The old man was very happy.

On the islands of the South China Sea, tens of thousands of grass elves ran to Lu Yuan's inner world with their hands holding the immortal grass. Some of the immortal grass was so big that several grass elves held it together.

In ten thousand years, all the immortal grass and immortal medicine here were uprooted from the islands by the grass elves and planted in Lu Yuan's inner world.

Lu Yuan also found several innate restrictions in ten thousand years. It took Lu Yuan a hundred years to enter them. They were all ores from the chaotic period, emitting bursts of chaotic energy.

However, Lu Yuan found a trace of the origin of the Chaos God of Reincarnation. It was just that the origin of the Chaos God of Reincarnation was shattered during the Chaos War, and it was contaminated on the fragments of the spiritual treasure, so Lu Yuan found it.

In Lu Yuan's eyes, although this origin of the Chaos God of Reincarnation is precious, it is actually not of much use to him unless he changes to practice the law of the Great Dao of Reincarnation.

However, there is no reincarnation in the prehistoric world, which means that this drop of the origin of the Chaos God of Reincarnation is infinite merit. In the future, when he succeeds in the Great Dao of Hou Tu, he can get involved.

By then, the merits of the Great Dao and the Heavenly Dao will naturally not be less, and maybe he can even get the authority of the prehistoric earth. In the future, the prehistoric world will have nothing to do with him. As long as he practices steadily in the prehistoric world, the Heavenly Dao can do nothing to him.

In addition to these gains, the only innate spiritual root that Lu Yuan found was the top-grade innate spiritual root Qinglong Soul Tree. It only produces one Qinglong Soul Fruit in billions of years. If it is not picked after it matures, it will continue to accumulate the origin.

And what Lu Yuan harvested was a Qinglong Soul Tree that matured since the beginning of the world. The Qinglong Soul Fruit on it has accumulated the origin power of two kalpas since the beginning of the world. One Qinglong Soul Fruit is equivalent to all the origin power of the perfect realm of Daluo Jinxian.

Moreover, the Qinglong Soul Fruit can strengthen the strength of the Yuanshen, and also contains the power of the innate Renshui Avenue Law of the prehistoric world. It is a divine object that breaks through the realm of Taiyi Jinxian and condenses the five elements.

In addition, Lu Yuan has no other gains, but the origin of the reincarnation chaos demon god, which is the treasure that the creatures of the prehistoric world dream of.

Just that drop of origin can make the qualifications of innate creatures reach the level of innate sacredness, and have the qualifications to break through the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian.

In the following time, Lu Yuan began to lay out the immortal herbs and elixirs in the inner world, and 90% of the entire island had been collected. Lu Yuan did not intend to collect the other immortal herbs and elixirs, because the strong men of the crab clan began to hunt him down in the South China Sea.

Moreover, he could feel his own golden wheel of merit, emitting bursts of merit golden light in his soul, reminding him that someone was deducing his information about the long river of time and space.

Lu Yuan also knew that the previous crab general must have a high status in the crab clan. He did not expect that he could make the ancestor of the Daluo Jinxian realm take action, but Lu Yuan did not care.

He directly put away the Xuanhuang mirror above the island, the air of time and space stopped abruptly, and the island reappeared above the South China Sea.

Lu Yuan had already used the black and black Taoist robe to escape into the endless space and slipped away. The Taiyi Jinxian elder sent by the crab clan had just felt the appearance of the island and noticed that countless divine consciousnesses were scanning the island.

The angry elder directly released his Taiyi Jinxian pressure, suppressing the endless time and space of the surrounding heavens and myriad worlds. Those weak creatures were shattered and their minds fell under the momentum of the Taiyi Jinxian realm.

The Taiyi Jinxian realm masters of other forces took the opportunity to directly enter the island, ready to make a fortune. The elders of the crab clan had already forgotten their purpose when seeing such a scene, and flew into the island.

The Taiyi Jinxian realm masters who entered the island were dumbfounded. Tens of thousands of years ago, they saw from the recording stones in the hands of the disciples of the clan that immortal herbs and immortal medicines were everywhere, and there were also several innate forbidden auras.

Now the whole island, pits everywhere, and fresh soil left after excavation, and even some mountains have been taken away directly.

"Elder Peng Yong, you Crab Clan are really useless. You can't even solve a mere ant in the True Immortal Realm, causing such a rich resource-rich treasure land to be plundered."

"Yes, Peng Yong, if you can't do it, you might as well hand over this place in the South China Sea to our Jiaolong Clan. You will never be in this situation, hahahahahahahaha..."

