The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 349 Live up to expectations

The central array of Jinxiao Palace once again shone with the spiritual light of thousands of runes, forming a translucent golden light curtain layer by layer, separating Gao Xian and Gui Wuqi at the center from the many cultivators.

Gui Wuqi held the Xiandu Sword in his hand and silently looked at Gao Xian. He was not a talkative person in the first place, and he didn't like to talk even during battle.

Everything is in the sword, no need to say more!

A trace of electric light shone in Gui Wuqi's dark blue eyes, and there was also a faint electric light flowing on his dark blue robe.

This Beigang Divine Thunder robe is a third-level high-grade spiritual weapon, and the spirit of the weapon transformed from the Divine Thunder has extremely high spirituality. He Gui Wuqi's mind was connected, and his mind's turning machine spirit had responded synchronously.

The most powerful thing is the Xiandu Sword in his hand, which is a fourth-level mid-grade spiritual sword and one of the swords of the Tongtian Sword Sect.

Even the fourth-level mid-grade spiritual sword, even Nascent Soul Lord, may not be able to control it satisfactorily.

Even though Gui Wuqi is a second-grade sword elixir, he cannot fully control this sword. Therefore, as long as he draws his sword, he will kill the enemy.

Sometimes he doesn't mean to kill the opponent deliberately, but the sword is simply too powerful for him to control.

Of course, Gui Wuqi doesn't think there's anything wrong with this. Since you are an enemy, you must be prepared to be killed.

Opposite him, Gao Xian is dressed in green and wearing a sword. His clothes are fluttering gently. His expression is as calm as water, but his starry eyes are getting brighter.

His limbs are long and slender, and he is standing with his sword in hand. His face is as flawless as jade, and his posture is as graceful as an immortal.

In terms of grace and demeanor, it is a hundred times better than the ordinary-looking Gui Wuqi.

Gui Wuqi was naturally aware of this. As a man, he felt that Gao Xian's appearance was extraordinary. He was not angry, but admired in his heart: The appearance and grace of these Qingyun Sect members were all outstanding, but this aspect was far superior to that of the Tongtian Sword Sect.

If a woman chooses a husband, Gao Xian will definitely win.

It's a pity that the battle is about the sword in the hands, and no matter how good the other parts are, it is meaningless after all.

Gui Wuqi is fully confident, but he does not underestimate his opponents. His breath communicated with the Xiandu Sword, and some of the distracting thoughts in his heart were completely extinguished by the pure sword intention.

No matter what considerations and calculations Yun Qingxuan had in asking Gao Xian to fight in her place, all he had to do was kill Gao Xian.

As for Gao Xian's perfect form and spirit, and his deep magical aura, he could actually see it, but these could only show that Gao Xian's cultivation was exquisite, that's all.

That's why he likes swords. Regardless of his sophistication, his strategies and calculations, everything will be wiped out by the point of the divine sword.

Gui Wuqi's divine will resonated with the Xiandu Sword, and his whole aura became extremely deep and mysterious, showing a decisiveness that cut through everything.

Even if there is a magic circle blocking it, the decisive sword intent covers all directions and covers all cultivators watching the battle.

A group of golden elixir masters all felt pain in their brows. Their golden elixirs were stimulated and their instincts started to move. Only then could they withstand the sharp and decisive sword intent.

As for the cultivators below the Golden Core level, they were all frightened by the sword's intention, as if their minds were being observed by the invisible divine sword. All of them turned pale, and many of them even screamed in surprise.

Yan Feiyin has the blessing of a three-tailed celestial fox, and her perception is extremely sharp, even better than ordinary golden elixirs.

Because of this, she could sense the terrifying intent of the sword more and more.

In the depths of her sea of ​​consciousness, the three-tailed sky fox had emerged, swinging its long tail to help her suppress the sword intent that invaded the sea of ​​consciousness.

Yan Feiyin noticed how powerful Gui Wuqi was, and became increasingly worried. Gao Xian was afraid that this time it would be bad!

She was anxious and uneasy, but she couldn't do anything to help.

Just now she tried to charm Gui Wuji, but he was as unresponsive as an ice cube.

Li Feihuang was more anxious than Yan Feiyin. She clutched the Red Phoenix Sky Wing Sword tightly, wishing she could go up and help Gao Xian.

However, she was pressed down by Gui Wuqi's sharp sword, and she felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave. Her body and mind were instantly cold, and even the magic power running in her body was frozen into a ball.

The anger and annoyance in her heart dissipated instantly, leaving only the fear of death.

Li Feihuang is very spiritual. She knows that she is completely frightened by the opponent's sword intent, but she knows that she knows it, but she can't control her fear at all...

