Once the top eight rankings are decided, the list of duels will also be determined.

The first pair is eighth, the second pair is seventh, and so on.

The first team Gao Xian faced was Taiyuan, which actually suited Taiyuan's wishes. Tai Ning valued Gao Xian so much, which made him very unhappy.

As for Pojun Xingjun, you can just show off on your own in a small place like Wanfeng County. The Xuanming Sect is the center of Mingzhou and is home to numerous geniuses.

Even if there are dozens of Taoist Lords, a small Nascent Soul Lord is nothing. With the Taiyuan Divine Sword in his hand, he killed the Pojunxing Lord with his sword, and also let many Nascent Souls know the pros and cons of their Xuanming Sect!

Taiyuan was now full of passionate fighting spirit. He held the hilt of his sword and looked at Gao Xian coldly, his eyes as sharp as a sword.

Gao Xian noticed that Taiyuan was full of momentum, he smiled and handed over his hand: "If you start on the Tianwu platform, please ask fellow Taoists to show mercy."

"I will do my best to fight you on the Tianwu stage. Saying something like showing mercy is not only an insult to me, but also disrespectful to our religion."

Taiyuan reprimanded Gao Xian unceremoniously, with a tough and overbearing attitude.

Many Nascent Souls couldn't help but look sideways. Everyone knew that the so-called "show mercy" was just a polite word, and no one would take it seriously. Taiyuan reprimanded and taught him so sternly, which surprised many Nascent Soul Lords.

Even if both sides want to fight against the Nascent Soul Lord, there is no need to be so bitter. After all, it is not a personal enmity, and there is no grudge against each other.

Qing Le couldn't help but frown slightly. Taiyuan was an extreme and arrogant person, but it was not normal to lose his composure like this. Is it for Tai Ning?

Tai Ning was so scheming that everyone in the sect spoke highly of him. Qing Le didn't like Tai Ning very much. This woman was too smart and was very tiring to get along with.

Gao Xian is also smart, but he is not usually scheming. It's very easy and comfortable to interact with. This is also what Qingle likes about Gao Xian.

No one who can achieve Nascent Soul is a fool. You are always playing tricks, but others can’t tell!

Qingle was a little worried that Gao Xian had been angered. Although Taiyuan was arrogant and extreme, he might have had an ulterior motive for doing this in public.

After all, this is the Xuanming Sect. If Gao Xian loses his composure in front of the Taoist Transformation Master Zhenye, the situation will be difficult to predict.

Gao Xian was not angry at all. He raised his hand and said solemnly: "What you taught me, fellow Taoist, is that I am a little frivolous. I must try my best to fight fellow Taoist on the Tianwu Stage."

Taiyuan was a little surprised, this guy's city was quite deep. He couldn't say anything else, so he could only ignore Gao Xian with a cold face.

Zhenye on the high platform couldn't help but shake his head secretly. Taiyuan used such clumsy means to anger Gao Xian, but he didn't know if it was because he was naive or something else. Maybe it’s because I’ve been in the sect for too long, and I don’t know how high the sky is and how high it is!

You must know that Gao Xian was born as a casual cultivator, and climbed up step by step from Xiaofang City on the edge of the Eastern Wasteland. If there was no scheming city, how could we achieve what we have today!

Zhenye wanted to sigh when he thought of this. Although these Nascent Soul Masters from the sect had all gone out to experience, they all came from too high a background and had never really endured hardship.

Compared with Gao Xian, who was born as a low-level casual cultivator, he was so far behind. Of course, there is also the problem of being from a lower-class background, that is, short-sightedness, and it is easy to get carried away when seeing small profits.

Gao Xian is also famous for his greed for money and lust.

Zhenye doesn't want to care about these bad things. If he wants to be first, he must use his methods. This is also the meaning of Tao Kao. If everything is prepared, then you won’t cherish it.

The great road is fighting, and humanity is fighting.

The heaven and earth are changing, and all living beings are vying for that glimmer of hope. Without this awareness, one can only turn into ashes in the catastrophe of heaven and earth...

Zhenye raised his voice and said: "Three days later, we will gather at Tianwutai at noon. Anyone who fails to meet the deadline will be deemed to have given up..."

After saying that, Zhenye rolled his sleeves. The divine light shone on the ground of the main hall, and the next moment, many Nascent Souls had arrived outside the Vientiane Palace.

Many Nascent Soul Lords exchanged polite words and dispersed in twos and threes.

