"This method is called the Qiankun Yin and Yang Creation Cauldron. We use the innate pure Yang and pure Yin as fire to continuously refine the souls of both sides and finally merge into the cauldron.

"Use the cauldron as the root to condense the spiritual energy and feed back the innate pure yang and pure yin. In this way, the foundation becomes stronger and more stable, and the soul becomes more powerful. It is the first-class divine communication method in the world."

Yue Shenxiu said: "This method has extremely high requirements for practitioners. We are all first-grade golden elixirs and can match each other in all aspects. Only then can we have the opportunity to practice this method..."

The Qiankun Yin and Yang Fortune Cauldron is a very clever secret method. If you can practice it successfully, it will be of great benefit to the practitioner.

It's just that it's hard to find a double cultivator, and Yue Shenxiu doesn't like the many male cultivators in the sect.

She is arrogant and does not feel that she needs to practice such techniques.

Trapped in a thousand phantoms and mirages, she can actually connect to the sect's universe formation through the Tianzhu Ji Zhen Shenlu and forcibly escape from this place.

But she couldn't bear to part with Chunyang Jade Qinghua.

The Thousand Illusions Mirage is mainly an illusion, and it is integrated with the Nine Nether Abyss, so that it can trap them with illusions.

Yue Shenxiu had a way to kill thousands of phantom mirages, but he couldn't do it, so he was naturally unwilling to do so.

The most important thing is that Gao Xian can catch her eye.

Not to mention Gao Xian's handsome appearance and extraordinary bearing. But when faced with the test of Chunyang Jade Qinghua, he chose to keep his promise. This character is better than countless cultivators in the world.

Gao Xian is another first-grade golden elixir. Although there are many golden elixirs in Wanfeng County, only Gao Xian can have a magical relationship with her.

At this time and place, encountering this situation, Yue Shenxiu made a choice after weighing it briefly.

In fact, even if there is no such thing, it is not impossible to have friendship and cultivation with Gao Xian.

Yue Shenxiu made up her mind and appeared very calm and generous, without any shyness that ordinary women should have.

She took out a jade slip and handed it to Gao Xian, "Fellow Taoist, please understand carefully first. This matter cannot be rushed."

Yue Shenxiu thought for a moment and then reminded: "The physical foundation of this method is equally important. If the spirit is combined, the body will move. If it is not restrained, both body and soul will be damaged..."

The Qiankun Yin and Yang Fortune Cauldron is the first-class secret method of dual cultivation. It is also a secret that is not taught in Wanfeng Sect. Only direct descendants are qualified to practice it.

This method is difficult and complex, and it is not a simple combination of divine communication and energy.

A slight mistake or omission in practicing this method will damage the foundation of body and spirit.

You must be calm and rational when practicing. If passion dominates, then this method will fall into the inferior vehicle, which will not only be useless to the practitioner, but will also be very harmful.

Gao Xian entered the jade slip with his spiritual consciousness, and immediately obtained the secret method of divine inheritance inside, and learned the "Qiankun Yin and Yang Creation Cauldron".

This is a powerful secret method, which means you can use this method to practice and attain Taoism. It is very different from the secret method.

Unfortunately, this secret technique does not appear on the back of Fengyue Baojian, but on the front.

There are some low-level secret techniques on the back of Fengyue Baojian, but the quota has reached the limit.

Gao Xian has been thinking of many ways, but cannot delete these secret techniques.

This time when practicing the "Qian Kun Yin and Yang Creation Cauldron", there is no more fun in speeding up the process.

After all, Gao Xian has rich experience in this field and can be called the master of Fengyue.

Although the "Qian Kun Yin Yang Creation Cauldron" is superb, its foundation is after all the method of intercourse between Yin and Yang.

He and Sister Lan are practicing together, and their essence is divine friendship. It's just that Sister Lan is no ordinary cultivator, her origin is very mysterious.

Tai Su is an idol, but it is far better than the "Qian Kun Yin Yang Creation Cauldron".

Gao Xian thought about it for a while and got started easily.

Looking at the mark on the Feng Yue Treasure Book again, the "Qian Kun Yin Yang Creation Cauldron" has reached the master level.

The main reason is that the Taisu puppet god is extremely skillful, and the sage can naturally master it easily as he moves from high to low.

