The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 332 The Five Elements Unite to Become a True Immortal

"Why are you so stupid!"

After waiting for a long time, her first love deskmate didn't get a response from Gao Xian, so she asked a little bit unhappy and a little confused.

When she didn't get a response from Gao Xian, she poked her finger in Gao Xian's face, "Are you scared?!"

Gao Xian was slightly hurt by the poke, and his eyes focused on his deskmate again.

A girl of 17 or 18 years old, wearing a loose school uniform, can't tell her figure, but her face is full of elastic collagen, which makes her look invincible. The innocence and cunning unique to girls between her eyebrows and eyes are so vivid and charming.

"Hey, why did I think of youth being invincible..."

Gao Xian didn't know why he had this idea. As a boy of 17 or 18, why was he so old-fashioned? !

Looking at my deskmate again, I don’t know why, all kinds of thoughts can’t help but pop up in my heart, well, it’s like a gushing oil well.

He was keenly aware that something was wrong with him. Even if the boy had fantasies, he would not be so dirty and greasy.

But Gao Xian couldn't remember why he was like this. He vaguely felt that he shouldn't be here!

The girl at the same table who didn't get a response looked a little ugly. She snorted angrily, flicked her long ponytail and turned the back of her head towards Gao Xian.

Gao Xian couldn't help but stretched out his hand to flick and shake the black hair. The soft and smooth hair passed through his fingers. It felt wonderful.

The girl felt someone touching her hair. She turned her head and glared at Gao Xian, "Don't touch my hair. If you touch me again, you'll call me teacher!"

When she spoke, her long eyelashes blinked, her bright eyes seemed happy and angry, and her pursed lips seemed to be about to smile at the next moment.

Gao Xian resisted touching the girl's cheek, he just smiled at her.

"You smile like the old janitor!"

A smile made the girl forgive Gao Xian. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and her bright eyes were filled with simple and sincere joy.

Gao Xian wanted to sigh a little, and he didn't even know why.

After school, Gao Xian absentmindedly walked home with his schoolbag on his back. In this small county, the school was only a little more than three kilometers away from his home.

There are not many cars or people in the small county town. Walking slowly on the sidewalk, everything is as usual, nothing is different.

Gao Xian knew something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong. Anyway, nothing was right.

The biggest problem was that his mind went blank, as if he had lost his memory. The strange thing is that he remembers everything about himself.

When I got home, my mother had already made dinner.

While eating the home-cooked food made by his mother, Gao Xian felt the urge to cry again.

After eating, Gao Xian was rushed back to his room to read.

Gao Xian took the high school physics exercises and fell into deep thought. I know every word and symbol, but it adds up to confusion.

He thought of a sentence: "Man cannot imagine what is beyond cognition.

This sentence is actually easy to understand. Any imagination that people have is based on their own cognition.

Any absurd imagination must have its roots in reality. Just like any absurd dream, it is all transformed and spliced ​​based on your own experience and cognition.

Gao Xian's understanding is that people cannot surpass their own wisdom. For example, if he can't solve this physics problem, he just can't solve it.

Gao Xian threw down the book and lay on the bed. He thought for a long time with his eyes wide open, and he didn't know when he fell asleep.

The next day, Gao Xian took out physics exercises during his morning self-study and asked the girl to help him solve them.

The girl looked at him with a strange expression, "I suddenly want to study, it's a bit abnormal..."

The girl teased him for a while, but finally couldn't bear Gao Xian's request and gave him a few brief explanations.

Gao Xian looked a little strange.

When the third period physics class was over, Gao Xian walked over to the teacher and asked him about this physics exercise while the teacher was still there.

The middle-aged bald teacher took a look at the exercises, said a few words casually with a cold attitude, then gently pushed Gao Xian away and left.

Gao Xian didn't give up. He didn't know why he was so bold. He didn't care about the strange looks from his classmates or the teacher's resistance.

