The world is full of chaos, and the world is full of chaos.

On the distant southern continent of the prehistoric world, with the opening of the Five Elements Realm by the Taoist Kong Xuan, the prehistoric people understood a truth.

In the new era of the prehistoric world, it is no longer the case that the Hunyuan Sage can directly dominate all living things, and the Realm within the Realm has become the foundation of the major Hunyuan forces in the prehistoric world.

In this new era, the forces that can open up an endless chaotic void world have strong people who can be called Hunyuan Sages.

Only in this way can their forces survive in the new prehistoric world, otherwise the next prehistoric world catastrophe will be the opportunity for them to be annihilated and eliminated in the past time and space.

However, achieving the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm is still an unattainable goal for the countless creatures in the prehistoric world, and even a realm they dare not imagine.

Because the methods that can achieve the Hunyuan Saint in the prehistoric world today are all controlled by the Taoist sect, and because of the strict rules of the Taoist sect, not all of them have been circulated.

Even the circulated method of beheading the three corpses only gave them a glimmer of hope, and it is not something that ordinary quasi-saints can comprehend

In these long years of cultivation, countless creatures have worked hard to achieve the Hunyuan, but how many people can really reach this realm?

They don’t know, they can only practice silently in these endless years, hoping that one day they can break through their own limits and become the legendary Hunyuan Saint.

But the saints who can achieve the Hunyuan know that among the endless creatures in the prehistoric world, there are many people with great perseverance and wisdom.

But so what, sometimes all the opportunities to achieve the Hunyuan Saint must be fought for by yourself.

Therefore, there is the Dao of Hunyuan. To attain the Dao is to "fight" for the Dao. Otherwise, one needs to practice until the perfection of Hunyuan Jinxian or Quasi-Sage, and open up a new Dao law alone.

The Hunyuan Sages who can open up the power of new Dao laws all have terrifying innate inheritance or treasures. Otherwise, it is impossible to comprehend new Dao laws without other Dao laws as a basis.

Just like the Dao law of time and space when Yuanji attained the Dao, it was because when Pangu created the world, the World Pearl collected the original power of the law of time and space for Yuanji.

Only then could Yuanji practice a path that even the Chaos Demon God dared not try, and let Yuanji, a person in the later generations, walk through it.

It is precisely because of knowing this that the Hunyuan Sage is extremely strict in accepting disciples, even if it is a great supernatural power person who has obtained the opportunity of innate treasures like the Golden Winged Dapeng and reached the perfect realm of Quasi-Sage.

He was only appointed as the third generation of the Taoist guardian, and not the power to be accepted by Taiqing Laozi.

As the head of the Taoist sect, Taiqing Laozi knew very well that if Jin Chi Dapeng wanted to achieve the Dao of Hunyuan Saint, he had to take a different Dao path on top of his own Yin-Yang Dao Law.

Otherwise, on his path to achieving the Dao of Hunyuan, there would always be Taiqing Laozi, a powerful person in the Heavenly Dao Realm who evolved the Chaos Tai Chi Dao with the Yin-Yang Dao Law, and he would never be able to achieve the Dao of Hunyuan Saint.

This is the rule of the Chaos Dao, ruthless and cruel.

Jin Chi Dapeng practiced the Yin-Yang Dao Law and had always longed to become Taiqing Laozi's disciple. He knew that this was the greatest opportunity in his life.

However, Taiqing Laozi never accepted him as a disciple, which made him feel very disappointed.

However, he did not give up. He has been working hard to practice, hoping to be recognized by Taiqing Laozi one day.

Even though he was in the chaotic void because the evil spirit of the demon invaded his body and did not stop his will, some Daos did not belong to the latecomers from the beginning.

On this day, Jin Chi Dapeng finally received the summons of Taiqing Laozi.

He came to the cave of Taiqing Laozi with great expectations, but found that Taiqing Laozi was sitting calmly on the futon, with a deep worry in his eyes.

"Jinpeng, you are here." Taiqing Laozi said softly.

"Yes, Taiqing Daozu." Jinchi Dapeng said respectfully.

"Jinpeng, do you know why I have never accepted you as a disciple?" Taiqing Laozi asked.

Jinchi Dapeng shook his head and said, "Disciple does not know, Daozu, please tell me clearly."

Taiqing Laozi sighed and said, "Your talent and understanding are very high, but you have too many distractions and desires in your heart.

If you can't get rid of these distractions and desires, you will never be able to prove the Tao of Hunyuan Saint."

Jinchi Dapeng was shocked when he heard it. He bowed deeply to Taiqing Laozi and said


"Daozu, I understand. I will try to get rid of the distractions and desires in my heart and focus on practicing. Please give me a chance..."

However, Taiqing Laozi obviously did not intend to give him a chance. Taiqing Laozi looked at Jin Chi Dapeng, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes. He said:

"Jinpeng, I can't give you a chance in the law of Yin and Yang. However, you must remember that the road of practice is full of uncertainty. If you have enough perseverance and determination, you can walk out of your own law of the road."

