The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 402: Ten Years to Sharpen a Sword

Jinxiao Peak has an eight-dimensional universe formation on the top of the peak.

This array is connected to the huge array of Qingyun Sect, condensing a stable spatial coordinate in the void.

Cultivators of the sect can open the space coordinates through the Shenxiao Order, connect the magic circle with the Qiankun Shifting Talisman, and return directly to the sect from thousands of miles away.

Falling Star Valley is unknown to the Qingyun Sect, so Yun Qingxuan used the Ten Directions Great Movement Talisman to directly transmit it back to the sect.

Just this fourth-level high-grade teleportation talisman is worth five million spirit stones.

Including the cost of elixirs, spiritual weapons, etc., Yun Qingxuan invested 70 to 80 million spirit stones this time.

It would be a huge loss if it came back without success.

Just like that, Yun Qingxuan realized the power of White Tiger Star Lord and immediately gave up the action plan without hesitation.

Until Gao Xian stepped forward and relied on his powerful clone to save her losses.

Yun Qingxuan and Gao Xian were already close friends, with a vague affection, but they both enjoyed this spiritual resonance more.

During this trip, the boundary between the two was broken.

Yun Qingxuan actually knew very well that Gao Xian was a romantic and passionate person, and there were a long list of women who had relationships with him, including Zhu Qiniang, Li Feihuang, Zhou Yuling, Yan Feiyin, etc., and each of them was beautiful and had character.

Not to mention that Gao Xian often went to Changle Tower to indulge in sex with countless women.

Yun Qingxuan does not expect Gao Xian to be devoted to her. For her, this is a new experience.

As a practitioner, you always have to experience love and hatred, joy and anger, joy and sorrow, in order to clearly see the true nature of your heart.

She is a second-grade elixir, and does not have the magical powers of a first-grade golden elixir, so she can only rely on her to make up for it.

Choosing Gao Xian is also a kind of training for her. I just don’t know whether she will be addicted to it, or whether she can polish her mind, understand the world, and take further steps in her practice.

She was not opposed to being close to Gao Xian, but was rather curious.

In fact, Gao Xian and her just touched their lips and had no time to do anything else.

The teleportation speed of the magic circle is very fast. In the blink of an eye, Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan appeared in the Jinxiaofeng teleportation magic circle.

Gao Xian naturally let go of Yun Qingxuan, and the teleportation circle was guarded day and night. He didn't want to show off his affection in front of outsiders.

Yun Qingxuan nodded lightly to Gao Xian and left calmly.

Gao Xian said hello to the cultivators of the guardian array before returning to Xuanduyuan.

Qingqing was very excited when she knew Gao Xian was back. She hurried over to stick to Gao Xian and didn't want to leave even half a step further.

Gao Xian coaxed the little girl for a while and called Qiniang to talk about the business.

It was mainly arranged by Qiniang after she formed the elixir. As a true successor, she also had twenty years of cultivation time.

During this period, there is no need to do good deeds or work for the sect.

Gao Xian also told Qiniang not to worry and to stabilize her cultivation first.

At night, Qingqing was taken away to rest by the newly recruited maid. Gao Xian and Qiniang have a secret meeting alone.

After two days of double cultivation with Qiniang, Gao Xian finally calmed down and started doing business.

When he left Luo Xing Valley, he quietly left Taiyuan Shenxiang in Luo Xing Valley.

With his powerful spiritual consciousness, he is enough to place Taiyuan Shenxiang thousands of steps away. Yun Qingxuan couldn't notice it at all.

After regaining his energy, Gao Xian also devoted most of his energy to Taiyuan Shenxiang.

The Nine-Pointed Star Palace is very large, with strong star power and some broken puppets inside.

Taiyuan Shenxiang practices the Starry Sword inside. He not only has strong star power, but also has opponents to practice swordsmanship with.

During Gao Xian's time in Luo Xing Valley, he gained a lot of insights into the astrological sword, and he was considered to be a master of this sword technique.

It's just that it's still far away from the master's perfect Wind and Cloud Sword Scripture, and it needs time to polish and refine.

From then on, Gao Xian spent most of his energy practicing swordsmanship, and then messing around with the Five Elements Sect who controlled the Taixuan Divine Aspect.

Gao Xian was distracted, so he didn't have the energy to go out and play. His daily job is to teach Qingqing how to practice and play games with the little girl. His life is quite leisurely and relaxing.

Every three or five months, he will visit Yun Qingxuan. The two of them broke that barrier, but Yun Qingxuan obviously couldn't accept too fast progress and needed to proceed step by step.

