The Lihuo Underground Palace is called the Underground Palace. In fact, the entrance is just below the Lihuo Mountain. To be precise, the Lihuo Underground Palace is an independent large cave.

Gao Xian has seen many small caves. In his understanding, caves are similar to storage spaces. The difference is that they cannot be moved, they can accommodate living creatures, and the space is larger.

The Five Elements Cave where he practiced in seclusion was not small. It was filled with the essence of the Five Elements and there were no living beings. It was very depressing for people inside.

The strong essence of the Five Elements will continuously erode the body and soul, causing great harm to the cultivator.

Including the small Qinghua Cave he visited, it was also small and pitiful. There was an Dongji Qinghua Divine Rainbow Sword inside.

In Gao Xian's impression, caves and heavens are probably very special spaces.

Lihuo Di Palace has changed Gao Xian's stereotype of the cave sky. The blue sky, white clouds, green mountains and green waters here look no different from the outside world.

The only strange thing is that it is deep winter outside, the mountains are covered with snow, and the vegetation is withered and withered, but here it is full of life, with green trees and flowers everywhere.

The wind blowing in the face is full of warmth, and there is also the unique fresh smell of lush vegetation.

The spiritual energy is also relatively rich, about two levels higher than the mountains of Qingyun Sect.

Most of the true disciples of the Qingyun Sect live in the mountains, for one reason: the mountains are full of spiritual energy.

The difference in spiritual energy level cannot be seen by a cultivator in a day or two, or even in ten days and a half.

Over time, this gap will become more and more obvious.

For cultivators at the foundation level, their cultivation time is measured in hundreds of years.

If one more breath of spiritual energy is converted in one day, accumulated over a hundred years, the gap will be too big.

Gao Xian was really surprised that such a vast cave could have such strong spiritual energy.

Gao Xian asked Yun Qiushui next to him: "The spiritual energy here is so rich, why not occupy this place as a place of practice?"

Yun Qiushui shook his head: "The Lihuo Underworld Palace is located on the boundary between the two sects, and the ownership has never been clearly stated. No one can try to monopolize it.

"Secondly, although the spiritual energy of the cave here is strong, it is very dangerous. It is not suitable for living and practicing here for a long time."


The situation in the Lihuo Underground Palace is more complicated. Yun Changfeng only briefly talked about some things about the five-color lotus, and other high sages didn't know much about it.

Mainly because Yun Qiushui volunteered to accompany him, Gao Xian didn't ask any more questions.

Yun Qiushui is indulgent and willful, not very reliable in his work, and is far inferior to Yun Qingxuan. But there is still no problem with such small things.

"This cave is said to have a radius of tens of millions of miles, and is divided into thirteen levels from the outside to the inside according to the restrictions. The Five Elements Island is located on the seventh level.

"The seventh level of restriction is the invisible wind, which blows the consciousness and soul. It is very powerful.

There is also a layer of Five Elements Miasma on the outside of Five Elements Island, which even Jindan Master cannot bear. According to calculations, in more than a month the miasma of the five elements will reveal a gap, which is your best chance to get the five-color lotus..."

Yun Qiushui added: "The gap will not last long, only three to five days. You have to go back quickly."

Gao Xian nodded, "This shouldn't be difficult. I just don't know what the Wanling Sect is doing?"

"I don't know."

Yun Qiushui waved the folding fan and thought for a moment and said: "If you ask me to guess, it may be to find a way to restrain your swordsmanship. Maybe it is a special spiritual beast, maybe it is some kind of spiritual weapon, maybe it is a magic circle..."

A large sect like Wanling Sect has a profound foundation. No one can predict what methods the other party will use, so it is difficult to adopt targeted response strategies.

"My father prepared the Lishen Incense for you. This incense will separate the three-tailed celestial fox and Yan Feiyin in form and spirit. Without the power of the golden elixir of the three-tailed celestial fox, what can Yan Feiyin do to fight against you..."

Yun Qiushui smiled and gave Gao Xian a thumb-sized piece of spice, "Just use your magic power to light it. The fragrance released by this thing is enough to cover hundreds of feet."

Gao Xian was a little surprised, there was such a thing, it was pretty good.