Jin Chi Dapeng nodded and said, "Daozu, I understand, and I will definitely not let you down."

From that day on, Jin Chi Dapeng began to practice hard. He abandoned the distractions and desires in his heart and focused on the practice of the law of Yin and Yang and the creation of new things.

Because he had also consulted his elder brother Kong Xuan, Kong Xuan told him the difficulty of this and that it was not so easy to become his uncle.

As time passed, Jin Chi Dapeng's realm and strength were constantly improving. Finally, he faced the biggest challenge in his life - the conflict of the Great Dao.

This made him encounter countless difficulties and warnings of the Great Dao when he had comprehended 90% of the Great Dao Law of Yin and Yang, but he never gave up.

Then the drop of the Yin and Yang Chaos Demon God merged into the origin in his body, pulling him into his inner demon, where the Golden Winged Dapeng saw his most vulnerable side.

He saw that he could not transcend the Great Dao restrictions of the Taiqing Daozu in his life, and finally fell into the devil's way and was killed by his Taoist senior brother.

At that moment, his elder brother Kong Xuan did not make a move to stop him, and even Yuan Feng was just a bystander, witnessing him being annihilated by the Taoist treasure.

At this moment, the Golden Winged Dapeng understood, and in an instant he broke all the illusions, and the instantly awakened Golden Winged Dapeng seemed to have experienced a lot.

And all the perfect cultivation of the quasi-saint in his body began to dissipate, and the Taiqing Laozi in the Taiqing Palace was also very pleased to see this.

He knew that he had not misjudged the person. The Golden Winged Dapeng finally understood, but it seemed that this great law was really familiar!

After that, the Golden Winged Dapeng never left his dojo, and the light and darkness between heaven and earth in his dojo transformed.

After experiencing the test of the inner demon, the Golden Winged Dapeng thought clearly that his talent and opportunity were far from being comparable to those of Yuanji Daozun and Xuandu Dafashi.

So from then on, the Golden Winged Dapeng, who was once famous in the prehistoric southern continent, disappeared in front of the creatures of the prehistoric world.

Only the Taoist disciples knew that the Golden Winged Dapeng had already understood his own great law at this moment, but it would take endless years to transform the power of the great law in his body.

This is in the Chaos Heaven. Duobao looked at Guangchengzi and Xuandu and said:

"This Golden Winged Dapeng is quite self-aware. Otherwise, I would have thought that Junior Brother Xuandu would have another junior brother. Hahahahahahaha."

Guangchengzi, who was standing aside, looked at the Golden Winged Dapeng's dojo and said seriously:

"It's just that he got the essence of the Yin-Yang Chaos Demon God. Today's Master Taiqing has surpassed the realm of the Chaos Demon God back then.

But such an experience is also an opportunity for the Golden Winged Dapeng. Maybe he can really prove the Dao of the Hunyuan Saint with the law of the light and dark avenue!"

Xuandu, who was standing aside, was drinking spirit wine alone. Obviously, he didn't take a mere Golden Winged Dapeng seriously. Kong Xuan in Qingyuan Tower didn't have any anger about what happened to his second brother.

Instead, he was particularly satisfied. He was afraid that the Golden Winged Dapeng didn't know himself. Now that he had realized it, it would be of great benefit to his future practice.

After all, not long ago, Yuan Ji had told Kong Xuan that his chance to prove his Dao was there, but now it would take some time to wait for the human race dynasty to change.


In the prehistoric world, the Great Zhou of the human race has finally reached the last step, and the continuation of the Zhou emperor is about to come to an end.

Because a hundred years ago, Jiang Shang, who was enjoying the affairs of the world in the human world, had reached the end of his lifespan limit.

On the last day of his life, Jiang Shang's skinny body was carried by his descendants to the Fengshen platform, which had existed for 80,000 years.

When Jiang Shang looked down and saw that the Great Zhou that once served the people and all living beings had already decayed, he also understood why only the human race needed to change the kingship between heaven and earth.

If the position of the human emperor could not be replaced, it was not impossible that the terrifying human race would disappear in the prehistoric world under the rule of these tyrants.

At the last moment, Jiang Shang raised his hand and the 80,000-year-old superb innate spiritual treasure, the God-beating Whip, which was enshrined in the Jiang family ancestral hall, came into his hands.

Then, in the capital of the Great Zhou Emperor, a huge golden light appeared.

, this golden light was like a sharp sword, splitting the Conferred God Platform that had been sealed for 80,000 years.

Witnessed by hundreds of millions of human beings, Jiang Shang ascended, his body gradually became transparent in the golden light, and finally disappeared on the Conferred God Platform.

In the Heavenly Court, a middle-aged man appeared. He exuded a powerful aura, and the laws of heaven evolved his divine position and robe on him. This was the birth of the last priest in the Conferred God Tribulation.

