"This is the time!"

When Yan Feiyin and Gao Xian's body and spirit were closely connected, the three-tailed sky fox emerged from the depths of her sea of ​​consciousness.

A pair of red eyes of the three-tailed sky fox shines with circles of mysterious runes. This is its innate charming magical power, which can only be displayed through the connection between form and spirit.

Moreover, it can only be used when the body and soul are connected for the first time.

For this reason, Yan Feiyin has been very careful in choosing candidates for dual cultivation. A cultivator who at least has the potential of Nascent Soul Lord is worthy of using the permanent charm magical power.

Gao Xian is undoubtedly the best candidate she can find. By building a foundation, he can easily reverse the late stage of Jindan. It is hard to imagine what this accomplished Jindan will look like.

The red eyes of the three-tailed sky fox suddenly shone brightly, and a mysterious rune fell silently deep in the center of Gao Xian's eyebrows.

Yan Feiyin was secretly happy, from now on Gao Xian would fall in love with her wholeheartedly, and even if Gao Xian became Nascent Soul, he would not betray her.

This is the power of the three-tailed sky fox's magical power.

A loud earthquake suddenly woke up Yan Feiyin who was secretly delighted.

At some point in the depths of her sea of ​​consciousness, a golden tower reaching the sky appeared. The golden light was bright and clear, and the inside and outside were as clear as glass.

The charm runes triggered by the three-tailed sky fox were affixed to the Tongtian Golden Tower, but they failed to truly integrate with the Tongtian Golden Tower.

Yan Feiyin felt that something was wrong, but in this situation, there was nowhere to run even if he wanted to.

She watched helplessly as the Tongtian Golden Tower crashed down, crashing into the depths of her sea of ​​consciousness.

In an instant, her soul seemed to have been crushed by the Babel Tower.

The earth-shaking changes made Yan Feiyin completely unconscious.

When Yan Feiyin woke up, she found that Gao Xian was already dressed and sitting aside. He was holding a book in his hand and was in a very leisurely state.

Yan Feiyin didn't know why, but she felt happy from the bottom of her heart when she saw Gao Xian. No matter how she looked at Gao Xian, he was so handsome and good, and she couldn't get enough of him.

For Gao Xian, she is willing to sacrifice everything. As long as she can see his smile, it is the greatest satisfaction.

Yan Feiyin himself knew that this kind of emotion was too strong and something was wrong.

She kind of likes Gao Xian, likes his peerless swordsmanship, likes his impeccable handsomeness, and even admires his depth and ruthlessness.

But it would be nonsense to say that just because Gao Xian doesn't care about anything.

Ever since she was little, she has never been that kind of person. Apart from practicing, she would not be so obsessed with anything or anyone.

"It's like being charmed..."

Yan Feiyin suddenly had a realization when she thought of this. She used the magical power of the Sky Fox to permanently charm Gao Xian. Not only did she fail, she was also counterattacked by the permanent charm. It was equivalent to Gao Xian casting a permanent charm on her.

The permanent charm will not affect the sanity, but will leave a complex mark on the person's heart, which will eventually merge with the person's soul and become a part of him.

Yan Feiyin knew that he was being attacked by Tianhu's magical power, but there was nothing he could do about it.

On the contrary, she accepted the situation calmly in her heart.

It's like most people who like to drink know that alcohol is harmful, but they don't stop drinking because of it.

Yan Feiyin gave up her struggle and became extremely relaxed and happy.

"Being able to make changes with my senior brother is a blessing I have gained in three lifetimes. I always love my senior brother passionately, which fills my heart with happiness..."

"you're awake."

Gao Xian greeted softly. He noticed the burning love in Yan Feiyin's bright eyes, and his mood was a bit complicated.

He had noticed something was wrong with Yan Feiyin early on. This woman even signed the application, which made it even more problematic.

If a woman really likes a man, she will definitely be disgusted with the application.

Gao Xian didn't know what Yan Feiyin was up to, but he had never been afraid of anyone when it came to dual cultivation.

If Sister Lan is too bullying, she can use the big vajra to fight with him.

Sure enough, this woman wanted to use the celestial fox to seduce him, and as a result, the inside and outside of the Vajra became perfect and clear, never retreating.

Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, it is not something that little Tianhu can shake.

Through the close connection between form and spirit, Gao Xian knew that Yan Feiyin was counterattacked by the vajra, and that this charming mark was used by herself.

It can only be said that Yan Feiyin trapped himself in a cocoon and suffered his own consequences.

Gao Xian did not sympathize with Yan Feiyin, but he could not help but feel a little emotional when he saw the cultivator being controlled by emotions blessed by external forces.