He actually didn't care much about the three-tailed sky fox, mainly because Yun Changfeng's attitude made him feel quite warm.

The other person may have opinions about him, but he is still very helpful. There's nothing left to choose from.

"Li Shen Xiang will strongly stimulate spiritual beasts and monsters, and will have a certain impact on the mind of cultivators. You should be careful when using it..."

Yun Qiushui reminded that Li Shenxiang can be regarded as a poison and is also very harmful to cultivators.

Gao Xian nodded and accepted the instruction. As a mid-level practitioner, he was far behind in basic knowledge.

In the past few years, he has also been reading and studying, but he spent three days fishing and two days drying nets. He is still incomparable to Yun Qiushui, who has studied hard since childhood.

The two chatted casually and relaxedly. When they flew to the sixth level of the restricted circle, both Gao Xian and Yun Qiushui felt the pressure.

The sixth level suppresses the aura of thick earth that is as thick as sand and dust, and contains a bit of filthy poisonous gas deep underground.

Looking from a distance from the sky, one can see the endless yellow air rolling like a tide, rolling endlessly between the sky and the earth, with no end in sight.

"The poisonous gas of dirty earth will contaminate the soul."

Yun Qiushui handed Gao Xian a transparent gauze garment, "The ice silkworm robe is not very defensive, but it can resist all kinds of poisonous gases and filth..."

The Qingyun Sect has been exploring the Lihuo Underground Palace for several years. The restrictions outside are similar, and there are relatively mature ways to deal with different restrictions.

Gao Xian's yin and yang heavenly wheel transforms the power of heaven's magnetism and earth's magnetism, forming a tightly closed heavenly wheel with him as the center, which is enough to resist the poisonous gas of dirty earth.

Just in front of Yun Qiushui, there is no need to be so pretentious.

The two of them flew for a while wearing ice silkworm robes, and then passed through the restricted range of the dirty earth poisonous gas.

Yun Qiushui seemed to have been here before. After a little identification of the direction, he took Gao Xian to fly to a mountain peak.

There were more than a dozen tents set up on the top of the peak, with dozens of formation flags placed around them, obviously setting up a protective array.

I found someone entering, and a tall man walked out of the middle tent. He had thick eyebrows and tiger eyes, a tall figure, and a faint cyan complexion. He was Ma Qianjun, the first leader of Thunder Court.

Ma Qianjun looks fierce, but actually has a very deep temper. The Ma family is relatively close to the Shui family, and they are also more polite to the Yun family.

"The horse's head seat."

Gao Xian and Yun Qiushui both bowed their hands in greeting. This Ma Qianjun was very good at fighting and had a high status in the sect. Neither of them was rude.

"Come in and sit down."

Ma Qianjun squeezed the magic seal with his hand to open a portal in the magic circle, and let Gao Xian and Yun Qiushui into the tent.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Ma Qianjun introduced the current situation. The seventh-level evil wind restriction suddenly became much stronger. A group of people did not dare to run around, so they gathered in the magic circle to avoid the limelight.

Ma Qianjun knew that Gao Xian was here to get the five-color lotus, and specially introduced the situation of Five Elements Island.

The person in charge here is also Master Xuan Yue, but this person has an eccentric temperament and hates men. Even if they saw Gao Xian and Yun Qiushui coming, they would not show up to greet them.

Yun Qiushui brought a tent, and he randomly chose a place to place the tent in the array.

The tent he brought had a huge space inside, comparable to a courtyard.

The key is that all kinds of furnishings and utensils are available, which is quite luxurious.

On the first day Gao Xian came to Lihuodi Palace, he drank with Yun Qiushui for a whole day.

The next day, the two flew hundreds of miles forward and entered the seventh level of confinement.

The invisible wind has no effect on the human body, but it can enter the soul of the cultivator through spiritual consciousness.

Gao Xian, who has refined a large vajra, has perfect form and spirit, and can withstand the erosion of the invisible wind.

At least it's okay in the short term.

Gao Xian even thinks that this is a good way to exercise. Any imperfection in body and spirit will be seen by Yin Feng.

If you temper it in the dark wind, you can find flaws in the giant vajra.