Gao Xian used to hold hands, mainly talking about mysteries, telling profound and exquisite stories, and occasionally writing poems.

For example, it plagiarizes Qiu Chuji's poems, and the whole two sentences are like "quiet night sinking, floating light and mist, cold soaking and melting moon".

On earth and in heaven, the rotten silver glow shines brightly. He looks exactly like the real person in Gushe, with graceful appearance and noble spirit. Whoever believes in the myriad of changes will not be ranked with all the beauties...

This poem about pear blossoms is quite fairy-like and suits Yun Qingxuan's taste.

Taking advantage of the joy in Yun Qingxuan's heart, Gao Xian certainly wanted to take a step further. There is a charming and charming style in it, but it is not enough for outsiders to understand.

It can only be said that a beautiful beauty with a cold and ascetic style is even more charming than a charming witch once she is in love.

Gao Xian took the White Tiger Star Bead and pondered it for more than half a year, and finally used the white jade gourd to completely absorb the sharp Venus power of the White Tiger Star Bead.

As for the White Tiger Heavenly Evil Sword deep in the White Tiger Star Pearl, it is extremely special and cannot be absorbed by the white jade gourd.

The White Tiger Tiansha Sword is actually the sword worn by the White Tiger Star Lord. It can be regarded as a fourth-level spiritual sword, but its grade is not too high. After all, White Tiger Star Lord is just a puppet.

The White Tiger Tiansha Sword has a sharp golden sword with strong killing intent, but it is like a platinum star. Its quality is much different from the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword.

However, the two are very similar in terms of sword intent attributes, and it can be said that they overlap in function. It takes a certain amount of time and effort to refine the White Tiger Tiansha Sword.

Gao Xian thought about it and gave Qiniang the White Tiger Tiansha Sword.

Under his introduction, Qiniang spent 15 million spirit stones to ask Huo Lingyun to integrate the White Tiger Tiansha Sword into the Golden Leaf Sword.

This move caused the White Tiger Tiansha Sword to drop one level, but raised the Golden Leaf Sword to the third level of the ultimate spiritual sword.

Qiniang has this sword, and her fighting power immediately increases.

Gao Xian's body used his sword to sacrifice to the white jade gourd every day, and put the White Lotus Golden God Flag into the gourd to become one with the white jade gourd.

The white jade gourd has obviously changed a lot after absorbing it these few times.

It's just that it's still one level away from refining, and Gao Xian can't get past that barrier no matter how hard he tries.

He had a feeling that only if he used this sword as his natal sword to form a sword elixir could he truly refine the sword.

There are still more than ten years left before the agreement with Yue Shenxiu, so Gao Xian is not in a hurry.

The most important thing now is to lay a solid foundation and practice Wuji Tianxiang Sword Technique to an extremely high level, so that it is possible to condense a first-grade sword elixir.

On the other hand, Gao Xian is also constantly digesting the power of thunder in the Zixiao Thunder Bead and comprehending the method of Zixiao Thunder in it.

This kind of practice is equivalent to a senior giving him initiation and blessing, and the process is quite easy.

Calm, relaxed and stable days flow by like water, leaving no trace.

One night late at night, Gao Xian suddenly felt something in his heart. As soon as he thought about it, the Taiyuan Shenxiang appeared in front of him.

At this moment, the Taiyuan Shenxiang's golden clothes had been corroded by star power and had hundreds of holes, and his golden eyes turned dark blue.

After practicing swordsmanship in Luo Xing Valley for ten years, even if there was an astrological sword to convert the star power, the strong star power would inevitably erode the body and soul, so much so that the color of his eyes changed.

Gao Xian couldn't help but feel a little emotional when he saw Taiyuan Shenxiang like this.

After ten years of sharpening a sword, I finally achieved something.

The astrological sword, which was originally the most difficult to practice, allowed Taiyuan Shenxiang to reach the master level in ten years.

This is also due to the White Tiger Sword Intent in the White Tiger Star Bead, and the Nine-Pointed Star Palace was originally built by gathering star power. There are various star power restrictions and puppets left in it, all showing the various changes in star power.

Taiyuan Shenxiang watches the sun rise and the moon set in Luo Xing Valley. Because the power of the stars is too strong, he will have a more special experience and understanding of the changes of the sun and the moon.

Under normal celestial changes, the sun and stars do not meet, and the lone moon covers the stars.

In Falling Star Valley, all this has changed. The stars cover the moon, and the stars shine red.

