"Oh, what's so unusual?"

Chu Yuheng closed the small jade fan in his hand playfully, "Sister Hongye must have an affair with this person, right?"

Xiao Hongye looked indifferent: "I have only met Gao Xian twice, so there is no personal relationship."

She turned around and said: "This man's swordsmanship is far superior to mine. As for spells, not to mention. He uses the Great Five Elements Kung Fu to form elixirs, and he is really good at the Five Elements Spells..."

The smile on Chu Yuheng's delicate face showed a thoughtful look. The sword cultivator gave up the comprehensiveness of the cultivator, and the condensed sword elixir was able to refine the natal sword. Therefore, sword cultivators are best at killing and fighting.

As a genius of Tongtian Sword Sect in recent years, Xiao Hongye must be extremely skilled in swordsmanship. Gao Xian can surpass Xiao Hongye in swordsmanship. What level of swordsmanship has it reached?

The key is that he is not a swordsman yet, which is very scary.

"I really want to meet such a character."

Chu Yuheng suddenly said: "I heard that Qingyun Sect is also raising Xinzhai Yunzhu Residence. Since Sister Hongye knows Gao Xian, why not take me there to broaden my horizons."

Xiao Hongye shook his head slightly: "What are you doing here for no reason?"

Chu Yuheng curled his lips slightly: "Okay, then I'll find someone else to go with me."

She stood up and waved her hands: "Sister Hongye, I'm leaving first."

"Won't you stay to eat together?" Xiao Hongye stood up and asked.

"No, no, next time."

Chu Yuheng said that people had already arrived outside the pavilion. She stopped and turned around and said: "Gao Xian is ranked first. Sooner or later, someone will challenge him. Sister, if you want to hear the news, please inform me. I can't miss this excitement. …

Before Xiao Hongye could speak, Chu Yuheng said again: "If I know the news, I will come and inform Sister Hongye."

Chu Yuheng left the lotus pond with brisk steps, turned around a moon gate and soon disappeared.

When Chu Yuheng left, the magic light on the Moon Gate shone brightly, and the magic circle sealed the entire back garden again.

Gao Xian walked slowly into the pavilion from the other direction. He gently held Xiao Hongye's waist, "Someone has already helped me brag and build momentum, so you don't need to add fuel to the fire."

Xiao Hongye leaned in Gao Xian's arms and whispered: "Yue Huafeng's methods are despicable and he wants to kill people in his name. It can be seen that this person has no ability, so he uses conspiracy and tricks.

"Senior brother, as long as he defeats one or two challengers, he will naturally be able to secure his title as the number one in Tianying. All Yue Hua Peak's tricks are in vain to make a wedding dress for senior brother."

Gao Xian laughed: "You have confidence in me."

Xiao Hongye said with a serious face: "I thought that except for Yue Shenxiu, no one in this generation of golden elixirs could be my senior brother's opponent."

"What if Yue Shenxiu takes action?" Gao Xian asked pretending to be worried.

"Yue Shenxiu has a strange temperament, and it is impossible to take action for Yue Huafeng."

Xiao Hongye was silent for a moment before saying, "It's not difficult to deal with Yue Shenxiu using senior brother's methods."

"Why did junior sister say so ambiguously? You can't taint someone's innocence."

Xiao Hongye still wanted to explain, but he opened his mouth and revealed a flaw, and Gao Xian took advantage of it.

In broad daylight, Xiao Hongye was still a little uncomfortable. She struggled a little, but was quickly defeated.

The two have not seen each other for almost twenty years, and only occasionally send secret messages through Wanbao Tower.

It doesn't matter if he can't see anyone, Xiao Hongye can still devote himself to cultivation.

At this moment, the sweet kiss with Gao Xian aroused the passion that Xiao Hongye had suppressed for twenty years.

The two of them entered the summer pavilion at the back, activated the magic circle to seal the inside and outside, and had fun.

Turning rain and turning clouds, turning clouds and turning rain.

After more than twenty days like this, Gao Xian was with Xiao Hongye Nui every day.

The two haven't seen each other for a long time. It's really better to be apart than to be newlyweds.