In fact, the sword intent that Gui Wuqi dispersed was not directed at anyone.

It's just that the higher the spirituality, the more terrifying the sword's intention is. Li Feihuang and Yan Feiyin both had miraculous inductions at the golden elixir level, but they did not have the power at the golden elixir level. Their situation was also the worst.

Zhu Qiniang was not so sensitive, but she could also see how powerful Gui Wuqi was. Her hands hidden in her long sleeves clenched her fists tightly, and there was no trace of nervousness in her bright green eyes.

It's just that she is different from others. She has accompanied Gao Xian all the way and has a deep understanding of Gao Xian.

This man has a deep scheming mind. Since he dares to take the initiative to stand up, he has great confidence.

Zhu Qiniang knew this, but she still couldn't help but worry about Gao Xian. This time the opponent is really too strong.

Even though she had never heard of Gui Wuqi's name, she could see the power of his sword to intimidate many golden elixirs.

Zhu Qiniang couldn't help but glance at Yun Taihao beside her, wondering if the sect master could see anything?

Yun Taihao noticed Zhu Qiniang's gaze, and he smiled bitterly in his heart. Zhu Qiniang thought too highly of him.

He could only watch a battle of this level. At least on the surface, Gao Xian has little chance of winning.

This so-called immortal sword is really very powerful.

Of course Yun Taihao hopes Gao Xian can win. After all, he and Gao Xian still have a passionate relationship.

If you really need something, you can always get some help from Gao Xian.

He sighed inwardly, "Gao Xian, you can lose, but you don't want to die..."

As for Daniel and Zhou Ye, they couldn't understand anything at all. They were just shocked by Gui Wuqi's sword intent, and their faces were extremely ugly.

Especially Zhou Ye, who was just practicing Qi, was swept away by the opponent's sword and almost died on the spot. Now his face turned purple and black, and he seemed to be about to die at any moment.

Of course, some people were happy at this meeting, such as Shui Yujun. Although he didn't laugh directly, his eyes were full of excitement.

With his big heart, it is not difficult to hide his emotions. But he didn't want to hide it.

Not laughing out loud was already his greatest respect for the sect.

If Gao Xian was killed, it would be such a joy! Yun Qingxuan remarried Gui Wuqi, leaving only Yun Qiushui to support the Yun family.

Three out of three, two out of three, the original prosperity suddenly declined sharply. Look how the Yun family is still arrogant!

Shui Yujun knows that the Eastern Wilderness is undergoing great changes, and the stronger the sect is, the better. It's just that I don't know when the great changes in the Eastern Wasteland will affect Qingyun City, let alone there are still clouds in the sky above.

Even if the sect really couldn't hold on, without the constraints of the Yun family, he could still collect more of the sect's money and run away.

Mingzhou is so big, if you can't defeat it, you can always outrun it.

Shui Yujun was still able to keep his composure, but the rest of the Shui family couldn't help it, and all of them looked happy.

They knew that Gao Xian had killed Shui Yuying, but this guy went on to achieve a third-grade golden elixir and became more and more powerful in the sect.

Seeing their enemy so proud, the Shui family gritted their teeth.

Now Gao Xian was finally going to get his comeuppance, and they were naturally overjoyed.

The other Jindan masters of Qingyun Sect just can't stand Gao Xian, and most of them hope that Gao Xian can win this meeting.

After all, Gao Xian's victory or defeat is related to the two third-grade golden elixirs, and it can even be said to be related to the rise and fall of the sect.

For example, Tong Wenjun, Ma Qianjun and others, who have close relations with the Shui family, all looked solemn at this meeting.

All the changes in emotions of the people around him were reflected on Gao Xian's golden elixir.

Including Gui Wuqi on the opposite side, from the subtle movements of the body to the invisible flow of mana, to the resonance of divine consciousness and swords, every detail is reflected by Gao Xian's golden elixir.

"One thousand three hundred and ninety-seven people..."

Gao Xian used the Pure and Immaculate Golden Pill to clearly check the number of people in the hall.

From old friends to enemies, including cultivators who have never met before, everyone's emotional state cannot be concealed from his induction.

He even sensed a deep gaze cast from a distance, which should be Yun Zaitian, the True Monarch of Nascent Soul.

The patriarch of the sect is also very concerned about this matter.

It's not that Gao Xian has no use for his strength and has to observe everyone. It's that his spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful, and with Sister Lan as the host of the game, he can analyze and process everything reflected by the first-grade golden elixir.

The whole process was very natural. Gao Xian didn't even think about how to do it, everything just appeared in his mind.

This is like a mahjong master randomly picking up a card. He doesn't need to pay special attention or anything. He will naturally know what card it is as soon as he picks it up.