Yan Feiyin didn't think too much about it. It was already like this and couldn't be changed, so she just let go and accepted everything.

At least Gao Xian is handsome, strong and worthy of reliance.

She looked at Gao Xian with watery eyes, "Senior brother, why are you reading this book? Am I not good-looking?"

Gao Xian smiled: "It looks good."

"Then what are you waiting for, senior brother..."

Yan Feiyin twisted and crawled toward Gao Xian like a big white snake.

Gao Xian didn't resist and allowed Yan Feiyin to entangle him. The two rolled together again...

Ten days later, Yun Qiushui returned to the camp and saw Yan Feiyin walking out of the tent.

Yan Feiyin was wearing a peach red skirt, an exquisite trousers of the same color on the upper body, a layer of gauze on the outside, and a gold hairpin on her head. Her bright blue eyes were full of joy, and her whole body looked radiant and bright.

She is already charming, and this will reveal a seductive charm from the bottom of her heart.

Yun Qiushui was slightly startled. Didn't this woman suck Gao Xian dry? !

Yan Feiyin bowed to Yun Qiushui Yingying, and then flew into the sky with Qinglian and escaped.

Yun Qiushui hurriedly entered the tent and saw Gao Xian making tea.

Gao Xian's expression was as normal, and there was nothing wrong with him. He looked happy and contented, and he couldn't pretend to be that relaxed and carefree.

"That woman is so gorgeous, I thought I would take all your big pills and wipe them clean."

Yun Qiushui sat down opposite Gao Xian and said with a smile: "Looking at you, it doesn't look like you have suffered a loss."

"Feiyin and I are practicing Taoism and have made a little progress."

Gao Xian smiled and said, "It's already the ninth level of foundation building."

Yan Feiyin is blessed by the Heavenly Fox and is charming both inside and outside. This is something that even a technical stream like Fan Lingzhen cannot compare with.

The two of them practiced double cultivation for ten days, constantly polishing and improving their cultivation level. They advanced to the ninth level of foundation building, and their life spans were increased by ten years.

Gao Xian is very satisfied with the results of this dual cultivation.

He originally wanted to use his natal spirit beads to control Yan Feiyin and get at least a few million spirit stones.

As a result, Yan Feiyin took advantage of Tianhu's magical power and followed him wholeheartedly, but it was difficult to exploit him.

Gao Xian has always been kind to his own people. Although Yan Feiyin is a semi-forced one, he should not be treated too badly.

He returned the natal spirit pearl to Yan Feiyin, and also gave her some training secrets, postures, etc., which was considered as a gift.

Yan Feiyin benefited a lot and his cultivation level also improved greatly. The main reason is that she mentally recognized Gao Xian as her master, and was able to let go of all worries.

You must know that practitioners will always encounter various setbacks in their cultivation.

If the required elixir cannot be found, there is no corresponding secret method, or if evil spirits or powerful enemies are encountered, etc., these setbacks will leave traces in the mind of the practitioner.

As time goes by, the cultivator's mind will have more and more traces, and he will lose his original intention. This is not only a matter of personal will, but also involves the complex and mysterious level of the soul.

Even the lowest level practitioners have to face this kind of problem. The higher the cultivation level, the more powerful spiritual support is needed.

Yan Feiyin can regard Gao Xian as the core of her divine will. As long as Gao Xian does not die and Gao Xian does not actively harm her, her soul can remain intact.

In this way, she can move forward in her spiritual practice without fear of all external and internal demons.

This is actually a great good thing for Yan Feiyin. It's just that the initiative is controlled by Gao Xian, and it is inevitable that he will be controlled by others. This is something that can't be helped.

In fact, Gao Xian has no need for Yan Feiyin. The other party is not even a golden elixir, so he will prepare to form an elixir next.

For this reason, Gao Xian also promised to give the remaining five-color lotus flowers to Yan Feiyin after he completed the elixir formation.

Gao Xian naturally didn't need to tell Yun Qiushui these details.

The alliance between the two sects was a major event. Although Yan Feiyin had a high status, he had little say or even the right to participate in it.

To be honest, apart from dual cultivation, Gao Xian couldn't think of anything else where Yan Feiyin could be used.

Yun Qiushui didn't pay much attention to Yan Feiyin. Gao Xian was fine anyway, so there was no need to ask about anything else.

He briefly talked about what he had gained in the past few days. He found a good spiritual object in the forbidden circle on the seventh floor, and got it after killing a powerful white ape.

Yun Qiushui said: "The Lihuo Underground Palace is full of spiritual energy and very dangerous. It is a good place to practice swordsmanship. I will stay here for a while..."

