The old man was defeated.

As the lord of the prehistoric heaven, Haotian, was defeated by Kong Xuan, all the great masters of the prehistoric heavens and the myriad worlds were in an uproar. Kong Xuan was only a third-generation disciple of the Taoist sect.

Now he has stood in the third echelon of the prehistoric world, with the support of the first invincible person in the prehistoric world, Yuanji Daozun, and he is also the third-generation first disciple of the Taoist sect.

Both his talent and background have reached the point where the creatures of the prehistoric world are daunted, not to mention that Kong Xuan now has the Hongmeng Heaven-Measurement Ruler, the treasure of acquired merit.

When the great god Pangu created the world, the merit of creation and the purple qi of Hongmeng merged to form, and the offensive power was close to the Chaos Spirit Treasure.

Above Mount Jiuhua, Kong Xuan glanced at Fairy Yunhua, nodded to Yang Jiao, and then broke through the space.

After helping his disciple recover, Jade Ding Zhenren said, "Jian'er, since Senior Brother Yuanji Daozun has been involved in this matter, you don't need to worry!"

After that, Jade Ding Zhenren disappeared and turned into a stream of light towards Mount Kunlun, leaving Yang Jian shocked.

After all, he had been a disciple of Jade Ding Zhenren in Mount Kunlun, and had practiced for tens of thousands of years. He also learned from his master and uncle about Master Yuanji, who was now in the same realm as Hongjun Daozu in the prehistoric world.

He also heard about Master Yuanji's legend of rising from obscurity and his deeds of destroying the saints and breaking the realm of heaven when the prehistoric world was in danger.

Then Fairy Yunhua and her entourage went to the South China Sea, because there was Yang Jiao's dojo there, which was evolved from the Chaos Divine Stone given to him by Hunyuan Xingtian.

In addition, the formation was set up by the eldest brother Kong Xuan himself, and the chaotic energy emitted by Lingyun Cave Heaven was connected at the same time, which could provide a continuous supply of chaotic spiritual energy.

In the prehistoric world, it is also a blessed place. Fairy Yunhua was extremely disappointed with her brother Haotian, so she stayed in Yang Jiao's Immortal Fairy Island for cultivation.

After accompanying Yunhua for a thousand years, Yang Jian and Yang Chan left the South China Sea and went to their respective sects, while Yang Jiao continued to go to the prehistoric world.

After all, he knew that his eldest brother was also in the realm of Taiyi Jinxian, and left Lingyun Cave Heaven to make a name for himself in the prehistoric world.

So at this time, Yang Jiao also had to imitate his eldest brother Kong Xuan and make a name for himself in the prehistoric world. After all, the way of cultivation had been enlightened.

What he lacked was the precipitation of years, and the passage of time and space to cleanse his youthful arrogance and precipitate his unique immortal aura.

In the prehistoric heaven, Haotian has been in seclusion since he returned to the 33rd heaven of the heaven, watching the closed gate of the Tiandi Palace.

In the end, she was afraid that Haotian would fall into the devil's way because of Kong Xuan's shadow, so she directly broke the restriction of the Tiandi Palace gate, flew in and saw Haotian who failed to break through the Quasi-Saint Perfection and was decadent.

"Haotian, you are the Lord of Heaven in the prehistoric world. This is the title bestowed by Master Hongjun himself. How could you fall to such a level?"

Faced with Yao Chi's rebuke, Haotian had already lost the confidence to refute, and said with great disappointment:

"Hehehe... What Lord of Heaven - Haotian God, it's ridiculous that he is just an ant under the saints of the heavens and myriad worlds. Who in the prehistoric holy religion cares about Heaven!

Even if we are Master Hongjun's Taoist children, we don't have absolute strength in front of the great masters of prehistoric times. We are just the Taoist children who opened the door during the three lectures of Zixiao."

Faced with Haotian's accusation, Yao Chi also knew that this blow made it impossible for Haotian's Dao heart to return to the past, and the fate of the prehistoric heavenly way was also changing.

This is Yao Chi's way of helping Hao Tian as best as possible, and she began to instruct Hao Tian:

"Brother Hao Tian, ​​have you forgotten Master Hong Jun? Back then, Master asked us to rule the prehistoric world and establish a new prehistoric heaven.

But now the disciples of the Holy Church are rampant and are not afraid of the power of the Heavenly Court. I think Master will not ignore us!"

Hao Tian heard what Yao Chi said, and his figure crossed the endless thirty-three heavens, and countless seas of stars turned into streams and flew behind Hao Tian.

Afterwards, Hao Tian, ​​relying on countless years of experience in Zi Xiao Palace, roughly found the hiding place of Zi Xiao Palace in the chaotic void, knelt down and kowtowed and complained:

"Dao Tong Hao Tian, ​​I ask Master to help me, and please show up."

At this time, Hao Tian had already passed the gorgeous imperial robe of the Emperor of Heaven, and wore the Taoist robe that served Hong Jun Dao Zu in Zi Xiao Palace, kneeling in the same place waiting for Hong Jun Dao Zu's response.

In Zixiao Palace, Daozu Hongjun looked at his boy Haotian, who was still caught up in the calculation of the destiny of heaven.