Because I am so proficient and proficient, I completely omit the process of deliberate thinking.

Gao Xian quickly ignored this useless information and focused his attention on Gui Wuqi, who was opposite him.

"Second-grade golden elixir, pure sword intent, the robe on his body is a third-order high-grade spiritual weapon, and the sword is a fourth-order spiritual weapon, mid-grade..."

Gao Xian saw that Gui Wuqi's sword was a fourth-level spiritual weapon. It was not until Gui Wuqi activated the sword's will that he sensed the changes in the restrictions within the sword and sensed the state of the weapon's spirit. Only then could he make a more accurate judgment.

Yun Qingxuan has a fourth-level spiritual weapon, and it would be unreasonable for Gui Wuqi not to have a fourth-level spiritual sword.

Facing the fourth-level mid-grade spiritual sword, Gao Xian felt great pressure. This sword is enough to kill Nascent Soul, so you can imagine how powerful it is.

"Xiandu Sword, a fourth-level mid-grade spiritual sword, is polished with thunder crystals from the Nine Heavens. This sword refines the power of thunder into pure sword light, which is extremely powerful. Don't be careless..."

Yun Zaitian's voice suddenly came to Gao Xian's ears, and the old man briefly introduced Xiandu Sword.

He really wanted to say thank you. The old man gave the commentary on the spot. He was quite nice. Unfortunately, this explanation is useless.

At this moment, Gui Wuji drew his sword.

The three-foot-long dark blue sword blade had just been unsheathed, and the dark blue sword light expanded like a ring.

Wherever the faint dark blue halo passes, the void seems to be cut open.

With a thought in his mind, Gao Xian activated the Tai Chi Invisible Light Clothes, and a black and white intertwined Tai Chi diagram appeared in front of him with his long sleeves rolled up.

The flowing dark blue halo cut into the black and white Tai Chi diagram, and the rotating black and white fishes shattered at the same time. The dark blue halo also dissipated, creating a gap that just failed to touch Gao Xian.

The surrounding light curtains of the array were impacted by the dark blue halo, and the light curtains broke silently.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yun Changfeng hurriedly activated the magic circle with all his strength. The huge earth vein spiritual energy was extracted and turned into a powerful magic circle barrier, which finally blocked the spread of the deep blue halo.

Just like that, the circulating sword light seemed to overflow the magic circle.

All the spectators felt a chill in their hearts, as if they were cut into two pieces by the rippling sword ring.

At this moment, all the Jindan Masters watching the battle were shocked by the rippling sword intent, and their souls seemed to be split in half.

Wan Changan and Ma Tengyun from Wanling Sect were very happy to see it. At this time, his consciousness was broken by the sword intent, his heart was filled with horror, and all the smiles on his face froze.

Tong Wenjun, Shui Yujun and other Qingyun Sect's Golden Pills all changed their expressions.

The sword had only been unsheathed after Guiwuqi Xiandu, and its illustrious power had already penetrated the souls of everyone, making many golden elixirs tremble with fear.

Such a tyrannical return is far beyond the expectations of many golden elixirs.

How could Gao Xian block such a divine sword?

Gui Wuqi, who originally had an ordinary appearance, now holds the Xiandu Sword in his hand, but he naturally shows the appearance of a divine warrior who dominates everything.

So much so that no one dared to look directly at Gui Wuqi.

At this point, the Infinite Divine Sword truly showed its unparalleled edge.

Many golden elixir masters came to their senses and looked at Gao Xian with a little more sympathy.

Yun Changfeng frowned even more, the Patriarch was probably wrong this time!

Yun Qiushui couldn't help but look at Yun Qingxuan. He also felt that Gao Xian had no chance of winning.

"It doesn't matter." Yun Qingxuan said this, and his crystal clear eyes were a little more nervous.

The power of the Xiandu Sword greatly exceeded her expectations. Even though Gao Xian was a first-grade golden elixir, he couldn't take any advantage against the Xiandu Sword.

In the Xuanming Temple of Qingxiao Peak, Yun Ying Zhenjun Yun Zaitian also frowned slightly. He knew how powerful the Xiandu Sword was, but he didn't see that Gui Wuqi and the Xiandu Sword were so compatible.

Its sword intention and sword spirit have been vaguely integrated, so Gui Wuji can control the Xiandu sword with ease.

"Are we going to cheat..."

Yun Zaitian doesn't mind using some tricks, but others are not fools and can always see some clues. Then he, the Nascent Soul Lord, would be so embarrassed.

Yun Zaitian looked at the water mirror in front of him and said to himself: "Boy, you are a first-class golden elixir, you need to gain some momentum..."

(There is also a third update, which will be later~)

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