The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 543: Resolving grudges in one battle (an extra update for the leader of the alliance, Long Z

The five-color divine light connecting the sky and the earth slowly rotates, turning into a huge spiritual energy whirlpool, frantically extracting the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

Such a huge momentum not only affected the twenty-eight cities of Wanfeng, but also affected all the peaks of Wanfeng Sect. Even cultivators thousands of miles away can clearly see the grand vision of five-color divine light rising into the sky.

Nearly ten million cultivators in the twenty-eight cities of Wanfeng all felt this strange phenomenon. Even those cultivators living at the bottom of the mountain city cannot see the sky outside, but they can sense the huge whirlpool of spiritual energy.

These low-level cultivators felt that the spiritual energy running in their bodies was being forcibly sucked away. They didn't know where this change came from, and many people couldn't help but scream in panic.

There are also people who are cultivating and are affected by the abnormal changes. They think they are possessed and are so frightened that they almost fly away.

The cultivators on the top floors of the twenty-eight cities can all see the five-color rainbow reaching into the sky. Foundation-building cultivators may not understand what that means, but Jindan Master knows that someone is transforming an infant.

"Jiaocheng...the power of the five elements is so strong, it's Gao Xian!"

On the top floor of Tianxiang Building in Doucheng, Wan Lihui looked at the five-color divine light that shot straight into the sky with a complicated expression, including envy, jealousy, sadness, etc.

As one of the twelve divine generals of the Yaoguang Temple, he followed Gao Xian to sweep the Seventy-Two Spiritual Vulture Cave. However, because his consciousness was polluted by evil spirits, he mistakenly killed Yuan Jingming. Only with the guarantee of True Lord Baiyang did he kill Yuan Jingming. He barely escaped, but could only leave Yaoguang Palace and could no longer serve as a divine general.

For Wan Lihui, this was the most serious setback in his 100-year life. He was depressed about this for a long time. It wasn't until a hundred years ago that he suddenly woke up and worked hard to prove the Nascent Soul and let Gao Xian see how powerful he was.

It's just that without the various high subsidies and various tangible and intangible benefits of the divine general position, his cultivation resources have been greatly reduced.

Fortunately, he has great talent, and after working hard for a hundred years, he finally reached the late stage of the Golden Core. At this time, the family ancestor Zhenjun Baiyang died suddenly.

The sudden blow also caused the huge Wan family to collapse. People from various clans fought fiercely to compete for family property.

Wan Lihui is proud and hates this kind of infighting. But he was dragged into the family and had to get involved. After decades of struggling like this, his energy and vigor have been almost worn away.

In the past few years, he has been going to restaurants every day for entertainment, and today he even made an appointment with his former colleague Long Shen Jiang Ye Zangjian for a drink. One is to talk about his depression, and the other is to ask Ye Zangjian to inquire about the situation of Yaoguang Palace and see if there is a chance to go back.

He had only finished half of the wine when he saw five-colored divine lights rising into the sky.

Wan Lihui knew Gao Xian very well. First, he was never very convinced of Gao Xian. Second, they all said that Gao Xian killed his ancestor Bai Yang Zhenjun. The third is that Gao Xian, as the leader of the Yaoguang Palace's broken army, is the relationship he wants to open up.

Seeing the five-color divine light in the direction of Jiaocheng, Wan Lihui immediately concluded that Gao Xian had successfully transformed into an infant.

Ye Zangjian looked straight at the five-color divine light rising into the sky, his expression also very complicated. The Twelve Divine Generals are now vaguely headed by him. Gao Xian has been idle for two hundred years, but in fact he has assumed most of the responsibilities of the leader.

However, Ye Zangjian knew very well that the gap between him and Gao Xian was too big to be compared. As long as Gao Xian doesn't take the initiative to give up his position, it will not be his turn to take the first position.

That was a peerless genius who used his golden elixir cultivation to kill three Nascent Souls. A few years ago, Gao Xian killed Yan Ming, the leader of the Blood God Sect, alone with his sword. What a majesty and magnificence.

He knew that Gao Xian would become a Nascent Soul if he didn't die. Now that he was watching Gao Xian's enlightenment with his own eyes, he still couldn't help but be envious and jealous.

The upper and middle class of Wanfeng Sect regarded Gao Xian as an outsider because Gao Xian came from a wealthy family. The more powerful the sage is, the more uncomfortable it will be for the practitioners of this sect.

