After Gao Xian arrived at Qingyun Sect, he never encountered evil spirits again.

Qingyun Sect is protected by a huge magic circle, making it difficult for evil spirits to invade. On the other hand, his cultivation has become increasingly advanced, especially the secret techniques such as Sister Lan and the Thunder and Lightning Sutra, which are extremely capable of restraining evil spirits.

When beheading an enemy, he follows safe procedures and does not give the opponent a chance to turn evil.

Entering the Nine Nether Abyss, you encounter a fourth-level evil spirit head-on.

Gao Xian couldn't say he was afraid, but he was extremely cautious in his heart.

The reason why this thing is called evil spirit is that it doesn't conform to common sense. It's level four again. Not to mention anything else, its opponent's magical power is far superior to the three of them.

The other party also has powerful spiritual consciousness, which is far superior to him.

The black light caused by the headless Taoist was even more extremely filthy, and the black light was as dense as rain and enveloped several miles around.

Gao Xian was shrouded in that black light and felt bored and nauseous, and his whole body felt cold and hot.

This is not because the other party's evil energy has really invaded his body, but because the two parties' spiritual consciousnesses are interacting with each other, and the evil spirits and filthy spiritual consciousness have polluted his spiritual consciousness.

Gao Xian hurriedly calmed his mind, and the golden elixir deep between his eyebrows shone brightly, removing all the filthy air from his consciousness.

The wonder of the first-grade golden elixir was fully revealed at this time. Gao Xian suddenly understood that it was no wonder that Yue Shenxiu would seek cooperation with him.

Only the most powerful and powerful magical powers of the first-grade golden elixir will not be infected by evil spirits and filth.

Without this magical power, there is no way to enter the Nine Nether Abyss.

Yun Qingxuan, who was on the side, had already activated the Juntian Wheel.

A silver-white nimbus appeared behind her head, emitting a bright and pure light, dispelling all the filthy yin energy.

Gao Xian breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Yun Qingxuan would not lie. It's just that the fourth-level evil spirit is extremely powerful. If Yun Qingxuan can't resist the evil influence, he will be in trouble.

Juntianlun's spiritual light is pure and perfect, without any gaps.

The power of this spiritual weapon was far beyond his expectation. From this point of view, it is possible that the Juntian Wheel is even a fifth-level spiritual weapon, or a fourth-level divine weapon?

Gao Xian is not envious, he is just happy for his good friend.

With such a powerful magic weapon nearby, the trip to the Nine Nether Abyss becomes a little more certain.

Just like now, as soon as the Juntian Wheel comes out, the bright and clear light cleans away the surrounding evil spirits, and even the black light like a heavy rain is completely blocked by the clear light.

Such magical power made Yue Shenxiu look sideways, and she nodded in praise: "Not bad."

To be honest, Yue Shenxiu originally didn't like Yun Qingxuan very much. In other words, it is a second-grade golden elixir.

The difference between the second-grade golden elixir and the first-grade golden elixir is only one grade, but the difference in power and magical power is ten times or more.

But Gao Xian strongly wanted to take him with him, and she felt that Yun Qingxuan was pure in cultivation, and his silent and cold temperament was quite temperamental. She liked such a cultivator.

He had never experienced a war before, and could not see the true quality of Yun Qingxuan. Facing the fourth-level evil spirits, he showed some true colors.

Yue Shenxiu used his spiritual consciousness to transmit the message: "The evil spirit must be a cultivator from the ancient sect. He will never die, and his resentment is soaring. Don't confront him head-on. Try his skills first..."


Gao Xian said, urging the red sun bullets to be fired, and several red gold projectiles pulled out long flames to hit the evil spirit.

The headless Taoist's reaction was very slow. There were several eyes on his arms staring at the red gold flames, seeming to be studying what it was.

The Fierce Sun Bullet has been upgraded to the Red Sun Bullet, which not only increases its power, but also has more power of the Red Sun, especially to restrain the foul smell of evil spirits.

Although the headless Taoist has some evil instinctive wisdom, he has no real wisdom.

He has been wandering in the Nine Nether Abyss for too long and has never met a normal cultivator. The reaction is naturally very slow.

By the time he noticed something was wrong with the red gold light, several red sun bullets had already fallen on him.

The red gold flames exploded, and the powerful and blazing divine light tore through the darkness, blasting away all the filthy Yin energy for miles around.

