Baihefang is located to the west of Pegasus Ji and is a city in Lianyung City.

Gao Xian has never been to Baihefang, he only knows that it is bigger than Pegasus.

Lianyun Sect and Qisha Sect have been fighting for years, and the main battlefield is Pegasus Ji, the front line of defense in Baihefang.

The loss of Baihefang meant that the Lianyun Sect had lost the initiative and was forced to make constant concessions.

Although Zhu Qiniang has not participated in the battle between the two sects, her status in the sect is getting higher and higher, and she has been able to enter the decision-making level.

The sect will always take her with her when making important decisions. As a foundation-builder with a foreign background, his status was mainly due to Gao Xian.

Qiniang knew this very well, and she never spoke on matters that had nothing to do with her.

From her point of view, the sect leader Yun Taihao is very scheming and experienced. It can be said that there were no major mistakes or omissions in various responses.

So the situation is getting worse and worse, and there are actually more and more people in the Qisha Sect.

The battle between the two sects scared away a large number of casual cultivators. The constant consumption has greatly reduced the strength of Lianyun Sect. The Seven Evil Sect, on the other hand, continues to absorb Donghuang's casual cultivators, and its strength is getting stronger and stronger.

One goes down and the other goes up, Lian Yunzong cannot hold on for long.

Qiniang is not optimistic about the prospects of Lianyun Sect. She has been operating in Lianyun City for many years and has taken deep roots here.

Even if she achieves the golden elixir, she is powerless in the face of this general trend.

Lian Yuncheng was dying, and she was very confused, not knowing where to go.

Gao Xian hugged Qiniang and said softly: "If you bring people to Qingyun City, there will always be a place for you to stay."

Qiniang hugged Gao Xian tightly and whispered, "I'm afraid Qingyun City won't be able to hold on for long."

Lianyun Sect is about to be destroyed, and others such as Qingfeng Sect, Shaoyang Sect, and Chiyan Sect will not be able to hold on for long.

At that time, a huge gap will be opened in the area bordering Qingyundao and Donghuang.

How long can Qingyun City survive when the Demonic Cultivators of the Eastern Wilderness swarm in?

Even if she doesn't achieve the golden elixir and build a foundation to live for three hundred years, I'm afraid it will be difficult for her to spend her remaining years in Qingyun City.

Qiniang, who comes from a lower class background, has had no sense of security since she was a child, and she longs for it most.

She has always been reluctant to go to Qingyun Sect, and she also feels that Qingyun Sect is not a place for retirement.

Qiniang said to Gao Xian: "How about we go to other big cities and stay away from Donghuang. No matter how chaotic the world is, we can always find a place to stay with our ability."

Gao Xian was silent for a moment and said: "Qingyun Sect is not kind to me. It would not be good to leave like this."

Qiniang understood and sighed softly, "Yeah..."

"No matter what, Qingyun Sect is safer than Lianyun City."

Gao Xian persuaded: "If you come back with me, I can help you form the elixir. When you successfully form the elixir, you can also help me deal with some things. Let's join hands to become bigger and stronger, and create greater glory..."

Qiniang couldn't help but laugh, Ah Xian was like this sometimes, he became a little unruly as he spoke.

This time Gao Xian came all the way to give her the Nine Transformation Qianyuan Transformation Pill, which moved her very much.

She also understands that Gao Xian always remembers her and their love is still there.

Qiniang actually wanted to say that after forming the elixir, she would look elsewhere and find a safe escape route first.

It's just that Gao Xian cares so much about Qingyun Sect, so she doesn't need to find any escape route. If the two of them are together, if something goes wrong, they will just live and die together.

Thinking of this, Qiniang responded softly: "Okay."

Gao Xian was very happy, Qiniang also had a bit of an awkward temperament, and she was finally willing to go with him this time, which also saved him from always worrying about her.

When he was reincarnated into this world, there were very few people with whom he had a deep relationship. It could be said that there were only a handful of them.

Among these people, Qiniang undoubtedly had the closest relationship with him.

The two lingered in the room for a few days before Gao Xian went to Jinxia Peak to find Yun Taihao.

When Yun Taihao saw Gao Xian arriving, he was very enthusiastic. He also expressed great support for Zhu Qiniang's departure.

Gao Xian was quite satisfied with the sect leader's attitude. He also knew that Yun Taihao was a smart man and would never offend him for such a trivial matter.

After talking about business, Yun Taihao tried his best to invite Gao Xian to have dinner with him. This man had always taken care of Zhu Qiniang, and Gao Xian was also grateful and could not refuse.

The two of them didn't go to Lianyuncheng, so they set up a table of wine and food in the pavilion on the top of the mountain.

It was late October, and the mountain wind was already very chilly.

