The sun is shining, and the sky is shining.

On the western continent, in the Mount Xumi, Jie Yin is surrounded by endless dream worlds in the space of heaven and earth.

In the three thousand dream worlds, the luck of the endless worlds gathers to Jie Yin's body, and the Buddha's light flashes and the will is reflected in the heavens and the worlds.

In the Pure Land, all sentient beings can get clothes and food when they want them, and everything is naturally sufficient, without greed; the whole country is full of Bodhisattvas and good people, who love each other and have no anger. All sentient beings constantly hear the wonderful Dharma, open their hearts and minds, and have no stupidity.

The Pure Land is an absolutely pure and equal world, where everyone's six senses are pure, without love and desire, and everyone's body shape and appearance are the same as Amitabha Buddha, with thirty-two kinds of great man's appearance.

The climate is mild. There are no changes of seasons, cold and heat, rain or shine. It is always so cool and comfortable, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The land is flat. There are high mountains and steep cliffs in the world, but the land is not flat because people’s hearts are not flat. People in the Pure Land have pure and equal hearts, so the land is flat because their hearts are flat.

The land is made of gold. In fact, the land is made of seven treasures, and gold is the first of the seven treasures. The first one has taken the rest.

The seven treasures are gold, silver, glass (blue treasure), glass (crystal), conch (blue-white treasure), red pearl (red treasure), and agate.

The colored trees in the Pure Land can also reflect the solemn and beautiful people, things and objects in the ten directions of the Buddha between the trees, so that people who watch can see it as clearly as if they were seeing their own faces in the mirror.

There are countless pools made of seven treasures, with an area of ​​ten, twenty, or even hundreds of thousands of yojanas, just like the sea, and the ground is paved with golden sand, unlike here where it is all sand, stone, and mud.

In the Pure Land, from the ground to the sky, all things emit light, not only people, but also seven treasures, palaces, pavilions, treasure pools, colored trees, lotus, etc., so the Pure Land does not need the sun and the moon, and is naturally bright.

All the most beautiful things in the world are evolving in the Pure Land created by Jie Yin and Zhunti.

At the same time, the power of cause and effect invades it and turns into countless cause and effect reincarnations, clearing up the souls of every living being who enters the Pure Land.

After waking up, Jie Yin looked at Zhunti and said, "The time has come, we can start!"

Zhunti hesitated for a moment and said, "Brother, you have the Hongmeng Purple Qi to become a saint in just a moment, but I don't have it, what should I do?"

Jie Yin looked at Zhunti with eyes that saw through the vanity of the world and said, "Hongmeng Purple Qi is not the only way to become a saint, the path to becoming a saint is our destiny, don't hesitate, brother."

The reason why Jie Yin said this is because the will of heaven saw the Three Pure Ones escape from its control and become saints.

The power exceeded the imagination of the will of heaven, so in order to delay the Three Pure Ones and let Hongjun Daozu's Xuanmen Daoism collapse.

The heavenly way forcibly reversed the long river of fate, giving Zhunti the opportunity to become a saint again, so the heavenly secrets appeared and told Zhunti.

"In that case, I will achieve enlightenment and become a saint together with my senior brother, so that our Western Continent will prosper."

In the Sanqing Temple of Kunlun Mountain, after the Sanqing achieved the Dao Saint, they returned to the Sanqing Temple of Kunlun Mountain to discuss the Dao with each other and feel the changes after their own enlightenment.

Yuanji listened to the Dao laws of the three Hunyuan strongmen and confirmed his own Dao laws. Yuanji was the only one in the prehistoric world who could have such treatment.

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Taiqing Laozi and said:

"Brother, this will of heaven is really not simple. It actually forcibly reversed the fate of Zhunti Taoist. I'm afraid that the prehistoric world will have one more saint of heaven!"

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, Yuanji understood that the fate of the prehistoric world changed because of Yuanji's appearance, and Houtu took the sainthood.

Now, because the will of heaven watched the Sanqing achieve the Dao Saint, it actually changed the fate of Zhunti Taoist and forcibly improved the strength of the Western duo.

Tongtian sneered and said, "Second brother, although Zhunti and Jieyin are people of great perseverance and wisdom, a small Yuanzi in this prehistoric world has caused them so much pain."

Taoqing Laozi also said, "Since Jieyin and Zhunti's enlightenment cannot be changed, we will wait and see. The people behind the two people in the west are not simple either."

"From now on, the Three Pure Ones will gather in Yuanji's Lingyun Cave Heaven. Whatever the prehistoric world says, let them go!"

After saying this, Taiqing Laozi stopped talking and looked quietly at the western continent.

Only Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Jiaozhu understood that after today, all the creatures in the prehistoric world felt that the Three Pure Ones had broken away.

, the Western duo probably can't escape being deceived.

Above the Sumeru Mountain in the west, after Jie Yin Zhunti saluted to the sky, Jie Yin was the first to speak:

"Heaven is above, today I, Jie Yin Taoist, established the Western Paradise to guide the creatures of the prehistoric world to share the paradise."

"Today, Zhunti and I established the Western religion to educate the creatures of the Western continent of the prehistoric world, save all living beings in the West, and create the boundless land of the West in the prehistoric world."