"Then I'll stay here with Brother Yun."

Gao Xian thought about it and decided to stay. Building the tenth level of foundation was not difficult for him.

The dangers in the Lihuo Underground Palace were complicated, and it was also an excellent training for him.

Besides, Yun Qiushui came with him, so he couldn't just leave Yun Qiushui here.

Judging from the situation when encountering the golden elixir demon cultivator, the others are not very reliable, so it is safer for the two of them to look after each other.

The Fire Palace is remote and closed, so it is also suitable for small activities.

The main reason is that the Blood God Banner left behind by the demon is a third-level spiritual weapon, and it has the Blood God Son as the weapon spirit, so it needs time to be slowly refined.

While refining the Demon Sect's spiritual weapons within the Qingyun Sect, it would be difficult for him to conceal the Demon Sect's aura based on his level of formation.

Being discovered by others is another trouble. It's also hard to explain.

Gao Xian mainly had the Taixuan Divine Aspect, could easily control the Blood God Banner, and could even practice the secrets of the Demon Sect, so he came up with this idea.

With the identity of a demon sect cultivator, even if you don't have to trick people, you still have one more way to deal with the enemy.

The Blood God Banner's transformation is very simple, but its corrosive and sinister blood light is very overbearing.

Gao Xian wandered around the Lihuo Underground Palace for more than three months and found a poisonous fire cave in the eighth-level restricted circle.

The flames here have little power. The main thing is that the filthy poisonous gas is vented deep underground and burns into purple-black flames, which can cause great harm to the body and soul of the cultivator.

Gao Xian secretly refined in the Poison Fire Cave for more than a hundred days before leaving the old demon in the Banner of the Blood God Banner to completely refine it.

Only then did he realize that the long pole of the Blood God Banner was actually a powerful storage instrument, with a hundred square meters of space inside.

The devil's fortune for hundreds of years has been hidden inside the Blood God Banner. Gao Xian also found "Blood Nerve" in it.

This secret method exists in a blood-colored spiritual crystal and can be practiced until the Nascent Soul realm.

Gao Xian tried to use the Taixuan Divine Phase clone to cultivate the blood nerves, but he got started very easily.

With the help of the Blood God Banner, his cultivation has improved rapidly...

As he gained control of the Blood God Banner, Gao Xian discovered that the Blood God Banner contained a high-grade blood demon relic.

Powerful cultivators who cultivate blood nerves will have the opportunity to leave blood demon relics after death.

According to the records of the Blood Nerve, the blood demon relics can be used to entrust spiritual consciousness to create a clone. This made Gao Xian very interested.

The three divine forms transformed by Da Luo's spirit clone method all require powerful spiritual objects to condense the clones.

Of course, the specific spiritual object was not explained.

Gao Xian originally wanted to wait until Daluo's spirit of transformation reached the state of master perfection, and then look for a spiritual object that could condense the divine form into a clone.

Since there was a blood demon relic, Gao Xian couldn't help but want to try it.

Deep in the Poison Fire Cave, the clone of Taixuan God summoned by Gao Xian held the Blood God Banner and stood in the purple-black flames.

With the Blood God Banner in his hand, he can absorb the filthy air in the flames. Not only is it harmless, but it actually benefits the Blood God Banner.

Taixuan Shenxiang's avatar also holds a Blood God Banner in his left hand. This is a magic weapon he obtained from the underground ruins. Its path is the same as the Blood God Banner, but the level is lower.

Through practicing the blood nerve, Gao Xian knew that the blood god flags could devour each other and fuse with each other. This lower-level Blood God Banner can be used as a supplement to the high-level Blood God Banner.

Mainly through this method, the blood demon relics hidden deep in the Blood God Banner can be inspired.

Gao Xian knew that this was a bit risky, but for some reason, he just couldn't help but want to try it...

The two blood god flags merged smoothly, and the blood god son stood out from the blood god flag. His red and turbid body seemed to be transformed by dirty blood, and he looked extremely ferocious and terrifying.

At the heart of the Blood God Son, there is a red crystal stone the size of a walnut, which is like the heart of the Blood God Son.

Gao Xian was delighted, this was it.

He controlled Taixuan Shenxiang's clone to reach out and grab the blood demon relic.

At this moment, the blood demon relic suddenly turned into a red blood light and threw it into the Taixuan Divine Phase Clone.

Through the mysterious induction of Taixuan's divine form, Gao Xian felt a powerful and cold consciousness occupying the sea of ​​clone consciousness.

This indirect connection made Gao Xian feel a sharp pain in the middle of his eyebrows, and he felt solemnly in his heart: "The situation is not good..."

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