"You're crazy!"

Xiao Hongye didn't expect that Gui Wuqi would be so frantic and use the Heavenly Sword Order to activate the divine light of the sun.

They can stand here because they can suppress the light of the sun with the help of the Heavenly Sword Order.

Even so, you must be careful and never activate the magic power at will, so as not to cause the restlessness of the divine light of the sun.

Gui Wuqi's move was equivalent to throwing a ball of fire into a hot oil pan, causing the already hot oil pan to burn.

Xiao Hongye could barely protect her and Gao Xian with the Heavenly Sword Order, but he didn't have the ability to suppress the boiling and agitated divine light of the sun.

It's always easier to do damage.

Gao Xian said leisurely in Xiao Hongye's ear: "I just said this guy deserves to be killed. You see, now we are all going to be killed by him."

Xiao Hongye couldn't help but glare at Gao Xian. At this time, he was still in the mood to make sarcastic remarks. This man's mind was not very normal.

She said anxiously: "The divine light of the sun is so intense that it is impossible to control it after being aroused. We will not survive, and we will not escape death..."

Before Xiao Hongye finished speaking, he saw the Tianxiang Sword Token in Gui Wuqi's hand suddenly explode, and the aura that protected Gui Wuqi was also shattered.

Gui Wuqi was instantly overwhelmed by the blazing divine light of the sun. But he seemed very calm. He pulled out a red-gold sword and turned it around, and managed to restrain all the light of the sun around him.

"Red Sun Sword!"

Xiao Hongye's eyes narrowed. This fourth-level spiritual sword was one of the top-level swords of the sect, and it was actually borrowed by Gui Wuqi.

Moreover, Gui Wuqi was quite comfortable controlling the Red Sun Sword. It was obvious that he had been practicing it for a period of time.

The Red Sun Sword corresponds to the Divine Light of the Great Sun, at least in terms of nature. However, it is still impossible to control the light of the sun with the Red Sun Sword.

Gui Wuqi didn't have this ability either. A lot of the scattered blazing divine light of the sun fell on him, leaving a few scorch marks on his Beigang Qilei robe.

This third-level spiritual weapon robe has little resistance against the divine light of the sun.

Even Gui Wuqi's face showed a little burnt mark, and in the blink of an eye, half of his face was burned away by the sun's rays.

Gui Wuqi glanced at Gao Xian coldly, and he turned the Red Sun Sword into a sword light and shot out.

The strong, water-like divine light of the sun split a long crack under the Red Sun Sword.

Edgeworth's return is like gliding outward in a small boat.

The angry Xiao Hongye didn't want Gui Wuqi to leave. She waved the Heavenly Sword Order in her hand to activate the divine light of the sun, setting off balls of blazing divine light around Gui Wuqi.

The light of Gui Wuqi's protective sword was broken, and his whole body was burned black by the blazing divine light. The severe pain stimulated his sword intention, allowing him to regain control of the Red Sun Sword and quickly move away.

Xiao Hongye wanted to take action again but was a step too late. Gui Wuqi had disappeared into the vast divine light of the sun.

Xiao Hongye stared at the direction in which Gui Wuqi disappeared, with strong hatred in his eyes.

She had always thought that Gui Wuqi had a cold and arrogant personality, but she never expected that this person would also use vicious and destructive methods.

If she had known this, she would have taken precautions to prevent herself from being harmed like this.

"Uh, don't be so cruel."

Gao Xian gently patted Xiao Hongye on the shoulder, "Let's leave here as soon as possible."

Gui Wuqi left, but the light of the sun he detonated became more and more violent.

If this continues, I'm afraid the Tianxiang Sword Order won't be able to hold on for long.

Xiao Hongye's beautiful face showed a bit of helplessness and despair: "We can't leave."


Gao Xian was a little confused. Xiao Hongye gave up without even trying. This was too rash and casual.

Xiao Hongye understood what Gao Xian meant, and she shook her head slightly: "The divine light of the sun is violently agitating. It can hold still for a while longer. If it moves even slightly, the pressure on the Tianxiang Sword Order will increase a hundred times."

She said and smiled sadly at Gao Xian: "I didn't expect that I and my Taoist friend would become a pair of mandarin ducks with the same fate."

