Yun Zaitian smiled thoughtfully at Gao Xian. Of course he knew that Gao Xian couldn't believe it, but he had no intention of explaining it in detail.

If Gao Xian didn't have a special relationship with Wan Yingying and he was a deep-tempered person who could hide his words, he wouldn't have said much.

When Gao Xian saw that the old man didn't explain, he felt like a little black cat kept scratching in his heart, scratching fiercely.

He couldn't help but ask: "My disciple is stupid and ignorant, and I still ask the Patriarch to clarify his doubts."

Yun Zaitian laughed but did not explain. He changed the subject and asked, "Do you know how many golden elixirs there are in one line?"

"Uh, seventy or eighty?" Gao Xian responded casually.

Each of the thirty-six sects has a golden elixir. Adding the sect's golden elixir and the golden elixir casual cultivators, there should be this number.

"Less, more than a hundred people."

Yun Zaitian gently stroked his beard and said: "The thirty-six counties of Wanfeng County have more than six thousand golden elixirs. The thirty-six counties of Mingzhou have hundreds of thousands of golden elixirs. If you choose one among thousands, there are dozens of first-grade golden elixirs. …”

Gao Xian's face was a little complicated. After the old man said this, he felt that the first-grade golden elixir was not that valuable anymore.

"Don't be unhappy. You must know that those genius disciples were discovered at a very young age and were vigorously cultivated by the sect. Some are even the true successors of Chunyang Taoist Master. The heavenly materials and earthly treasures they use are beyond my reach... "

Yun Zaitian couldn't help but shake his head when he mentioned this. He turned around and said seriously: "You are a casual cultivator, and you had almost no achievements in the first twenty years. Later, you had the luck to rise against the sky and form a first-class golden elixir.

"Looking across Jiuzhou, there are not many people like you. Why are you unhappy?"

"Thank you, Patriarch, for your teachings. I am a little too complacent." Gao Xian bowed down to receive the instruction.

The old man's words didn't sound nice, but they made perfect sense.

Think about the disciples taught by Chunyang Taoist Master, who received countless resources to cultivate them since childhood, but they are only first-grade golden elixirs.

That was Taoist Master Chunyang, the lord of a continent, a world-shaking peerless powerhouse.

He relied on his own efforts to form a first-grade golden elixir, which was infinitely better than the disciples of Chunyang Taoist Master.

Fengyue Baojian can continuously absorb the aura of humanity and continuously enhance his cultivation. Let’s start with a small goal to become a god. Chunyang is just around the corner!

Thinking of this, Gao Xian regained his confidence. We have something to lose. How can a group of second-generation brats compare with him?

Yun Zaitian finally explained: "The first-grade golden elixir is really top-notch in Wanfeng County. You must not reveal this to outsiders."

He thought for a moment and then said: "Ziyun Valley is a dilapidated blessed land left over from ancient times. Although it is dangerous, there are also many opportunities. There are still twenty years left, so you must be as prepared as possible.

"Practice the Five Elements Technique to practice Five Elements spells to get twice the result with half the effort. You can try more in this area. As for the way of swordsmanship, don't use too much effort. The way of swordsmanship is pure. Since you use the Great Five Elements Skills to form elixirs, you will not have any problems in the way of swordsmanship." High achievement…”

"Disciple understands."

Gao Xian came out of Xuanming Temple and went straight back to his home in Xuandu Peak.

Daniel is practicing his sword in the yard. He has good aura and good strength, but he doesn't have any murderous intent.

Gao Xian didn't have time to give advice. He had achieved the golden elixir and was qualified to live in Xuanduyuan on the top of the mountain. Just need to go through some formalities.

Taking advantage of my free time today, I took Daniel for a run. He asked Da Niu to prepare some things, and then he took Da Niu to the Jinxiao Peak Branch Hospital by riding the Yin and Yang Heavenly Wheel.

The cadre branch office is in charge of the sect's financial expenditure and is the most powerful and lucrative department.

Yun Changfeng is the boss of the cadres, and everyone in the Du branch knows about the relationship between Gao Xian and the Yun family, not to mention that Gao Xiancai has achieved a third-grade golden elixir and is very popular in the sect.