A large piece of the old Taoist robe on the headless Taoist's body was blown to pieces, and there were burn marks on his body like black iron.

After receiving this heavy blow, the headless Taoist finally reacted, and dozens of eyes on his arms suddenly swelled and became larger.

In an instant, dozens of huge eyeballs stacked together, turning into an extremely weird and huge eyeball.

This eyeball is more than a thousand feet tall, with dozens of huge gray-white pupils spinning around.

Just the strange aura exuding from this look made Gao Xian feel extremely depressed and uncomfortable.

How to put it, it's like opening a lunch box and finding dozens of Xiao Qiang lying inside, that's probably how it feels.

Gao Xian's face became a little ugly. Even with Sister Lan's blessing and not being frightened by the evil and strange appearance, he still felt uncomfortable.

Yue Shenxiu and Yun Qingxuan were both calmer than him, at least their faces were calm.

Although Gao Xian admired him, he had to pretend as if nothing had happened. You can't lose to two women!

"Come to me quickly."

Yue Shenxiu saw something was wrong, so she took out a purple jade talisman from her sleeve, silently recited the mantra in her mouth and flicked it with her fingers, and the purple talisman turned into purple light.

Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan didn't show any strength, and they all gathered around Yue Shenxiu.

The next moment, the purple light shrank, wrapping the three of them heavily.

"The Shangqing Lingbao True Demonic Talisman can temporarily separate us from evil spirits."

Yue Shenxiu explained in a low voice, her face was very solemn.

Although the fourth-level evil spirit has no intelligence, it has stayed in the Nine Nether Abyss for too long and absorbed an unknown amount of Nine Nether Yin Qi. Its magic power is terrifyingly powerful.

The huge eyeball formed by dozens of eyes is as majestic as a mountain, and the evil energy it exudes is enough to make its creatures go crazy on the spot.

Ordinary golden elixir masters would be quickly corroded and assimilated when faced with such terrifying evil spirits, leaving them completely powerless to resist.

The huge eyeball as big as a mountain suddenly released a large amount of gray light, illuminating the abyss thousands of miles away in pale white.

The evil spirits within this range were instantly petrified in the gray light, and then collapsed into fly ash bit by bit.

The Shangqing Lingbao demon-proofing talisman completely blocked the terrifying gray light.

Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan both breathed a sigh of relief. The filthy magic released by this fourth-level evil spirit was so powerful that it was ten times and a hundred times better than them.

Without Yueshenxiu's magical talisman, they would have been able to escape far away, but they might not be able to escape the evil consciousness.

The fourth-level evil spirit is not very intelligent, but it seems to sense that Gao Xian and the others are not dead.

The huge eyes continue to release gray light, one after another like overlapping giant waves, seemingly endless.

The purple light transformed by the Shangqing Lingbao Demonic Spirit Talisman is like a lonely boat under the huge waves, constantly rising and falling with the huge waves.

Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan were both nervous. It would be bad if the talisman could not hold up.

The most powerful thing about the talisman is that it blocks the evil spirits from affecting them. If the evil spirit can lock their position, with such violent and dirty magic power, not even a hundred spiritual talismans can stop it.

Fortunately, the magic talisman is tough enough and clever enough. It lasts enough for a cup of tea.

In modern time, that's about ten minutes.

During this period, the fourth-level evil spirit has been releasing mana crazily, constantly sweeping the surrounding void.

Everything within a radius of thousands of miles, whether dead or alive, was destroyed by evil spirits.

Seeing the terrifying power of the evil spirit, Gao Xian even wanted to retreat. This was much more powerful than the fourth-level monster.

If this guy ran to Qingyun City, Qingyun City would be destroyed by it before Yun Zaitian could take action.

Fortunately, the fourth-level evil spirit's mana is not endless. It finally got tired.

Dozens of eyeballs shrank and changed, and soon turned into the appearance of a headless Taoist.

Gao Xian said to Yue Shenxiu: "This guy is awesome, let's find an opportunity to run away?"

Yue Shenxiu shook his head: "No, we must kill it. Although these evil spirits are not very intelligent, they can remember our breath. As long as they don't die, they will keep chasing us.

"Even if we leave the Nine Nether Abyss, it will not give up."

Yue Shenxiu said: "It has consumed 90% of its mana, so this is the best opportunity to take action.