She mocked herself and said, "It's not a loss for a fellow Taoist who is so talented to die with me."

"You can't say that."

Gao Xian said softly: "Gui Wuqi mainly wanted to kill me, and you were implicated by me. I'm sorry."

Xiao Hongye was a little surprised. Gao Xian could be so calm in a life-or-death situation, and he could even say sorry to her. What kind of cultivation is this? !

She felt very complicated and didn't know what to say. He was going to die anyway, so it didn't seem to matter whether he said it or not.

Gao Xian added, "It's better to just leave with the Heavenly Sword Order and leave me alone."

He has a clone that can move away from this place. Even if he doesn't have a clone, with the invisible heavenly clothes of Taiji Xuanguang, coupled with the yin and yang heavenly wheel and various mysterious magical powers, he is 60 to 70% sure of leaving the Sun Palace.

After all, Gui Wuji can run out, which shows that the divine light of the sun is not that difficult to bear.

Taking Xiao Hongye with her would be a lot more troublesome.

Xiao Hongye was shocked. The pupils of her bright eyes dilated significantly, and her beautiful face was full of disbelief.

In a life-or-death situation, even close relatives may not be able to sacrifice their lives to save others. Not to mention that she and Gao Xian had only known each other for a few days. At most, they had some good feelings and no real relationship.

Gao Xian is actually willing to let her leave with the Tianxiang Sword Order. What kind of ambition is this? !

Xiao Hongye looked straight at Gao Xian. Gao Xian's face was full of sincerity, with a bit of tenderness and love. It could be seen that Gao Xian was not just teasing him, he really meant it.

Xiao Hongye was moved for a moment. There were many people who were kind to her, but this was the first time someone was willing to risk their lives to be kind to her.

She felt hot in her heart and said emotionally: "Let's go together!"

Gao Xian looked at Xiao Hongye's blazing eyes and was very satisfied. This little girl at least knew how to be loyal and not blindly selfish.

He naturally grabbed Xiao Hongye Su's hand and said seriously: "You are more confident if you go alone. I can also try my best myself, and I may not die. If we separate, we will all have a chance of survival, which is much better than dying together."

What Gao Xian said made sense, but it moved Xiao Hongye even more. A layer of mist appeared in her bright eyes, but she tried not to cry.

She said in a hoarse voice: "Let's meet at the entrance, see you there or not."

"See you there or see you."

Gao Xian naturally opened his arms and hugged Xiao Hongye. We were all friends of life and death, so a hug would be reasonable.

A woman's body is soft and full of vitality, and she feels indescribably comfortable in her arms. Gao Xian couldn't help but use a little more strength.

Xiao Hongye was startled for a moment, and she quickly hugged Gao Xian tighter, as if she wanted to force this man into her heart.

The enthusiastic Xiao Hongye made Gao Xian feel a little emotional. Danger can indeed stimulate and amplify emotions. At this moment, Xiao Hongye's affection for him had reached its peak.

If it weren't for the wrong place, both of them could have sex.

Gao Xian is not ashamed of this. First of all, this is not a dilemma he deliberately created.

Secondly, he did do it for Xiao Hongye's good, but the price he paid was not as high as Xiao Hongye thought. This is innocuous.

"If I die, kill me for no reason. Go ahead."

Gao Xian gently patted Xiao Hongye's vest. Although such tenderness was charming, the time and place were wrong.

If the delay continues, this beauty Xiao Hongye will really die here, which would be a pity.

Gao Xian said as he pulled out the Green Lotus Sword and slashed forward. In an instant, wind and thunder surged, and the green sword light flashed forward like thunder.

The blazing and dense divine light of the sun was cut into a crack nearly a hundred feet long by the cyan sword light.

Gao Xian pushed Xiao Hongye gently on the back, and the Great Five Elements Tiangang sent Xiao Hongye out along the cracks.

Xiao Hongye flew a hundred feet away, and the divine light of the sun that was suppressed by the sword light suddenly rolled back. As soon as Xiao Hongye turned around, she saw Gao Xian smiling and waving to her gently, followed by the handsome and unmarried man who was rolled back and stirred up. The great sun is flooded with light.

