The old man was buried in the grave, and the old man was buried in the grave.

In the Canghai City of Blue Star, Lu Yuan looked at the devastated city and the countless dead and injured citizens, and he fell into deep contemplation and condemnation.

In the past, humans chose to start genetic research in pursuit of the limits of life. Even though their results finally gave the people of Blue Star hundreds of years of life, they could not satisfy those greedy capitalists.

They chose to gather 80% of the people behind the scenes who controlled the huge Blue Star industry... on Blue Star, and started a new round of research on the limits of human life.

In order to achieve more results, countless death row prisoners in prison became their experimental subjects. Even though the Xia government condemned their behavior countless times, they still did not stop the research process.

Finally, their research found that the horrible destructiveness of their gene medicine could only be perfectly solved by the core practice of the Taoist sect in Xia country.

Due to the strong defense ability of Xia country for its borders, all the mercenaries they traded with money were arrested by Xia country, so in order to successfully carry out the plan, they planned accidents in Canghai City on the border of Xia country.

Although their gene medicine was unsuccessful, it could create countless corpses.

The corpses, due to the terrifying erosion of the host by the gene medicine, caused all the brain neurons to collapse, leaving only the instinctive fighting and bloodthirstiness of the body.

Therefore, countless corpse murders occurred in Canghai City, and finally the trust of the older generation in the Taoist sect could not be tolerated, so the Taoist disciples came out to cooperate with the government departments to deal with the corpses.

In the research room thousands of miles away, several investment shareholders looked at the Taoist sect that had been hooked, and began to frantically create corpses, and then hundreds of thousands of corpses crossed the border and rushed into Canghai City.

In the hall on Yuantian Peak of the Taoist sect, an old Taoist looked at the young man who was about to go to Canghai City and said, "Yuan'er, have you thought about it? This is your death. You..."

Lu Yuan looked at the old Taoist with a firm look in his eyes, and said, "Master, didn't you say that we in the Taoist sect practice the right way and follow the great way of the world? Now my brothers and sisters are fighting hard, so what if there is a death."

"So, Master, let me go!"

The old Taoist looked at the determined eyes of his young disciple who was about to ascend to heaven, and slowly said, "You are the same as your father back then. That's all. I'll give you this. Remember to wear it well. This is what your parents left for you."

Then Lu Yuan took the necklace with a black bead inlaid in his master's hand and put it on his neck. His parents had the honor of meeting their master.

Knowing that they each had a death, they naturally chose to dedicate their lives to Xia Country and the hundreds of millions of compatriots protected by Xia Country. At this moment, he naturally would not choose to escape.

In the past twenty years, he followed his master to practice the Taoist skills, and he has reached the point where he can easily swing his hand to exert 10,000 jin. He is also a talented disciple of the current Taoist sect, and is recognized as a candidate who can inherit the great cause of his master and become the new generation of Taoist Tianshi.

Unfortunately, as soon as he arrived in Canghai City, he saw countless corpses, all of which were slaughtered by those corpses, and countless troops were treating the injured residents.

Lu Yuan left Xia Country in anger and came to the research bases of those organizations. He also knew that they were planning to seize the core skills of Taoism, so Lu Yuan did not give them a chance.

He chose to clean up this group of demons who had no humanity along the way, but in the end he still fell. As a life limit research base with terrifying assets, it has the latest laser weapons.

Looking at his broken body, he chose to self-destruct all the hard work of twenty years, and the terrifying energy completely wiped out the entire research base from the earth.

At the moment when Lu Yuan was unconscious, the black light of the bead flashed, and his soul was sealed in the black bead.

The black bead also took away the life essence that the research base had been researching for hundreds of years. Then the bead broke through the long river of time and disappeared on the spot.

The life research base also turned into ashes with the departure of the bead.

The surviving scientists and technicians were arrested by the joint army of various countries or wiped out on the spot.

In order to study the so-called immortality gene medicine, they have lost their humanity and completely become research machines who only know how to experiment day and night.

In the long river of time and space, the black bead is rapidly plundering the laws of the avenue and restoring the cracks on the bead.

