The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 412: Electricity and Illusion

Taiyin Hanminglun, this fourth-level spiritual weapon is quite extraordinary, on the same level as the Xiandu Sword.

If you take it out and sell it, you can sell it for one or two hundred million spiritual stones.

Although the Xiandu Sword is strong, it is a high-level sword after all. Only sword cultivators would buy it.

A sword cultivator who refines a sword elixir will definitely have a natal sword.

The market is limited, so it is difficult to sell Xiandu sword at a high price.

The Taiyin Cold Underworld Wheel is different. As long as the golden elixir is good at water-based secrets, it can be controlled, and its uses are wider.

Simply put, the functionality is better, the scope of application is wider, and the market demand is naturally greater. The price will be higher.

Another point is that the Xiandu Sword cannot see the light.

There is nothing scary about the Taiyin Cold Pluto Chakra. Gao Xian never thought of hiding this matter.

A few guys from the Yuelun Sect want to plot against him, but they deserve to die.

What would happen if True Lord Hanyue knew about it? How dare he come to Qingyun Sect to kill him?

Gao Xian had already formed a deadly feud with the Yuelun Sect and didn't care about another debt on his side.

Killing the enemy must be fair and aboveboard, only then can one feel happy.

Bai Tianchuan is rich and has a third-level spiritual sword. The others are much worse.

The Five Elements and Liuhe Flag in Liang Siqi's hand is a third-level spiritual weapon, and the swords of the Yin and Yang Swords are both third-level spiritual swords. Together, they can sell thirty to forty million spiritual stones.

Gao Xian looked down on the money now, but the level of the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword was too high, and the third-level spiritual sword was completely useless to it. It can only be sold for money.

Several personal storage bags for various items. After all, they are all old guys who have lived for hundreds of years.

There were too many things, so Gao Xian just sorted out all the spiritual stones first, adding up to more than two thousand high-grade spiritual stones.

On the contrary, it was Liang Siqi who had the most spirit stones. This elder of the Yuelun Sect, Keqing, was obviously not at ease with the sect, so he carried all the spirit stones with him.

The others are all important figures in the Yuelun Sect. They have deep roots in the sect and would not take many spiritual stones with them when they go out.

Gao Xian properly disposed of the bodies of several people.

He is already familiar with this and has a complete and safe process.

After handling these, Gao Xiancai calmly rushed to Liuhe City.

Liuhe Sect, Zichou Peak, Yunguang Pavilion.

Lu Bingyang sat in front of the window as usual, quietly looking at the scenery outside.

The setting sun was about to fall, reflecting the red clouds in the sky like blood.

The last ray of afterglow spilled in from the window and fell on Lu Bingyang.

The Liuhe City below has been shrouded in twilight, and you can see lights lighting up in the city, and wisps of smoke rising from people's kitchens.

There is no need for heating during this season, but a fire is needed for cooking. Not many people can use the spirit stone array to cook, most people still use firewood to make a fire.

Lu Bingyang likes this kind of fireworks. For people, the most important thing is to have enough food and clothing.

Fireworks represent warmth and food.

Several golden elixirs were gone, and the big stone that weighed on Lu Bingyang's heart was finally gone. He felt more relaxed than ever before.

Even these most ordinary scenery, he found it pleasing to the eye.

"This scenery is very nice. No wonder Sect Master Lu likes to sit here..." A clear voice suddenly sounded behind Lu Bingyang.

Lu Bingyang suddenly tensed up as he let his mind wander, and his body-protecting energy naturally burst out.

Lu Bingyang held the Liuhe Token tightly in his hand, which was the central token for controlling the sect's array. As his consciousness activated the formation, it could immediately start operating.

However, Lu Bingyang did not dare to directly trigger the formation.

The sect's magic circle is very powerful, but the magic circle and magic weapon are different. The magic weapon can be easily activated with spiritual consciousness, but the magic circle cannot do this.

The more powerful the magic circle is, the more troublesome it is to activate it.

Lu Bingyang knew the identity of the person behind him, and hastily summoned the magic circle to protect him. Instead, it would arouse the other party's murderous intent.

