The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 380 Blood River Golden Cart

Crescent Sword Bai Zizhen, ever since she met Gao Xian in Qingyun Sect, she has been extremely disgusted with Gao Xian.

The main reason is that this talent has already united his heart and sword at the foundation level. He has an unparalleled talent in swordsmanship and is impeccable in his work and conduct.

Such a person is much more troublesome than the arrogant and arrogant Yun Qiushui.

A few years ago, she heard that Gao Xian had achieved a third-grade golden elixir, but it was not a sword elixir, and she could not help but feel relieved.

This man is extremely talented in swordsmanship, but he actually doesn't follow the path of swordsmanship. Although the normal golden elixir is easier to move forward on the road, it is not as pure as the sword cultivator after all, and it is far less powerful than the sword cultivator in a killing battle.

That's it, Bai Zizhen is also secretly marking Gao Xian as a red name, just waiting for the opportunity to deal with this person.

Sooner or later, the Yuelun Sect will have a battle with the Qingyun Sect. Before that, she will use every means to weaken the Qingyun Sect's strength.

Eliminating the geniuses of the Qingyun Sect is obviously an extremely simple and effective way.

The Wanling Sect held a Golden Elixir celebration. In order to check the situation of the Wanling Sect, Bai Zizhen took people on a spaceship and set off.

On the way, I met the Xuanming Flying Snake in a large lake. This fourth-level monster was very powerful but not very intelligent.

Hua Feidie, who was traveling with him, was a golden elixir from the Blood God Sect, and was possessed of mysterious magic. She has a secret method to lure monsters.

After giving it a try, it turned out that Xuanming Flying Snake was indeed not very intelligent and was indeed attracted by Hua Feidi's secret technique.

Bai Zizhen knew the flight route of Qingyun Sect into Wanling Sect, and also knew that Qingyun Sect had definitely not set off yet.

She and Hua Feidi led the Xuanming Flying Snake to the nearby area. After wandering around for a few days, they finally discovered the Qingyun Sect spaceship.

Hua Feidie used a secret technique to leave a spell mark on the Qingyun Sect's spaceship.

The Xuanming Flying Snake, which had been fed for a period of time, naturally caught up with it after sensing the aura of the spiritual crystal.

Xuanming Flying Snake also felt that something was wrong, so he followed from a distance and did not rush towards it.

Bai Zizhen and Hua Feidi established a magic circle hundreds of miles away. It is through the magic circle that they can guide the Xuanming Flying Snake from a long distance.

Seeing Gao Xian fighting against the Xuan Ming Flying Snake, Bai Zi was really surprised and happy.

She and Hua Feidi only dared to use secret techniques to lure the Xuan Ming Flying Snake from a distance. Gao Xian had only been making elixirs for a few years, but he dared to fight against a fourth-level monster. He really didn't know how high the sky was!

Seeing that Gao Xian was locked by the Xuanming Flying Snake's divine consciousness and was about to be killed by the Xuanming Flying Snake's ice energy, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

At this moment, the platinum light wheel appeared behind Gao Xian, and instantly turned into a platinum light rainbow and disappeared away.

Although the sweeping ice energy was powerful, it could only fall into the air.

White cold air rolled over, and heavy white mist rose within a radius of dozens of miles.

Such power made Bai Zi really couldn't help but sigh, "It's a pity that this kid ran away."

Hua Feidi on the side said casually: "This man's escape skills are really superb. He can also break free from the lock of the fourth-level monster's spiritual consciousness. I don't know if he borrowed the power of the magic weapon or if his spiritual consciousness is so pure!"

Hua Feidi's handsome face showed a mixture of curiosity and admiration. She wore a bun and a dark blue robe. She was dressed like a man, but her brows were full of the charm of a woman.

Bai Zizhen said solemnly: "This person is the true successor of Shenxiao, and he has a third-grade golden elixir. He must have a spiritual weapon to protect him."

As she was talking, the platinum light flashed on the water mirror, and Gao Xian came back again.

Gao Xian fired dozens of Fierce Sun bombs this time, and a little bit of red light shot towards the Xuanming Flying Snake.