Fortunately, there is a magic circle in the pavilion, which is enough to block the cold wind. At this time, the mountains are full of golden cotinus trees with golden leaves and purple leaves, which are luxurious and gorgeous. This is the time when the mountain scenery is at its best.

The pavilion has a wide view, and you can not only see the mountains in the distance, but also the red leaves of golden cotinus up close, and you can also overlook Lianyun City.

Drinking here is really unique.

Gao Xian and Yun Taihao sat opposite each other, with eight exquisite dishes and a large pot of wine.

The person pouring the wine was a young man in his early twenties, with thick eyebrows, fair skin, and a medium build.

His hair was in a neat bun, with not a single hair straying out of place. The blue robe is very clean and tidy. His smile is particularly sunny, and he looks quite cheerful and generous.

Gao Xian recognized this at a glance as his adopted child: Nan Tianshou.

In order to protect the child, I always called him Xiaobai. In the blink of an eye, he has grown up.

Nan Tianshou's cultivation level has also reached the eighth level of Qi training. He is only twenty-two this year, so this cultivation level is very good.

In Qingyun Sect, there are not many people who can reach the eighth level of Qi training at this age.

On the one hand, Qiniang has carefully cultivated him, but on the other hand, it can also be seen that this boy does have some talent.

Yun Taihao said with a smile: "I think he has good talent, so I accepted him as my disciple. You won't be surprised."

Gao Xian's current status, no matter how much Yun Taihao trusted him, he would not dare to call himself his senior brother. Calling Taoist fellow disciples seems out of touch. It is more appropriate to call him Zhenren.

Gao Xian actually didn't care about the details of these titles. Qiniang had already told him about Xiaobai's apprenticeship, and he had no objection.

It was easy for Xiaobai to enter the Qingyun Sect, but the sect was bigger, had more rules, and more bad guys. He doesn’t have time to teach, nor does he have the inclination to teach.

Nan Pingsong was nice to him back then, and he didn't treat Xiao Bai badly either. Everything was reserved for Xiaobai, not to mention how much energy and resources Qiniang invested in private.

It is actually a great good thing for Xiaobai to be able to worship Yun Taihao as his teacher.

No matter what Yun Taihao's purpose was, he would never treat him badly. Lianyun Sect has a lot of wealth, so it is easy to help Xiaobai build the foundation.

Nan Tianshou poured wine for Gao Xian, and he said respectfully: "Uncle Gao, you drink."

He was still a little nervous about meeting Gao Xian. After all, he had only met Gao Xian once or twice since he could remember, so he must have been very unfamiliar.

Now Gao Xian is Qingyun's number one Jindan master, and his fame is so great that it can be said that he is powerful all over the world.

He had only met such a big man a few times, and he had an extremely huge impact on his life.

Gao Xian nodded happily: "Xiaobai has grown so big, and twenty years have passed in a flash. I remember that I talked to your father in this pavilion..."

Gao Xian was quite emotional when he talked about this. He always felt that he was a teenager.

In terms of lifespan, he has only passed one-twenty-eighth of his lifespan. He is still a teenager after all!

Just watching Xiaobai grow up, I can't help but be touched.

"It's all thanks to the care of Uncle Gao and Aunt Qi that I am what I am today. It's just that I haven't been able to see you for many years, and there are some things I have been holding back in my heart that I have no place to say..."

Nan Tianshou knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly as he spoke, "Uncle Gao, my nephew has always kept your kindness in raising me for many years in my heart. I am very happy to see Uncle Gao today. My nephew kowtows to you, and I wish you success. Immortality.”

Gao Xian couldn't help but smile. This kid spoke quite nicely, but the key was that he was sincere.

He stretched out his hand to help Nan Tianshou, "Good boy, we don't need to be like this. I'm very happy that you have this intention."

Gao Xian thought for a moment and said: "Qiniang is very worried about you. If you are willing in the future, you should repay Qiniang more."

"My nephew will remember Qi Niang's great kindness and will never forget it." Nan Tianshou's eyes turned red as he spoke. He was raised by Qi Niang and he really regarded Qi Niang as his own mother.

It's just that Qiniang has a cold temperament. Although she is kind to Nan Tianshou, she never says a word. Nan Tianshou was also more in awe of Qiniang.

This time I finally had the opportunity to speak my mind, and it was inevitable that I would be a little excited.

Gao Xian had a first-grade golden elixir, so he could naturally tell that this child was really speaking from the bottom of his heart and was not just trying to make fun of him.

It should be said that Nan Tianshou has a good nature and Qiniang's discipline is good. Not to mention what achievements he will have in the future, at least he is not crooked and is a good boy.

But he also felt that he was a little too sincere, maybe because he was a little overprotective and lacked experience. But these can all be learned again.