He smiled bitterly and slowly stood up and turned around, and sure enough he saw the handsome man in green.

Lu Bingyang actually never met Gao Xian formally, but only used magic to see Gao Xian from a distance.

We haven't seen him for more than 20 years, but Gao Xian looks younger, and even has a youthful look.

It can be seen from this that this person has a profound cultivation level and a very long lifespan, and is in a vigorous and upward stage of his life.

As a golden elixir that is about to expire, Lu Bingyang is the most sensitive to this kind of aura, and he is also the most envious and jealous.

On the other hand, Gao Xian's sudden appearance made him uneasy.

The timing of the other party's arrival was so coincidental that Chuan and others left during the day. Although Hua Ziying and Jingfeng did not leave, they stayed in Liuhe City.

In Liuhe Sect, he is the only Jindan Zhenren.

This is definitely not a coincidence, but Gao Xian saw him alone!

Lu Bingyang suppressed the complicated emotions in his heart. He bowed respectfully and said, "Lu has met Mr. Gao."

Gao Xian bowed his head and returned the courtesy: "I'm taking the liberty of visiting you. It would be best if Sect Leader Lu doesn't get weird."

Lu Bingyang couldn't help but smile bitterly. He said it so easily. He penetrated the sect's protective formation without anyone noticing and came behind him deep in the ground. This was too presumptuous!

"No matter when the real person comes, he will be a distinguished guest of our sect."

Lu Bingyang said polite words. Although he knew that the other party had bad intentions, he could not show his timidity first.

Gao Xian smiled and said nothing. He came to the window and looked at Liuhe City below. I have to say that the perspective here is really good, overlooking the entire Liuhe City.

From this position, he could directly see the voluptuous female demon cultivator in Liuhe City. She was putting on heavy makeup and getting ready to receive guests in Liuxiang Tower.

I have to say that this 600-700-year-old woman has quite special hobbies!

Another fat demon cultivator was hanging out in the lower city.

As an outsider with a simple and stupid look, he has been targeted by many people.

A group of people happily led Jing Feng to his lair. They didn't know that the guy behind them was a golden elixir demon cultivator who liked to drink blood and eat meat.

Gao Xian's left eye shone slightly with green light, and he easily found two golden elixir demon cultivators among hundreds of thousands of cultivators.

Although these two concealed their cultivation and could deceive the foundation-building monks and even the golden elixir monks, they could not hide from the proficient level flower-appreciating mirror.

He asked casually: "Sect Master Lu, what are the names of that woman and the fat man?"

Lu Bingyang's smile froze. He was silent for a while and then slowly said: "Hua Ziying and Jingfeng. Two late-stage golden elixir demon cultivators from the Blood God Sect."


Gao Xian had actually heard of Hua Ziying, and Taixuan Shenxiang had stayed in the Blood God Sect for more than ten years, so he knew a little about the situation of the Blood God Sect.

When Lu Bingyang saw that Gao Xian had made things clear, he did not dare to pretend to be confused anymore. He said hurriedly: "Ma'am, I was forced to do this."

Gao Xian sighed softly: "It can be said that Lu Shidao and I have known each other, and I have borrowed your Five Elements Cave. I owe you a personal favor.

"However, you and many golden elixir demon cultivators plotted against me, and this account cannot be ignored."

Lu Bingyang felt cold in his heart, Gao Xian still wanted to kill him!

Without luck, Lu Bingyang developed a strong fighting spirit. In Liuhe Sect, as long as he activates the big formation, he doesn't have to be afraid of Gao Xian, at least he can fight.

If you delay for a while and wait for Hua Ziying and Jingfeng to come over, you can always force this guy back, not to mention killing Gao Xian.

Lu Bingyang's heart skipped a beat when he thought of this. Just as he was about to issue the Liuhe Order, his eyes suddenly lit up.

A flash of cold light flashed up and disappeared in an instant.

The cold light that comes and goes in an instant is like a dream bubble, or like a fleeting electric light.

"It's a four-foot long sword..."