His eyes were firm and resolute, as if announcing his mission to the Heavenly Court.

So far, the Conferred God Tribulation has completely passed. Jiang Shang got the position of an immortal priest as he wished, and he was also the only one who could preside over the judicial god of the Conferred God List.

His heart was full of emotion and relief. He knew that his efforts were not in vain, and he also saw the changes in the human race since his ascension. Unfortunately, Jiang Shang had seen through it all.

In the human world, in the nine states of the Great Zhou, the oppressed kings were filled with hope and joy after watching the last great Zhou ascend to heaven.

They knew that this was their best chance to break the tyrannical rule of the Great Zhou emperor.

In the next hundred years, the scene of the Great Zhou unifying the human race in the human world had long disappeared.

Instead, there were emerging forces, which gradually grew and developed under the leadership of the kings.

Although there were also struggles and conflicts between these forces, they all followed certain rules and order, and were no longer as brutal and ruthless as the Great Zhou.

In the heavenly court, Jiang Shang silently watched the changes in the human world. He saw the new rise and development of the human race, and also saw the calculations and plans of the kings.

In that turbulent era, empires controlled by kings in various places rose one after another. Among them, the seven empires of Qi, Chu, Yan, Zhao, Han, Wei, and Qin were the most powerful, and they represented the peak of the human race.

The rest of the feudal states were just waiting to be swallowed up by the seven states.

The reason why these seven states were so powerful and could overthrow the 80,000-year rule of the Zhou Dynasty in a hundred years was because they were all descendants of the generals who conquered the Shang Dynasty.

They inherited the courage and wisdom of their ancestors and possessed unparalleled power and wealth.

In this chaotic world, the mortals of the human race lived in dire straits. They longed for peace, but could not achieve it.

The struggle between the seven empires never stopped. They kept waging wars to compete for more land and resources.

Innocent people became victims of the war. They lost their homes and loved ones and lived in pain.

However, in this dark era, it was also the time for a new trend to come.

One after another, great sects appeared within the human territory. They had a position that the seven human empires could not shake.

After the fall of the Zhou emperor of the human race, the power of the human race's destiny became the target of plunder by all the major forces and great masters in the prehistoric world.

In order to obtain the most power of faith and the power of destiny of the human race before the rise of the new emperor of the human race, one after another of the great masters of the prehistoric times entered the human world.

The human world has the power of rules left by Yuan Ji, so the great masters who entered the human world were suppressed to the realm of perfection of the Golden Immortal.

Although their strength was limited, these great masters were still determined to obtain the power of destiny of the human race, and they launched a fierce competition in the human world.

Even in the continuous battles in the Golden Immortal realm, innocent people in the human race suffered heavy casualties, so Yuan Ji personally took action to establish the rule that mortals should not be attacked.

In the Taoist sect, all the disciples did not want to see such a huge destiny of the human world being obtained by other great masters.

Therefore, some of the Taoist disciples also entered the human world and began to attract the power of faith of one side of the human race.

These Taoist disciples knew that the battle for destiny in the human world was related to how far their own future realm could break through, so they had to go all out.

Later, the Taoist school, founded by Taoist Xuandu, became a sect recognized by the human race and gained a lot of faith.

However, Taoism advocates a policy of inaction, so it was not taken seriously by the seven empires.

The first batch of disciples of the Legalist school, founded by Taoist Guangchengzi, were taken seriously by the Qin Empire of the human race just after its establishment.

Later, because of its unique concept of governing the country, it was widely spread among the major empires of the human race.

At this time, Kong Xuan, who felt his chance of breakthrough, came to the human race and established Xiaoshengxianzhuang. He began to preach and attracted countless human students.

Then the most recognized school, the Confucian school,

It was established by Kong Xuan's incarnation in the human world, and it also became the place where civil servants in the major empires of the human race came from.

Duobao, the most leisurely, established the most numerous school among the human race - the Nongjia School, which had millions of disciples in its early days.

It has the style of Jiejiao, which was established by Tongtian Sect Master in the East China Sea. At the same time, the ideas and propositions of Nongjia are also the most recognized school among the mortals of the human race.

There is also a Taoist disciple who entered the human world. That is the Golden Winged Dapeng who has been in seclusion for tens of thousands of years. He established the Guigu School, which is unclear in light and darkness and unparalleled in vertical and horizontal directions.

There is also Zhao Gongming, who guards the land of stars. He entered the human world and established the most mysterious Yin-Yang School among the human race, which contains the way of Zhoutian movement.


In the Buddhist world, there are also Buddhist strongmen who entered the human world to establish the Xitian School to save all living beings.

As different schools of thought emerged one after another, the human race began to fight against each other in the territory of the seven empires.

After thousands of years of evolution, the schools whose ideas could not be recognized by the human race withdrew from the human world.

At this time, the human race officially entered the era of a hundred schools of thought, the most brilliant era of the human race, and the era with the most masters.

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