The traces, and Lu Yuan's soul in the bead knew nothing, he could only think that he was already in a soul state.

So he didn't know that because of the treasures passed down by his parents, he was taking Lu Yuan to dodge the rules of the avenue frantically, reversing the long river of time and returning to the past.

The power of the avenue law finally realized that the black bead was reversing the long river of time and was plundering the power of the avenue law.

However, the avenue did not make a move in the end to wipe out the small black bead, because the avenue is the most impartial, so the avenue believes that this is just an era of low-level life.

The avenue is now only concerned about the chaos period, because Pangu, the incarnation of the avenue in the chaos, is about to be born, and the three thousand chaos demons should also begin to be destroyed.

At the beginning, the avenue evolved three thousand chaos demons who controlled the three thousand avenue laws in the chaos with the avenue law, but these chaos demons would only fight each other.

Therefore, the Great Dao could only re-evolve into one Pangu God, who was far superior to the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, and was given the Chaos Supreme Treasures, the Axe of Creation, the Jade Book of Creation, and the Blue Lotus of Creation.

The Chaos Endless Void, which was only a handful of Chaos Supreme Treasures, occupied more than half before Pangu was born.

Then nine epochs passed (one epoch = twelve kalpas, one kalpa = 128,000 Yuanhui, one Yuanhui = 128,000 years.) The Chaos Spiritual Root Chaos Blue Lotus that gave birth to the Great God Pangu, bloomed.

The mere vision of the Great God Pangu's birth made the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods feel fear, which was suppressed by blood and talent.

When Pangu was born, he did not choose to complete the task assigned to him by the Great Dao immediately, but traveled in the chaotic void.

Until one day, Pangu saw the Chaos Demon God he had been looking for. Three thousand Chaos Demon Gods were fighting for a Chaos Supreme Treasure - the Earth-Splitting Chisel.

Pangu saw that the Chaos Demon Gods were fighting fiercely just because of a Chaos Supreme Treasure, so that the world opened up by Pangu was also shattered by the aftermath of their battle.

The angry Pangu waved his hand and directly grasped the Chaos Supreme Treasure, the Axe of Creation, on his saddle, and chopped at the Chaos Demon Gods who were still fighting.

With one axe, hundreds of Chaos Demon Gods fell into the giant axe in Pangu's hand, and then the Chaos Demon Gods who reacted looked greedily at the Chaos Supreme Treasure Axe of Creation in Pangu's hand.

At this moment, Pangu finally understood why the Great Dao wanted him to kill these Chaos Demon Gods, so he no longer endured and directly released his pressure of the Half-Step Great Dao realm and the Chaos Supreme Treasure Creation Green Lotus fell at his feet.

The Chaos Supreme Treasure, the Jade Book of Creation, was suspended behind Pangu, and the Three Thousand Great Dao Laws emanated from it. At this moment, Pangu was like the Great Dao himself.

The black bead that had been swimming upstream in the Great Dao's long river of time and space finally left the long river of time and space. Lu Yuan in the bead saw a giant who was unknown how many millions of feet tall, holding a giant axe, stepping on a giant lotus platform, with a huge jade book flying behind him.

Facing thousands of monsters of the same size, but before Lu Yuan could react, the giant axe directly smashed the Chaos Supreme Treasure, the Earth-Splitting Chisel, which was jointly performed by the ten strongest Chaos Demon Gods.

Then no Chaos Demon God escaped Pangu's giant axe, and all of them fell. Then Pangu shouted, his body swelled again, and the giant axe in his hand continued to grow.


After one blow of the axe, the chaotic void here was directly torn apart, and then three thousand chaotic demon gods and countless chaotic beasts killed by the residual power of Pangu's axe turned into the origin and merged into it.

The great god Pangu supported the heaven and earth, and the heaven and earth also kept separating with Pangu's constantly growing body. Lu Yuan in the bead was completely shocked.

Pangu felt Lu Yuan's gaze, but after seeing the black bead, he immediately hit the bead into the new world, and Pangu also completed his mission and turned himself into Tao.

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