"I'll use the Shangqing Yuchen Calming Talisman to immobilize it in a while. Fellow Taoist Yun will guard me, and you use the Demon-Suppressing Golden Whip to crush the evil spirits. How about it?"


Gao Xian is also decisive. It is indeed the most dangerous for him to step forward and take action, but among the three of them, he is the only one who is best at close combat, and the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip is more suitable for killing evil spirits.

Yun Qingxuan also nodded slightly: "Okay."

The three top golden elixirs were all smart people and quickly reached an agreement.

Yue Shenxiu lifted up the whisk and swung it, and the scattered white streaks of the whisk condensed into the shape of a brush.

She held the whisk in her hand like a pen, silently reciting the mantra in her mouth, and used the whisk to write down golden runes one by one in the void.

Gao Xian had long felt that something was wrong with Yueshenxiu's whisk. Only now did he realize that it was not a whisk, but a pen with a strange shape.

There is pure Yang power in it, which is extremely wonderful.

At this moment, Yue Shenxiu used the void as paper and his spiritual consciousness as ink, and used this pure Yang pen to draw a magical talisman.

Just this kind of weather is extraordinary.

Gao Xian secretly praised him, he was indeed the Talisman Fairy!

Such a weather talisman immediately triggered the feeling of evil spirits.

Dozens of eyes on Xie Sui's arm looked over immediately, and the light of the demon-proofing talisman dissipated, revealing Gao Xian and the other three.

Yun Qingxuan immediately activated the Juntian Wheel, and the perfect, clear and clear light was like a wheel, covering her, Gao Xian, and Yue Shenxiu. of

Dozens of evil eyes once again shot out black light like a heavy rain, but they were all blocked by the clear light like a wheel.

After holding on for several breaths, Yue Shenxiu had completed the magic talisman.

A series of golden runes formed a huge golden character, which was pressing on the evil spirit.

The golden characters seemed to penetrate Xie Sui completely, and countless golden rays emitted from Xie Sui's body.

Such a powerful evil spirit was completely suppressed by the power of the talisman.

Before Yue Shenxiu could say anything, Gao Xian had already activated the Yin and Yang Heavenly Wheel to break through the sky.

Gao Xian didn't dare to hide now, the Yin Yang Wheel was almost at full speed.

The distance between the two sides was more than a thousand steps, and he was beside Xie Sui in an instant.

In his hand, the golden whip of demon subduing was filled with purple and gold thunder, and he suddenly struck down on Xie Hui's arms.

With an earth-shattering bang, the evil spirit exploded into thousands of pieces in the purple-gold thunder light.

The 360-pound Demon-Conquering Golden Whip was swung at such a high speed, coupled with the terrifying power of Gaoxian's Great Vajra, and the purple sky thunder, it was truly invincible.

With such momentum, it truly has the majestic power of slaying gods and demons, which makes Yue Shenxiu and Yun Qingxuan feel awe-inspiring.

The fragments flying all over the sky continued to melt in the lightning, and finally turned into wisps of black smoke.

Gao Xian flicked his long sleeve and put away a gray-white spiritual crystal.

The spiritual crystals left behind by the fourth-level evil spirit are extremely valuable. As for how to distribute it, there is no need to worry.

Compared to Chunyang Jade Qinghua, these are small things.

After this battle, the three of them also established a certain tacit understanding and, more importantly, confidence.

In the next few dozen days, the three of them worked together to kill hundreds of evil spirits.

Among them are two powerful fourth-level evil spirits.

Evil spirits are ever-changing, but the filthy aura is difficult to block.

After fighting all the way, the three of them cooperated more and more tacitly, and their cultivation levels increased.

The harsh environment and terrifying evil forces unleashed the potential of the three of them.

After killing the last dragon-shaped evil spirit, the three of them arrived at the core of the Nine Nether Abyss.

The filthy air condensed into rotten black mud here, like a swamp, exuding the smell of decay, death, and destruction.

In the center of this swamp, a golden nine-petaled flower is emitting a brilliant golden light.

Gao Xian, Yue Shenxiu, and Yun Qingxuan stopped a thousand steps away, and all three of them saw this golden flower.

Being illuminated by the golden light flowing from the golden flower, the three of them were all refreshed, and all the fatigue and filth from their bodies seemed to be washed away instantly.

They all saw clearly that there was only one golden flower in it.

The three golden elixir masters all fell into deep silence...

(Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket~ There will be three updates tomorrow, I will never break my promise~ I will work hard~)

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