Taiyuan Shenxiang practices swordsmanship in Luo Xing Valley, and both Sun and Moon Sword Techniques have reached the master level. Although they are still one level behind Fengyun Sword Technique, they are enough.

Wuji Tianxiang Sword Technique is of extremely high level, far superior to Fengyun Sword Sutra.

At this point, his swordsmanship has truly taken a big step forward and improved to a great level.

Taiyuan Shenxiang's sword intention is extremely pure at this moment, and his cultivation level has reached a point of no improvement. As long as he is willing, he can condense the sword elixir at any time.

However, Taiyuan Shenxiang stayed in Luo Xing Valley for too long, and his body was eroded by the star power, so he needed to cultivate and adjust for a period of time.

The most important thing is that he needs to find a safe place to form pills.

The pill formation must have enough aura and be safe enough. Just these two conditions left him with very few choices.

If he forms a first-grade sword elixir, the divine light will penetrate the sky and the earth and be clearly visible thousands of miles away.

Without the Nascent Soul Lord to help him cover up the vision, he would definitely attract powerful people.

Gao Xian has been thinking about this issue for the past ten years. Of course, he has thought of several backup plans, but he is not sure which one to use.

If you are successful in refining the sword, you must form the elixir as soon as possible without any further delay.

One thing that exceeded Gao Xian's expectation was that Taiyuan's divine form was severely eroded by star power.

In order to get rid of the star power, he had to find Jin Dabao and bought ten Nine-Turn Jade Clear Pills through Wanbao Tower.

The Jade Clear Pill can purify the body and soul. The Nine-turn Jade Clear Pill costs two hundred high-grade spiritual stones, which is quite expensive.

Fortunately, Gao Xian had more than 30,000 high-grade spiritual stones, so he didn't even blink when paying the bill.

The effect of expensive elixirs is also extremely wonderful. If you eat ten Nine-turn Jade Clear Pills, all the star power that has corroded your soul and body will be removed, and the Taiyuan Shenxiang will be restored to its best state.

Gao Xian once again lamented that alchemy was really profitable, but he had no extra energy to waste on it.

To improve your cultivation level, you will naturally have whatever you want.

At this time, it was already mid-December. Both Qingyun Sect and Donghuang have entered the cold winter, and most cultivators are hiding in their homes during the winter, with almost no one going out.

Although the Five Elements Sect is a demonic sect, they are not in the mood to go out and do bad things in such a cold season.

The Five Elements Sect is located in the Wuyuan Valley. The sect has dug tens of thousands of caves in the valley, which is enough to accommodate nearly 100,000 Five Elements Sect practitioners to spend the winter here.

It's freezing cold and the mountains are covered with snow.

The practitioners of the Five Elements Sect, who had been busy for a year, were all hiding in their own grottoes.

Wealthy cultivators use magic arrays to keep warm, while poor cultivators can only use branches and firewood to keep warm.

Zuo Yunshan, the leader of the Five Elements Sect, lives in a huge grotto in the deepest part of the valley. It faces north and south. The grotto is inlaid with huge transparent glass, allowing the noon sun to shine in freely.

There is a third-level magic circle in the grotto that operates day and night. It not only makes the grotto warm as spring, but also can resist all external dangers and protect his safety.

This is also the center of the Five Yuan Valley. The huge magic circle covering a hundred miles guides all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into this place, and its spiritual energy is ten times richer than elsewhere.

Zuo Yunshan likes to bask in the sun and sip hot tea at this time.

A few years ago, something went wrong while practicing a secret method, and he no longer had any pursuit of cultivation.

Zuo Yunshan took a sip of hot tea, but it still couldn't warm his cold body. He tugged at the thick fox fur covering his legs. This third-level snow fox fur couldn't make him feel warm.

Zuo Yunshan's skinny and pale face showed a hint of helplessness. He luckily survived after going crazy, but his body became extremely afraid of the cold.

Especially in the cold winter, the chilling air between heaven and earth was unbearable for him.

Even though it was noon when Yang Qi was at its strongest, he still felt cold all over.

Zuo Yunshan gently knocked on a small golden gong on the table. A middle-aged woman walked in quickly and saluted, "Ancestor?"

"Go pick out two fresh and beautiful ones. I want to change my taste." Zuo Yunshan said lightly to the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman bowed in response. The ancestor liked to drink blood, so he had prepared many monsters and some virgin beauties when winter came.

These beauties were plundered from various places and kept nearby as fresh food. Offer it to the ancestors when needed.