He followed the bald teacher to the office and asked the teacher questions sincerely and humbly.

The bald teacher was very impatient, "Didn't I tell you before? Go back and think about it yourself..."

Gao Xian smiled: "Teacher, you don't know how to do it, right?"

The bald teacher's old face turned red with anger, and even his bald head was red and sweating. He stood up suddenly, raised his thick and fat hand to gesture, and when he saw Gao Xian standing there motionless, he put his hand down instead.

"You can't blame me if you don't understand! It's because you have a bad mind..."

The bald teacher pushed Gao Xian, and Gao Xian somehow naturally contracted his chest to relieve the force, but he actually didn't move after this push.

The teacher's face was full of surprise, and Gao Xian was also a little surprised. He thought for a moment and smiled at the bald teacher: "It's because I have a bad brain and didn't understand. Goodbye, teacher."

When Gao Xian returned to the classroom, the girl at the same table asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

The girl was very confused and even a little uneasy about the sudden change of her deskmate.

"It's okay, I just can't bear to leave you." Gao Xian looked into the girl's eyes and said softly.


The girl's face immediately turned red, and she looked at Gao Xian blankly, not knowing what to say or what to do.

Gao Xian sighed softly: "I don't want to wake up from such a sweet dream."

But he understood that all this was just illusion after all. No matter how beautiful it is, no matter what is hidden behind the illusion, it is meaningless to indulge in illusion.

It's like taking drugs and alcohol to anesthetize yourself. It seems to be a temporary relief, but it slips into an endless abyss.

Gao Xian didn't know where he got this kind of consciousness or where he got this kind of understanding, but he had already confirmed that everything in front of him was just his imagination.

Studying such a good first love cannot solve that physics problem. The physics teacher also couldn’t explain it clearly.

The reason is simple, he doesn't know this question. However, if someone can understand it, he will definitely understand it.

Gao Xian knew that everything was wrong, but he didn't know where the problem was, so he thought of this simple way to prove it.

After verification, nothing changed.

Gao Xian thought of a way to solve it, which was to die. But he died like this. What if he guessed wrong?

He thought for a while but still wasn't in a hurry. If it was just a fantasy he imagined, there would be too many flaws.

A person's imagination is actually very lacking.

Just like a person can imagine what a fly looks like, but he can never imagine the structure inside a fly's body.

So, this is easy to verify.

Gao Xian bought a magnifying glass, went back to find two flies, and carefully observed them. Sure enough, the flies had no body tissue, only messy blood.

This fit his image of flies but not his knowledge of biology.

If you know something roughly but don't understand it, you can't imagine the complete details.

After several verifications, Gao Xian was sure that this was an illusion. He didn't know where he got such strong confidence, but he was sure of it.

When school was over in the afternoon, Gao Xian climbed to the rooftop of the teaching building and watched the large number of students flowing out below.

I don't know who saw him at a glance, pointed at him and screamed.

It soon attracted the attention of a large number of students. Everyone looked at him with wide eyes, their faces full of fear, anxiety and a bit of curiosity.

Among the students, Gao Xian saw the girl at the same table. From this distance, he couldn't actually see the other person's face clearly, but he could pick her out from among the thousands of students at a glance.

The girl was equally familiar with Gao Xian. She couldn't believe it and took a few steps forward to confirm again. It was indeed Gao Xian!

She waved to Gao Xian anxiously, signaling Gao Xian to come down quickly. There were too many people around, and she was embarrassed to call Gao Xian.

Gao Xian stood on the corner of the rooftop. He smiled at the girl, put his hands on his head, and made a big heart gesture.

Many students exclaimed, "Wow!" This kid went to the top of the building to express his love. What a slut!

The girl was also a little confused. She was a little shy and a little angry. How could she show off such a thing in public and still stand in such a dangerous place? She didn't want her life!

Before she could speak, she saw Gao Xian falling down from above.

The girl suddenly screamed, and many people around her screamed too.