The green eyes of the Xuanming Flying Snake flashed with divine light, and dozens of lasing red lights exploded in mid-air.

The first time it was hit by Gao Xianxuan's ice arrow was because it had never seen such a spell before.

When the Fiery Sun Bullet fell, the Xuanming Flying Snake locked onto the Fiery Sun Bullet with its extremely powerful consciousness.

Although it cannot control the Solar Bomb in turn, it is not difficult to forcefully detonate the Solar Bomb with spiritual consciousness.

Gao Xian didn't care either. The fourth-level monster must be very intelligent and could make corresponding adjustments according to the situation. This itself was not difficult.

Fierce Sun Bullet and Black Ice Arrow are both extremely powerful spells. These two spells have no effect, and the other spells are even less threatening.

Gao Xian flicked his finger, and the Lingxi Sword pierced the Xuanming Flying Snake with a sword whistling like the wind.

The Xuanming Flying Snake tried to lock the Lingxi Flying Sword with his spiritual consciousness. Gao Xian controlled the flying sword to spin and fly around the Xuanming Flying Snake.

The consciousness of the fourth-level monster is powerful, but it is difficult to control it in a precise manner. Ever since it was a child, it has always crushed its prey in battle, without the need for subtle control of its consciousness to deal with a small flying sword.

The fourth-level monster has no experience with such a fast and small magic weapon.

The Xuanming monster tried several times but could not lock the flying sword, so it simply ignored the little thing.

It could see that it was Gao Xian who controlled the flying sword, and it only needed to destroy this little thing.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Lingxi Sword whirled past the back of the Xuanming Flying Snake, leaving little ripples on the translucent protective body.

As if it was a miss, the Lingxi Sword failed to cause any harm to the Xuanming Flying Snake.

However, the Xuanming Flying Snake suddenly burst out with his consciousness, roughly cutting off Gao Xian's control of the Lingxi Sword.

It took the opportunity to activate the ice energy and blasted the Lingxi Sword away.

Gao Xian saw a bit of crystal light rolling through the endless sea of ​​clouds, leaving a faint trace of light.

This flying sword has been with him for more than ten years. It is not of high grade but of very good quality.

However, as his swordsmanship has improved greatly and his magical weapons have become stronger and stronger, he has rarely had the opportunity to use the flying sword.

Fortunately, the Lingxi Sword was not damaged, but was knocked away by the Xuanming Flying Snake's Gang Qi.

When the flying sword flew thousands of steps away and was freed from the interference of the Xuan Ming Flying Snake's divine consciousness, Gao Xian took back the Lingxi Sword with a movement of his divine consciousness.

It was obviously useless to interfere with flying swords. After several confrontations, Xuanming Flying Snake quickly mastered the method of dealing with it.

If the fight continues like this, the Xuanming Flying Snake will become a spirit!

Gao Xian also realized this. The Xuanming Flying Snake has powerful spiritual power, but it just doesn't know how to use it yet.

This is also his chance to kill the fourth-level monster.

But there was still someone peeping nearby, and Gao Xian couldn't find the other person's location for a while. I can only vaguely feel that the other party is somewhere to the south.

Gao Xian stretched out his hand and pressed it softly, and the five-element Tiangang condensed into a huge silver palm, and slapped it on the wings of the Xuanming Flying Snake.

The two pairs of wings are made of bone spurs and membranes, and are extremely thin. Gao Xian had long identified this spot as the easiest to attack, and would attack with all his strength without giving the opponent a chance to evade.

The Xuanming Flying Snake's body was rippling with water, completely blocking the attack of the Great Five Elements Tiangang. Just the huge mana shock still shook the thin wings.

The Xuanming Flying Snake was not injured, but it felt some threats and became furious.

Without thinking, it spit out another mouthful of ice energy at Gao Xian, but this time its magic power was increased by more than ten times.

The true energy of ice is like an open giant white umbrella. As the white cold air expands, all the clouds in the sky are frozen into ice.

Gao Xian, who had already retreated ten thousand steps away, was affected by the ice energy. His blood seemed to be frozen into ice, and the platinum light wheel flowing behind him was frozen.