Gao Xian had a conversation with Nan Tianshou, and then he said to Yun Taihao: "We haven't seen each other for a long time, so I said a few words to keep my senior brother waiting."

"Hey, the real person is too polite."

Yun Taihao smiled and raised his glass: "Xiao Bai is also my disciple. I am happy for him that he can get guidance from a real person..."

Gao Xian also laughed. He actually knew that Yun Taihao was playing the family card. Knowing this, he was indeed inspired by Xiaobai to have many memories, and even had a better impression of Lianyun Sect.

"Senior brother, we have been in a relationship for so many years. It's good if you just say what you have to say."

Gao Xian did not avoid Nan Tianshou, and he happened to be giving social lessons to the child today.

Yun Taihao knew Gao Xian's temperament, so he said directly: "I really want to ask the real person for something."

Seeing that Gao Xian remained silent, Yun Taihao continued: "Please help me get rid of Mu Zhengfeng..."

Mu Zhengfeng, the leader of Qisha Sect, was almost killed by Yun Qingxuan last time. After being seriously injured, he hid in the sect and did not come out.

Mu Zhengfeng is very familiar with the Lianyun Sect. With him, he is using the Qisha Sect as the foundation to allow the demon cultivators and demon clans coming from the Eastern Wilderness to continue to gather together.

If you want to kill Mu Zhengfeng, no matter who comes to power later, they don't have the prestige or the wisdom, and the situation will naturally be chaotic.

Lianyun Sect can get a chance to breathe.

Yun Taihao has been planning this matter. Even if Mu Zhengfeng is cunning and cautious, he has little chance to do it.

When he found the Qingyun Sect, Yun Changfeng's attitude was ambiguous. He didn't know whether he was worried about something or had other calculations.

This time Gao Xian came over and let Yun Taihao see the opportunity. No matter what, he had to try.

Gao Xian is the number one Jindan master of the Qingyun Sect, and he has both magic and sword skills. He should be quite sure of killing Mu Zhengfeng if he takes action.

After hearing what Yun Taihao said, Gao Xian smiled calmly: "This is easy, but I need a reason to take action."

Next to him, Nan Tianshou's eyes widened. They all said that Gao Xian was the best golden elixir in Qingyun and was famous all over the world.

However, he actually doesn't quite understand how powerful the First Golden Pill is, and how is it better than his master?

It's just that Gao Xian's smile was gentle and elegant, and his speech was humble and polite, but he didn't have the power and aura that the First Golden Pill should have.

Until this moment, Nan Tianshou suddenly understood the gap between Gao Xian and his teacher.

The powerful enemy that the teacher regarded as a thorn in his side was not worth mentioning in Gao Xian's eyes. This is not a pretense, but Gao Xian's relaxed and casual attitude, and he naturally has a kind of confidence and arrogance that looks down on the world.

Nan Tianshou's eyes couldn't help but shine, cultivators must be like Uncle Gao!

Yun Taihao was already prepared for this. He took out a three-inch square silver box from his sleeve and pushed it in front of Gao Xian.

"Fourth-level high-quality Yin-Yang Thunder Couple..."

Gao Xian casually opened the box and saw a pair of fat blue dolls hugging each other inside. The two dolls are obviously a man and a woman.

The fat blue doll contains pure lightning spiritual energy, which has indeed reached the fourth level. It's just that this couple hugging each other looks a bit inappropriate no matter how you look at it.

Yun Taihao explained: "The Yin-Yang Thunder Illustration is a natural thunder-type spiritual object that absorbs the energy of Yin and Yang, so it can combine Yin and Yang. The two spiritual objects can be integrated into the thunder-type spiritual weapons respectively, so that the two spiritual weapons can be combined into one. "

He smiled at Gao Xian: "This pair of spiritual creatures is exactly the pair of male and female demon-conquering golden whips that are suitable for real people..."

It is no secret that the Tianshu Thunder Demon-Conquering Golden Whip and the Zixiao Thunder Demon-Conquering Golden Whip fell into the hands of Gao Xian.

There is no one in the thirty-six sects of Qingyun Tao that I don’t know.

In order to please Gao Xian, Yun Taihao can be said to have taken great pains. Fortunately, the sect had some wealth and found this gift.

Gao Xian looked at the pair of thunder puppets curiously. He could actually make the male and female golden whips merge into one. That was not to create a fourth-level spiritual weapon!

If this is true, the value of this spiritual object is difficult to estimate. Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, of course you can’t miss such a good thing.

Gao Xian closed the box and said to Yun Taihao: "Senior brother is interested."

As he spoke, he raised his head and glanced at the sun in the sky. It was not yet past noon, but almost one o'clock in the afternoon.

He said in a condescending tone: "I will help senior brother to deal with Mu Zhengfeng, and I will ensure that he cannot see the sun tomorrow..."

(Double last day, please vote for me~)

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