With such a powerful spiritual beast, no wonder it dares to provoke him. The true inheritance of Wanling Sect really has two twists and turns.

The people watching the battle naturally noticed that most of the real Jin Dan people had complicated expressions.

The magical power and secret method that can replace death is also extremely rare for Jindan Zhenren.

Many golden elixirs were first shocked by Gao Xuan's swordsmanship, and used foundation building to kill the golden elixir-level cultivators in reverse, which was both respectable and awe-inspiring!

They then discovered that Yan Feiyin actually had the magical power to take the place of death, and they were shocked but also a little envious.

Everyone in Wanling Sect breathed a sigh of relief, especially Ma Tengyun, whose face turned pale with fright just now.

Seeing that Yan Feiyin was fine, Ma Tengyun's face showed joy. It was amazing that the junior sister Three-tailed Sky Fox could bear the damage instead of the main body.

Junior sister has this magical power but never tells it, her forbearance is even more powerful!

Ma Tengyun felt a little sorry for his junior sister. If it hadn't been for that kid's deadly attack, the junior sister wouldn't have revealed her magical powers.

That guy almost killed his junior sister, damn it!

He thought of Gao Xian's sword strike just now, from lightning-fast to light and calm, the change was mysterious but natural.

Especially when one sword lightly broke through the eight-fold eight-tone shield, it was quite ingenious to penetrate the space without thickness. It can be seen that this person's swordsmanship is very high, even compared to Yun Qiushui and Yue Qingwei.

Furthermore, this man's shuriken weapon is so sharp that even Jin Dan may not be able to withstand this sword strike.

Although Ma Tengyun is not afraid of Gao Xian, he is not sure of solving Gao Xian.

Wan Changan looked calm. He knew the magical power of the three-tailed sky fox and was not worried about Yan Feiyin's safety.

It's just that Gao Xian's power far exceeded his expectations. When Gao Xian forms the golden elixir, it will probably be more difficult than Yun Qiushui.

Qingyun Sect has many talents and is prosperous, which makes Wan Changan even more uneasy.

The alliance between the two sects was an alliance, and he did not want the Qingyun Sect to be too strong. On the contrary, the Qingyun Sect is easier to control if it is weaker, and the Wanling Sect can take the initiative...

Everyone in Yuelun Sect looked shocked. Especially the conceited Yue Qingwei, who was defeated by Yun Qiushui's sword, and now finds that Gao Xian's sword skills are also superior to hers, let alone feel uncomfortable.

Bai Hengyang looked unconvinced and a little eager to try. It's just that he was frightened by Bai Zi's real majesty and didn't dare to act recklessly.

Gao Xian, who was in the center of the hall, didn't care much about this result. Let's start fighting, and I won't show mercy even if you try your best.

If he died, he would only have himself to blame for his incompetence. Not dead, that's okay.

Gao Xian didn't insist on killing the other party, and he didn't have such a big hatred.

Of course, in a place where no one is around, this little girl would have no chance of surviving even if she had nine lives.

Masters from the three sects gathered together. In front of so many people, Gao Xian would not be rude. That would not only embarrass him, but also bring embarrassment to the Qingyun Sect.

Gao Xian held up his hand: "I'm ashamed, I'm not good at learning, and I missed a move. I almost hurt my fellow Taoist..."

Yan Feiyin's eyes were complicated. This guy looked polite and polite, but his words were neither yin nor yang. He didn't feel right at all.

The most important thing is that this person was not merciful at all, and she almost died under his sword.

No wonder people say this person is vicious and vicious, and he is indeed so!

Yan Feiyin suppressed the anger in her heart, and there was a hint of resentment in her blue eyes, "As promised, fellow Taoist's sword was so heartless. It's a shame that I admire fellow Taoist so much..."

She snorted softly as she spoke, seemingly with a bit of resentment and coquettishness.

Everyone around them couldn't help but feel pity when they saw it. They felt that Gao Xian's cruelty to destroy flowers was too much.

Gao Xian suffered a loss once and would never take this bitch's words seriously again. He apologized again.

Yan Feiyin pouted with some dissatisfaction. This little girl's coquettish behavior came naturally to her, and she had an indescribable charm and charm.

"My Taoist apology is so insincere!"