Gao Xian glanced at Qing Le, and Qing Le used his spiritual consciousness to communicate: "I want to go back and practice in peace to prepare for war..."

Qingle was exhausted after fighting hard in Yuan Jinghai. She needed to rest and recuperate in preparation for the big battle in three days.

"I have a magical method of dual cultivation that can restore your vitality in one day..." Gao Xian said seriously.

Qing Le was greatly moved. At their level, the dual cultivation method was still very useful. Gao Xian is not only known as the master of Fengyue, but his "Ode to the Great Joy of the Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth" has been praised by many powerful people. They think that although this method is simple, it has achieved the wonder of Yin and Yang dual cultivation.


"I can still lie to you."

Gao Xian promised: "If it doesn't work, I will transfer all my energy to you. I guarantee that you will become a dragon and a tiger!"

Qing Le rolled her eyes at Gao Xian and said nothing serious. But the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Back at Lanfangzhai, Gao Xian sent Qingqing to rest, and he took Qingle to comprehend the supreme magic together.

Although the back of Fengyue Baojian is related to Fengyue, after repeated upgrades, it has long since left the scope of the dual cultivation method.

For example, the Yin and Yang Wheel and the Red Dragon Swallowing the Moon method, these two serious dual cultivation methods have long since mutated. The Red Dragon Moon Swallowing Technique has become Sister Lan's magical power again.

In addition, there is the Qiankun Yin and Yang Fortune Cauldron, which is indeed a very wonderful secret method of dual cultivation. Even if Yue Shenxiu is locked, he cannot practice this method with others.

Fortunately, his vision and knowledge are now very different, and he has his own unique understanding of the dual cultivation of yin and yang. Coupled with Sister Lan's Taishi Puppet God, this top secret technique is blessed.

He has strong spiritual awareness and can master the subtle changes of pure music, and can perfectly fit the secret method of pure music practice together.

Sure enough, in less than a day, through the secret technique of dual cultivation of the yin and yang chakras, Gao Xian was able to get rid of the slight fatigue accumulated over many days, Qing Le became even more radiant, and the Yin spirit reached an extremely harmonious and complete state.

"How about it, I didn't lie to you!"

Gao Xian proudly hugged Qing Le and said, "If you practice for another two days, you might be able to make a breakthrough in your cultivation."

Qing Le pushed Gao Xian away and sat up. She said seriously: "That won't work. Dual cultivation is too happy, which will greatly affect my fighting spirit. I have to calm down and accumulate energy in the past two days, and cannot indulge in joy."

She said and quickly put on her clothes. Before going out, she reminded Gao Xian: "Tai Ning is bound to win this Taoist exam. She is not sure of winning you. She must find Wanbaolou Fan Qingyuan to help spread the word. You have to think Well, this beauty is not that simple..."

"I won't be moved by beauty. I'm not that kind of person..."

Before Gao Xian finished speaking, Qing Le had disappeared. Just when we were having fun, the person was gone, which was a bit disappointing.

Gao Xian lay lazily on the bed, thinking about what Qing Le said, and he couldn't help but feel hesitant.

If Tai Ning insisted on going to his bed to apologize to him, would he accept it? This woman is very scheming, and she even plotted against him. She is not a good girl.

However, she is good-looking... good-looking and fun, which is actually enough. It doesn’t matter whether she has scheming intentions or not, don’t live with her!

The spell marks on Sister Lan's body have almost faded away. This kind of spell is not enough to kill people. He is not the kind of person who will seek retribution.

In the past, he had no choice in killing people, but now that he has the capital, he is still willing to be a good person...

However, this ranking first in the Taoist examination is absolutely impossible to give to others.

Although Gao Xian likes to have fun, he knows his priorities. The divine light of the five elements is related to the important matter of enlightenment. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a great cause for a thousand years, and even a great cause for a thousand years is not enough to describe it.

Not to mention Fan Qingyuan, even if Zhenying, the master of Tianfu Hall, comes, he will not give in. Of course, it is almost impossible for Shinto-kun to show up for such a thing.

If Zhenying wants to take care of this matter, he can just go to the sect directly, why waste time on a junior like him. There is no need to worry about the Xuanming Sect.

If Xuanmingjiao wants to be ranked first, it will not engage in an arena battle. The risk here is too great. If others really see that the Xuanming Cult is playing tricks, the Lord of Mingzhou will be completely embarrassed.

Gao Xian thought about it and realized that there was no big problem. Now that Qing Le is gone, he can use it to refine the Taiyin Xuanjing Wheel while there is still time.

