The sun was high in the sky, and the white mountains were extremely bright and dazzling in the sunlight.

The six-armed iron ape above the sky leaped straight into a dense forest from an altitude of several thousand feet.

The tree crown full of ice and snow did not shake at all, as if what was falling rapidly was just a phantom.

Thousands of feet away, Gao Xian adjusted his flower appreciating mirror and could only see a shadow flashing between the trees.

"Wood Release."

Gao Xian has always felt that the wood escape method is useless. It can move freely among trees. What use can it do?

Water escape and earth escape are the truly useful escape methods. If you have time to practice Wood Escape, you might as well study Water Escape and Earth Escape.

With these two escape methods, you can travel all over the world without fear.

It wasn't until the old monkey used Wood Escape that Gao Xian opened his eyes.

A black shadow flashed through the woods. Not only was it extremely fast, but its changes were dazzling.

Wood escape is different from earth escape and water escape. Trees are all alive and have a unique vitality.

The old monkey shuttled between the trees several times, and his breath mixed with the trees.

Gao Xian's flower-appreciating mirror soon lost sight of the old monkey.

After all, the secret art of flower appreciating mirror is too low level. As the opponent gets stronger and stronger, it gradually becomes insufficient.

The Flower Appreciating Mirror can observe the enemy and the environment regardless of obstacles, and can even see changes in the flow of mana. This small spell, combined with the shadowless robe, has given him great help.

Unfortunately, this secret technique has reached the level of master perfection and cannot be upgraded further.

For a while, he didn't know what spiritual object to use to improve this secret technique.

Including several other minor secret arts, they occupy precious spots on the back of Fengyue Baojian, but the level is too low to be of almost no help to him.

When he has free time in the future, he will always find ways to improve these secret techniques and make them work.

Gao Xian was not in a hurry to chase the six-armed iron ape. He was leisurely thinking about many irrelevant things in the sky.

It was not difficult to catch up with the six-armed iron ape at the speed of the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel. Gao Xian mainly didn't know where Iron Ape Mountain was, so he wanted to let the old monkey lead the way.

In the White Lotus Sect, it is a bit exaggerated to have two golden elixirs, Fan Qingxia and Six-Armed Iron Ape. It's even more exaggerated when a real white elephant appears.

Now two of the three golden elixirs are dead, and the remaining one can't do any tricks no matter how much he jumps around.

Gao Xian doesn't believe that another golden elixir master will emerge in a short period of time. Well, it doesn't matter if there are two more golden elixirs.

It was out of this thought that Gao Xian allowed the six-armed iron ape to run wild.

After chasing for two days, the six-armed iron ape used the wood escape method to escape from his sight.

Gao Xian was not in a hurry, as the opponent was almost beaten to death by his Great Five Elements Tiangang. Although he recovered immediately with the help of secret techniques, a little mark of the Great Five Elements Tiangang was left in his body.

With the mysterious and unpredictable magical power of the first-grade golden elixir, Gao Xian can sense the Great Five Elements Tiangang Mark from a thousand miles away.

The six-armed iron ape has strong magic power, but unfortunately, it is too crude to rely solely on talent to operate the magic power.

The old monkey may not be able to detect the imprint of the Great Five Elements Tiangang. Even if he discovered it, he didn't have the ability to remove the mark in a short time.

Gao Xian was quite confident about this. Besides, it wouldn't matter even if the six-armed iron ape really ran away.

According to the Six-Armed Iron Ape and the White Elephant Master, the secret realm is in Iron Ape Mountain and requires the White Lotus Golden God Flag to be opened.

Tie Yuanshan cannot escape. The White Lotus Golden God Flag is also in his hand. No accidents.

At this time, the six-armed iron ape has returned to his old nest: Aoki Cave.

This is a huge cave with a dome more than a thousand feet high and a perimeter of more than ten miles. The walls are made of rock as hard as steel.

There is a huge green gold tree growing in the center of the cave, which is thousands of feet tall, like a pillar supporting the sky.

The lapis lazuli tree is more than ten feet in circumference, with lush branches and leaves. Tens of thousands of iron apes have made this tree their home and built countless tree nests on it.

The six-armed iron ape didn't know how many years this giant tree had lived. He only knew that the roots of the giant tree spread for hundreds of miles, constantly absorbing the spiritual energy of the earth's veins.