He shook his head.

At the same time, he also saw the fate of his Taoist child Haotian, which actually implicated Yuanji, the disciple who was almost the same as him now, and he knew that he could not change Haotian's fate.

Because Yuanji's fate, in the eyes of Hongjun Daozu, was protected by the golden light of the great Dao, and the creatures below the realm of the great Dao could only explore a little bit unless they borrowed the Chaos Supreme Treasure.

But what Hongjun Daozu did not know was that the Chaos Supreme Origin Great Dao Law could not deduce Yuanji's future and past, let alone Yuanji's fate.

Hongjun Daozu finally looked at Haotian and made up his mind. Hongjun Daozu's words came out from the chaotic void:

"Haotian, I already know about this matter, and I will meet you within ten thousand years."

Haotian heard what Hongjun Daozu said, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed, and then went to the prehistoric world, and the prehistoric world's Three Pure Ones Hou Tu Yuanji immediately calculated Haotian's whereabouts.

When Yuanshi Tianzun thought of the original calculations of the heaven in the prehistoric world that he had deduced, he was furious and let Haotian, who was flying to the prehistoric world, fall into an endless chaotic storm.

After Haotian complained in Zixiao Palace, the prehistoric world changed dramatically. In the territory of the human race, the ninth prince of the Shang Dynasty, King Zhou, was born.

The prehistoric human territory ushered in the outbreak of the last remaining heat of the Shang Dynasty. Wen Zhong, the elder of the Shang Dynasty of the eight generations of the human race, was appointed as the imperial teacher of King Zhou by the eighth generation of the Shang King.

Under the guidance of Wen Zhong, King Zhou grew up rapidly, and also participated in large and small battles in various places in the Shang Dynasty with Wen Zhong.

With the terrifying talent of practicing Jindan martial arts and amazing strategies, the demons in the Shang Dynasty dared not make trouble again for a while, and countless demons offered incense to the human race.

The demons who enslaved the human city were all annihilated by King Zhou, who had been training in the human race all the way, relying on amazing combat power and the emperor's heart that was not afraid of demons.

The Xuanyuan Sword, the treasure of the human race, flew out of the Fire Cloud Cave and King Zhou of the human race, making King Zhou deeply recognized by the old Shang King.

Therefore, when King Zhou was 18 years old, he killed the demon god Hanba among the human race, which restored the protagonist status of the human race in major cities.

Killed all the demons who claimed to be the disciples of the demon Nuwa and deceived the human race to offer incense and burnt them in public.

And he was recognized by all the ministers of the human race and the four princes in the court and became the heir of the Shang Dynasty.

On this day, in the 80,000-li Yuanchu Mountains of the human race, King Zhou and his father went hunting together, relying on King Zhou's superb archery.

After a while, they reached a spiritual deer, and then the Shang King and King Zhou enjoyed the deer meat together. After observing all the way, the Shang King also found that his child King Zhou really satisfied him.

On the second day, because of the many things in the court, he left the 80,000-li Yuanchu Mountains and returned to the capital of the Shang Dynasty.

King Zhou, who stayed behind, continued to hunt thousand-year-old beasts in the 80,000-li Yuanchu Mountains, tempering his martial arts body with the beast's blood.

In a snowy mountain, King Zhou encountered a little snow fox that was seriously injured by a thousand-year-old beast. King Zhou naturally saw that the little snow fox had already gained intelligence.

But King Zhou thought that it had no human karma and exuded a trace of pure spiritual energy, so he took it back to his camp and saved the little snow fox.

During the period when the little snow fox was recovering, King Zhou personally hunted beasts and fed the little snow fox until the little snow fox recovered.

Carefully memorizing the smell of King Zhou, King Zhou naturally saw what the little snow fox was thinking, and warned:

"I am the prince of the Shang Dynasty of the human race. I have hunted countless demons in the human territory with Grand Master Wen Zhong. I advise you to practice well and never go to the human territory to make trouble."

Listening to King Zhou's warning and the murderous aura emanating from him, the little snow fox left King Zhou's camp in horror and went to his own cave.

King Zhou just glanced at the direction where the little snow fox left indifferently, then summoned all the guards and left the Yuanchu Mountains.

Prepare to return to the Great Shang Imperial Capital to take over the throne of the Great Shang Emperor and lead the people of the Great Shang to go further in his era.

...A hundred years later...

In the Great Shang Dynasty Imperial Capital of the human race, King Zhou has been on the throne for ten years. Under his governance, countless talents in the human territory have entered the court.

At the same time, King Zhou was the first emperor of the human race who proposed not to recruit officials based on family status, so the Great Shang Dynasty had completed a thousand years of development in just ten years under his leadership.

All the demons that dared to stir up trouble in the human race were killed by King Zhou with the Xuanyuan Sword. Whenever King Zhou met a great sage of the human race.

He personally invited him to the court of the Great Shang Dynasty to govern the human race together, so that their talents would not be restricted by their identity, family and bloodline.

For a time, King Zhou's reputation spread far and wide to all major regions of the human race, and the four major princes sent their eldest sons to the Great Shang Dynasty.

The Shang emperor studied in the court.

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