At this moment, tangible and intangible existences such as mana and spiritual consciousness were frozen.

The fourth-level monster unleashes its full power, and the power it releases is so terrifying.

Hua Feidi and Bai Zizhen, who were fighting hundreds of miles away, saw a vast expanse of white. The cold air was so intense that the water mirror in front of them froze into ice.

After a pause, the frozen water mirror silently shattered into hundreds of pieces.

Bai Zizhen was also horrified, "What a powerful Han Qi!"

Hua Feidi's handsome face also showed a look of surprise, "This monster has lived for at least two or three thousand years to have such terrifying power!"

"Gao Xian is dead this time..." Bai Zizhen's gloomy eyes showed joy. The Xuanming Flying Snake was so terrifying that even the Nascent Soul Lord, not to mention the golden elixir, could not bear it.

The little Gao Xian will definitely die.

Hua Feidi thought for a moment and shook his head slightly: "That's not necessarily the case. This person has a spiritual weapon to protect himself and has excellent escape skills. There is always a chance to escape."

She added: "The Mysterious Flying Snake is frozen for hundreds of miles. It is indeed unparalleled in power. But with such powerful magic power, 99% of it falls into the air..."

Hua Feidi couldn't help but shake her head as she spoke. Any Nascent Soul Lord would never waste his mana like this.

Of course, True Monarch Nascent Soul would be able to easily lock Gao Xian to death without giving the opponent a chance to jump back and forth, and there would be no need to use earth-shattering magical powers.

Bai Zizhen asked with great expectation: "Can fellow Taoist still control the Xuanming Flying Snake?"

"How can it be."

Hua Feidi shook his head, "The Xuanming Flying Snake has exploded with all its power this time, and is in an extremely excited and angry state. No one can control it at this time. Besides, I only used secret techniques to lure it, and it is far from being controlled. "

"That's it, then we can only take the risk and go have a look."

Bai Zizhen was a little afraid of the Xuanming Flying Snake, but he didn't want to let Gao Xian go.

If this kid didn't die, she would add a sword and send him to heaven.

"If Gao Xian is not dead, he might as well give it to me."

Hua Feidi smiled and said, "This man looks very much to my liking."

Seeing Bai Zizhen's hesitation, a chill flashed through Hua Feidi's eyes. This woman really didn't know how to live or die.

She didn't want to get too serious with Bai Zizhen, so she said casually: "If Gao Xian is in my hands, there is no way he can leave alive. You don't need to worry too much."

Bai Zizhen heard that Hua Feidi is good at the Blood River Golden Cart method. This method uses a male cultivator as a golden chariot and a female cultivator to drive through the blood river and many tribulations. It is the most advanced tonic method of the Blood God Sect.

The male cultivator who fell into Hua Feidi's hands would be worse off than dead.

On the other hand, Hua Feidie was in the late stage of Jindan, and his cultivation was far stronger than hers.

It seemed that the other party was unhappy with her hesitation.

Bai Zizhen said quickly: "This is natural, it is entirely up to fellow Taoists to deal with it."

The two of them used their escape skills and quickly arrived at the battlefield. The heavy clouds in the sky were still frozen, and the space for dozens of miles around turned into huge transparent ice.

It’s just that the Xuanming Flying Snake has disappeared without a trace, and there is no trace of Gao Xian.

Hua Feidi looked at the secret technique for a while, then she pointed to the north and said: "That way the Xuanming Flying Snake went, but as for Gao Xian, it's hard to say..."

Bai Zi was really unwilling, so she suggested, "Let's catch up and have a look?"

Hua Feidi shook his head: "The mark I left on the Xuanming Flying Snake has dissipated. It is very manic now, and we will be in danger if it finds us."

"All right……"

Bai Zizhen said to himself: "Even if that kid runs away, he can't escape the pursuit of the Xuanming Flying Snake."

In fact, the plan this time was very rough. If Gao Xian had not come up to provoke the Xuanming Flying Snake and completely angered the Xuanming Flying Snake, he would not have died.

It was all this boy's own fault!

What Bai Zizhen and Hua Feidi didn't know was that there was a clone of Taiyuan God hidden in the clouds, silently observing them at this moment...

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