The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 434 Nascent Soul’s Gift

The red dragon that swallowed the fragments of Wusan Mountain's Yin God expanded its body several times. It raised its head and roared as it landed in front of Sister Lan.

Gao Xian could see that it was easy to swallow the Yinshen of True Monarch Nascent Soul, but it was not so easy to digest it completely.

The red dragon was obviously holding on.

The Red Dragon Moon Swallowing Technique itself relies on the secret technique of swallowing the soul and the origin.

But under the control of Sister Lan, this red dragon seemed to come to life, becoming a little more spiritual out of thin air.

Sister Lan came over and held Gao Xian's hand. Gao Xian understood and worked with Sister Lan on the secret method.

The Great Five Elements Kung Fu and the Five Elements Combined Qi Method, the positive and negative forces of the five elements operate at the same time like a wheel.

The red dragon was helped by Gao Xian and Sister Lan, and its body twisted into a ball, allowing the positive and negative forces of the five elements to operate on it.

The fragments of Yuanying Yin Shen in its body quickly disintegrated under the polishing power of the positive and negative five elements.

All the memories hidden in the Yin God also turned into little bits of spiritual light and floated out, and were swallowed by the red dragon again.

These memories were transformed into two thousand years of experience in Wusan Mountain, but were broken into millions of fragments.

Gao Xian can obtain some of these memories through Red Dragon.

After a long time, Chilong completely digested the Wusanshan Yin Shen, and then was taken into Sister Lan's sleeve.

Gao Xian read many memory fragments. Even though his consciousness was strong, he was still dizzy at this moment.

The main reason is that these memories are too scattered, like a torn book, all the information is in pieces, which makes him confused.

Moreover, most of the information is about what secret techniques Wu Sanshan practiced, who he killed, who he planned to kill, etc...

After struggling for a long time, Gao Xian finally found some useful information among the messy memory fragments.

The Yuan Mo Sect is already preparing to march into Mingzhou and will take action in the near future.

This piece of information is actually very vague. When is this in the near future?

Nascent Soul Lord's concept of time is very different from ordinary people.

For them, a hundred years may be considered a short time. Without an exact date, this information is actually meaningless.

Even ordinary casual cultivators know that the demon cultivators from the Eastern Wilderness are preparing to invade Mingzhou.

Gao Xian has always been a little puzzled. It's not like the Eastern Wasteland demon clan and demon cultivators can't survive. Why do they have to come to fight with the human cultivators?

At least the bottom layer doesn't have this requirement.

The territory of the human race is more prosperous, but that's all. It is unreasonable to fight with your head just for the sake of eating well and dressing well.

Most creatures would not be so extreme.

He felt that there must be deeper reasons, but his level was too low to see through them.

From this point of view, the situation of Qingyun Sect is indeed not good.

Gao Xian sighed in his heart, Yun Zaitian and Yun Changfeng both treated him very well, Yun Qingxuan was his confidante, and Yun Qiushui favored him when he was still young, and they were truly good friends.

If not, he would have found another way to make a living.

Jiuzhou is so big, there is always a place where there is no fighting. With his status as a first-grade golden elixir, it is not difficult to get by anywhere.

He wants to stay with the Qingyun Sect through thick and thin, but he will not live and die with the Qingyun Sect.

I don't think the Yun family would be so stubborn and would fight to the death for nothing.

Gao Xian was also considering a way out for himself. If he killed Wu Sanshan, all his good things would come to his advantage.

The most important one is undoubtedly the Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Divine Sword. This artifact is of great significance to Wu Sanshan and often appears in his memory.

Last time I killed Hua Ziying, I got the blood god relic, which contained a complete set of blood nerves.

Coupled with this divine blood-transforming sword, it is enough to train his Taixuan Shenxiang to the Nascent Soul realm.

Thinking of this, Gao Xian opened his eyes and reached out to grab the magic blood-transforming sword.

The blood-red blade is four and a half feet long, slender and sharp like a seedling, and carries a fierce and evil aura.

Holding it in his hand, Gao Xian's beard and hair were illuminated red by the light of the sword. His eyes as bright as stars were filled with blood, and there was a ferocious aura in his heart. He wished he could kill a few people first to try the sword.

Wu Sanshan got this sword by chance, but he really practiced the "Giant Spirit Sutra".

Although he knows some blood and nerve techniques, after all, they are not fundamental secret techniques, and his level of cultivation is not high.

The Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Magic Sword was left behind by a certain person who cultivated the blood nerve power. It was very difficult for Wu Sanshan to control it.

Until Wu Sanshan was killed, he failed to truly refine the Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Divine Sword.

Of course, if Wu Sanshan could really control this magical weapon, he wouldn't be killed so easily.

As Gao Xian thought, the black-clothed and black-eyed Taixuan look appeared in front of him.

In an instant, Taixuan Shenxiang and Taiyuan Shenxiang completed a position exchange.

Taiyuan Shenxiang, who had taken the Pure Yang Jade Clear Flower, has returned to Xuanduyuan.

Normally, Gao Xian should actually keep Taiyuan Shenxiang in the sea of ​​consciousness, which can greatly enhance his combat power.

However, Gao Xian became more cautious after seeing what happened to Wu Sanshan.

Nascent Soul Lord will die if he is not careful, so he must be even more careful with his little golden elixir.

At least one avatar is thousands of miles away, which can ensure his personal safety to the greatest extent.

The same is true for Yue Shenxiu. With Huashen Daojun as her back, someone is still thinking about killing her.

Gao Xian did not find the main messenger's information in Wu Sanshan's memory, and he didn't know whether it was sealed or lost.

No matter who is in charge, making Wu Sanshan a killer must involve a struggle at the level of becoming a god. He tried to interfere as little as possible.