"This sound is really unpleasant..."

With this thought, Gao Xian suddenly hit the ground. His vision went dark, and his consciousness seemed to have fallen into endless darkness.

Yun Qiushui, who was standing with his hands behind his back in the atrium, suddenly frowned deeply.

Through the protective circle, he could also faintly sense that Gao Xian's aura had become extremely obscure and deep.

It is definitely not a good thing to have such a change during the elixir formation.

It's just that the formation of elixirs depends entirely on the cultivator himself, and outsiders can't interfere no matter how strong their cultivation is.

Even if Gao Xian's situation is not good, he won't be able to help if he goes in. Instead, he might ruin Gao Xian's affairs.

Yun Qiushui only hoped that Gao Xian could calm down a little, and if he failed to reach the third level, he would take a step back to form an elixir.

Gao Xian had prepared the Nine-turn Small Return Pill in advance. The situation was really bad. He could use the Nine-turn Little Return Pill to stabilize the injury, and there was a high chance of forcibly forming the Golden Pill.

Yun Qiushui waited for a long time, but still couldn't sense any changes in the energy within the magic circle, and he couldn't help but become more and more worried.

At the same time, Shui Yujun on Xuanxiao Peak was looking at the Tianjing Mirror.

Gao Xian formed elixirs and Yun Qiushui went to protect the Dharma. None of this could be concealed from the Jian Tianjing.

Shui Yujun did nothing else in the past two days. He kept staring at the sky mirror to check Gao Xian's condition.

Gao Xian and the Shui family have a big feud. It would be a big deal for such a big enemy to form a pill.

If Gao Xian forms a third-grade golden elixir, it will be a big trouble.

If it's just Mizutama Ying's matter, it's not impossible to talk about it. Now he fell into Gao Xian's hands.

If he wants to confront the Yun family and secure his position as the head of the Kun tribe, he must deal with Gao Xian.

As long as Gao Xian lives for one day, everyone will remember that he once fell into the hands of Gao Xian.

Not to mention that Gao Xian is a die-hard member of the Yun family, and Gao Xian has also become a third-grade golden elixir. How can the Shui family survive? How do other families survive?

The interests in this are too great!

The simplest thing is that Gao Xian's alchemy formation has received huge support from the sect. Without Gao Xian, some of these resources would fall into the hands of various companies.

How many talents can these resources cultivate?

Forget it just once. As long as Gao Xian lives, he will seize more and more benefits.

The Qingyun Sect is such a big pot. If Gao Xian takes one more bite, they will take one less bite.

You can endure it for one or two years, but how can you endure it for one hundred or two hundred years?

We must know that the resources lost in one or two hundred years can cultivate several generations of people!

If it's just a small personal grudge, just tolerate it. Shui Yujun really couldn't stand Gao Xian.

Gao Xian was also forbearing and stayed within the Qingyun Sect and would not run around.

Under Yun Zaitian's eyes, Shui Yujun dared not use any of his plans.

Shui Yujun hopes that Gao Xian will fail in forming the pill, and it is best to become a useless person, which is best for everyone.

Judging from the sky mirror, the reaction of the spiritual energy above Gao Xian's house was very obscure. Looking at Yun Qiushui's appearance, we knew that Gao Xian's situation was not good.

Shui Yujun was a little happy, this was a good sign!

Many of the Jindan Masters of Qingyun Sect are paying attention to Gao Xian in various ways.

After all, Gao Xian's record is astonishing and he has shown his unparalleled talent in cultivation. It can be said that he has shown his sharpness in the past two years.

The lower levels of the sect don't know why, but they all regard Gao Xian as the hope of the sect's future.

All the Jindan masters have a relatively repulsive attitude towards Gao Xian. The fact that Gao Xian was from the Yun family was enough to disgust them.

Not to mention Gao Xian's dark thoughts and ruthless methods, even Shui Yuying was killed! This breaks the sect's rules.

Who wouldn’t be afraid of such a person? !