Of course, this kind of blood food must be filled with good elixirs every day, and the food and drink are very particular. The purpose is to ensure that the blood is fresh enough and full of spiritual energy.

The middle-aged woman met a monk in black clothes just after she went out. This man had long eyebrows and handsome features, but his expression was cold and solemn, and his eyes were gloomy, making it difficult for people to get close to him.

The middle-aged woman knew this person, Hong Lian, a foundation-building monk, and a guest minister of the sect. She had been in the sect for more than ten years. He always behaves in a low-key manner and seldom interacts with others.

What is Honglian doing here?

The middle-aged woman looked at the other person with some doubts: "What's wrong with Elder Honglian?"

"I have something important to see the sect master, and please ask the manager to help me report it."

Honglian emphasized again: "This matter is of great importance and is particularly urgent. It must be reported to the sect master immediately."

The middle-aged woman did not dare to ask any more questions after hearing this. She hurriedly returned to the grotto to ask for instructions. After a while, she turned back and said to Honglian: "Follow me."

The middle-aged woman's cultivation was so poor that she naturally couldn't tell that Honglian had changed before her.

Gao Xian followed the middle-aged woman across the high threshold and entered the huge grotto.

This grotto is dozens of feet in diameter, with dozens of windows on both sides. The transparent glass windows let in all the sunlight at noon, making the interior of the grotto somewhat dazzling.

The sect leader Zuo Yunshan was lying on the couch, covered with snow-white fox fur, his pale and thin face expressionless, his eyes cold and sharp.

Taixuan Shenxiang has been in the Five Elements Sect for more than ten years, and has only met the sect leader a few times.

Taixuan Shenxiang has visited this grotto where Zuo Yunshan lives many times. Taiji Xuanguang's invisible celestial clothes come and go without a trace, making him perfect for being a thief.

After more than ten years in Wuyuan Valley, Taixuan Shenxiang really has a good grasp of the situation here. He even found the sect's treasure house.

The reason why Gao Xian didn't take action was actually waiting for a suitable opportunity.

Zuo Yunshan didn't see anything wrong with Gao Xian. He was about to enjoy the food when he was interrupted, and he felt a little unhappy.

He said coldly: "If you have anything to say, please tell me."

Gao Xian smiled at Zuo Yunshan, and he slowly took out the Green Lotus Sword from his sleeve.

Zuo Yunshan felt something was wrong. Honglian didn't like to laugh, let alone smile at him so contemptuously.

He felt a strong vigilance in his heart and instinctively gathered his magic power.

The next moment, a flash of cyan sword light reflected in Zuo Yunshan's eyes, and its sharp sword intent cut off Zuo Yunshan's outward consciousness.

Zuo Yunshan was horrified, and he did not hesitate to madly activate the Five Elements Tiangang.

The smile on Gao Xian's face became even stronger. This person's Great Five Elements Tiangang was too crude. Looking at the dense silver Qi, it is actually full of gaps.

Ten years ago, he could kill the opponent with one sword, but he had to use his sword intent to kill the opponent forcefully. It saves trouble now, just follow the opponent's gap and strike him with a sword, you don't even need to use force.

Only then did a ball of silver energy rise up from Zuo Yunshan's body, and the green sword light had already separated the silver energy and penetrated deeply into the center of Zuo Yunshan's eyebrows.

The exquisite sword intent on the four-foot green front split Zuo Yunshan's soul into pieces.

Gao Xian succeeded in taking the sword and put it back into its sheath. He whispered to the stunned Zuo Yunshan, "Zuo Zongzhu, I am here to use your place to do business."

He thought for a moment and then added: "Also, I want to borrow your sect's Great Five Elements Kung Fu inheritance."

Zuo Yunshan's eyes were filled with aura of death, and there was no life left at all. There was no way to respond.

The middle-aged woman next to her was so frightened that she was trembling all over. She watched helplessly as the sect leader was killed with one sword strike. The killing was so easy and freehand that it was easier than a cook killing a chicken.

Zuo Yunshan, a powerful master of the Five Elements in the late Jindan period, a powerful man who managed millions of demon cultivators, died so easily!

She couldn't help but have a thought in her mind: "Could the other party be the True Monarch Nascent Soul..."

Gao Xian's eyes turned to the middle-aged woman: "Manager, the sect master has passed away, so there is no need to be too sad.

"How about we get down to business first?"

The middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment and nodded vigorously: "It all depends on your orders, all on your orders!"

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