The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 334 Golden elixir magical power

The agitated clouds in the night sky have dispersed, revealing a bright moon, illuminating the sky and the earth.

The west wind whistled, and the mountains were silent. Gao Xian's house in Xuandu Peak was bustling with excitement.

Yun Changfeng patted Gao Xian on the shoulder and said enthusiastically: "It is really not easy for you to reach this point. In March next year, we will invite practitioners from all over the world to hold a golden elixir celebration for you."

"Thank you, uncle." Gao Xian thanked him sincerely.

"Hey, this is what you should do. Why be polite?"

Yun Changfeng was also in a very good mood at this moment. He smiled and said: "You should adjust your temperature and nourish yourself well. You, Qiu Shui and Qing Xuan, have reached the third-grade golden elixir three times in a row. The sect will be prosperous..."

Speaking of this, Yun Changfeng, who had always been calm, was also high-spirited, with uncontrollable excitement on his face.

The chaos in the Eastern Wasteland brought a huge impact to the order established by Qingyun Dao for thousands of years.

Qingyundao has thirty-six sects under its jurisdiction, so all kinds of small calculations are inevitable in private.

The last Yunqiushui Golden Elixir Celebration has allowed various sects to see the profound heritage of Qingyun Sect. This time, Gao Xian obtained the third-grade golden elixir, which proved that the sect's luck was strong.

For the thirty-six sects of Qingyun Dao, this was a huge shock, and it also gave them a lot of confidence. It can greatly strengthen the sect's control over the thirty-six sects.

In fact, the Qingyun Sect doesn't care much about these small sects, and generally allows them to be free, as long as they maintain respect for the Qingyun Sect.

The situation is different now. The demon cultivators and monsters of the Eastern Wasteland have invaded, and the sect needs to have thirty-six sects under its jurisdiction to obey orders and obey the deployment.

When Yun Changfeng manages the sect, he must consider all aspects. From an overall perspective, Gao Xian's third-grade golden elixir is very meaningful and can bring a huge positive impact to the sect.

From a personal perspective, although he didn't really like Gao Xian's depth and couldn't fully trust Gao Xian, he was still happy to see Gao Xian grow up.

Compared to Qingxuan and Qiu Shui, Gao Xian is more pragmatic, thoughtful and ruthless, and is capable of getting things done.

Gao Xian's growth will not only be of great benefit to the sect, but also to the Yun family.

Putting aside these utilitarian aspects, Yun Changfeng is still happy to see a junior who is close to him achieve something. As for Gao Xian's deep and ruthless nature, and the ancestor is still there, these won't be a big problem.

Therefore, Yun Changfeng was very happy.

Yun Qiushui and Lu Jingxu were purely happy for Gao Xian and didn't have so many considerations.

Shenxiao Zhenzhuan, who was watching the excitement outside, also came over to congratulate Gao Xian. Gao Xian was very polite and courteous regardless of whether he was close or distant.

Many Shenxiao true disciples went around to congratulate each other and said some festive words before they dispersed under the leadership of Yun Changfeng.

Yun Qingxuan left first after everyone arrived. When he left, he just gave Gao Xian a look and said nothing.

After everyone left, Yun Qiushui wanted to take Gao Xian to have a drink to celebrate, but Gao Xian declined.

He is in good condition now and does not want to drink.

Yun Qiushui didn't force herself, she said hello and left with her sword.

It wasn't until Yun Qiushui left that Da Niu, who was carefully standing in the corner, ran over to congratulate Gao Xian with excitement on his face.

Although Daniel is a foundation-building monk, he cannot rank among a group of Shenxiao true disciples. He has been following Gao Xian, rarely interacts with people, and has no intention of taking the opportunity to build relationships with the True Successors of Shenxiao.

Gao Xian patted Daniel's broad shoulder. He was almost forty years old, but he was still so loyal and even a little honest.

No matter what kind of world, such a character will suffer greatly.

He actually likes Daniel's temperament. Although he is a bit boring, he is very reliable and trustworthy.

Gao Xian had a conversation with Daniel and then went to the bathroom to shower and change clothes.

The obsidian pool in this bathroom is comparable to a swimming pool. It draws underground running water, and the replaced water flows down the mountain through pipes.

A magic circle is engraved under the pool, through which the temperature of the pool can be adjusted.

Just this pool actually consumes a lot of material and manpower. Only a large sect like Qingyun Sect has this kind of spare power.

Every time Gao Xian took a bath, he would think about how many practitioners who practiced civil engineering worked here for several years to build this large courtyard.

Beneath the prosperous Qingyun Sect, there are countless low-level cultivators as the foundation.