Gao Xian was already so rampant and difficult to control even though he was building a foundation. What a trouble it would be if he became a third-grade golden elixir!

No matter what the Jindan masters from all sides have in mind, they can only watch from the sidelines.

Seeing that Gao Xian's condition was not good, many people were secretly happy.

A cloud of light fell from the sky like an umbrella. When the cloud light dispersed, Yun Qingxuan in green clothes and a bun was revealed.

Many Jindan masters were surprised when they saw Yun Qingxuan's appearance.

Yun Qingxuan has a cold temperament and rarely interacts with Yun Changfeng and Yun Qiushui.

Although there are legends that Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan have a very close relationship, and even Zhang Changzhen of Xuanzhen Sect was seriously injured for Gao Xian.

Many people felt that this was Yun Changfeng's idea, and possibly even Yun Zaitian's order.

The main purpose is to let Yun Qingxuan show his strength and deter the thirty-six sects. Just using Gao Xian as an excuse.

At this moment, many Jindan practitioners suddenly realized that Yun Qingxuan and Gao Xian had a really good relationship.

In the yard, Yun Qiushui saw his sister coming. He went up to meet her and said, "Gao Xian doesn't seem to be doing well."

Yun Qingxuan nodded slightly but said nothing.

Whether it's good or bad, she can't help. I just came here to prevent Gao Xian from getting into trouble.

With her present, even if Gao Xian really wanted to form the elixir, she would always be able to keep Gao Xian from dying.

Yun Qingxuan felt that Gao Xian had a grand heart and extremely high wisdom. The more this is the case, the more courageous and diligent you may be on the path of seeking without hesitation.

A mediocre person may choose to settle for second best, but a wise man will move forward bravely. This will lead to uncontrollable dangers.

Yun Qingxuan didn't think there was anything wrong with this, as a cultivator should.

There is no foolproof strategy for building roads.

If you are afraid of your hands and feet, and look forward and backward, you will never achieve great things.

When Yun Qingxuan thought of this, she suddenly sensed a change in the atmosphere within the magic circle. She couldn't help but feel something in her heart, as if she had survived!

Gao Xian in the underground quiet room has opened his eyes.

After struggling out of the illusion, he completely recovered his memory and understood that he had just fallen into the illusion of inner demons.

No matter how easy it is to break it, if a person doesn't understand and indulges in it, the inner demon illusion will consume all his life sources within a short time.

Fortunately, he has been tempered for more than 20 years and has a strong mind. He immediately broke out of the situation when he found something was wrong.

At this point, the last inner demons have been swept away.

Deep in the middle of Gao Xian's eyebrows, Sister Lan smiled, and his spirit and Sister Lan's soul together stimulated the aura of his life.

The original positive and negative five-color auras rotated and converged to form a nine-layered complex structure of perfect golden elixir.

At this time, the natal aura flourishes, the perfect golden elixir is continuously purified in the natal aura, and the positive and negative five-color rays of light continue to dissipate.

During this process, Gao Xian's life source was also burning crazily.

It is through the power of the origin of life that this shaped golden elixir can be continuously purified.

After a while, the golden elixir became as pure as gold inside and out, without any variegated colors.

Gao Xian had a clear understanding in his heart and knew that this was the first-grade flawless golden elixir in this world!

He couldn't help but feel happy. After struggling for so long and almost risking his life, it was finally done!

In the Xuanming Temple of Qingxiao Peak, Yun Ying Zhenjun Yun Zaitian also opened his eyes.

He looked towards the top of Xuandu Mountain, with a solemn look in his warm eyes.

In his eyes, he could see the five qi gathering there, and the divine light contained within was faintly flashing and about to rise through the sky...

"The divine light appears after all the inner demons are broken, and the five elements unite to become a true immortal. Is this the first level of elixir?!"

Yun Zaitian's expression changed when he said this, and he stood up suddenly: "No, it must not be like this..."

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