Gao Xian felt a little unhappy, why did the little girl still want to have sex?

He asked with a calm expression on his face: "Forgive me for being stupid, but please speak frankly, fellow Taoist."

Yan Feiyin turned her bright eyes and used her spiritual consciousness to send a message to Gao Xian: "How about you treat me to dinner, fellow Taoist?"

Gao Xian didn't know what this woman was up to, but he couldn't help but become somewhat interested in Yan Feiyin.

It's no longer possible to talk about serious business. With this girl's coquettishness and good looks, it's still okay for everyone to sit down and talk.

He replied cheerfully: "Okay."

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Yan Feiyin's face, and her blue eyes were sparkling.

Everyone onlookers felt their eyes light up, and the splendid hall was eclipsed at this moment. Only Yan Feiyin's bright smile was deeply imprinted in everyone's heart.

A person like Yun Changfeng was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses. He secretly screamed that it was amazing. This woman's smokey eyes and charming behavior, coupled with the natural charm of the three-tailed sky fox, really have a charm that makes people enchanted.

Fortunately, Gao Xian's concentration was deep enough and he was able to ignore this woman's charm and kill her with one sword.

Yun Changfeng has profound cultivation and can keep his mind. Most people don't have this ability.

Young cultivators like Bai Hengyang were all staring at Yan Feiyin in a daze. They only felt that Yan Feiyin was beautiful everywhere, and her smile was even more enchanting, and they didn't know where she was for a moment.

Even female cultivators like Yue Qingwei were attracted by Yan Feiyin.

Only Bai Zizhen in Yuelun Sect was not affected. She was a woman and had specialized in swordsmanship for hundreds of years. She had nothing else in her heart.

Although the charm of the three-tailed sky fox is strong, Yan Feiyin is only a foundation-builder, and is far from being able to turn all sentient beings upside down.

Bai Zizhen was very disappointed when he saw Bai Hengyang lose his composure like this.

I came here this time to see the reality of the two sects. Gao Xian, Yun Qiushui, and Yan Feiyin all shined.

The three-tailed sky fox's method of death is very clever, and its natural ability to charm all living beings is also very wonderful, but this is the magical power of the spiritual beast itself, and there is nothing to say about it. It can only be said that Yan Feiyin is lucky.

However, Gao Xian's swordsmanship is based on the heart's desire to send and receive the sword, as if it has reached the state of the unity of heart and sword.

Yan Feiyin, who can reverse slash and control the golden elixir spirit beast with foundation building cultivation, is even better than her in this kind of swordsmanship.

Qingyun Sect is not a sword cultivating sect, even if it has a sword cultivating inheritance, it cannot be on the stage.

However, two peerless swordsmanship geniuses appeared, which made Bai Zizhen a little puzzled and even more jealous.

Although Yue Qingwei and Bai Hengyang were very talented, they were a little behind compared to the two geniuses of the Qingyun Sect. This is very frustrating.

In contrast, Yun Qiushui was too proud and specialized in swordsmanship, so his future path became narrower and narrower. Don't worry too much about it.

The real threat is Gao Xian, who has a deep mind and superb swordsmanship, and can kill beautiful women with his sword without being charmed.

With such a character and talent, when a wise man grows up, he will definitely become a big trouble.

There is also Yan Feiyin, who has a three-tailed sky fox as his natal spiritual beast, and his future achievements are limitless. Need to be removed if possible.

I heard that Gao Xian practices the Five Elements Kung Fu, and the last time he ventured to Yuelun City was for the five-color lotus.

High-quality five-color lotus is very rare. If you get it from now on, you will have a chance to solve Gao Xian's problem.

Hua Qianhe, the great master of the late Jindan period of the Blood God Sect, is said to have been searching for Tianhu. He is also extremely lustful. This person must have a strong interest in Yan Feiyin.

If you find an opportunity to attract Hua Qianhe, Yan Feiyin will be unlucky sooner or later...

Bai Zizhen had already thought of several ruthless strategies in her mind, but she still had to hold on to the murderous intention in her heart since she was in the Qingyun Sect.

She snorted softly, and Bai Hengyang, Yue Qingwei and other disciples suddenly woke up as if they were struck by lightning.

Many disciples realized that they had lost their composure and their faces were red with embarrassment.