After several days of testing, Gao Xian discovered that the Taiyin Xuanjing Chakra contains spirituality. This spirituality is probably similar to that of plants and trees, but it only has some instincts and no real spiritual wisdom.

In fact, the so-called artifacts do not have real wisdom, but are more spiritual and can better cooperate with cultivators to control magic weapons.

According to some records in the classics, only sixth-level top-level artifacts can give birth to spiritual wisdom, like a seven or eight-year-old boy. But such spiritual wisdom is often more troublesome.

For cultivators, the more spiritually powerful the artifact is, the better, but the easier it is to control, the better. The difference is huge.

Having said that, the spirituality of the Taiyin Xuanjing Wheel is not high, but it also knows how to actively devour the core of the phantom demon. Naturally, the Gao Xian's aura of feeding was a little more intimate and recognized. This also allowed him to gain a deeper grasp of the central restriction of the Taiyin Xuanjing Wheel and further unleash the power of the spiritual weapon.

At night, Gao Xian had been refining weapons for a long time and was about to take a rest when the Xuan Ming Order in his sleeve buzzed.

Gao Xian took out the Xuanming Order. The runes on the decree shone brightly. It was obvious that someone was communicating with him through the Xuanming Order.

His consciousness was in contact with the Xuanming Order, and he received a message from his consciousness through the shining runes. It was Fan Qingyuan who sent the invitation, asking him to go to Wanbao Tower at noon tomorrow, saying that he had something important to discuss.

"Qing Le really got it right..."

Gao Xian pondered for a moment and decided to go. He is not coveting Tai Ning's beauty, but mainly because he cooperates with Fan Qingyuan, so he still has to give him this face.

Mr. Zhou said: Jianghu is not about fighting and killing; Jianghu is about human relations.

Gao Xian knew very well that he was an outsider. Now that he was going to use Fan Qingyuan's Wanbao Tower to do things, he couldn't be too self-righteous.

We should give the face that should be given. Besides, let’s talk about what we’re afraid of. He is not a child, and he will not know where to go after being coaxed with a few words.

On the next day, Gao Xian told Qingqing that he came to Wanbao Tower alone.

Arriving on the thirteenth floor, Fan Qingyuan went to the door to greet him personally, appearing quite enthusiastic. Tai Ning stood next to Fan Qingyuan, smiling sweetly and tenderly.

The two parties greeted each other politely and complimented each other a few words before entering the room and taking their seats.

Before Fan Qingyuan could speak, Tai Ning stood up and bowed deeply: "Fellow Taoist, I secretly cast a spell on you in Yuan Jinghai. It was too rude and too presumptuous. Please forgive me..."

Gao Xian was a little surprised. This guy made everything clear when he opened the door. If he didn't give him a step, how could he step down?

Fan Qingyuan watched quietly from the side. She actually felt that Tai Ning's move was a bit risky. Looking at Gao Xian's three hundred years of experience, we know that this man is thoughtful, capable and ruthless.

Looking at the direct selling method he developed, it can be said that he has a thorough understanding of human nature and is highly intelligent. Offending such a person is not something you can do by pretending to be a good and honest person.

This Tai Ning was her uncle and a direct descendant of Patriarch Zhenying, so he was highly valued. She will try her best to help both in public and private matters. I just hope that Gao Xian will be more sensible and not make everyone look ugly.

Fan Qingyuan is still willing to cooperate with Gao Xian to sell books. This is a sure-profit business. The key is that it can also penetrate the influence of Wanbao Tower downwards, which is very important.

Gao Xian didn't look at Fan Qingyuan. This person who came forward to entertain had already made his attitude clear, that is, to endorse the Taining platform. He is not afraid of Fan Qingyuan and Tai Ning. What kind of trouble can these two women cause.

Even the Xuanming Sect, he didn't care much about. As long as he gets the Great Five Elements Divine Light, he can establish himself anywhere in the world, and he doesn't have to stay here.

However, we have to get the Great Five Elements Divine Light first.

Gao Xian smiled at Tai Ning and said, "It turns out that it was fellow Taoist who cast the spell, and it was indeed magical and powerful..."

Tai Ning also understood what Gao Xian meant. He said that her spell power was not to praise her, but to remind her that this matter could not be revealed with just one sentence.

She took out a golden jade slip from her sleeve and held it in front of Gao Xian with both hands. "This is the Great Five Elements Extinction Sword Sutra. It is an apology specially prepared by me for fellow Taoists. Please accept it..." (End of Chapter) )

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