Xiao Hongye's heart felt like it had been cut by a knife. She was suddenly so painful that she couldn't speak, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

At this moment, she suddenly thought that she could not let Gao Xian down. This was the opportunity that Gao Xian had bought for her with his own life.

She endured her grief and activated the Heavenly Sword Order. Her whole body was more focused than ever, and her consciousness was as sharp as ever.

The turbulent and swirling light of the great sun was divided into thousands of strands of power in her eyes.

Some powers will hinder her, but some powers can be borrowed.

Xiao Hongye holds the Tianxiang Sword Token and constantly uses the surging power of the sun's divine light to move outward.

After moving more than a hundred feet like this, the Heavenly Sword Order in her hand shattered silently.

Fortunately, Xiao Hongye was prepared. She desperately urged her Qingye Sword to cut through the divine light of the sun and move forward.

When he was still dozens of feet away from the exit, Xiao Hongye's robe had been burned to pieces by the sun's divine light, and most of his skin, which was as white as jade, had been carbonized.

The terrifying divine light of the great sun and the blazing sword intent penetrated deeply into her body and into her sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, Xiao Hongye felt as if she was about to be penetrated by thousands of blazing steel needles. Even her soul seemed to be penetrated and torn apart. The intense pain caused her will to collapse.

This kind of pain is more unbearable than death.

"There is no hope, so be it..."

Xiao Hongye didn't want to struggle anymore, but her heart calmed down, and the pain would soon end.

At the last moment, for some reason, the scene of Gao Xian smiling and waving for her to leave quickly appeared in Xiao Hongye's mind. That man was so calm and elegant when facing death...

Carrying all the hope placed by the man, carrying all the love he gave her, she couldn't die like this.

As soon as she thought of this, an extremely powerful force suddenly burst out in Xiao Hongye's heart, and her sword power suddenly became strong, driving away all the sun's divine light that was about to burn her body.

"When you live, you die, and when you die, you live. That's how it is!"

Awakening at the moment of death, Xiao Hongye truly understood the changes in life and death in the "Green Leaf Sword Classic".

The "Green Leaf Sword Classic" only uses green leaves as a metaphor for life and death. This sword theory is not difficult to understand.

There is a general outline: when you die, you live, and when you live, you die.

It was difficult for Xiao Hongye to understand that this sentence represented the meaning of the sword. It was not until this moment that she came to life in the silence and understood the meaning of the sword in life and death.

As a result, the swordsmanship has been raised to a higher level, and the sword's will has also become more powerful.

With a twist of the Hongye Sword, Xiao Hongye instantly penetrated the sun's divine light and arrived outside the Sun Palace.

Xiao Hongye, who escaped from death, had extremely complicated emotions. He felt the joy of escaping from death and understanding the meaning of the sword, the sadness of losing Gao Xian, and the anger and hatred of Gui Wuqi...

Xiao Hongye was not far away from Gui Wuqi, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Half of Gui Wuji's body was carbonized, and his eyes were gloomy. He was actually a little surprised, Xiao Hongye actually escaped? ! I don’t know how this woman did it…

Gui Wuqi was not afraid of Xiao Hongye, but he was a little worried about Gao Xian. He deliberately said: "Xiao Hongye, your wild man died inside?"

Xiao Hongye was even angrier, Gui Wuqi was so mean-mouthed, damn it.

She held the Hongye Sword in her hand and pointed at Wuqi: "What Wuqi Divine Sword is, he is just a wretched villain. It's really ridiculous. Today I will get rid of you, a scum, for the sect!"

"With you?" Gui Wuqi held the Xiandu sword in his hand and looked at Xiao Hongye coldly.

Outside the Sun Palace, he did not dare to kill Xiao Hongye, but he did not mind teaching the other party a profound lesson.

Xiao Hongye swallowed a pill, and when she raised the Red Leaf Sword in her hand, the reversal of life and death in the Qingye Sword was triggered.

Her carbonized black body healed quickly, and a piece of carbonized skin cracked and fell off, revealing the delicate, soft and white skin underneath.

Such a sudden change also caused a change in Gui Wuqi's eyes. He could see that this was not only the power of the elixir, but also an unparalleled change in the sword's will.