He risked his life to save Yue Shenxiu once, he was already loyal enough!

Of course, this act of charity also brought him huge gains!

Gao Xian handed the Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Divine Sword to Taixuan Shenxiang. Taixuan Shenxiang immediately had a thick layer of blood on his body, and the blood erupted and burned like a flame in an instant.

Taixuan Shenxiang felt something bad and hurriedly wanted to put down the Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Divine Sword, but this sword seemed to be growing in his hand.

Gao Xian stretched out his hand to snatch the Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Divine Sword. In just one breath, more than 10% of the blood essence and blood in Taixuan Shenxiang's body was burned away.

Fortunately, Gao Xian's spirit was so powerful that he was not confused by the Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Divine Sword and got rid of it immediately.

For a foundation-building monk, this sword is too fierce and powerful to control.

Gao Xian originally wanted to put the Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Divine Sword into the storage bag first, but before the knife could be put in, the storage bag exploded.

The small storage space cannot store such a vicious artifact.

This was the first time Gao Xian encountered this situation, so he could only put the Heavenly Evil Blood-Transforming Divine Sword into the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword.

This powerful sword can be easily stored.

The Blood-Transforming Divine Sword is actually a killing and fighting spell in the Blood Nerve. It was made into a magical weapon by an unknown strongman. It is so evil that it is worthy of being a magic weapon.

Gao Xian will not use his own body to refine this sword. This thing will make him contaminated with evil spirits. It will not have any impact on him, but others will notice the problem.

There is nothing in the Yin God of Wusan Mountain, and all his wealth is hidden in the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword of Heavenly Evil. This is the most valuable information in the memory fragments.

That's a lot of money.

Not to mention anything else, the Xuan Ming Yin Dragon robe, the Seven Evil Blood Yang Sword, and the Nine Sons Yin Demon Banner worn by the old man are all fourth-level spiritual weapons.

The old man has been doing evil all his life and has accumulated an unknown amount of wealth.

Gao Xian is a little greedy just thinking about it now. Unfortunately, he must initially refine the Heavenly Evil Blood Transforming Sword before he can get these wealth.

It is still necessary to let Taixuan Shenxiang condense the golden elixir, so that he can master the magic sword and get the old man's inheritance.

Gao Xian actually didn't want to take this step. Taixuan Shenxiang had a real body, but his soul was his.

Taixuan Shenxiang's practice of secret techniques such as blood nerves will still have some impact on him.

However, with Chunyang Jade Clear Flower, this problem should be solved.

Taixuan Shenxiang picked a pure Yang jade clear flower and quickly swallowed it. The pure Yang Baoguang shone brightly on Taixuan Shenxiang.

After the Taixuan Divine Appearance completely digested the Pure Yang Jade Clear Flower, Gao Xian took the Taixuan Divine Appearance into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Taixuan Shenxiang was formed by the differentiation of Gao Xian's soul. Taixuan Shenxiang obtained the pure Yang Baoguang, and Gao Xian's soul naturally strengthened accordingly.

Gao Xian tried it, and the radius of his consciousness increased by another five thousand steps, reaching forty-five thousand steps.

However, when he controls the Taiyuan Divine Phase and Taixuan Divine Phase, part of his soul will be separated, and his spiritual consciousness will naturally be reduced.

If he takes back his Taiyuan divine form, the sensing radius of his divine consciousness should reach about 50,000 steps, which is also his strongest state.

It's just completely unnecessary, and the strongest state won't be too strong, so it's safe to leave a clone outside.

The Taixuan Divine Appearance has obtained pure Yang Baoguang, which is secondary to enhancing his spiritual consciousness. The most important thing is to avoid being polluted by the magic sect's secret method.

The higher the level of cultivation of the demon cultivators, the more abnormal their spirits become. This is because their souls are corroded by filthy turbidity day and night, and their consciousness and emotions become different from ordinary people.

The magic elixirs that Gao Xian encountered, including Wu Sanshan, were actually not normal. It's just that they have high cultivation and high intelligence, so they don't usually see much difference.

With the Pure Yang Baoguang, he can cultivate his blood nerves without worrying about his soul being eroded by evil spirits.

"It's a pity that I can't take this thing with me..."

Gao Xian looked at the remaining three Pure Yang Jade Flowers and felt a little regretful.

The Tai Chi God has no physical body and cannot absorb the Pure Yang Jade Flower. These three treasures of heaven and earth can only be left idle here.

By the way, Xiao Hongye is also in Ziyun Valley. He and Xiao Hongye didn't stay together for long, but their relationship was deep and stable.

Gao Xian was very willing to help Xiao Hongye.

Gao Xian calculated the time and found that it had been more than five months since they entered Ziyun Valley. In fact, they still had enough time.

Of course, it would be fine if he couldn't meet Xiao Hongye.

This kind of thing is really fateful.

Gao Xian came out of Mingxing Sea and rushed to Ziyun Mountain as quickly as possible.

He not only wanted to find Xiao Hongye, but also wanted to get ten purple cloud flowers. Of course, these kinds of spiritual objects are of great value to True Monarch Nascent Soul, the more you can get, the better.

Gao Xian was riding the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel when he suddenly felt something in his heart, as if someone was calling him from somewhere.

He activated the Qiankun Yin-Yang Cauldron of Creation with an idea, and a giant four-legged cauldron emerged from the sea of ​​consciousness, and Yueshenxiu's voice came from inside.

"Gao Xian, Gao Xian..."

Gao Xian responded with his spiritual consciousness: "I am here."

Yue Shenxiu's voice in Juding suddenly became very surprised: "You're okay, that's great!"

She said impatiently: "I will come to you immediately!"

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