As the two accused the Crab Clan disciples, the elders from other forces also pointed at Peng Yong, some of whom belittled him.

The meaning is self-evident.

And Crab Yong knew that he had no way to defend himself, so he snorted and left here directly.

"Little thief, my ancestors will not let you go. You have made my crab clan lose face. I must make you live a life worse than death and suppress you in the eye of the South China Sea to suffer the pain of your soul being washed away every day."

When the others saw Crab Yong leave the island, they did not stay any longer and left the island in twos and threes.

And Lu Yuan in the space crack, looking at Crab Yong's figure, had already blacklisted the crab clan in his heart.

"It won't be long. The rules of the avenue will soon disappear in the chaotic void, and the way of heaven will come into the world. My path of cultivation should also be accelerated."

Then Lu Yuan also knew that the South China Sea was no longer suitable for his cultivation, so he began to fly towards the direction of the Western Continent.

The reason for choosing the Western Continent is that there are few strong people in the Western Continent, and there are no powerful demon cultivators. The Eastern Continent is the holy place for cultivation in the prehistoric world, and there are countless great masters.

Although the Phoenix Clan has fallen in the southern continent, there are endless wild beasts there, and they are just machines that have no intelligence and only know how to kill. The northern continent has no opportunities and is extremely dangerous.

The beasts that failed in the prehistoric beast disaster period were driven to the northern continent, and the northern continent is also a paradise for the monsters. Only the western continent is most suitable for Lu Yuan to find opportunities at present.

The two great masters of the western continent are all begging for money in other continents, so they have no time to care about the situation in the western continent.

Moreover, the contradiction between the monsters and the witches is becoming increasingly prominent. Jieyin and Zhunti are waiting in the dark to take care of them and take away some monster creatures or witches to the western continent for the benefit of the western continent.

As soon as the two of them lurked under the Buzhou Mountain, they were sensed by the witch ancestor Dijiang. In an instant, the twelve witch ancestors thought that it was a sneak attack by the monster generals, and they directly joined forces to attack Jieyin and Zhunti.

The two had no choice but to abandon 30% of their original power to escape from the range of Buzhou Mountain in order to survive. The demons knew that it was Jie Yin and Zhunti who were driven away.

They all felt that their minds were clear. After all, since the birth of Jie Yin and Zhunti, they had left a bad impression on the continents of the prehistoric world, and many demons had their spiritual herbs and elixirs taken away by them.

The two could only recover from their injuries in a mountain range in the Eastern Continent.

After flying for several Yuanhui, Lu Yuan came to the border of the Western Continent and felt that the laws of heaven and earth on the Western Continent were incomplete, and there were waves of demonic energy hidden in the dark.

At this moment, the prehistoric world shook violently, and countless great masters were awakened instantly. The endless pressure of the Great Dao suppressed all living beings from the void, and the living beings of the heavens and the worlds lost consciousness.

In the prehistoric world, the laws of the Great Dao began to converge towards the Eye of the Great Dao as the Eye of the Great Dao emerged, disappearing from all things in the prehistoric world, and the rules between heaven and earth began to distort.

Hundreds of millions of prehistoric tribes and creatures have lost their perception of the power of the Great Dao Law, as if they had never come into contact with the Great Dao Law.

Only a few great masters who possess spiritual treasures containing the Great Dao Law can truly know that this is a sign that the Great Dao is leaving the prehistoric world.

Many powerful people have felt that they are now left with only a flesh and soul with empty cultivation, without the slightest power of the law, like a container storing countless spiritual energy oceans.

Then the Eye of the Great Dao carried all the Great Dao Laws of the prehistoric world, extracted all the power of the law in the endless river of time, and slowly disappeared into the depths of the chaotic and endless void with the respectful farewell of the three thousand Great Dao Laws.

As the Great Dao Laws left the prehistoric world, the prehistoric world seemed to be about to collapse, the earth, fire, wind and water began to surge, the earth veins and spiritual veins began to break, and the spiritual energy began to rapidly dissipate.

Lu Yuan was also frightened by the departure of the Great Dao Rules. Countless creatures in the Western Continent were swallowed up by the demonic energy the moment the Great Dao Rules left.

The continent, which was already more broken than other continents, instantly broke into pieces with a loud bang, "boom...".

In order to prevent the collapse of the surroundings, Lu Yuan's inner world power surged out and stabilized the surrounding earth and space.

At this time, an ancient will in the depths of the prehistoric world suddenly awakened, and quickly enveloped the long river of time and space, the long river of destiny... of the prehistoric world.

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