After coming out of the Jade Mirror Palace, Gao Xian went straight to the Academy of Classical Studies.

Well, I went to my good friend Lu Jingxu to help me buy the Nine Transformations Ding Yuan Pill.

Yun Qingxuan had already pointed it out, and he would definitely follow it. This is not why he went through so much trouble copying poems.

That's not right. It is a very elegant thing to sit and talk with Yun Qingxuan, and it is quite interesting to do it occasionally.

Yun Qingxuan is the real cultivator. He doesn't care about worldly affairs and worldly conditions. He understands the Tao of the lake and has his own world in his heart.

And, she can do things. It moves like thunder, and it will hit when it hits.

Gao Xian admired this kind of wisdom.

Gao Xian felt that Yun Qingxuan would be very successful, even higher than Yun Zaitian.

Of course, all this has a prerequisite, that is, Yun Qingxuan has the full support of the sect and has sufficient resources, so she does not need to work hard for it.

If Yun Qingxuan was a casual cultivator, with her temperament, she would have no chance of reaching this point.

As for Yun Qiushui, this good brother was too willful and indulgent, and lacked the perseverance to stick to the sword.

Fortunately, the sect has the backing, and Yun Qiushui is a third-grade sword cultivator. With his talent, he is very likely to become the Nascent Soul Sword Master.

If the Qingyun Sect can produce two Nascent Soul Lords, it will definitely gain momentum.

Gao Xian was quite looking forward to this. He naturally doesn't have too deep feelings for Qingyun Sect, it feels like a big company.

The company's welfare package is very good, and the leader takes it seriously and even gives him some shares. He is quite satisfied.

Moreover, he now has the Qingyun mark, so it is impossible for him to change jobs. Of course, I hope that the company will become bigger and stronger and create greater glories.

Just because of the huge changes in the Eastern Wasteland, Gao Xian could already feel the tremendous pressure coming towards him. The continuous intrusion of Jindan demon cultivators into Qingyun Sect is clear evidence.

Gao Xian also felt a little guilty. He didn't know whether Qingyun Sect could survive this.

None of this is within his control. All he can do is try to improve his own cultivation and be prepared for emergencies.

Arriving at the Lecture Hall, Gao Xian opened the door without any courtesy and entered Lu Jingxu's study. Lu Jingxu was reading and was a little surprised to see Gao Xian barging in.

"Senior Brother Lu, you look very good..." Gao Xian greeted with a smile.

Two years later, Lu Jingxu looked rosy and calm. Apparently his injury had healed and he was in very good condition.

Lu Jingxu stood up and looked Gao Xian up and down, and he said with a serious face: "I heard that you killed another golden elixir demon cultivator, and he was still a real person in the late golden elixir stage!"

Gao Xian smiled reservedly: "It's been two years, so don't mention these trivial matters again."

"You kid!"

Lu Jingxu laughed and cursed, and then said with emotion: "It has only been twelve years since you started. At that time, I thought you were a bit old. I really didn't expect..."

He witnessed Gao Xian seizing the leadership of the Qingyun Dharma Assembly with his own eyes. At that time, both Yun Changfeng and he felt that Gao Xian's future was limited.

It's just that according to the sect's rules, Gao Xian Shenxiao's true identity must be passed on.

Lu Jingxu privately accepted Li Feihuang as his disciple. Of course, he had a competitive mentality at the beginning, hoping that Li Feihuang could surpass Gao Xian.

When Gao Xian killed the golden elixir demon Xiu Yin Jiushi in the Wind Ape Valley, he knew that there was indeed a big gap between Li Feihuang and Gao Xian.

Since then, Lu Jingxu has also taken a new look at Gao Xian, and their friendship has become increasingly deeper.

Privately, Lu Jingxu became increasingly strict with Li Feihuang, hoping that she could catch up in Gao Xian's footsteps.

As a result, news came back two years ago that Gao Xian single-handedly killed a golden elixir demon cultivator in Lihuo Palace.

Although Lu Jingxu was shocked, her mentality calmed down. A peerless genius like Gao Xian cannot be judged by common sense. Although Li Feihuang is a genius, he cannot compare with Gao Xian.

As a friend, he was actually very happy for Gao Xian. Just building the foundation is so unbelievable, what will it be like when Gao Xian achieves the golden elixir!

Lu Jingxu asked casually: "You won't come to the door if you have nothing to do. Tell me what's wrong?"

"Senior brother Gao Ming, I want to buy the Nine Transformations Ding Yuan Dan. Please help me find a way." Lu Jingxu took the initiative to start the conversation, and Gao Xian was certainly not polite.