"Look to the Heaven to supervise!"

Boom~, the Eye of Heaven in the prehistoric world appeared above the Western continent, and endless Heaven's merits poured into the bodies of Jie Yin and Zhunti.

A series of golden lights burst out from the core of the Western continent and swept towards the entire prehistoric world.

Then Jie Yin successfully broke through the second heaven of the saint and entered the realm of the prehistoric Heaven's Saint. The Heaven's Origin Shackles in the Hongmeng Purple Qi merged into his Saint's Dao Fruit.

There was no trace of reluctance in Jie Yin's eyes, and he gladly accepted all of this, after all, when he was about to attain enlightenment.

As soon as he knew that the Heavenly Dao Saint had great authority, he would naturally have to bear the price that the corresponding authority required.

The vision of becoming a saint appeared in the prehistoric land, and countless creatures congratulated Jie Yin Taoist on his attainment of the Dao and becoming a saint. The Western Continent also transformed a little in the golden light of the saint's merit.

The spiritual veins recovered 10%, but at this moment, after Zhunti integrated the huge Heavenly Dao merit, he only reached the realm of sub-saint.

His saintly body was only half transformed, and now he has half of his body as a saint's body.

When he saw that he could not become a saint because of insufficient Heavenly Dao merit, a series of heavenly secrets appeared in his heart, and then he swore to the Heavenly Dao of the prehistoric world:

If I attain the supreme Bodhi and become enlightened, the Buddha land I live in will be full of immeasurable and inconceivable merits and solemn merits.

When I become a Buddha, all sentient beings in the ten directions will be born in my land. They will all have purple gold bodies and thirty-two great manly features. They will be upright and clean, all of the same kind. Those with different appearances, such as good and ugly, will not attain enlightenment.

When I become a Buddha, all sentient beings born in my country will know their past lives, good and evil deeds for countless kalpas, and can see and hear clearly, and know the past, present and future events of the ten directions. If they cannot obtain this wish, they will not attain enlightenment.

When I become a Buddha, all sentient beings born in my country will have the ability to read other people's minds. If they cannot know the thoughts of sentient beings in hundreds of thousands of Buddha lands, they will not attain enlightenment.

When I become a Buddha, all sentient beings born in my country will have supernatural powers and freedom, and paramita.

If they cannot travel around hundreds of thousands of Buddha lands in hundreds of thousands of Buddha lands in a single thought and make offerings to all Buddhas, they will not attain enlightenment.

When I become a Buddha, all sentient beings born in my country will have supernatural powers and freedom, and paramita. If one is free from discrimination and has all the senses at peace, and does not decide to attain the perfect enlightenment and great nirvana, he will not attain enlightenment.

When I become a Buddha, my light will be immeasurable and will shine in all directions. It is far superior to all Buddhas and is a thousand times brighter than the sun and the moon.

If there are sentient beings who see my light and touch their bodies, they will be happy.

If they do good deeds with a compassionate heart, they will be reborn in my country. If not, I will not attain enlightenment.

When I become a Buddha, my life span will be immeasurable. There will be countless voice-hearers and heavenly beings in my country, and their life spans will also be immeasurable. Even if all sentient beings in the three thousand great thousand worlds become pratyekabuddhas, and they all count together for hundreds of thousands of kalpas, if they can know the number, I will not attain enlightenment.

When I become a Buddha, there will be countless Buddhas in the immeasurable worlds of the ten directions. If they do not praise my name together and speak of the goodness of my merits and land, I will not attain enlightenment.

When I become a Buddha, sentient beings in the ten directions will hear my name and believe in it with all their hearts. All good roots will be dedicated to me. I wish to be born in my country, even for ten years. If I am not born, I will not attain enlightenment. Except for the five heinous crimes and slandering the Dharma.

When I become a Buddha, all sentient beings in the ten directions will hear my name and develop bodhi mind. They will cultivate merits, practice the six paramitas, and be firm and unyielding.

The Taoist Zhunti made a total of 48 great aspirations, and the 48 aspirations echoed in the ears of sentient beings in the prehistoric world three times under the laws of the Heavenly Dao.

In the shocked eyes of countless great supernatural powers in the prehistoric world, the Heavenly Dao suspended above the Western Continent bestowed infinite Heavenly Dao merits and forcibly promoted Zhunti to the realm of saints.

The pressure of Zhunti's sainthood swept towards the prehistoric world, and the endless pressure made Zhunti obsessed with this feeling.

After the congratulations of hundreds of millions of sentient beings, the Eye of Heaven disappeared into the void, and the Western Church officially became the only sect in the prehistoric world with two saints.

In the Sanqing Temple of Kunlun Mountain, the Sanqing also admired Zhunti's 48 great aspirations, after all, those were ideal aspirations.

In the great trend of the struggle among the heavens and the eternal turmoil in the prehistoric world, it was simply a foolish dream to want to complete them.

Yuanji also smiled when he heard Zhunti's oath. In his opinion, this was the means by which the will of heaven restricted Zhunti.

After all, Zhunti was not left with the shackles of the origin of heaven by the will of heaven, but these 48 aspirations were more difficult to complete than shackles in Yuanji's opinion.

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