I heard that Gao Xian had to go through some formalities, and the deacon who handled the matter was extremely enthusiastic. After running around and fussing for most of an hour, in the end, Gao Xian only needed to seal and sign with the Shenxiao Order and it was done.

Gao Xian received the Xuanduyuan Array token and a booklet recording all equipment and chores.

The two deacons followed Gao Xian to Xuanduyuan and made a complete handover with several attendants guarding Xuanduyuan.

The main thing is to check the house, magic circle and valuables to see if there are any missing or damaged items.

Gao Xian was impatient with such trivial matters and asked Daniel to handle the matter with them. He walked around Xuanduyuan at will.

I've been looking at this wooden building from a distance before, but I haven't been inside yet.

Xuanduyuan is very large, but the entire building complex has no traditional central axis and no strict symmetrical structure.

It is roughly divided into three courtyards: front, middle and back. The backyard is a large peach grove. There is an underground spring that leads to a pool of more than ten feet square made of bluestones. The water in it is about ten feet deep.

Dozens of five-color carp come and go gracefully in the water. The water is as clear as nothing, and the fish seem to be swimming in the air, which is very magical.

There is also a small pavilion next to the pool where you can drink wine and make tea when it rains.

Not far away is a study room with a rest bedroom. It has minimal furnishings and a simple and elegant style, which Gao Xian likes very much.

Gao Xian decided to live here forever, read books and see the water.

The middle courtyard has more living facilities, such as baths, meditation rooms, alchemy rooms, etc.

The front yard is also big enough for Daniel. Even if Daniel has three wives and has ten or eight children, he can still accommodate her.

By the time Daniel finished the handover, it was already late at night. Gao Xian gave the front yard to Daniel, and he lived in the back.

The yard was too big, and Daniu was far away, so Gao Xian felt a little deserted.

Gao Xian is like this. When there are many people, it feels noisy, but when there are few people, it feels quiet. He is between Yun Qiushui and Yun Qingxuan.

In fact, most ordinary people are like this, they are in a relatively middle position, not very extreme.

After taking care of the trivial matters, Gao Xian was not in the mood to rest. In his current state, he would not be tired even if he did not sleep for several days.

He held the bronze lotus flower gathered into a bud shape and considered his next move.

The trip to Ziyun Valley twenty years later will definitely be very dangerous.

The elite golden elixirs from the thirty-six major sects in Wanfeng County gathered together to compete.

Just these golden elixirs are no small threat.

Gao Xian felt that he was the best among the golden elixirs, but he did not dare to say that he was invincible. Not to mention that Ziyun Valley is an ancient ruined blessed land, full of dangers.

Judging from the records of Ziyun Valley, there are miasma poisonous insects that can easily poison Jindan, there are space cracks that can crush Yuanying, there are unspeakable terrifying evil spirits, powerful monsters, etc...

Yun Zaitian instructed him to practice the five elements magic, which also gave him more adaptability.

In a complex environment, it is not enough to just be able to fight and kill, but also to have comprehensive contingency measures.

Perhaps for this reason, Yun Zaitian did not let Yun Qiushui go to Ziyun Valley. Of course, I don’t want to put my eggs in one basket.

Gao Xian felt that the old man's suggestion was quite pertinent. He was a first-grade golden elixir formed from the five elements, and he was extremely friendly to the five elements' magic power.

This makes it easier for him to comprehend the Five Elements Spells. The same Five Elements Spells can be twice as powerful in his hands.

On the other hand, he should try his best to find spiritual objects that can entrust his clones, and turn the two clones of Taiyuan and Taiji into permanent clones.

Each permanent clone is equivalent to a small teleportation circle, which can allow him to escape danger instantly.

The permanent clone can also be cultivated, used to take risks, used to take the blame, etc. The uses are endless.

Especially the Taiyuan clone, which is the manifestation of his own spirituality, so he has a majestic and noble demeanor, and the secret technique he practices is also the Taiyuan split light sword.

In fact, the Da Luo Brahma Qi is condensed into invisible sword light, and the transformation is quite miraculous.

Gao Xian felt that he liked swords by nature, and it turned out that he was also quite talented in swordsmanship, and he had reached the level of a swordsmanship master through hard training.