"The Nine Transformations Ding Yuan Dan can only be refined by Li Baoding, the head of the Dan Medicine Institute. This person has a good temper, but he likes money very much. If you don't have money, don't even think about it..."

Lu Jingxu had a good relationship with Gao Xian, and he said directly: "You have to be prepared."

Gao Xian smiled: "There are still some spiritual stones, which should be enough to buy elixirs. Please introduce me to them, senior brother."

"Okay, I'll make an appointment with him for a drink at Changle House that night. If he drinks your wine, he'll always give you something cheaper..."

Lu Jingxu had an easy-going temperament, and he was the head of the Lecture School. Disciples from various schools were inevitably sent to study under him.

Therefore, he had extensive connections in the sect and invited Li Baoding over that night.

Li Baoding is a short, fat, middle-aged man with a faint smell of elixirs and an ocher-yellow robe. He always smiles and seems to have a good temper.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Li Baoding's slightly blurred eyes began to act wildly, and he remained glued to the dancer's lap, unwilling to move.

Seeing that the heat was almost over, Lu Jingxu helped Gao Xian talk about purchasing the Nine Transformations Ding Yuan Pill.

Gao Xian also politely asked Li Baoding for help, but Li Baoding didn't pretend to be pretentious and just said two high-grade spiritual stones and one for each.

Gao Xian and Lu Jingxu enthusiastically accompanied the wine and said a lot of good things. Then Li Baoding patted his thigh proudly and said, "They are all members of the same family, one high-grade spiritual stone after another."

Li Baoding said to Gao Xian sincerely: "Junior brother is also an alchemist, so he must understand how difficult it is to make nine-turn elixirs."

"Indeed, only a master alchemist like Senior Brother can refine the Nine-Revolution Pill."

Gao Xian looked ashamed and said, "I don't have any talent in alchemy, but I just do it for fun. I will ask my senior brother for more advice in the future."

"Hey, we are all from the same sect, why do we say these unreasonable words..."

Li Baoding said seriously: "Junior brother has a bright future. After all, alchemy is a heretic, so there is no need to waste time on it. Cultivation is the true path to immortality!"

He raised his glass: "Stop talking about this, please."

Gao Xian knew that Li Baoding deliberately changed the subject. How could the skills of an alchemy master be taught to him in vain.

He was not disappointed either. Alchemy was indeed profitable, but Li Baoding had to invest a lot of energy and time in it, and he was extremely talented to refine the Nine Transformations Ding Yuan Dan.

This person deserves to earn this money.

He has formed a golden elixir, so he is not guilty of this crime. Unless you have no money...

The matter was settled, the three of them were very happy, and the atmosphere quickly became lively.

After drinking until they were fifty or six points drunk, the two real people stayed in Changle Tower to enjoy themselves, while Gao Xian returned to his home in Qingyun City.

Old man Zhou Ye was woken up in the middle of the night. His face was full of fatigue and he couldn't even open his eyes.

Gao Xian could see that the old man was really old.

Twenty years ago the old man was almost seventy years old, and now he is almost ninety.

For Qi practitioners, if they take good care of themselves, they can only live a hundred and twelve years at most. Zhou Ye is now showing his age and obviously does not have that long life span.

"Master Gao is back." Zhou Ye came up to say hello respectfully.

It had been several years since Zhou Ye had seen Gao Xian, but he could always hear Gao Xian's reputation. He also felt more and more in awe of this former junior.

Gao Xian waved his hand: "Uncle Zhou, you're welcome."

Gao Xian took Zhou Ye back to the study. He hadn't been back for several years and the room was very clean.

The old man is still very good at details.

"How are Wei Cheng and the others doing?" Gao Xian asked casually.

"I come here every month to pay. In the past two years, I paid more than 213,000 spiritual stones. I keep track of it."

Zhou Ye lowered his head slightly. He fished some out of it and felt a little guilty towards Gao Xian.

Gao Xian's perception was so keen that he knew what was going on just by looking at the old man's appearance.

He was a little funny, but of course he wouldn't argue with the old man about this matter.

Not to mention Zhou Ye, whoever it was, with no one to care about and no one to ask, he would definitely make money from it. This is human nature.

Well, except maybe Daniel. But Daniel is not normal.

Gao Xian thought for a moment and said, "Uncle Zhou, please call Wei Cheng and the others. I have something to say."

Zhou Ye hurried over, and Wei Cheng and his wife arrived soon.

Wei Cheng is obviously much older, but Wei Shuangshuang is still so beautiful and plump. The couple stood in front of Gao Xian, both of them were respectful.

