The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 416 The Unity of Artifacts

Spring goes and autumn comes, and three years pass by in a snap.

In early spring in March, the spring breeze still carries a bit of chill.

The peach blossoms in Xuandu Mountain have begun to wither, and it is the time when the mountains are covered with red snow.

Gao Xian was sitting under an old tree, with a few bright red fallen flowers on his shoulders. Not far away, Qing Qing was practicing her sword.

Over the past few years, Qingqing has grown a little taller, with a more slender figure and more beautiful proportions.

More importantly, her swordsmanship has improved greatly.

Yun Qiushui privately transmitted "Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra", allowing Qingqing to learn this peerless sword technique.

She and this sword art are indeed incomparable, and in three years, her sword skills have begun to show some success.

Holding the Tianyu Sword in his hand, he is really as graceful as an immortal.

Qingqing's swordsmanship is not only beautiful, but also has the superb swordsmanship of Feixian.

As a master of swordsmanship, Gao Xian felt that his daughter's swordsmanship was very good.

Not to mention the foundation building level, he can be considered a master even at the golden elixir level.

It's just that Qingqing's cultivation is too weak, and he is still far behind in using Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra to compete with Jindan.

After all, Qingqing didn't die, and she was too young, so she couldn't compare with him.

The other thing is the lack of experience. I just practiced swordsmanship with him, so my experience level in all aspects is much different.

"We can go to Ziyun Valley to give Qingqing some experience, but I'm afraid it's too dangerous inside..."

Just as Gao Xian was thinking about it, the divine order in his sleeves trembled slightly.

He took out the Shenxiao Order and saw that it was the divine message sent to him by Yun Qingxuan: Junior brother, set off for Ziyun Valley in ten days.

The Shenxiao Order can be used for communication within the sect. If necessary, you can even open the water mirror and the other party's video through the breath connection.

Sending and receiving text messages is the most basic function of Shenxiao Order.

Gao Xian also knew that the time was coming. The seal of Ziyun Valley was opened in October, so it would take two or three months to get to Wanfeng County.

To prevent accidents, leave some time to spare.

It will take some time to adjust when you arrive at Wanfeng City. It will take more than a month to get from Wanfeng City to Ziyun Valley.

Outside Ziyun Valley, it also needs some time to repair.

Departing in mid-March is actually not too early.

Gao Xian asked Qingqing to continue practicing swordsmanship, and he returned to the secret practice room to prepare for more points.

In two years, he had accumulated a total of 33 million humane auras in his hands. In addition to the six to seven million humane auras that can be harvested in the next six months, he can use seven million humane auras.

The secret techniques that can be added often start with a base number of tens of millions, and six million human auras are nothing.

The only thing that can be upgraded is the Thunder and Lightning Sutra. By absorbing two fourth-level spiritual objects, the Purple Sky Thunder Pearl and the Thunder Sword Crystal, the proficiency of the Thunder and Lightning Sutra has been raised to the expert level, and it is only more than six million proficiency points away from the master.

Gao Xian also calculated that it was almost enough, and took this opportunity to upgrade the Thunder and Lightning Sutra to the master level.

The secret technique and secret method will be qualitatively improved when reaching the expert level, and the master level means that one has achieved great success in this method.

Tai Su Ou Shen and Thunder and Lightning Sutra are two magical powers and secret techniques that he possesses, which can be said to be the foundation of his practice.

Swordsmanship and magic are all extremely powerful because of the blessing of these two magical powers.

According to Yue Shenxiu, the Nine Nether Abyss is full of evil demons, and thunder is the best method to use.

Gao Xian didn't completely believe Yue Shenxiu, so he checked some notes left by his predecessors.

Ziyun Valley opens once in three hundred years. Dozens of seniors from the sect have entered Ziyun Valley before.

After these seniors come back, they will inevitably have to make some records to write down their experiences in Ziyun Valley and give guidance to the juniors.

Judging from these records, Ziyun Valley is indeed extremely dangerous. The most terrifying thing is that the evil spirit is so powerful that if you encounter an immortal, you will lose half your life.

Two of the sect's seniors were lucky enough to escape the evil spirits at that time, but when they returned to the sect, they were infected by the evil spirits and died of illness within a few years.

True Lord Nascent Soul is helpless to do anything about this, which shows how powerful the evil spirit is.

In addition, there are space cracks. The invisible space cracks are enough to kill the Nascent Soul Lord.

There are many types of space cracks. Some space cracks are difficult to detect with spiritual consciousness, and some space cracks can move and are extremely dangerous.

There are also some powerful monsters, all of which are very scary.

