The demon clan was defeated, and the demon clan was defeated.

After Duobao and Zhao Gongming severely injured the demon saint Bai Ze in the depths of the Ten Thousand Mountains of the demon clan, the demon clan's luck directly declined in the prehistoric world.

In the chaotic void Wa Palace outside the prehistoric world, the Nuwa Saint was attacked by the power of the demon clan's luck after she came out of her closed-door practice.

A mouthful of holy blood spurted out, and then the Nuwa Saint quickly calculated with her fingers and learned the scene of the demon clan being calculated by the Zhunti Saint.

Endless anger burned in Nuwa's heart, and the Jieyin Saint, who was on the Western Lingshan, looked at the chaotic void inexplicably, because he had already felt the anger of the Nuwa Saint.

The Zhunti Saint on the side also knew that his calculations had been discovered by Tongtian Sect Master, after all, the secrets of the Heavenly Dao Saints in the prehistoric world were blocked.

If other Heavenly Dao Saints wanted to know, they would have to pay a certain price. This was also the will of the Heavenly Dao inducing the Heavenly Dao Saints to calculate each other and promote the development of the prehistoric world.

And Tongtian Sect Master was a Great Dao Saint. Although the Great Dao Law had withdrawn from the prehistoric world, the power of the Great Dao Law was everywhere in the chaotic void.

Because of the calculations of Taiqing Laozi, Tongtian Sect Master could not directly attack the Western Religion, but the secret that was obscured by Zhunti was broken by Tongtian Sect Master.

This indirectly provoked the relationship between the Western Religion and the Saint Nuwa. After all, the Saint Nuwa now only had 10% of her luck in the human race.

And with the development of the times and the passage of time, the luck of the human race occupied by Nuwa is still declining.

In this matter, the Saint Nuwa extracted countless powers of creation from the Western Continent to quell the Saint Zhunti's plan for the demon race.

Without the Red-butted Monkey to stop him, Xia Yu of the human race solved the flood of the Yellow River perfectly in just a thousand years.

And it brought countless good news to the human race. After the Black Emperor Yu Shun learned about this, he directly chose to abdicate the position of the co-leader of the human race to Xia Yu.

And the Black Emperor Yu Shun also ended his governance, proved to be one of the five emperors of the human race, and returned to the Fire Cloud Cave to suppress the destiny of the human race.

Xia Yu gained the approval of all the people of the human race by governing the flood of the Yellow River, under the witness of countless people.

Xia Yu took over the Kongtong Seal, the treasure of the destiny of the human race, from Yu Shun's hands, and walked towards the most supreme throne of the human race. The golden dragon of the destiny of the human race turned into golden light and fell into Xia Yu's body.

After Xia Yu succeeded the position of the common leader of the human race, he made Yangcheng the capital of the country and named the year Xia, becoming the first king of the Xia Dynasty.

From then on, the foundation of the Xia Dynasty, which lasted for thousands of years, was opened. At the same time, national production was developed to enable the people to live and work in peace and contentment. More importantly, the social organization form of the tribal alliance in the primitive society of the human race was ended, and the new social and political form of "country" was created.

Xia Yu completed the establishment of the country, replaced the primitive society with classes, and replaced the barbaric society with civilized society, which promoted the development of the historical evolution of the human emperor.

After Xia Yu introduced the concept of the country, the human race suddenly became the real protagonist of heaven and earth in the heavenly way of the prehistoric world.

Since Pangu opened the sky, countless creatures in the prehistoric world have fallen after several catastrophes of heaven and earth, and dozens of talented ethnic groups have fought for hegemony and have become the only protagonist of the prehistoric world.

Since Nuwa created humans, the human race has first stepped onto the stage of the endless years of the prehistoric world. With its unremitting self-improvement and indomitable spirit, it finally became the protagonist of the eternal years of the prehistoric world.

In the tall palace of the human race, Xia Yu sat on the throne, overlooking the officials of the entire human tribe.

He was extremely proud. He completed the task that his father had not completed, and at the same time transformed the Yellow River flood into a blessing for the human race.

Moreover, he ended the construction of the human dynasty that had not been unified by all human emperors before, and all the tribesmen of the entire human race were given to obey the arrangements of the dynasty.

There was no longer the problem of the disunity of the human race in various regions that had not been solved when Emperor Xuanyuan was alive until the era of the Black Emperor Yu Shun.

Now, Xia Yu is responsible for sending tribesmen to govern all regions of the entire human territory, reducing the probability of civil war among the human race.

The human race also took the opportunity to quickly enter a peaceful and efficient development era. The grain storage of the entire Xia Dynasty royal court was enough for all the human race to eat for three hundred years.

And the homes of ordinary people in the human race have accumulated grains for decades.

At this time, Xia Yu also felt his opportunity to prove his way, so in these years, he kept looking for his own opportunity to prove his way.

He was also working hard to train his children, preparing to inherit his throne, become the next master of the Xia Dynasty royal court, and lead hundreds of millions of human beings.

On this day, Xia Yu looked at the human race's nine continents,

Seeing countless humans busy, he realized his chance.