Gao Xian used his foundation-building skills to defeat the real person in the late Jindan period. This incident caused a sensation in Qingyun City.

They have always used Gao Xian as their banner, and business has been going smoothly in the past two years. Naturally, I am even more in awe of Gao Xian.

Especially Wei Cheng, who was very upset when he asked Wei Shuangshuang to please Gao Xian last time but it didn't work out.

If this kind of thing doesn't work, I don't know what Gao Xian thinks of him. Gao Xian didn't argue with him, which made him a little unsure of Gao Xian's thoughts.

Gao Xian called them both here today, which made him have other thoughts.

"This guy didn't want him to listen to the noise at the door, so he called them both... After all, this guy is very good at playing in the book!"

Gao Xian didn't know the dirty thoughts in Wei Cheng's mind. He suddenly had a feeling in Jade Mirror Palace today. In order to avoid trouble, Wei Cheng had to tell Wei Cheng's side clearly.

"You two, I will be in seclusion in the sect for the next few years. I don't have time to deal with trivial matters."

Gao Xian said calmly: "When you reach my position, you will inevitably have some enemies. For your safety, it is better not to do your business."

Wei Cheng was startled, and he bravely looked up at Gao Xian. He didn't see any emotion on the other person's handsome face.

This made Wei Cheng feel cold. Gao Xian was not testing them, nor was he dissatisfied with the share. Gao Xian just wanted to stop cooperation.

Wei Cheng didn't know what to say, so he couldn't help but look at Wei Shuangshuang. Wei Shuangshuang pursed her red lips, not daring to look at Gao Xian or speak.

Zhou Ye was about to speak but stopped when Gao Xian glanced at him, and he immediately swallowed everything he wanted to say.

After Wei Cheng and his wife left, Gao Xian said to Zhou Ye: "Uncle Zhou, from now on you can take care of yourself and take care of yourself. Stop running around."

Zhou Ye was a little uneasy and said, "Will someone really deal with us?"

Gao Xian smiled: "It's okay. I won't do anything to you. Unless I die."

The old man Zhou Ye is just a housekeeper, there is no point in attacking him, but it will alarm him.

He added: "If you are worried, come back to the sect with me. It's just that the sect is bitterly cold and boring, and it's very inconvenient to get in and out."

The old man doesn't have much time left, so he can enjoy all kinds of things by staying in Qingyun City. If you go to the mountains, you won't have a good life.

Zhou Ye thought about it and decided to stay in the old house. He said he was helping Gao Xian look after the house.

Gao Xian sent two more letters to Qiniang, asking her to come to Qingyun Sect for reunion.

Today, Gao Xian has the ability to arrange a suitable position for Qiniang.

After waiting for two days, Gao Xian received a reply from the Zhu family, saying that Qiniang was in retreat and could not reply.

Gao Xian had no choice but to return to Qingyun Sect first. He is in a special situation now and will never fight anyone unless absolutely necessary. He would rather stay in the sect for safety.

Autumn passes and spring comes, and another year passes in the blink of an eye.

Gao Xian stayed at Xuandu Peak every day, and rarely left Xuandu Peak except to give lectures at the School of Classical Studies.

I bought the Nine Turns Ding Yuan Pill from Li Baoding and took one pill every ten days.

Jiuzhuan Dingyuan Dan completely removes the poison, and its subtle medicinal power can penetrate all parts of the body, constantly nourishing the essence of Gao Xian's body.

This kind of nourishment takes effect slowly, but can continuously strengthen the source in a stable and orderly manner.

Gao Xian just did his daily homework, read books on weekdays, and wrote a book when he got interested. The days passed peacefully and leisurely.

Occasionally, I would visit Yun Qingxuan in Jade Mirror Palace and ask for advice on some cultivation issues.

Other than that, just follow Yun Qiushui to party. Sometimes I go to Changle Building for a walk, but I never stay overnight at Changle Building.

Such a peaceful and leisurely life also allowed Gao Xian to completely relax his mind and body, leaving him in a state of lightness, relaxation, roundness, emptiness and tranquility.

By May, Humanity Emmanuel had finally accumulated 19.2 million.

Gao Xian had been waiting for this day for a long time, and he did not hesitate to devote all his humane auras to the Daluo Transformation God Clone Technique.

This secret method was directly promoted to the state of master perfection.

In the depths of Gaoxian's sea of ​​consciousness, the three gods Taixuan, Taiyuan, and Taiji surrounded the true form of Gaoxian's soul.

The three gods emitted billions of tiny rays of light, completely penetrating the true form of Gao Xian's soul. The four of them established a complex and extremely stable connection through billions of rays of light...

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