In the past, several Nascent Soul Lords entered Ziyun Valley to explore, and either died unexpectedly or were tainted by evil spirits and their cultivation levels were greatly damaged.

Ziyun Valley seems to particularly reject True Lord Yuanying, so even True Lord Yuanying will not enter Ziyun Valley.

After reading the records, Gao Xian felt a little more in awe of Ziyun Valley. This place can kill True Lord Nascent Soul, it is truly terrifying.

When you are about to enter such a dangerous place, you must be prepared in all aspects.

More than six million people cast spiritual light on them, and the Thunder and Lightning Sutra immediately rose to the master level.

In his sea of ​​​​consciousness, the purple and platinum lightning flashes of lightning flashed vertically and horizontally, and various essences of the two thunder methods naturally emerged.

The purple sky thunder is the most victorious and powerful, and is used to defeat the enemy and attack fortresses.

Tianshu's electric light is mysterious and subtle, strengthening body and soul internally, and destroying all laws and spirits externally.

As a natal magical power, the Thunder and Lightning Sutra is very powerful, but it can be cast instantly, which also makes this magical power extremely powerful in battle.

The thunder method is known as the first among all methods, and it is a golden elixir expert who is proficient in the thunder method. If you want to activate the thunder method, you need to hold the Lu chanting mantra. The stronger the power, the longer the casting time.

Gao Xian hates anti-bombing spells, he likes efficient, direct and concise fighting methods.

The instant thunder method fits his fighting philosophy very well and fits his fighting style.

In actual combat, instant lightning spells also have huge advantages.

Combined with Zixiao Tianshu's Demon Subduing Golden Whip, there are several golden elixirs that can block his thunderous strike.

Gao Xian took out the Zixiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip and tried it, and it was indeed easier to control.

The Thunder and Lightning Sutra also has a bonus on swordsmanship. The sword is a little faster, and the power of the Thunder Sword is significantly enhanced, and it is more effortless.

In addition, the reaction speed has been improved. But at his level, every improvement is very difficult.

After receiving the true transmission of the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, he has been promoted to the second level of Jindan in the past few years, but his magic power has been enhanced a little, and his spiritual consciousness has almost remained unchanged.

The real benefit is that he has a better understanding of the power of the Five Elements, and the power of the Five Elements spells has been significantly improved.

Black Ice Arrow and Fiery Sun Bullet have both reached the level of Grandmaster Perfection, and there is no way to improve them for the time being. But as his cultivation level improved, the power of the two spells naturally increased.

Gao Xian felt that his spells and sword skills were strong enough, so he considered buying a top-notch robe.

After all, he has money and a fourth-level Taiyin Hanminglun, which he can use to replace a top-level robe.

After repeated weighing, he gave up the idea.

The price of the fourth-level top-level robe is very scary. It requires refining before you buy it, and it is not easy to control.

He has the Tai Chi Divine Aspect to take his place, and two other Divine Aspects who can teleport thousands of miles away.

If he couldn't save his life in this way, then he wouldn't be able to survive even wearing a fifth-level robe.

It's not as easy to use as the Qinglian robe. If it doesn't work, you can still use the White Emperor Qiankun Transformation Sword as a robe.

Combined with the first-grade golden elixir's indestructible sword body, it is invulnerable to all attacks. Even against the True Monarch Nascent Soul, he can still perform a few tricks.

Coupled with the blessing of the Grandmaster Vajra, it makes him perfect both internally and externally, with strong strength and able to resist evil spirits and demons. In terms of protection, it has reached a very high level and is sufficient.

In fact, he also has a Xuanzang Tianwu Immortality Sword in his hand. The name of this thing is a sword, but it is actually like a black belt.

According to this name, it should be related to protection. It's a pity that even if he forms a sword elixir, it won't resonate with the Xuantian Tianwu Immortality Sword.

Gao Xian checked a lot of information, but could not find the origin of the Xuantian Tianwu Eternal Life Sword, let alone how to activate it.

He is not in a hurry, the few magic weapons in his hand are enough.

In order to cope with the unexpected, he bought some high-level magic talismans. This kind of disposable talisman is expensive, but he has a rich family and can afford it.

Coupled with various high-level elixirs and spiritual objects, it is enough to deal with various complex situations.

On the tenth day, a medium-sized Aoki airship took off from Jinxiao Peak.

Yun Changfeng, Yun Qiushui and many Jindan masters were all there. A group of people watched the spaceship go away, and everyone looked a little solemn.

The trip to Ziyun Valley is very dangerous and very important, and it is even related to the rise and fall of the sect.

