Xuandu Peak, Xuanduyuan.

Gao Xian practiced in the quiet room underground in Xuanduyuan. This quiet room was larger in area. The whole body was made of obsidian, and copper juice was poured into the rock cracks.

A third-level protective array is laid below the quiet room, and the center of the array flag is in the center of the quiet room.

The spiritual energy of the entire Xuandu Peak gathers here as the center, and the level of the spiritual energy can be adjusted through the third-order magic circle.

Just this quiet room is ten times better than his original quiet room in the courtyard. I don’t know how much manpower and material resources it will consume.

Gao Xian couldn't help but sigh a little when he thought of this. When he was in Pegasus Market, he was afraid that even the entire market might not be able to build this quiet room.

At first, he was overjoyed to pick up a few spiritual stones, but now he has dozens of high-grade spiritual stones, but he doesn't feel much at all.

Including spiritual weapons such as the Heavenly Demon's Nine Tuning Forks and the Five-Son Demonic Sword, although they were extremely valuable, he couldn't be happy.

Even Gao Xian couldn't get interested in that magical white jade gourd.

In fact, the white jade gourd is extremely heaven-defying, and the space inside is very huge, filled with Gengjin divine light.

If the White Lotus Golden God Flag can digest all these Gengjin Godly Lights, it may be able to be promoted to the fourth level.

The difference between level 3 and level 4 is huge.

To upgrade a magic weapon to a spiritual weapon, you need to increase the level of restrictions. To increase the level of a spiritual weapon, the spiritual weapon itself needs to complete a transformation.

As for how to transform, each spiritual weapon is different.

Gao Xian didn't know how to refine weapons, and he knew only a little about these things. He just had a vague feeling, but he wasn't sure.

Even if the White Lotus Golden God Flag can really be upgraded, it will take years and decades to be refined.

The most important thing now is to refine the clone first. Before entering Ziyun Valley, it is best to refine the golden elixir of swordsmanship.

Gao Xian took out the fourth-level lapis lazuli fruit. He could only tell whether it was the fourth level. As for whether it was the top grade or the best grade, it was difficult to tell.

Lapis Lazuli is a spiritual creature created by the convergence of the two magical powers of gold and wood. It is extremely miraculous.

Qiniang had eaten a green gold fruit before, and her internal organs, muscles, bones, flesh and blood were eroded by the spiritual power of gold and wood, and her body continued to alienate.

Fortunately, I met him and was able to transform the spiritual power of the lapis lazuli fruit into foundation building.

Gao Xian also killed a four-armed demon monkey in the pit and got a green gold fruit. He also exchanged a piece of ten thousand year chalcedony from the sect and gave it to Qiniang.

Qiniang's ability to reach the late stage of foundation building in more than ten years actually relied mostly on the spiritual power of the green gold fruit.

For ordinary cultivators, having the opportunity to obtain such a spiritual object can change their fate against the will of heaven.

At the golden elixir level, the effect of the third-level lapis lazuli fruit is very limited. Especially for Gao Xian, it was quite tasteless.

This fourth-level green gold fruit is obviously different. Its rich wood-metal spiritual power is condensed into substance, which is difficult to destroy even with his power.

There should be no way for the ten thousand year chalcedony to neutralize the spiritual power of this lapis lazuli fruit.

Fortunately, it does not need to be neutralized, it is just used as the core of the incarnation's body.

Taiyuan Shenxiang's clone focuses on the two elements of metal and wood, and the attributes of the green gold fruit are very consistent.

As for whether it can succeed, Gao Xian doesn't have much confidence.

Da Luo Hua Shen has been passed down in the sect in an orderly manner, but when it came to him, this method was alienated and turned into Da Luo Hua Shen Clone Method.

If the level is lowered by one level, the cultivation experience of the sect's seniors will be of no use.

However, this secret method is completely consistent with Fengyue Baojian.

Only then did the clones undergo all kinds of miraculous changes.

Fortunately, with Fengyue Baojian's blessing, there won't be much loss even if it doesn't succeed. At most, it's a waste of a fourth-level green gold fruit.

Gao Xian appeared as a clone of the Taiyuan God. This clone had golden clothes and golden eyes, and its facial features were somewhat similar to his, but there was a sense of solemnity and arrogance between its brows and eyes.

According to Gao Xian's understanding, Taiyuan Shenxiang represents self-spirituality and majesty, so it has a self-centered aura.

Taiyuan Shenxiang's clone held the lapis lazuli fruit and gently placed it on his heart. This lapis lazuli fruit, the size of a date, emits green and white spiritual light and slowly sinks into the clone body.