Of course, the two of them would also do other things, such as exchanging swordsmanship, exchanging some experiences in Ziyun Valley, gossiping about their respective sects, etc.

Gao Xian had already told Yun Qingxuan that he would leave for a while.

Xiao Hongye has a very high status in the Tongtian Sword Sect. She is in seclusion in the lotus pond. No one dares to disturb her if she has nothing to do.

After more than twenty days of this, it was mid-June, which is also the hottest time of the year.

At the hottest time of the day at noon, Xiao Hongye and Gao Xian lazily hugged each other, with snacks, desserts and ice-cold drinks beside them.

The two of them listened to the croaking of frogs and insects in the lotus pond, and chatted in a very leisurely manner.

There is a water magic circle in the waterside pavilion. After being activated with spiritual stones, there will be endless cool breezes.

Gao Xian felt that this magic circle was like an air conditioner, but it needed to be driven by spiritual stones, and at least one medium-grade spiritual stone would be consumed throughout the day.

The price is so high that even the foundation-building monks cannot afford it.

"Sister Hongye..."

Chu Yuheng's voice came from outside the door, and she seemed to be about to break in.

Xiao Hongye was startled and hurriedly got up and put on her clothes.

The magic circle in the garden was only at the second level, but it couldn't stop Chu Yuheng. If Chu Yuheng saw her sleeping with Gao Xian, it would be a big trouble.

Putting aside her reputation, Fenglei Jianjun could not tolerate her having an affair with Gao Xian.

It won't do anything to her, it's just that she is hooking up with outsiders and is no longer qualified to be the heir of the sect.

Xiao Hongye loves Gao Xian deeply, but the great road is undoubtedly more important to her. Moreover, she also knew that Gao Xian would not marry her.

The two of them are together like this, they can walk side by side without affecting each other, which is the best choice for both of them.

Gao Xian naturally understood what Xiao Hongye was thinking. He put on his clothes calmly and said, "Don't worry, she won't just barge in. This woman looks happy and lively, and she knows what she's thinking."

No matter how good the relationship is, breaking into other people's rooms without permission is a taboo. What's more, Xiao Hongye and Chu Yuheng don't have a good relationship.

Gao Xian helped Xiao Hongye tidy up her crimson robe, tidy up her bun, and used cleaning techniques to help her get rid of the unwanted odor.

Finally, with a little incense, all traces were completely removed. Even Master Jin Dan couldn't see the problem.

"Go ahead."

Gao Xian said: "It's time for me to go back."

He thought for a moment and gave Xiao Hongye two ancient coins stained with blood, "You can keep these two coins. In an emergency, you can send out one coin for help. I will rush over as soon as possible."

Qinggui Zimuqian is a very special third-level spiritual weapon. There are thirty-six coins in total.

When the sub-money is sent out, it will automatically look for the mother-money, and when the mother-money is sent out, it will automatically look for the sub-money.

Through the special changes of Qinggui's Zimuqian, Zimuqian can be used to locate and communicate with each other.

I don’t know who got this magical weapon, but Gao Xian kept it after seeing it would be useful.

Xiao Hongye and he share life and death and have a close relationship.

Among his friends, Xiao Hongye actually had a very high status. Of course, he is also very nice to his other girlfriends.

Ziyun Valley is dangerous, and with Xiao Hongye's cultivation level, it is absolutely impossible to enter the Nine Nether Abyss. I can only give her some money and see if I can help.

Gao Xian was actually not sure about this, but it was always good to be more prepared.

Xiao Hongye looked at Gao Xian reluctantly, but she also knew that Gao Xian would leave soon even if Chu Yuheng didn't come.

Both of them have important things to do, so they can't really have fun all day long.

"Sister Hongye, Wu Liuji is going to challenge Gao Xian. He has already issued a challenge! The show is about to begin. Let me in quickly..."

Chu Yuheng was waiting outside anxiously and started shouting through the door.

Xiao Hongye smiled at Gao Xian: "It is indeed Wu Liuji. He has a tough and domineering temperament and cannot tolerate others being on top of him.

"Senior brother, teach him a lesson."