No one knows what the outcome of this trip will be, and it is inevitable that they will feel heavy.

Even the indulgent and willful Yun Qiushui no longer had a smile on his face.

Yun Qingxuan went, and so did Gao Xian. One was a close relative and the other was a best friend, so he couldn't help but worry.

He could only pray silently for the two of them, wishing them good luck...

Yun Qingxuan and Gao Xian were sitting across from each other, sipping tea relaxedly.

"Yanluo tea is very good, the tea soup is green and green, and the aroma is like clouds..."

The cabin where Yun Qingxuan lives is not very big, but it is divided into tea room, living room, study room, quiet room and bedroom. The layout is reasonable, the furnishings in the room are elegant and exquisite, and the specifications are very high.

This tea room has a beautiful obsidian table with all the tea-making utensils on it. The stone table is a sacred instrument and has various functions for making tea.

From the huge transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the mountains stretching outside, the clouds in the distance, and the many golden elixirs on the Jinxiao Peak below...

Gao Xian saw Yun Qiushui's solemn expression and smiled: "Brother Yun doesn't look very good."

"Qiu Shui is like this, always thinking too much about things that cannot be grasped."

Yun Qingxuan's expression was indifferent. The luck of going to Ziyun Valley was unpredictable, and he couldn't predict it even if he was as strong as the Patriarch. What's the point of Yun Qiushui just worrying.

Gao Xian shook his head: "After all, we are all mortals, how can we completely control our emotions. Brother Yun is the most sincere person, so he doesn't hide his thoughts."

"Yes. He is always so innocent."

Yun Qingxuan glanced at Gao Xian as he spoke, and said pointedly: "So he can neither be born in the world nor enter the world. It is very embarrassing to be placed in the middle."

This was very pertinent, and Gao Xian also felt that Yun Qiushui had this problem.

However, this is all human nature and cannot be changed. It would be bad to say more.

Gao Xian changed the subject and asked, "Senior brother, how was the Juntianlun ritual?"

A joyful smile appeared on Yun Qingxuan's face: "After ten years of sacrifice, I was lucky enough to match the spirit of the weapon, and reached the state of unity between god and weapon."

She would not tell others about the results of her cultivation, but she would not hide anything from Gao Xian. On the other hand, she also wanted Gao Xian to share her joy.

"Senior brother is so awesome."

Gao Xian was also a little surprised. The Juntian Wheel should be a fourth-order top-grade spiritual weapon. These ancient spiritual weapons may be a little rough, but they are very powerful. Yun Qingxuan refined it in just ten years, and it was really powerful.

"Purple Cloud Valley is dangerous, and I am not a first-grade golden elixir. My form and spirit are not perfect enough, so I can only use the Juntian Wheel to protect my form and spirit."

Yun Qingxuan said: "Not to mention the power of this ancient magic weapon, its perfect transformation can withstand all kinds of external calamities."

Gao Xian's heart moved. If this was really the case, Yun Qingxuan would be qualified to go deep into the Nine Nether Abyss.

Pure Yang Jade Flower can blend into the soul to produce pure Yang light. Lay the foundation of pure Yang.

Such peerless spiritual objects have great appeal to the Taoist Lord of Transformation.

Gao Xian had talked about this matter with Wuyun Qingxuan before because it was in vain.

The White Emperor's Qiankun Transformed Sword can pretend to be real, but it can't stay there for too long. Although he has never tried to pretend to be a living person, judging from the condition of the sword, a person can stay inside for a day at most.

After all, the universe of Baidi's Qiankun Transformation Sword is not the real universe, and it is very different from Dongtian.

The Nine Nether Abyss is full of filthy Yin Qi. Only a perfect body and soul can resist the erosion of Yin Qi.

Since it is called an abyss, if you think about it, you know that it must be endlessly deep and wide, and you will definitely not be able to get the Pure Yang Jade Flower in one day.

Since Yun Qingxuan has refined the Juntian Wheel and can use it to protect his body and spirit, he is qualified to go deep into the Nine Nether Abyss.

Of course, this matter still needs to be discussed with Yue Shenxiu.

Yueshen Xiucai is the leader of this trip. If she doesn't want to, Gao Xian can't force her.

Making a decision after discussing with this person is also a sign of basic respect for the collaborator.

Gao Xian was just thinking about the next plan when Yun Qingxuan suddenly reached out and held his hand.

She said softly: "Junior brother, you have enmity with Yuehua Peak. You will definitely be made difficult and suppressed when you go to Wanfeng City. You don't like to suffer. But in Wanfeng City, you still have to be patient as much as possible..."

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