Gao Xian is a little worried. The current plot progression pattern is too in line with his expectations. It's not an illusion caused by the big bug!

It’s a bit exciting to think about having a relationship with a giant insect god. Uh, no, it’s disgusting!

The Yueshenxiu in front of me is most likely him. However, he was always a little worried.

Gao Xian gritted his teeth and added ten thousand divine auras to the large vajra.

He learned from previous lessons and gradually added points to the Vajra. As long as the qualitative change is not completed until the last step, the source of life will not be consumed.

With the addition of one million human spiritual lights, the great vajra emerged from the sea of ​​consciousness, shining with bright pure golden light.

The great Vajra that shines brightly, its golden light shines through the body and spirit.

The body was refined into billions of particles, and countless tiny particles quickly transformed into gold under the irradiation of golden light.

After Gao Xian refined the first-grade sword elixir, his life span increased to 1,500 years, completely reaching the limit of the golden elixir.

It proves that his body is close to the extreme perfection state and his vitality is extremely strong.

The explosion of the Vajra is actually extracting huge power from the origin of life to refine and transform the form and spirit.

The golden Vajra gradually decomposed and merged into Gao Xian's body and soul bit by bit.

This process is actually very short, because Gao Xian has laid the groundwork before and is just missing the last step.

The huge life source consumed is actually integrated into Gao Xian's form and spirit again.

In fact, it is to use lifespan to strengthen form and spirit and reach a stronger state.

It is equivalent to ordinary people exercising hard to get a very strong body, but this method also consumes their own health.

Those athletes who go beyond their limits do not live long.

The same goes for the Vajra. The pursuit of this secret method is not longevity, but making the form and spirit so powerful that it is indestructible.

Gao Xian added the Great Vajra to the master's perfect state and immediately understood all the divine essence of the Great Vajra.

Great Vajra: The true nature is as pure as gold, as solid as steel, the form and spirit are perfect and powerful, it can eliminate all demons internally, break all appearances externally, and has immeasurable magical powers. The name never fades away. (Grandmaster is perfect)

Looking at the life span column again, it has been reduced by 640 years to 860 years.

Although Gao Xian was mentally prepared, he was still a little unhappy seeing his life span shortened.

Fortunately, this is not a big problem.

Even if you can't get the Pure Yang Jade Flower, there are other spiritual objects and secret techniques that can increase your life span.

Taking a step back, even if he can't extend his lifespan, he will be able to become a Yin God and become a Nascent Soul within eight hundred years.

By that time, life span will naturally increase greatly.

As long as the cultivation level can continue to improve, there is no need to worry too much about Shouyuan.

Only when you are stuck do you need to consider these issues carefully.

Gao Xian clenched his fist slightly, and his body tensed naturally. He could feel the powerful force seeping out from every pore.

This punch is enough to kill most golden elixirs.

The Great Vajra has reached the state of master perfection, which has increased his physical strength by at least three times. This is an extremely terrifying increase.

His original strength was already much better than Qiniang's, but overall, he was still inferior.

This meeting will be perfect in form and spirit, as strong as a vajra, and it really has the flavor of being extremely strong.

At this moment, he could easily resist the Yin Qi of the Nine Nether Abyss and all kinds of filthy forces with just his physical body.

Gao Xian doesn't like to compete with others with brute strength. The powerful form strengthened by the giant vajra allows him to more freely control his spiritual consciousness, mana, and his own body.

His soul and body were condensed into an invisible giant vajra, which also provided him with better protection. Improved fault tolerance.

Gao Xian was very satisfied with the effect of the upgrade, and when he looked at Yue Shenxiu, his eyes became more eager to try.

No matter whether the opponent is a great showman or a big bug, as long as he dares to play tricks, he will kill the opponent without hesitation.

Yue Shenxiu is also silently practicing the Qiankun Yin and Yang Fortune Cauldron. She knows this secret method, but she is not very proficient in it, but she needs to brush up on it now.

She suddenly sensed unusual fluctuations in Gao Xian's aura, and then saw the golden light shining around Gao Xian, which quickly disappeared without a trace.

Yue Shenxiu felt that Gao Xian had mastered some secret technique. He felt that his whole person became clearer, his eyes became brighter, and his whole body was full of energy and energy.