Bai Hengyang was also very uncomfortable. He was so ambitious just now that he wanted to make a name for himself, but he was unknowingly deceived by Yan Feiyin. He was not as good as a wise man. It was really embarrassing.

Yue Qingwei lowered her head deeply in shame.

Not only did he lose to Yun Qiushui, he was also seduced by the beauty of a woman, and Jian Xin was completely confused.

Yan Feiyin ignored the reactions of the people around her. She walked up to Gao Xian and said softly: "We made an appointment. See you there or not."

Before Gao Xian could speak, Yan Feiyin smiled brightly and passed by Gao Xian, returning directly to his seat.

Everyone saw the ambiguous whispers between men and women when they brushed shoulders, and they couldn't help but feel jealous and surprised.

Cut off the neck of a beautiful woman with a sword, and still win her favor? !

Is there such a thing as picking up girls in the world? !

Looking at Gao Xian again, many male monks are full of admiration. He is worthy of being Master Feng Yue who wrote "The Legend of White Snake". His methods are brilliant.

Gao Xian returned to his seat and received a thumbs-up from Yun Qiushui, "Brother Gao is so tall!"

"Don't be like that, I'm just being polite out of courtesy." Gao Xian explained.

"Yes, I believe it."

Yun Qiushui nodded vigorously, but his face had an expression of "I'd be surprised if I believed you."

Gao Xian said helplessly: "This woman has ulterior motives and is cunning. I was almost beaten to death by her. How can I have anything to do with her."

"I don't know about you yet, but you like bad women the most..."

Yun Qiushui looked stunned, "Maybe my sister just isn't bad enough."

Gao Xian couldn't listen anymore. He held his sword and said seriously: "If you keep talking, I will kill myself with my sword to prove my innocence..."

Yun Qiushui laughed, he loved Gao Xian's irreverence.

There are so many prudes in this world that they are boring.

Yun Qiushui suppressed her smile and said seriously: "The Shui family was just suspicious of you. After today, you have to be more careful."

Yan Feiyin showed off his golden elixir cultivation, but was killed by Gao Xian with a sword. This scene caused a huge shock to all cultivators.

After the shock, many people will think of Mizutama Ying's death!

At first, everyone was just suspicious because it was too difficult for Ji Zhu to kill Jin Dan. No matter how much the Shui family emphasizes this point, everyone is only half-convinced.

After this battle, everyone will definitely change their views completely. This is very detrimental to Gao Xian.

Needless to say, Gao Xian had already noticed that several members of the Shui family looked unhappy.

At the end of two exciting battles, no one had the courage to leave. The banquet ended hastily.

Gao Xian returned to Xuandu Peak and reviewed today's battle. He determined that there were no major mistakes or omissions. The only bad thing was that he failed to recite two lines of poetry.

However, cutting off people's heads and then reciting poetry is a bit too much...

At noon the next day, Gao Xian was taking a nap when a piece of soft, fragrant white meat came into the bed.

Based on the warm feeling in his hand, Gao Xian was sure it was Li Feihuang.

Li Feihuang and Gao Xian struggled all day, and when they left, they glared at Gao Xian fiercely, "Stay away from the witch!"

Only then did Gao Xian understand that Li Feihuang must have become jealous after hearing that he and Yan Feiyin had an ambiguous interaction...

On the third day of March, a grand Golden Elixir celebration was held in Jinxiao Palace.

Masters from the Yuelun Sect and the Wanling Sect came to watch the ceremony and gave generous gifts.

After the celebration, the people from the Yuelun Sect left, but Bai Zizhen quietly left a Jindan master in Qingyun City.

Wan Changan and others from Wanling Sect did not leave, but stayed to discuss the alliance with Yun Changfeng.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yun Changfeng took the initiative to mention the ninth-grade and five-color lotus.

"You want a ninth-grade five-color lotus flower, absolutely not."

Wan Changan flatly rejected Yun Changfeng's request. Yun Changfeng looked a little embarrassed, but he did not give up.

No matter what Yun Changfeng said, Wan Changan just disagreed.

The two sides argued for a long time, and Wan Changan suggested: "In this way, when the ban on Five Elements Island is lifted, we will each send a foundation builder to enter Five Elements Island, and whoever gets it will get it..."

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