The Iron Ape was not born with a body as strong as steel. It was only after eating the fruit of this green gold tree that his body became more powerful.

The six-armed iron ape also snatched a precious fruit from the tree crown in his early years, so he could live for such a long time.

That is to say, there is a natural tree hole in the center of this giant tree, which leads directly to the secret realm.

It's just that there is no key to open the secret realm. The six-armed iron ape has been thinking about it for hundreds of years to no avail.

It wasn't until Fan Qingxia broke in that he discovered that the other party actually had the key to the secret realm.

Master Bai Xiang ran over and wanted to steal a few iron apes to keep as pets, but he found out.

The six-armed iron ape felt that his life was about to end, and he was unwilling to die like this. He felt that there might be spiritual beings in the depths of that secret realm that could extend lifespan.

To this end, he did not hesitate to cooperate with the cunning White Elephant.

After struggling for decades, they finally found a chance to deal with Fan Qingxia.

Things were going smoothly, but unexpectedly a powerful human monk appeared!

The six-armed iron ape originally looked down upon the human monks. He was so weak that even with some useless fancy changes, he couldn't withstand a blow from his iron fist.

The only thing that human monks are so powerful about is that they are so scheming, insidious and vicious, and they are impossible to guard against.

The human monk who suddenly appeared made him realize how powerful the master was.

He almost died with one blow. If it weren't for the secret power of blood, he would have died in the opponent's hands this time.

Master Bai Xiang was killed by the opponent with just one sword, and his death was so joyful.

The six-armed iron ape has never been so scared since he was born with spiritual intelligence.

This time he was really scared. He ran away in panic for two days but could not get rid of the other party. He could only use wood escape to escape back to his lair.

The Six-Armed Iron Ape was not sure whether he had thrown away the other party, but Iron Ape Mountain was right here, and he could always find the other party if he really wanted to.

He squatted at the entrance of the central tree hole, frowning but unable to think of any solution.

A four-armed iron ape came over and said cautiously: "Grandpa, the person who claimed to be the envoy of the Yin Demon Sect is here again last time. He has been waiting for you outside for dozens of days..."

The ape tribe does not have a complete language. After the six-armed iron ape learned the human language, it asked the intelligent descendants of the tribe to learn the human language.

This four-armed iron ape with golden hair on its head is not his grandson. Grandpa is the honorific title given to him by the iron ape.

The golden retriever is actually very smart, but his accent when speaking human language is also very wrong, and he can't help but gesture with his paws.

In terms of cultivation power, Golden Retriever can actually be regarded as a golden elixir. There are six other iron apes like it in the clan.

This also relies on the fruit of the spiritual tree. As long as the spiritual power of the fruit can be digested, it can continue to grow.

It's just that they are too stupid, and their brute strength is useless. Facing Jindan Zhenren is almost a matter of death.

The six-armed iron ape originally didn't want to pay attention to the so-called messenger. Although the Yin Demon Sect was powerful, Donghuang was even bigger.

As far as he knew, there were more than a dozen large and small sects and forces nearby. Everyone is used to being unorganized, and no one wants to have multiple ancestors giving orders.

But he thought about it, and maybe he could use the power of the Yin Demon Sect to deal with the terrible cultivator.

As for what to do after it is resolved, let’s talk about it at that time.

The six-armed iron ape had an idea. He took the golden retriever to the ground. There was a huge cave here, which was also their home base.

Generally speaking, they only enter the caves in winter. After all, the cave is too dark and closed, and even if there is enough spiritual energy, it will be difficult to feed so many monkeys.

There was no lighting or heating in the huge cave, and it was cold and dark.

The six-armed iron ape entered the cave and saw a man and woman sitting in the darkness.

The man is skinny and the woman is also skinny. They were all hairless monkeys, but in his eyes they actually looked the same.

He knew that the man was Yin Hong and the woman was named Zuo Feiyao. Claims to be the patrol envoy of the Yin Demon Sect.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the man and woman who were sitting in silence opened their eyes together.

Seeing the tall and burly six-armed iron ape, the man Yin Hong also felt a little more solemn.

He cupped his hands and said, "Fellow Taoist Six Arms, we meet again."

Zuo Feiyao didn't say anything, but silently looked at the six-armed iron ape, his eyes full of scrutiny. Seems a little arrogant.

The six-armed iron ape was a little unhappy to be seen, a hairless female monkey, quite arrogant.