Gao Xian gave Yue Shenxiu a toothy smile and said, "While practicing the Yin and Yang Cauldron of Creation, I suddenly gained some insights and made some progress in my cultivation.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank my fellow Taoist."

Yue Shenxiu naturally didn't believe this. She actually had some doubts that Gao Xian was transformed into a thousand phantom mirages.

However, Gao Xian's cunning and shameless look is something that Qian Huan Demon Mirage cannot imitate!

Regardless of whether it is true or not, as long as both parties practice the Qiankun Yin and Yang Creation Cauldron, they will naturally be able to tell the authenticity.

Yue Shenxiu asked: "How is your training going, Fellow Taoist?"

"I can do it at any time, just look at fellow Taoist." Gao Xian said in an understatement, as if it was not difficult at all to create the Qiankun Yin Yang Fortune Cauldron.

This is also true. After learning it once, he developed this method to the level of a master. No need to add any points!

Yue Shenxiu couldn't help but have some doubts. The Qiankun Yin-Yang Cauldron of Creation is complex and exquisite. With just a little more effort, Gao Xian has already mastered it?

That's fine, it saves you trouble.

If the other party is really Qian Huan Demon Mirage and dares to practice secret techniques with her, she can burn the other party's Yins and Gods into ashes.

Yue Shenxiu stretched out his bare hand, and Gao Xian understood it and reached out to hold it.

Yue Shenxiu said: "Fellow Taoist, if we run this method together, the mana and consciousness can be connected to form a bridge, so that the souls can interact..."

The Yin and Yang creation cauldron of Qian and Kun is divided into two parts: Qian and Kun. Gao Xian controls the secret method of cadres, and Yue Shenxiu controls the secret method of Kun part.

The universe is harmonious, the yin and yang are harmonious, and the two souls are naturally connected through secret methods.

When the souls of Gao Xian and Yue Shenxiu came into contact, a purple scroll emerged silently and slowly unfolded.

The purple scroll is filled with extremely complex runes, and countless runes shine with magical purple light, instantly turning into purple barriers.

The purple divine light shone on Gao Xian's soul and did not cause any abnormalities. This also made Yue Shenxiu breathe a sigh of relief.

The Tianzhu Jizhen Divine Urn is a fifth-level divine talisman, comparable to a fifth-level divine weapon. Even fifth-level evil spirits will reveal their true colors under the divine urn.

Yue Shenxiu didn't hesitate anymore, she slowly hugged Gao Xian.

Gao Xian held Yueshenxiu's hand down, smiled and said, "Don't be anxious, let me do it..."

Soul intercourse is deeper and more complex than physical intercourse.

Especially since the two of them practiced the secret method together, Gao Xian, as an experienced master, naturally had to guide the novice to become more talented.

The taste of this is hard to describe in words.

Although Yue Shenxiu was prepared, he couldn't help but indulge in pleasure and couldn't extricate himself.

Fortunately, Gao Xian and she both had great self-control and immediately restrained their minds after a little indulgence. The two of them used their souls to build a giant golden four-legged cauldron.

The innate pure yang and innate pure yin turned into divine fire, burning brightly in the giant cauldron, merging the two souls into one.

Yue Shenxiu gradually became familiar with this feeling and harnessed the powerful power after merging her soul with Gao Xian's.

The purple scroll opened again, and the yin-yang separation and divine light talisman flowed and fell from it, condensing into a golden talisman in the air.

The golden light emitted by the golden talisman is so majestic that Yue Shenxiu cannot operate it satisfactorily even if he borrows the power of Gao Xian's soul.

She reluctantly held the seal and chanted the curse: "Go!"

The golden talisman flew out from her sea of ​​consciousness and continued to unfold in the vast white mist.

As the golden talisman dissipated, billions of runes gathered into black and white divine light that spread loudly in a buzzing and trembling manner.

In an instant, the black and white divine light swept in all directions, and the heavy white mist disappeared silently.

Tens of thousands of steps away, Yun Qingxuan's figure also emerged. She looked at Gao Xian and Yue Shenxiu from a distance, her eyes falling on the hands they were holding, her expression slightly surprised.

Further away, the huge transparent body of the Thousand Illusion Demonic Mirage was also revealed. Its eight long legs kicked around, but its body continued to melt under the intertwined black and white divine light...

(There will be a third update later, please vote~) (End of this chapter)

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