At noon, Wanjian Mountain.

This mountain is more than two thousand feet high. The peaks are so steep and steep that they look like a long sword piercing the sky. They are quite imposing.

But compared to Tongtian Peak, which is dozens of miles away, it seems too short and thin.

The cliffs of Wanjian Mountain are covered with swords, some with half of the sword body exposed, and some with only the hilt exposed.

Looking from a distance, you can see thousands of cold lights on the mountain wall, and sword energy soaring into the sky.

This also gives Wanjian Mountain a fierce aura. Although it is far less majestic than Tongtian Peak, it has a unique sharp and sharp momentum.

There is a huge artificially carved platform at the top of Wanjian Mountain, which is hundreds of feet in diameter.

The hard blue-black stone ground is engraved with countless golden runes, forming a very complex magic circle.

At this moment, the platform was already surrounded by tens of thousands of cultivators from the Tongtian Sword Sect.

Tongtian Sword Sect wears black clothes for Qi training and blue clothes for foundation building. When you reach the golden elixir level, the color of clothing is no longer restricted.

Gao Xian looked down from the sky. Below, blue and black cultivators formed several circles around the platform. Among them were more than a dozen Jindan practitioners in different colors, all standing due south.

The leader was none other than Xiao Hongye. She was wearing a deep red robe, with a slender and graceful figure. She stood with a sword in her hand. Standing in the crowd was extremely eye-catching.

Tens of thousands of cultivators from the Sword Sect were whispering to each other, and the noise reached the sky.

"It's so lively."

Yun Qiushui didn't expect so many people to watch the battle, and he was a little surprised.

Is Xiao Hongye so confident?

He didn't understand. Losing to Gao Xian at home in front of so many of his classmates would be more embarrassing than losing to Gui Wuqi.

Yun Qiushui looked at Gao Xian, "Brother Gao, this woman is so confident. You have to be careful."

He didn't use his spiritual consciousness to transmit the voice, and Zhong Ziqi in front could hear it clearly.

Zhong Ziqi didn't care. It was absolutely impossible for Xiao Hongye to win against Gao Xian.

At most, Gao Xian would not kill Xiao Hongye for the sake of the sect's face.

As a cultivator of the Sword Sect, Zhong Ziqi certainly hopes that someone in the sect can surpass Gao Xian.

However, this person must not be Xiao Hongye.

Both of them are Nascent Soul seeds, and the sect's resources are limited, so support for them naturally has to be prioritized.

If Xiao Hongye wins this time, the Patriarch will naturally favor Xiao Hongye.

Even if it is only one point, it will be one less point. Sometimes the battle between great avenues is just a hair's breadth away.

Since Zhong Ziqi chose to return to Wuqi, he could not tolerate Xiao Hongye's rise to power.

The sect’s external enemies are too far away, but the internal enemies are right around the corner. There is no such thing as unity. Only when Gui Wuji wins can we consider this.

Naturally, Zhong Ziqi would not share these thoughts with others, let alone Gao Xian and the others.

After living for hundreds of years, he also developed a deep enough city. He could only ignore Yun Qiushui's words.

Zhong Ziqi led Gao Xian, Yun Qiu Shui, and Lu Jingxu to the sword discussion stage. He smiled and greeted Xiao Hongye, and briefly introduced the identities of Gao Xian, Yun Qiu Shui, and Lu Jingxu.

There were more than a dozen Jindan masters present, most of them from Xiao Hongye's family. Zhong Ziqi didn't introduce him at all, it was totally unnecessary.

A group of Jindan masters from the Sword Sect looked at Gao Xian curiously.

Gui Wuqi dared to call himself the divine sword, so he was naturally invincible in sweeping the sword sect. No matter how much they hate Gui Wuqi, many golden elixirs must admit that this person's swordsmanship is superb.

Gui Wuqi was defeated by Gao Xian's sword, and the news came back that shocked everyone in the Shangtongtian Sword Sect.

Because Gui Wuqi's character is so bad, many people are laughing at Gui Wuqi. However, all Jindan Daoist people know how powerful Gui Wuqi is. What kind of swordsmanship and elegance would it take to defeat the master who could defeat Gui Wuqi?

After seeing Gao Xian with their own eyes today, everyone naturally wanted to take a closer look.

Facing the scrutiny of everyone, Gao Xian was unusually calm. Since he established the foundation, the social fear left in his previous life has basically been overcome.

There is no other reason than that the psychological advantage is too great.

When a person faces a crowd of people, he will naturally feel psychologically weak. However, when a person faces hundreds of three-year-old children, it is impossible for him to be afraid. At most, he will only become irritable.