The green and white aura of the melted green gold fruit continuously penetrates and merges towards the Taiyuan Shen phase clone.

After several hours of this, the green gold fruit and the Taiyuan Shen phase clone were completely integrated.

Gao Xian felt the stable state of the Taiyuan Shen phase clone, and his face showed joy. He didn't need to look at Fengyue Baojian to know that it was done.

Gao Xian treats cultivation just like going to work. In the beginning, he worked hard, but as the cultivation time got longer and longer, his enthusiasm for cultivation was almost exhausted.

Of course he knew the importance of cultivation, but most of the secret method cultivation could no longer arouse his enthusiasm.

But he still maintains his original love for sword training.

He is unique in the way of swordsmanship, and only the Taiyuan Shen phase clone can allow him to go further in the way of swordsmanship.

Gao Xian opened the Fengyue Treasure Book and saw that the annotation on Taiyuan Shenxiang had changed.

Taiyuan Divine Avatar (permanent): Da Luo Brahma Qi (9th level of foundation building 2140002/5000000).

Taiyuan Light Sword: (8225/800000 Expert) (Supernatural Power)

The biggest advantage of condensing into a permanent clone is that the clone can add points to each secret technique.

However, the foundation of Taiyuan Shenxiang's avatar still lies in Daluo Brahman Qi.

Da Luo Brahma Qi can absorb spiritual energy of various attributes and can also be converted into mana of various attributes, which is wonderful.

If you want to form a sword elixir for the way of swordsmanship, you must practice the Sword Sutra and use your sword intention to form a flawless sword elixir.

It is obviously not possible to use Da Luo Brahma Qi as the main practice.

Fortunately, the permanent clone can practice on his own, and his "Wind and Cloud Sword Sutra" should be enough for the clone to condense the golden elixir.

However, Gao Xian couldn't help but think of the "Taiwei Feixian Sword Classic". This sword classic was said to be the first-class sword classic in the world, and it should be far better than his Fengyun Sword Classic. At least the cap is higher.

With his status as the True Successor of Shenxiao, and going to Ziyun Valley to work for the sect, there is no chance that he would like to practice the "Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra".

It's just that he needs a reasonable explanation.

You can't tell Yun Zaitian that he can condense a permanent clone and condense it into a sword pill on his own!

Even though Yun Zaitian cared about him, he was afraid that he would become curious. What kind of treasure could he use to condense a mere golden elixir into a permanent clone? !

This level of magical power is simply incredible. I'm afraid even the Taoist Transformation God can't do it.

As long as Yun Zaitian has a little evil intention, even if he can use Taixuan's clone to escape, the hard work accumulated over the past twenty years will be over.

Practitioners are self-centered and selfish. Without such awareness, it will be difficult to achieve anything.

Revealing the magical power of the clone is simply tempting Yun Zaitian. For strong cultivators, this temptation is simply difficult to resist.

It's like a beautiful woman stripping off her clothes and getting into bed. No normal man can bear it.

Gao Xian thought about it for a long time and finally acted on this impulse.

First, practice the Fengyun Sword Sutra, which will be enough for him to form a sword elixir. As for the future, let’s wait until later.

While there was nothing wrong, Gao Xian placed the clone of Taiyuan Shen in a quiet room and practiced the "Wind and Cloud Sword Sutra" every day.

He has already reached the master level in this sword art, but he just changed his body and retrained, making rapid progress.

Taiyuan Shenxiang's avatar is formed by merging the lapis lazuli fruit and is extremely compatible with the auras of wood and metal.

The wood aura is full of vitality, and the metal mana is sharp and sharp. Together, the Taiyuan Shen phase clone is very suitable for practicing swordsmanship.

The Fengyun Sword Classic itself has a method of breathing and circulating spiritual energy, but Gao Xian used the Great Five Elements Kung Fu instead. The technique and sword intention could not match, and the sword intention was impure, which also made his progress in swordsmanship extremely slow after reaching the master level.

By practicing the Fengyun Sword Sutra through Taiyuan Shenxiang's avatar, in just a few dozen days, all Daluo Brahma Qi was transformed into the Fengyun Sword Sutra.

New Year's Eve arrived in a blink of an eye, and Gao Xian and Daniel stayed together as usual.

This time I went to the Eastern Wasteland and got some special little things. As usual, Gao Xian gave gifts to the Yun family of three, plus Lu Jingxu.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the sect distributed another New Year's gift package, which was quite rich.

Well, as Taiyuan's divine form transformed into a permanent clone, Gao Xian's expenses also increased greatly.