If there weren't these low-level cultivators, how powerful could Yun Ying Zhenjun Yun Zaitian be, how could he build a house? Can he fix a bathtub? Can he farm?

High-level cultivators are only good at fighting, but no matter how powerful they are, they only destroy.

Order, culture, and civilization all require wisdom, creation, and construction.

A small group of high-level cultivators cannot accomplish this.

Gao Xian was an ordinary person in his last life. He didn't like to be condescending to others, and he didn't like others to be condescending to him.

Because of this mentality, he always regarded Daniel as a friend and a little brother, instead of treating Daniel as his vassal.

Gao Xian dreamed of returning to his previous life and got rid of his inner demons in the illusion. This allowed him to clearly see his true nature and heart, and he was able to form a pure, flawless, mysterious and unpredictable first-grade golden elixir.

This makes me feel emotional, and it is not a pretense, but comes from my heart.

He has a clear understanding of himself. He has never been a good person, but he likes fairness and treating people equally, and there are some things he will never do.

The world is vast and endless, but human intelligence is endless, and there are very few things that can be understood and learned.

However, people should at least know themselves and understand themselves. If you can't do this, you can really call it a stupid word.

Gao Xian was like this before he became the golden elixir. After becoming the golden elixir, he will be more firm in his true nature and have no more doubts.

He is very satisfied with his condition, and even more satisfied with his strength and cultivation.

Only then has the body achieved the golden elixir, and the precious light contained within it is not stained by dust, let alone filthy.

Soaking in scalding hot water, the body seems to be purer than water. As the spiritual energy of the hot water in the pool continued to gather, Gao Xian's body slowly stretched and relaxed.

After soaking for a while, Gao Xian changed into clean and soft pajamas and returned to the bedroom.

It was dark outside the window, and there was a gentle whistling west wind, and the branches and leaves of the peach forest not far away were swaying and rustling.

Gao Xian, who was lying on the bed, felt increasingly calm and stable.

Gao Xian did not look at the bright and flawless golden elixir in his eyebrows and soul, and there was no need to look at it. This golden elixir was closely connected with his consciousness, almost as one.

As soon as he became conscious, he entered the Temple of Heart. The space inside the hall became ten times larger. The golden dome seemed like a golden sky, and countless golden stars could be faintly seen scattered everywhere.

The huge golden pillars are hundreds of feet high, and their tall and majestic posture is like a sacred mountain.

The obsidian floor is smooth and smooth, and extremely solid and thick.

In the grand and sacred hall, people are as small as ants.

Gao Xian didn't feel this way, because he was the master of this hall.

Sister Lan, dressed in a red dress, was waiting there with a smile on her face. Her eyes were full of Gao Xian and nothing else could be seen in her eyes.

Gao Xian looked deeply at Sister Lan. He really hoped that Sister Lan could speak, but he was afraid that Sister Lan would speak.

It was an odd feeling to think about a living, intelligent creature living in his head.

It would be better to be like this now, where he and Sister Lan can do whatever they need to do, they are in the same mind and don't need to say anything.

As expected, Sister Lan just smiled, with infinite love in her bright eyes, but she didn't speak.

Gao Xian also breathed a sigh of relief. He took Sister Lan's hand and sat down on the throne in the main hall, and then took out the Fengyue Treasure Book.

Lifespan: 45/1400

Cultivation level: First level of golden elixir (15414/100000) (Seven characteristics of first-grade golden elixir: supreme and powerful, indestructible, mysterious and unpredictable, clear and flawless, solemn and sacred, perfect and indestructible, and aura of immortality.)

Seeing the life span of 1,400 years, Gao Xian was greatly relieved.

In order to form a first-grade golden elixir, he spent at least 90% of his life source by returning the elixir in nine turns.

If he hadn't quickly broken through the happy magic illusion, his life would have been lost.

Fortunately, the first-grade golden elixir was so powerful that it directly increased his lifespan to one thousand four hundred years.

The lifespan of an ordinary golden elixir is eight hundred, a middle-grade third-grade golden elixir can live an additional one to two hundred years, and an upper-grade third-grade golden elixir can live an additional one to two hundred years.

One thousand four hundred years old, he has obviously reached the ultimate level of golden elixir.

Proportionally speaking, he is now equivalent to a child among ordinary people. Well, not even a teenager.

This means that he still has huge life potential and can grow to about two hundred years old before his body reaches its peak state.

Gao Xian was extremely satisfied with this. He could not even imagine how long a life span of more than a thousand years would be, and how a person could spend more than a thousand years.

Fortunately, he had time to think slowly and didn't have to rush.