Gao Xian smiled, waved his hand to Xiao Hongye, and moved back. In the blink of an eye, Gao Xian's figure disappeared.

Xiao Hongye knew that Gao Xian had this magical power, but she was still a little surprised when she saw it with her own eyes.

There was no response from the numerous magic circles. This magical power was really powerful.

After leaving Qinglian Residence, Gao Xian quietly returned to Yunzhu Residence.

Yunzhu Juli is naturally planted with Yunzhu. This kind of bamboo is as green as jade, but the green bamboo leaves are in the shape of clouds. When they are gathered together, they look like green flowing clouds, which is very unique.

When Gao Xian returned to the other courtyard where he lived, he saw that four Jindan masters, Yun Qingxuan, Ma Qianjun, Xuanyue Zhenren, and Li Ye, had arrived.

He wasn't at home, and the four of them didn't force their way in. They just stayed in the yard waiting for him.

Seeing Gao Xian's appearance, Ma Qianjun, Xuanyue Zhenren, and Li Ye all looked much more relaxed.

Yun Qingxuan's expression was indifferent, and his crystal-clear eyes were as calm as ever.

Gao Xian first greeted Yun Qingxuan and then greeted several Jindan masters, and everyone returned the courtesy.

After being polite, Ma Qianjun hurriedly said: "Zhenren Gao, Hunyuan Zongwu Liuji has sent a letter of challenge and wants to fight you."

As Ma Qianjun handed over the letter of war, Gao Xian looked through it. The letter of the war was very simple, saying that he had heard of his name for a long time and wanted to discuss methods with him.

The time set is for a battle at the Tianxiang Tower Sword Discussion Platform at noon the day after tomorrow.

The other party's tone was quite restrained, and he only said that it would be a showdown and he was waiting for you. There was no talk of a life-or-death duel.

Come to think of it, Wu Liuji is not that stupid. He discusses methods and skills just to gain fame, and does not want to fight with him.

Gao Xian smiled and said, "Actually, it's my personal matter. I didn't expect to alarm everyone. I'm really sorry."

He paused and said: "Since this person wants to compete, let's compete. After all, I am also the number one in Tianyinglu, so I can't lose face..."

Ma Qianjun said seriously: "Wu Liuji practices the Hunyuan Divine Power Sutra. His body is like a diamond and his power is infinite. He is very advantageous in the ring. Don't underestimate the enemy."

"Thank you, Chief Ma. This battle is also related to the reputation of the sect. I will not be careless."

Gao Xianzhuan added: "There is a battle among the heroes on the Tianying List. I wonder if there is a banker?"

Ma Qianjun thought for a moment and said: "Wanfeng City is extremely prosperous, and they are all smart people. With this opportunity to make money, someone should come out to take over."

"Everyone, even if you don't lose much, you will definitely win if you beat me. Don't miss this opportunity..."

Gao Xian joked casually, and Ma Qianjun and Li Ye laughed along with him.

Master Xuan Yue's face was as dark as water, and he had no intention of cooperating. Yun Qingxuan didn't smile either, but she nodded in agreement: "Junior brother has great magical powers, so he will win this battle. It is indeed an opportunity to make money."

Ma Qianjun and Li Ye both looked at each other, and Yun Qingxuan said this. It seems that this matter is really reliable.

After the conversation, Ma Qianjun and others said goodbye and left. Only Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan were left in the yard.

Yun Qingxuan then said: "Junior brother, don't be careless. Wu Liuji is just an open gun. If they create such a big momentum, the other party must have other tricks."

Gao Xian nodded: "What senior brother said is that I went to find my friends to find out the news."

He turned around and sighed: "It's all vain and tiring!"

A smile appeared on Yunqing Xuan Qingli's face: "I think junior brother is enjoying it..."

Before Gao Xian could speak, Yun Qingxuan added: "Thirty-six sects from Wanfeng County gathered here, in front of the strong and masters of all sects, to defeat powerful enemies with swords and become famous everywhere. How majestic and satisfying it is!"

Gao Xian couldn't help but laugh: "I'm not that superficial. It's just that the other party insisted on complimenting me, but was disrespectful..."

(Third update today, brothers, please rush for monthly votes)

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