The Taiyuan Shen phase clone also needs to take pills and use spiritual objects, so that it can improve its cultivation as soon as possible.

Fortunately, I went to the Eastern Wasteland and killed four golden elixirs and a thousand-year-old monkey demon. Needless to say, there were various magic weapons and spiritual objects, but the total number of high-grade spiritual stones was more than 600 pieces.

The main reason is that Fan Qingxia is rich. This sect leader alone has more than 400 high-grade spiritual stones.

The other Jindan masters looked very shabby. I wonder what they did with their spiritual stones?

Gao Xian's savings also reached 2,600 high-grade spiritual stones.

The remaining dozens of high-grade spiritual stones, plus the elixirs and spiritual objects given by the sect, were enough for him to spend two or three years.

The main reason is that the things from Momen are not easy to sell, and even if they are reluctantly sold, the price cannot be paid.

Fortunately, the Taixuan Divine Appearance clone is still in the Eastern Wasteland. In the future, we can find a big city to deal with these magic weapons and spiritual objects in our hands.

All kinds of things added together can be sold for one or two thousand high-grade spiritual stones.

It's just that the Eastern Wasteland is in chaos, and the Taixuan Divine Phase clone is not familiar with the environment, so it's hard for him to run around.

Gao Xian doesn't have the time to care about the Taixuan God's clone now, and it's in a free-range state.

His main focus was on Taiyuan Shen Xiangfen. When he was free from sword practice every day, he used the White Lotus Golden God Flag to absorb the Geng Gold Divine Light in the white jade gourd.

It was March in the blink of an eye, and the sect was almost ready for the Golden Elixir celebration prepared for him.

This time, invitations were also sent to various sects of Qingyundao, including Wanling Sect and Yuelun Sect. The specifications are completely comparable to the Yunqiushui Golden Elixir Celebration.

Gao Xian could tell that Yun Changfeng was quite interested in the Golden Elixir Celebration.

On the second day of March, Yun Qiushui came to find Gao Xian.

"Brother Gao, everyone from the Tongtian Sword Sect is here this time!"

Yun Qiushui said seriously: "I heard that Gui Wuqi is here."

"Gui Wu Qi?" Gao Xian heard this name for the first time, but seeing Yun Qiu Shui's serious manner, he seemed to be a powerful character.

"Gui Wuqi is known as the Wuqi Divine Sword, and he is a famous golden elixir sword cultivator in Wanfeng County!"

"The Immortal Sword?" Gao Xian was a little confused when he heard the name. What did it mean?

"This guy claims to be able to kill the enemy with a sword. Therefore, there is a saying that if the sword kills the enemy, there will be no hope of death."

Yun Qiushui was still a little unconvinced when he said it, "This kid is about the same age as us, but he dares to call himself a divine sword. It's really ridiculous!"

The names of cultivators are not random. Even if Yun Zaitian is a Nascent Soul True Lord, everyone will respectfully call him True Lord.

If you call him God Lord, it will make others laugh out loud.

Words such as immortal, god, saint, Buddha, emperor, and emperor cannot be used indiscriminately.

There are actually default naming rules for all names of cultivation techniques, magic weapons, elixirs, etc.

The louder the name, the higher the level.

The little golden elixir sword cultivator, known as the Immortal Sword, is really, really arrogant.

Gao Xian also felt very harsh after hearing this. He was so awesome, but he barely had the title of "Double Master of Law and Sword".

This is what Qingyun Sect members shout behind closed doors, and most outsiders don't recognize it.

Yun Qiushui sneered: "Tomorrow at the Golden Elixir celebration, I want to experience the power of the Divine Sword..."

Gao Xian wanted to persuade him, if anyone dares to call Shenjian, they must have some ability.

With Yun Qiushui's swordsmanship, it would be difficult to defeat him. It would be too ugly to challenge him so rashly if he lost in public.

Yun Qiushui suddenly smiled at Gao Xian: "Brother Gao, don't you want to persuade me?"

"I'm mainly afraid that if you steal the title of Divine Sword, the limelight will be overshadowed by my ability in magic and sword..." Gao Xian said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Yun Qiushui laughed: "I have been secretly jealous of the title of Double Master of Magic and Sword for a long time! This time it is my turn to be majestic!"

Gao Xian tentatively said, "Why don't you give me this opportunity and let me taste the divine sword first."


Yun Qiushui said seriously: "Actually, our sect's "Qingyun Sword Classic" is derived from "Tongtian Sword Classic". Your sword skills will be restrained indefinitely!"

Gao Xian was struck by the thought that there was such a connection, and he became very interested!

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