He has been running away in panic these past few days, feeling angry in his heart. He couldn't help but glared at Zuo Feiyao twice.

Zuo Feiyao was not afraid at all, but his eyes became colder and sharper.

Yin Hong saw that something was wrong in the atmosphere, and he hurriedly stepped forward to block the exchange of glances between Zuo Feiyao and the Six-Armed Iron Ape.

They had been waiting here for dozens of days before this old monkey came to see them. He was actually angry.

It's just that it's not time to use force yet, so we still have to try our best to convince the old monkey. If they really want to fall out, they may not be able to fight a group of monkeys.

If things don't work out, they'll run back in disgrace, and it's hard to explain to their superiors.

The purpose of contacting all the forces in the Eastern Wasteland this time is to unify them to cooperate with the sect's plan. The stakes are high, so we can't lose our temper on this matter.

Yin Hongqian smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist Six Arms, after waiting for you for dozens of days, you must have seen our sincerity."

The six-armed iron ape bared his teeth and grinned ferociously, "What's the use of being sincere!"

"Fellow Daoist Six Arms, this time the sect will unite all forces. As long as you are within the sect's territory, you must obey the sect's orders."

Yin Hong said sternly: "This matter is related to the war between Donghuang and Jiuzhou. Not to mention the golden elixir, even the Nascent Soul and the Transformation God, you can only obey orders while you are there.

"This is the general trend. All people or forces who disobey orders will be crushed to pieces!"

The three left arms of the six-armed iron ape swung at the same time: "Don't tell me this, I don't understand what fighting is about.

"You can't just say a few empty words and let our clan obey orders."

Yin Hong couldn't bear it and asked, "What do fellow six-armed Taoists want?"

"This way, I have an enemy, you help me kill him, and then we can talk."

The six-armed iron ape said with a smile.

Zuo Feiyao's face was as frosty as she said coldly: "You still want us to help you kill people, you've been stupid for a long time!"

"Who is your enemy?" Yin Hong felt that this matter was not impossible. Helping the Six-Armed Iron Ape kill an enemy could not only show sincerity but also show strength.

The six-armed iron ape said: "I don't know what the other party's name is, but he is a monk from a certain tribe. He is quite powerful."

He paused and said, "This man is in Tie Yuan Mountain."

Yin Hong thought for a moment and said: "We can help, but if we help you, you must sign a contract to serve the sect forever."

The six-armed iron ape rolled his eyes: "Okay."

Yin Hong didn't care what tricks the six-armed iron ape played, he sneered: "Go and call someone over, we'll wait here."

Before the six-armed iron ape could say anything, a man's figure flashed in at the entrance of the cave.

This man has long eyebrows and phoenix eyes, wearing a gorgeous black and white robe, and a four-foot long sword at his waist. The look between his brows and eyes was cold and deep, but also somewhat indescribably sharp. It was Gao Xian who came here after following the aura of the six-armed iron ape.

The six-armed iron ape was shocked, this guy came so fast!

He hurriedly pointed at the other person and shouted: "That's the person!"

Yin Hong and Zuo Feiyao both looked at Gao Xian up and down, with a look of surprise in their eyes.

Such an outstanding golden elixir cultivator should be very famous, but they actually can't figure out the origin of each other at all.

"I am Yin Hong, the patrol envoy of Yin Demon Sect, who are you?" Yin Hong asked.

Yin Hong and the others did not know Gao Xian, but Gao Xian saw that they were the golden elixirs of the Yin Mo Sect.

The Qingyun Sect and the Yin Mo Sect are feuding, so when they meet, they can just draw their swords and kill them directly. There is nothing to say.

It’s just that the two golden elixirs in front of me are both pretty good. Especially that woman, judging by her aura, she was in the middle stage of the third-grade Golden Elixir.

Gao Xian is not afraid of the other party, but just out of habit he tries to differentiate the other party first.

He said calmly: "Old Monkey and I have a personal feud and it has nothing to do with you two. You can leave."

Yin Hong sneered: "You are so sneaky that you don't even dare to tell me your name. Don't blame me for being rude."

Gao Xian looked at Yin Hong and asked seriously: "By you?"

This sentence made Yin Hong furious. He pulled out the Five-Sword Demon Sword and pointed it at Gao Xian, and suddenly the evil wind became strong...

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