Only those at the bottom of the Wanfeng Sect who cannot tell the difference between the inside and the outside will regard Gao Xian as the glory of the Wanfeng Sect and brag about Gao Xian every day. Forcibly blowing out the name of Lord Po Junxing!

Ye Zangjian couldn't help but sigh when he thought about this. The success of Gao Xian's transformation into an infant meant that the power structure of Wanfeng Sect had completely changed.

When Gao Xian was still Master Jindan, he had killed Master Nascent Soul indiscriminately. The masters of the thirty-six halls could no longer suppress Gao Xian.

Now that Gao Xian is the True Lord of Nascent Soul, only the founder of the sect can suppress Gao Xian. Others, such as the master of Tianshu Palace, cannot remain strong in front of Gao Xian.

If there was only Gao Xian, it would not be his turn to speak about the sect's affairs. However, Gao Xian is a Yueshenxiu Taoist monk. Together, the two have become the most powerful force in the sect. This will definitely break the original stable power structure.

Gao Xian was also ruthless, and few people dared to offend him. This will further fuel his momentum. Do you really want to seek refuge with Gao Xian?

Ye Zangjian also hesitated at this moment. As Gao Xian's direct subordinate, he naturally had this advantage and could justifiably join Gao Xian.

However, it is hard to say how long the Patriarch can tolerate such a powerful Gao Xian!

There are no fools in the top management of Wanfeng County. When they saw the five-color divine light rising into the sky, they all felt the same worries as Ye Zangjian.

This is not a matter of having one more Nascent Soul, but that there is an extra living father on top of everyone, and they are very cruel and black.

Everyone knew this, but there was nothing they could do. After Gao Xian beheaded Hongyang in public but nothing happened, everyone understood that the Patriarch wanted Gao Xian's sword.

At this point, not to mention that they can't do anything to Gao Xian, even if they have the means, they don't dare to mess around. The founder is watching from above.

Fortunately, many Nascent Soul Lords have long been aware of this, and have tried their best to establish relationships with Gao Xian and Yueshen Xiula over the years, which can be regarded as an advance plan.

Although Gao Xian is ruthless, he is very elegant when it comes to food and appearance. As long as you grasp the scale, you should be able to maintain a good balance with Gao Xian and Yue Shenxiu...

Some people are sad and some are happy.

Qingqing's face was filled with joy at this moment and she couldn't help herself. Although Qiniang was profound, she couldn't help but feel a little excited when she saw her companion who had been traveling with her achieve such an achievement.

The two struggled to survive in Pegasus, lived and died together in Lianyun Sect, shared wealth and wealth in Qingyun City, and now are working hard to seek the truth in Wanfeng Sect.

The hardships, joys and sorrows are really hard to describe in words.

No matter what, Gao Xian realized the Dao Yuanying, and from then on, even though the world was huge, he still had a place. Even if you leave Wanfeng Sect, you can start a sect anywhere you want.

Thinking of this, Qiniang's eyes became moist. When Qingqing wasn't paying attention, she gently wiped the corners of her eyes.

In the Tianshu Hall, Yueshenxiu's eyes flashed with strange light, and he was also looking at the five-color divine rainbow in the distance. In front of her was the Patriarch, and beside her was the leader of the Immortality Cult, Lu Xuanji, and she didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

Just seeing the Taoist companion turning into a baby, she was still extremely happy and the corners of her mouth could not help but curl up. Gao Xian has realized the Nascent Soul, and if she and Gao Xian join forces, there will be nothing to fear within the sect... They are just afraid that the leader of the Immortality Cult may cause trouble!

Yue Shenxiu took a careful look at Lu Xuanji. This female crown wore a white jade hibiscus crown, with long eyebrows and phoenix eyes. She was bright and dignified. The apricot-yellow Taoist robe on his body is full of sacred runes, which is very mysterious.

Sitting there, she naturally had a majestic air of being in charge of everything. In comparison, Patriarch Yue Wanfeng was too gloomy and low-key. He was obviously sitting in the main seat, but he felt like a guest.

Lu Xuanji noticed Yue Shenxiu's gaze, and she smiled at Yue Shenxiu. She naturally knew that Yue Shenxiu was a highly virtuous Taoist monk. This was no secret.

It can be seen that Yue Shenxiu really cares about Gao Xian, and the relationship between the two is really deep. Therefore, Gao Xian is not without ties.

Lu Xuanji said to Yue Wanfeng: "Master Dao, your sect has given birth to another True Lord Nascent Soul. I am very happy to congratulate you..."