If the Taiyuan clone can be transformed into a permanent clone, there will be a chance to condense the sword elixir and go further in the path of swordsmanship.

The permanent clone cannot share the power of the original body, but the original body can fully obtain the power of the permanent clone through the divine form.

Taiyuan forming a sword pill is equivalent to him forming a sword pill!

If the three gods all form a golden elixir, and four golden elixirs come together into one body, what will happen?

Gao Xian felt very happy just thinking about it.

He looked at the green lotus in his hand, so he still wanted to go to the Eastern Wasteland.

It just so happened that Tai Xuan's clone had the Blood God Banner, and he also practiced the Blood Nerve.

Blood nerves are widely spread in the Eastern Wasteland, and there are countless sects that practice this method.

Just like the demon cultivators of the Blood Evil Sect who were killed by him in the underground ruins, the secret method of practicing is actually the blood nerve, but with some changes.

The Blood Evil Sect has been destroyed, and Tai Xuan's clone impersonating the Blood Evil Sect cultivator can be said to be flawless.

He also got some magic weapons from the old demon. With these guys, no one can see that there is anything wrong with Taixuan's clone.

With the Taixuan clone, you can go deep into Iron Ape Mountain to find out what's going on. If that doesn't work, his body can still be replaced.

The blood nerves of Taixuan's clone, including the Blood God Banner, require the blood of demon cultivators to quickly upgrade.

He will not take the initiative to kill people, but if someone wants to kill him, then he will not be polite.

Besides, demon cultivators and monsters are all enemies, so there is no need to be merciless when killing them.

Gao Xian quickly made up his mind and formulated a plan of action.

He sat there until dawn, and waited until dawn before going to the scholastic school.

In addition to teaching disciples various skills, the School of Classical Studies is also responsible for managing a large number of secret law books.

Gao Xian talked to Lu Jingxu and spent a day reading in the library, and finally selected two books on the Five Elements: "A General Theory of the Five Elements" and "The Seventy-Two Methods of the Five Elements".

"General Theory of Five Elements Magic" is a theory of Five Elements magic. The author is a Taoist priest. The content recorded in it is up to the fourth level. However, it starts from the foundation of the Five Elements and explains the principles of the changes of the Five Elements in an extremely clear and transparent manner.

"Seventy-two Five Elements Techniques" are all second- and third-level five-element spells, and each one is very subtle.

Gao Xian didn't watch it before, mainly because he was afraid that he would be affected.

There are only a few spells that can be practiced on Fengyue Baojian, and he doesn't dare to waste it. Now it seems that there are no restrictions on Fengyue Baojian's frontal spell. As long as he can understand and learn it, it will be presented in the most intuitive form on the front.

After looking at it for a few days, Gao Xian chose two spells. One was the gold magic finger, which could transfer gold magic to objects or living creatures.

It is a very special control method that can also temporarily change the state of matter.

On the other hand are the Yellow Turban Rikishi. This earth spell uses the power of thick earth to condense a humanoid puppet, which can be temporarily controlled by spiritual consciousness to do some rough work.

The two third-level spells are both quite exquisite. Gao Xian thought about it for dozens of days before getting started.

Serious magic must be practiced slowly, and Gao Xian is not in a hurry.

While there was nothing wrong, he consumed more than three million people's spiritual light and raised the Aoki Rejuvenation Technique to the level of master perfection.

This spell looks inconspicuous, but it is extremely useful. Whether it is used to treat injuries, detoxify, or restore mana, it has a particularly good effect.

The master's perfect state of green wood rejuvenation can even regenerate severed limbs. Very powerful.

Gao Xian has tested it in the Temple of Heart, and even if he is seriously injured, he can recover a certain amount of combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

It is no exaggeration to say that this spell greatly improves his error tolerance and improves his combat endurance.

In order to show that he was staying in the sect and not running around, Gao Xian went to lecture at the Sword Hall again.

This time it caused a stir in the sect. The most popular Master of the Third Grade Golden Core was taking classes. Even those who didn’t learn swordsman wanted to come and see the grace of this Master.

Seeing Gao Xian himself, many Qi training disciples were immediately conquered by Gao Xian's bright and graceful appearance.