Because the gap between the two sides is too big, whether it is strength or wisdom.

Gao Xian doesn't think he is much smarter than others, but he is strong!

A group of golden elixirs gathered together and posed no threat to him. Under the illumination of a first-grade golden elixir, he could almost see the details of each golden elixir.

Many golden elixirs did not say anything, but in their hearts they admired Gao Xian's demeanor.

The instrument is extraordinary, the spirit is rich, handsome, and elegant. These three words seemed to be prepared for Gao Xian, and they fit very well.

He is indeed a master who can defeat Gui Wuqi, and his demeanor and demeanor are far better than the gloomy Gui Wuqi.

Xiao Hongye took a deep look at Gao Xian. This man was really radiant. The extremely handsome Yun Qiushui beside him made him look like a passerby.

Xiao Hongye also knew that this was mostly due to reputation.

Part of this reputation will be given to her from today on. She couldn't help but feel a little excited when she thought about it.

She paid a high price for this, but it was worth it. Not to mention anything else, the Patriarch would just take a high look at her and most likely give her the benefit.

With how much cultivation the Patriarch had, it was natural to see that she was up to something. But fame is real.

The majestic Tongtian Sword Sect, the number one sword elixir master was actually defeated by an ordinary Jin elixir master with a sword. This is a great shame and humiliation!

No matter what means are used, it would be good if this shame could be washed away.

The most important thing in sword cultivation is the sword, but you can’t just use the sword! This is also the teaching of the ancestors.

Xiao Hongye raised her hand to Gao Xianyi: "Master Gao, please."


Gao Xian returned the favor, and the two flew to the center of the platform together.

The two golden elixirs cast spells to move the magic circle, and a light curtain formed by runes rose up, isolating the platform from the outside.

In a battle at the golden elixir level, a burst of sword energy may kill or injure a large number of qi practitioners.

The magic circle on the sword discussion platform can not only protect the spectators, but also protect both combatants to a certain extent.

Gao Xian drew his sword and saluted, and opposite Xiao Hongye also drew the Red Leaf Sword. This sword was originally a third-order mid-grade spiritual sword. Xiao Hongye asked the master to reforge it, re-refined the prohibition, and upgraded the grade to the third-order top grade.

The blade of the red leaf sword is three feet long, and the blade is as bright as autumn water. There is a crimson red line on the spine of the sword, which makes the blade suddenly look more murderous.

Holding this custom-made spiritual sword in his hand, the gentleness between Xiao Hongye's brows turned into a look of coldness.

The red leaf sword trembled slightly, emitting a subtle but clear sword sound, like the wind passing through the mountains and forests, like running water hitting the rocks, or like the cry of geese in the sky.

Xiao Hongye, who is proficient in music, can make the sword sound rhythmic, which is quite clever.

Gao Xian didn't move his sword, and he had promised to lose to Xiao Hongye, but he still activated the Tai Chi Xuan Guang Invisible Heavenly Clothes and the Yin and Yang Heavenly Wheel.

You have to lose, but you can’t lose badly. Furthermore, beware of the little girl playing tricks and making sneak attacks while he is in trouble.

The four-foot green blade in Gao Xian's hand was filled with green light. The next moment, the green light turned into a chain of lightning and thunder, and crashed down.

The thunder and lightning triggers a series of rapid stabs with the power of thunder. It is a powerful and extremely fast move in Fengyun Sword Classic.

It is precisely because the momentum is so great that Gao Xian rarely uses this move to fight the enemy. He likes to kill with one sword, and such a powerful move is a bit flashy.

It is very useful for comparing skills. Even if a group of swordsmen are watching the battle, they will not be able to tell that this sword is fake.

Xiao Hongye turned the red leaf sword in his hand and met the sword light like lightning and thunder.

Her Green Leaf Sword Sutra says that the sword is like a green leaf, with endless vitality, agility and mystery. The meaning of the sword also contains the changes of life, death, withering and prosperity.

When it comes to the realm of swordsmanship, it is not as grand as the "Tongtian Sword Classic", but its sword meaning of life, death and glory is more subtle and clever.

The red leaf sword floats back and forth, its moves are unpredictable and full of vitality.

Fighting with Gao Xian, although the momentum is very weak, it is like the green grass growing on the cliff, extremely tenacious and tenacious.

Many sword cultivators from the Tongtian Sword Sect who were watching the battle had their eyes widened. You can't see the details at the level of Qi training and foundation building, but you can still feel the subtlety of Xiao Hongye's sword intention.