There is nothing to say about the cultivation of the first level of Jindan. There are still more than 80,000 proficiency points left, and the overall cultivation level will increase by about ten points a day. It will take thirty years to reach the second level of Jindan.

Compared with a life span of 1,400 years, this is nothing.

Great Five Elements Kung Fu (different): Based on the power of the positive and negative five elements, master the changes of the positive and negative five elements. (9555/320000 Grandmaster) (Integrated with the Five Elements Heqi method to generate mutations, the power of the Five Elements spells is doubled.)

Gao Xian's eyes turned to the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, which directly rose to the master level. At this point, he already had a deep understanding of the Great Five Elements Kung Fu.

If you continue to practice like this, you should be able to reach master perfection in the five elements within a few decades. At that time, the cultivation speed will definitely be faster.

The change in the annotation of the Great Five Elements Kung Fu means that he has initially mastered the positive and negative changes of the Five Elements, learned the Five Elements spells with half the effort, and doubled the power when casting the Five Elements spells.

The original Great Five Elements Sword Gang was upgraded to the Great Five Elements Tiangang this time.

The Great Five Elements Tiangang: The magic power of the positive and negative five elements is condensed into Qi, with endless changes. (55224/60000 Mastery) (Natural magical power.)

The five-element spells on the front of Fengyue Baojian, such as Gengjin Sword and Shield, have been promoted to the state of master perfection.

Including Xuanbing Arrow and Fierce Sun Bullet, two relatively powerful Five Elements spells.

Achieving a first-grade golden elixir, various secret techniques and spells on the front of Fengyue Baojian have been greatly improved.

Looking at the back of Fengyue Baojian, the biggest change is that the Taizhen Puppet God has been upgraded to the Taisu Puppet God.

Tai Su Ou Shen: The feeling of the heart is in the middle, and the spirit descends to the outside. High and low connect together, and the two Qi become gods evenly. Its name is Taisu, its energy is like a god, its spirit is as real as it is unfathomable. (88881/10000000 entry) (The natal magical power is the red dragon swallowing the moon, which can swallow and absorb external forces) (Mainly practice the Five Elements Heqi method)

The Taizhen Puppet God was upgraded to the Taisu Puppet God, and the explanation has changed.

If its spirit is real, it means that Sister Lan has real spirituality and is unpredictable. It means that Sister Lan cannot be calculated or sensed.

Sister Lan cannot be measured, which means that his consciousness and spirituality will be protected, and strong people cannot spy on it. This benefit is too great.

After upgrading, Taisu Puppet God can add points again, but this time it only requires 10 million points to get started, which shows how powerful this secret technique is.

Other than that, there are no changes to the secret techniques on the back of Fengyue Baojian.

However, Gao Xian is already satisfied. If the Taizhen Puppet God is promoted to the Taisu Puppet God, he can continue to add more points. This is enough.

He tried it for a while, and after forming the golden elixir, his mana increased more than ten times, which was difficult to accurately quantify.

Anyway, when he casts any magic power, he doesn't need to consider the issue of mana consumption in a short period of time.

The magic power is powerful, and the power of the spell is naturally increased.

The first-grade golden elixir allowed his consciousness to reach ten thousand steps, which is five thousand feet.

Converted to the units of the previous life, it was fifteen kilometers. This is very powerful. Against golden elixirs of the same level, he can strike outside the range of the opponent's consciousness.

Not only can the opponent not fight back, they can't even sense his position.

Gao Xian now doesn't need Zhang Changzhen and his ilk to show up. He doesn't even know whose hands he died.

In the next two days, Gao Xian has been studying the first-grade golden elixir and adapting to the earth-shaking changes brought about by the first-grade golden elixir.

With the first-grade golden elixir, Gao Xian could also faintly sense the Dongji Qinghua Divine Rainbow Sword, but unfortunately, he still could not pull out the sword.

Gao Xian had an intuition that he would have to wait until his swordsmanship reached Grand Master perfection before he could control this divine sword.

Fortunately, there is no need to rush, just the Green Lotus Sword is enough. If the Qinglian Sword cannot kill a strong man, the Dongji Qinghua Divine Rainbow Sword may not be able to kill him either.

On the morning of the third day, Gao Xian was practicing swordplay in the yard when he saw Yun Qingxuan driving the floating clouds in the sky and falling down.

Gao Xian was a little surprised that this cold-tempered person actually came to him, so something must have happened.

He smiled and cupped his hands and said: "Senior brother is actually free to be a guest. Please come inside and have tea..."

Yun Qingxuan, who was elegant in green clothes, shook his head slightly, "No need, Master is waiting for you, come with me..."

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