In their opinion, Gao Xian is handsome, chic, pure and elegant, which conforms to all their imaginations of immortals.

Gao Xian saw Li Feihuang in class, and after class he told Li Feihuang that he had moved. He also gave Li Feihuang a token to access the Xuandu Palace Array.

That night, Li Feihuang came running. Her fierce enthusiasm surprised even Gao Xian...

Obviously, she was extremely excited by the real taste of the third-grade golden elixir.

On the other hand, Gao Xian sent the Taixuan Shenxiang clone on the airship to Liuhe Sect.

Liuhe Sect is very close to Bianhuang, where there are many demon cultivators and even demon clans. It's perfect for making friends and getting information.

A young man in black clothes with a serious face got off the airship. Without any hesitation, he hired a carriage and went straight to the lower part of Liuhe City.

Xiacheng District is located in the south of Liuhe City. There are many and messy buildings here. There are small vendors on both sides of the long street. There is a dense flow of people coming and going. Most practitioners have a fierce look on their faces.

Gao Xian stood on the long street, but he felt very friendly. This clone of him is a bad person, and he wishes that the people around him would be as bad as possible, so that he would have no psychological burden.

Gao Xian, who was hundreds of thousands of miles away, was enjoying his life as usual, manipulating two bodies while distracted, which had no effect on him.

Just like a person who uses his two hands freely, he never deliberately considers why he can use both hands skillfully at the same time.

Before Gao Xian even took a turn on the long street, someone was already staring at him.

A seemingly simple-looking young man came over with an apologetic smile, "Sir, is this your first time here?"

The simple young man has thick eyebrows and big eyes. He is dressed in short gray and brown clothes. He has a sword on his waist and is dressed neatly.

Taixuan's clone has long sword eyebrows, narrow eyes, and dark and deep black pupils. He looks handsome but has a gloomy and cold demeanor. This is the spiritual manifestation of the double itself.

Gao Xian will also deliberately be indifferent when controlling Taixuan's clone, making a clear distinction from his own body.

He could tell at a glance that this boy had evil intentions, but he was actually very happy. He is afraid that there are no bad guys...

"What's the matter with you?" Gao Xian asked casually, with a coldness that would repel someone thousands of miles away.

The simple-looking man's smile couldn't help but froze. This man's eyes were really scary.

He hurriedly lowered his head and said respectfully: "I have been on the streets for more than ten years and I am very familiar with the situation here. Sir, just tell me what you are looking for and give me some reward when the time comes."

"I want to buy two maps of Eastern Wasteland."

"It's easy, sir, just follow me."

The simple young man was very happy. He bowed his waist and led the way.

Gao Xian followed the simple young man silently. After turning two turns, the road became narrower and more remote.

The surrounding houses all look low and dilapidated, mostly brick and wood structures, and the loess roads are also filled with all kinds of garbage and filth.

After walking for a quarter of an hour, the simple young man took Gao Xian to a courtyard.

Before Gao Xian entered the courtyard, he sensed a strong evil spirit inside. Well, it's very different from ordinary demon cultivators, just like the smell of the rat-headed demon clan encountered in the underground ruins.

The simple young man asked Gao Xian to wait, and he got into the house and disappeared.

The door to the main room slowly opened, and a tall figure walked out of it. This guy was eight feet tall, with a furry wolf head, and green eyes shining with bloodthirsty light.

The wolf-headed monster stared at Gao Xian, revealing two rows of sharp white teeth. He smiled evilly and shouted in a vague accent: "Give me a taste of you!"

His pronunciation was strange and unpleasant, with an annoying sharpness to it.

When the wolf-headed demon clan was talking, a spiritual light shone on the walls of the courtyard, and a magic circle had sealed the courtyard.

Gao Xian was a little surprised at the other party's directness and rudeness. Then he thought about it. A single monk looked like an outsider. Even the Foundation Establishment monks didn't care.

This wolf-headed demon clan has strong energy and blood, and is blessed by a magic circle. It is really difficult for a foundation-building monk to escape here.

The wolf-headed demon tribe was full of violence, and now it only wanted to eat Gao Xian's flesh and blood. He roared wildly and suddenly expanded in size, and rushed straight at Gao Xian...

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