Yue Wanfeng said calmly: "With his qualifications, he will definitely become a Nascent Soul. He is not worthy of congratulations from fellow Taoists."

Lu Xuanji knew that Yue Wanfeng had such a temper, so he was not deliberately mocking him. She said: "I heard that Gao Xian killed the Nascent Soul when he was in Jindan. He is really a genius. Now that he has realized the Nascent Soul, how powerful he must be."

"He is not qualified to talk about power in front of fellow Taoists." Yue Wanfeng said seriously.

"Fellow Taoist, you don't have to be too humble."

Lu Xuanji said slowly: "There is a Yuan Bin under my sect who went to Gao Xian regardless of his ability, but ended up hooking up with my true disciple Yuan Zian. But he didn't even see Gao Xian's face. He is really incompetent..."

When Yuan Bin, who was standing beside him, heard the leader mention his name, his face turned pale. Another Nascent Soul Lord, Lu Changan, looked calm, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

"Fellow Taoists don't need to care about the grievances of the juniors. Let them deal with it." Yue Wanfeng said in an understatement.

Lu Xuanji was a little funny. His feelings were not that of the true disciple of Yue Wanfeng who died. What he said was simple.

After a moment of silence, Lu Xuanji said: "I made a special trip to visit fellow Taoist, but I am very sincere in cooperating with fellow Taoist."

Yue Wanfeng nodded: "I am also willing to cooperate with fellow Taoists. Although the Taiming Spiritual Realm is dangerous, it is also an opportunity for us."

"I've shown my sincerity."

Lu Xuanji said seriously: "Fellow Taoist, please give me some sincerity."

"What do you want, leader?" Yue Wanfeng stopped shouting. This woman was a bit aggressive, and he was a little unhappy.

It doesn't matter if one true disciple dies, but it doesn't matter if ten or a hundred of them die. The dignified Shinto Lord is a bit unclear!

Lu Xuanji didn't care what Yue Wanfeng thought. She said directly: "Gao Xian cannot kill my disciple in vain. I want an explanation."

She paused and said: "Gao Xian was able to kill the Yuanying in reverse when he was using the Golden Pill. Now that he has attained the Dao Yuanying, his ability is naturally even more powerful. I won't bully him either."

Lu Xuanji pointed at Lu Changan: "Gao Xian and Lu Changan have a fair fight. Regardless of winning or losing, the past grudges will be wiped out."

"But I can't do this for you. I have to ask Gao Xian."

Yue Wanfeng was very willing to resolve the grudges this way, but this was a bit unfair to Gao Xian. As the sect leader, he has no reason to favor outsiders.

Whether you accept it or not depends on Gao Xian himself.

The five-color divine rainbow that connected the sky and the earth lasted for as long as a cup of tea, and then slowly dissipated.

Gao Xian's consciousness in the underground quiet room sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, and when he opened the Fengyue Treasure Book, the mark on his cultivation level had become the first level of Nascent Soul.

The natal magical power: the divine light of the five elements. (Ruijin divine light...)

The lifespan has also been increased to three thousand years, and the sensing radius of his spiritual consciousness should have reached eight hundred miles, which can be said to be a huge increase. Others, such as mana, have been enhanced in all aspects.

The Great Five Elements Kung Fu has also reached the master level. What's even better is that Sister Lan has also become a Yin Shen.

As for the more subtle changes, he still needs to slowly ponder and understand them.

At this time, Yueshenxiu's voice came from the Qiankun Fortune Cauldron...

Gao Xian came out of the quiet room, told Qiniang and Qingqing, and sent out a black and yellow divine light to rise into the sky. After a while, he had arrived at Tianshu Hall.

Gao Xian also saw the longevity leader Lu Xuanji. He was a little surprised by the beauty and youth of the other party. This person must be at least four thousand years old, but his life status is like that of a young woman. It is really amazing.

Lu Xuanji's eyes lit up when she saw Gao Xian in white clothes. She smiled and praised: "Sure enough, he is very charming and well-deserved..."

She then asked: "Gao Xian, do you dare to fight with my disciple Lu Chang'an? As long as you win, our past grudges will be wiped out. How about that?"

Yue Wanfeng said calmly: "You can also refuse."

Gao Xian raised his hand to Lu Xuanji and said, "Just follow what the leader said."

Lu Xuanji smiled slightly: "He is decisive and happy, he is truly a hero."

She said to Lu Changan: "Go, don't lose the face of our Immortality Cult..."

(Third update, please give me a monthly ticket~)

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