Before Lu Bingyang had time to react, the cold light penetrated his eyebrows.

The powerful spiritual consciousness he had cultivated for seven hundred years still allowed him to see clearly that the shining cold light was a sword, a sword controlled by a wise man.

Gao Xian drew his sword so fast that Lu Bingyang had no time to activate his magic power, and was killed with one sword.

After forming a first-grade sword elixir, and then refining the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword into a life sword, within seven steps, not to mention Lu Bingyang, not even a powerful golden elixir like Hua Ziying could avoid this sword.

Lu Bingyang glared at Gao Xian. He was unwilling to accept that this guy, who was known as the master of magic and sword, unexpectedly attacked him secretly!

Gao Xian said slowly to Lu Bingyang: "I'm sorry, I didn't say anything when I took action. However, you secretly wanted to kill me and you didn't notify me. It's actually quite fair, right?"

Lu Bingyang said nothing. His eyes were lifeless and he had completely lost his breath.

"Actually, it's for your own good. After all, I owe you a favor. Giving you a package for a safe trip can be considered as compensation."

Gao Xian muttered, and casually put Lu Bingyang into the White Emperor Qiankun Transformation Sword.

There are still Hua Ziying and Jingfeng who have not been resolved, and there is no time to deal with Lu Bingyang now.

In fact, the impact of killing Lu Bingyang will be very large. After all, Lu Bingyang is the leader of Liuhe Sect and manages millions of cultivators.

Lu Bingyang's sudden disappearance will cause chaos in the Liuhe Sect.

But Lu Bingyang didn't even consider him, so how could he care about Liuhe Sect. Of course, Liuhe Sect is a treasure house and cannot be let go.

However, you cannot keep the contents of the treasure house alone. No matter what, I have to hand over part of it to the sect and let the sect clean up the mess.

Gao Xian had already thought of a comprehensive plan before taking action and successfully eliminated Lu Bingyang. The next one was Hua Ziying.

In Liuxiang Pavilion, Hua Ziying was wearing a thousand-flower robe and sitting quietly on a chair, sipping the bright red peach blossom wine.

This is her homemade spiritual wine, which is rich in spiritual energy and has aphrodisiac effects. Even if you drink the golden elixir, you will go into heat.

For her, having nothing to do and having fun with some foundation-building monks is also a good pastime.

After all, Liuhe City is also lively, but it is more fun than Zongmen.

Hua Ziying drank a few sips of peach blossom wine, and felt hot in her heart. She just hoped that a handsome man would come to her soon!

She suddenly looked up and looked over.

At this time, someone knocked on the door gently: "Excuse me, fellow Taoist Hua, for waiting for a long time. I'm here."

The door was pushed open, and a handsome and tall man in green clothes walked in. He had a gentle and elegant smile on his face, and his eyes were as bright as the stars.

Although Hua Ziying had never seen this person before, she recognized him as Gao Xian at a glance.

Although she was prepared, she still couldn't help but be surprised.

A group of people had been planning for a year or two, but Gao Xian was not there. This group of people arrived just after Gao Xian arrived. This was obviously no coincidence.

Could it be that a wise man can predict the future? !

Hua Ziying knew that the secrets of divination such as Zhoutian Divine Technique were very mysterious, but it would be nonsense to say that she could accurately calculate their plans. Absolutely impossible!

Hua Ziying's palace was deep in the city, and she was shocked by the sudden appearance of Gao Xian, but she behaved very calmly.

She stood up and smiled and held her hands in her hands: "I have heard for a long time that the real person is handsome and charming, and that he is the most talented person in the world. When I see him today, he is indeed extraordinary..."

"It's a prize, it's a prize, I don't dare." Gao Xian was polite casually.

Looking at Hua Ziying from a close distance, I found that although this woman was old, she was very beautiful, with fair and delicate skin and charming grace.

Possibly due to drinking, this woman's face was still slightly flushed, her eyes were full of spring, and she looked seductive.

Hua Ziying seemed to understand Gao Xian's gaze. She stretched out her slender hand and said softly: "Since the real person is here, why don't you have a few drinks?"

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