All the golden elixir masters had solemn expressions on their faces. Gao Xian's sword was so powerful that it completely suppressed Xiao Hongye. He is worthy of being a master who can defeat the Immortal Sword.

Gao Xian also praised the changes in Hongye Sword. Indeed, Xiao Hongye was no worse than Gui Wuqi in terms of swordsmanship.

The difference between the two is that Gui Wuqi is more decisive, and has the strong sword intention of a swordsman who will never regret the sword.

Xiao Hongye's swordsmanship is more subtle, but his sword intention is a bit soft and lacks the sharpness of a swordsman.

In the short term, it is still difficult for Xiao Hongye to catch up. It's just that Xiao Hongye is more spiritual. If he can reach a higher level, he still has a chance to beat Gui Wuqi.

If Xiao Hongye can reach the state of body and sword integration, it will definitely be higher than the limit of Gui Wuqi.

As for the difference in the level of the two swords, it is not very important.

Gao Xian performed a full set of tricks, using the six sword moves of wind, cloud, rain, snow, thunder and lightning.

His sword intention is so high that even if he only uses five points of force, outsiders can't tell.

Xiao Hongye also displayed various magical changes in the Qingye Sword Sutra. Under Gao Xian's pressure, her condition was obviously much better than usual.

Some of the sword meanings that were previously incomprehensible were now naturally understood. She also gets stronger as she fights. This also made her very happy, and she became more pleased with Gao Xian again.

All the Jindan masters from the Tongtian Sword Sect were dumbfounded. The Qingyun Sword Sutra originally came from the Tongtian Sword Sutra. Gao Xian's swordsmanship of wind, cloud, rain and snow has most of the same sword techniques as theirs.

The more this happened, the more shocked the many golden elixirs were. Gao Xian only practiced swordsmanship, but they were condensed sword elixirs.

The result was that Gao Xian's sword intent was purer and more advanced than theirs. This makes it difficult for many golden elixirs to accept it.

At this time, Gui Wuqi was watching the battle through the water mirror at the top of Tongtian Peak.

Seeing the two of them fighting so fiercely, Gui Wuqi's eyes were cold and austere.

Others have never fought against Gao Xian, and even Zhong Ziqi, Han Chengzhen and others can only take a general look at it, so naturally they cannot see the problem.

Gui Wuqi's head was blown off by Gao Xian's sword. He knew Gao Xian's sword skills very well.

Such a huge and powerful battle with swords and swords is not Gao Xian's style. This man's swordsmanship is mysterious and unpredictable, and this is the most terrifying thing about him.

Obviously, Xiao Hongye bribed Gao Xian somehow, and the two of them collaborated to create a show!

Gui Wuqi was very angry. Such despicable methods were simply an insult to sword cultivators.

How sharp is the Patriarch's vision? How can he be deceived by this little trick? !

Gui Wuqi was thinking angrily when he saw the Red Leaf Sword in Xiao Hongye's hand suddenly transformed into hundreds and hundreds of thousands, and in an instant, lines of red light spread out in all directions.

As the sword light all over the sky converged, it instantly penetrated the dense cloud-like cyan sword light.

Gao Xian and Xiao Hongye sheathed their swords at the same time.

Gao Xian held up his hand and said, "Master Xiao has great swordsmanship, I admire him."

Everyone now saw a sword mark on Gao Xian's sleeve, which was obviously a sword mark just now.

If it's a life and death duel, such a sword actually doesn't matter. The two sides competed in martial arts, but this sword has already determined the winner.

Xiao Hongye sheathed her sword and said softly: "It's a lucky chance. My fellow Taoist swordsmanship is superb, and I have benefited a lot from it."

She was quite satisfied with the result. Even though it was just a small victory, it was still a victory.

From now on, everyone in Jianzong knew that she had defeated Gao Xian. It is equivalent to overcoming the pressure and returning to nowhere.

Sure enough, it was only now that the surrounding Sword Sect cultivators realized that Xiao Hongye had really won.

Tens of thousands of cultivators cheered and made noise in unison, and their voices resounded through the sky.

Lu Jingxu's face was full of disbelief, while Yun Qiushui looked strange. He thought: "Brother Gao must have slept with someone else, so he gave up the sword in public. If Xiao Hongye is also a top beauty, it's not a loss..."

Gui Wuqi looked at the smiling faces of Gao Xian and Xiao Hongye on the water mirror, and his teeth were about to be broken: "You bitch man and woman! Damn it... I will settle this account with you after you enter the Tianxiang Sword Palace. !”

(Vomiting blood for the third time~Please vote for me~)

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