It's just that this kind of practice will hurt the soul. Without the corresponding elixir to maintain the soul, people will be dead after just a few days of practice.

Even he couldn't hold on for long in the invisible wind.

No wonder Ma Qianjun and others were hiding in the magic circle and could not come out.

Gao Xian and Yun Qiushui braved the biting cold wind to go around the Five Elements Island.

Five Elements Island is located in the center of a large lake, with a radius of dozens of miles. The miasma of the five elements is like five-color smoke, rolling and steaming layer by layer. It looks gorgeous and erratic, and has a special sense of beauty.

Gao Xian looked at it with a flower appreciating mirror, but he could not penetrate the five-element miasma, but he could see a lotus deep in the miasma flashing five-color spiritual light from time to time.

I can't see clearly through the Five Elements Miasma, but I can only confirm that this flower is of extremely high grade, the Five Elements aura it emits is mysterious and wonderful, and there is a faint fragrance that penetrates directly to the soul.

Gao Xian thought to himself that with the speed of the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel and the Grandmaster-level Tai Chi Mysterious Light Invisible Heavenly Clothes, he was 70-80% sure that he could forcibly penetrate the Five Elements Miasma.

I just don’t know what else is hidden in Five Elements Island, so I just rush in and find it difficult to respond to danger.

The power of restriction in the cave called Lihuo Di Palace is extremely powerful. Gao Xian didn't dare to be careless.

True Lord Yun Zaitian is not willing to fight against the restrictions, so he should be more honest.

It is easier to deal with Yan Feiyin than to resist the power of the cave sky.

Back at the Qingyun Sect's temporary camp, Gao Xian and Yun Qiushui did some research, but they couldn't think of any good solutions.

The Cave Heaven Restriction is too powerful, and in comparison, the cultivator's personal power seems extremely small.

Yun Qiushui has traveled far and wide and has received a strict education, so he can't explain why he is restricted from the cave and sky in Lihuo Earth Palace.

He said: "Wait a minute, those formation masters are still very powerful. These restrictions are ultimately changes in mana driven by Dongtian, and there are traces to follow..."

After that, Gao Xian and Yun Qiushui went out every day to check the ban on Five Elements Island, and on the one hand, they also became familiar with the surrounding environment.

After more than ten days like this, the seventh level of invisible wind gradually weakened.

Yun Qiushui and Ma Qianjun discussed it, and many practitioners of Qingyun Sect moved their camps outside Five Elements Island.

At this distance, the entire island can be monitored through magical instruments, so that no one can take advantage of it.

The people from Wanling Sect soon arrived and set up camp a few miles away from them.

This time the Wanling Sect leader was Niu Wanyong, and Yan Feiyin and Ma Tengyun were also there. Both sides were sizing each other up from afar. Niu Wanyong and Ma Qianjun were both good at fighting, but not good at socializing.

Only Yan Feiyin smiled and waved from a distance, and her close smile was a bit charming, which was very attractive. But she didn't come to talk either.

Everyone is more cautious. In this cavern away from the Fire Palace, the order and rules outside are not easy to apply.

After more than ten days of this, a large hole gradually appeared in the center of the Five Elements Miasma.

This hole runs through the Five Elements Miasma like a passage and is quite stable.

"Gao Xian, the time is up, let's go in together."

Yan Feiyin waved affectionately from a distance, and said with a smile: "Let's agree first, whoever gets the five-color lotus first will get it. You can't bully me just because you are good at swordsmanship..."

Gao Xian bared his teeth and smiled: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, I am the most gentle and considerate..."

The man was extremely handsome and the woman was enchanting. They stood talking and laughing like a couple.

Seeing this, many cultivators around him showed jealousy and envy. Ma Tengyun's face even turned blue. He hurriedly sent a message to Yan Feiyin: "Junior sister, this guy is proficient in the magic of collecting tonics. He has even killed the golden elixir. Be careful, be careful, and never come into contact with him!"

Yan Feiyin seemed not to have heard anything, but looked at Gao Xian tenderly. This made Ma Tengyun very anxious. Junior sister, she really likes this guy, right? Why are you ignoring me?

He comforted himself that he should not be distracted when he faced a powerful enemy. Junior sister, this is an easy way to seduce the other party...

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