This woman almost died in the Sun Palace, but her swordsmanship improved greatly because of it!

Gui Wuqi felt great pressure. Xiao Hongye was obviously inferior to him in swordsmanship before. Nowadays, his swordsmanship has greatly improved, and his swordsmanship is so high that it might even surpass him.

The murderous intent in Xiao Hongye's bright eyes was definitely not a show, this woman really wanted to kill him!

At this moment, the divine light of the Great Sun, which was rolling like an angry tide in the Sun Palace, changed again.

Xiao Hongye was shocked and then overjoyed. She had faintly sensed Gao Xian's aura.

Gui Wuqi actually wanted to compete with Xiao Hongye, even to the point of life and death.

The key is to prevent Xiao Hongye from rescuing Gao Xian.

Before he could take action, a cyan sword light emerged from the divine light of the sun, and then a man as black as carbon appeared.

The other person was already badly burned, but Gui Wuqi knew that this person was Gao Xian. The Qinglian Sword in the opponent's hand is pure and sharp, and no one can fake it.

Gui Wuqi didn't dare to wait any longer. Two against one he would be defeated. He turned around and left without hesitation.

The charcoal-like man showed two rows of neat white teeth to Xiao Hongye: "See you or we will go on a date. My Taoist friend is a true believer."

His voice was hoarse and dry, but he couldn't hide his happiness even though he was clearly making fun of him.

Xiao Hongye was not happy in her heart, and she no longer had the intention to care about him forever. The most important thing at the moment was to save Gao Xian.

She hurriedly supported Gao Xian, took out two Jade Dew Pills from her arms and stuffed them into Gao Xian's mouth.

The third-level nine-turn jade dew pill is a top-grade elixir for treating physical injuries. One pill costs one hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones.

Even if the body is broken into two pieces and the limbs are missing, a single drop of the Nine Turns Jade Dew Pill can rejuvenate the body, regenerate the broken limbs, and restore the broken body.

Xiao Hongye only had three pills with her. She ate one herself, and the remaining two pills were reserved for Gao Xian.

Jade Dew Pill melts in the mouth, and the rich vitality like jade dew quickly spreads throughout Gao Xian's body both inside and outside.

Gao Xian was actually not seriously injured. He actually looked at two sacred monuments inside and gained a little bit.

It's just that the divine light of the sun is too intense, and I really can't stand it for a long time. He can only come out first.

In order to win Xiao Hongye's heart, Gao Xian still used some tricks to make his injuries look serious...

It turns out that the little trick is quite useful. Xiao Hongye was so moved that she hugged him tightly and never let go.

Gao Xian was just sorry that both Jade Dew Pills were wasted. This top-quality elixir is so powerful that the carbonized skin is quickly healed and regenerated.

After about half an hour, Gao Xian's carbonized skin basically returned to its original appearance, and he changed into a spare Qingyuan Ruyi robe.

He had put away the Qinglian robe long ago, but it was difficult to take it out now.

Xiao Hongye helped Gao Xian use the cleaning technique several times, and then used a handkerchief to wipe Gao Xian's face and body clean little by little.

Gao Xian was a little uncomfortable, but Xiao Hongye looked serious and it was hard for him to stop him.

After helping Gao Xian tidy up, Xiao Hongye breathed a sigh of relief. Gao Xian was still so handsome and radiant, but his starry eyes were a little dim, and he was obviously seriously injured.

She said softly: "When you regain some strength, we will leave the Sword Palace and find a place to recuperate."

Gao Xian put his arms around Xiao Hongye's slender waist and said softly: "We are all fine, that's great."

Xiao Hongye felt a little shy when Gao Xian looked at her directly, her cheeks were slightly red, and her whole person looked delicate and charming.

Gao Xian gently touched Xiao Hongye's jade cheek. Xiao Hongye lowered his head in shame, but Gao Xian lifted his chin up gently.

"Hongye, I felt happy the first time we met. We are indeed destined..."

After living together and dying together, Xiao Hongye developed a strong love for Gao Xian, and she felt even more happy when she heard Gao Xian say this.

Her red lips were slightly opened and she was about to speak when she was blocked...

(Please give me a monthly ticket, today’s third update will keep my word~)

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