Afterwards, Xia Yu led his subordinates to collect copper coins from door to door on the Jiuzhou continent of the human race.

A hundred years later, Xia Yu returned to the royal city and asked his master Zhao Gongming to help him refine nine large tripods with the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Shanhezhu.

Each large tripod represents the Jiuzhou continent of the human race. The others are engraved with different customs of the human race in each continent, and also record different inventions of the human race.

With the successful refining of the nine tripods, Xia Yu ordered each continent to take a large tripod away, and wait until the nine tripods are in place.

Xia Yu took heavy steps, walked to the high platform and said: "Human Xia Yu, today I set up the Jiuzhou tripod to suppress the destiny of the human race, and I hope that the heaven will supervise it."

As the voice fell, countless golden lights of merit spread between heaven and earth, and the people of Jiuzhou knelt down to bid farewell to Xia Yu who was about to leave after proving the Tao.

Xia Yu looked at the dynasty he had established with satisfaction, and then handed the Kongtong Seal, the most precious treasure of the human race, to his son, and left the human race with the golden light of heavenly merit.

Xia Yu's son took the Kongtong Seal, the most precious treasure of the human race, which represented the end of the most Chongzhen era of the human race, and the era of "family rule" officially entered the human race stage.

The merits of Xia Yu, the last of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the human race, were comparable to those of the Three Sovereigns, so Zhao Gongming, who taught Xia Yu, directly entered the realm of Daluo perfection with the merits of heavenly merit.

The other disciples of the three religions who taught the Five Emperors to rule the world could only look at Zhao Gongming with envy.

Only Xuandu, Guangchengzi and Duobao understood that Zhao Gongming was the innate spiritual wind between the heaven and earth in the prehistoric world, and his own luck was not low.

The merits of the human emperor Xia Yu's proof of the Tao are the best proof, and Zhao Gongming is upright and naturally complies with the rules of the great way.

The will of heaven did not dare to be stingy with Zhao Gongming's opportunity, so Xia Yu was the most powerful among the Five Emperors, and the two of them achieved each other.

In the Lingyun Cave Paradise in the South China Sea of ​​the prehistoric world, the returning Yuanji and Houtu quietly listened to what Kong Xuan had seen and heard in the human race over the years, and also understood how the disciples of the three religions plotted against the disciples of the Western religion.

Some of these calculations were very satisfying to Yuanji, and more of them were watching his junior brothers and sisters grow up.

In the vast and boundless chaotic void, the chaotic air that never stopped roared eternally.

Not far away from the prehistoric world, a terrifying chaotic void crack appeared, and then a fantasy world projection appeared.

The saints of heaven in the prehistoric world and the Three Pure Ones, Yuanji, Houtu and others also felt the arrival of the other world, and the saints and strong men in the sky world also noticed the strong men in the prehistoric world.

The strong men from the two worlds stared at each other across the endless chaos and void, and the Three Pure Ones outside the prehistoric world immediately disappeared.

Entering the Lingyun Cave Heaven in the South Sea of ​​the prehistoric world, Yuanji had already prepared tea for the Three Pure Ones, and the Three Pure Ones sat down without being polite.

Tongtian Sect Master said excitedly: "Big Brother, Second Brother, and Little Yuanzi, that world has come. When should we take action?"

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at his brainless third brother and shook his head helplessly. Taiqing Laozi also had a black line on his face.

Yuanji looked at the excited expression of Uncle Tongtian and said:

"Uncle Tongtian, this other world has just come across time and space. If we take action now, that world will be annihilated.

The prehistoric world will not get any benefits, and Master's Zixiao Palace is not in a hurry to manifest, so we are naturally not in a hurry to take action."

Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun heard what Yuanji said and agreed very much.

Taiqing Laozi also added: "Second brother, third brother, don't forget the calculation of the heaven in the next catastrophe. The strong in this world of the sky cannot be killed."

When Tongtian Patriarch heard this, his eyes lit up. After all, according to the secret of the heaven deduced by the three pure ones.

In the next catastrophe of the prehistoric world, his Jiejiao will be the last one to fall. Thinking that the tens of thousands of disciples he had accumulated over the years would be gone.

How could Tongtian Patriarch bear it? At that time, he would choose to destroy the prehistoric world without even thinking about it. Unfortunately, now Taiqing Laozi's reminder instantly gave Tongtian Patriarch hope.

Tongtian Patriarch said embarrassedly: "Brother, this... is it possible?"

Taiqing Laozi waved his hand and explained calmly: "Why, aren't they all strong? By then, their world will be the prehistoric world, not to mention the creatures in the world of the sky."

Looking at the calculations of the Three Pure Ones, Hou Tu, who was silent on the side, really didn't understand. Seeing this, Yuan Ji sensed the content of Hou Tu's next calculation of the will of the heaven to calculate the calamity of Xuanmen.

Hou Tu instantly understood the calculations of the Three Pure Ones, and also knew why Tongtian Patriarch was so excited. At the same time, she felt a little sorry for the creatures in the world of the sky.

Who would have thought that they

The prehistoric world, which has been planning for a long time, has already calculated the fate of the strong people in the sky world.

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