After Jin Chanzi entered the Jinshan Temple, the speculation about him in the human race had long disappeared, after all, the Tang family mansion was littered with corpses overnight.

And this Jin Chanzi was the fuse behind the extermination of the Tang family. He was the reincarnation of an ancient Buddhist monk, but for some reason he was reincarnated into the human Tang family.

The Tang family was also a famous family in the human race. The fact that the Tang family was exterminated overnight naturally caused an uproar among the human race.

At the same time, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty promulgated new official rules in the human race's Jiuzhou land on the second day. For a time, officials in the human race's Tang Dynasty avoided Buddhism.

All these new official rules are aimed at Buddhism. Buddhism has been passed down in the human race for tens of thousands of years, but now it is suppressed by the emperor. Officials are all in danger.

Fearing that they would be affected by the emperor, they began a purge, demolishing all Buddhist temples in the human race that were not in the Nine Daozhou, and killing all Buddhist disciples of the human race who were related to Buddhism. Buddhism suffered a devastating blow in the Tang Dynasty.

The emperor of heaven and earth carried out the decree: "I order officials in all regions of the Tang Dynasty to perform their duties impartially, take the hundreds of millions of lives of the human race in the Tang Dynasty as their responsibility, and never pin their own false hopes on the paradise illusion.

Previously, Buddhist disciples of the Shang Dynasty caused chaos to hundreds of millions of lives of the human race, and almost returned the fortune of the emperor to heaven and earth. The three ways of heaven, earth and man jointly supervised it!"

This order of the emperor of heaven caused the entire human race Tang officials to start a purge instantly. After all, Buddhism has been passed down in the human race for tens of thousands of years.

Those officials who once believed in Buddhism now began to examine their beliefs. They began to doubt whether Buddhism could really bring them bliss as they believed.

And those officials who had colluded with Buddhism were even more panicked. They were afraid that their actions would be discovered by the Human Emperor and thus bring about their own death.

In this great purge, many officials were implicated. They were ordered to be executed by the Human Emperor or exiled to the frontier.

And those officials who had colluded with Buddhism were even more miserable. They were ordered by the Human Emperor to be executed, and even their families were not spared because of their belief in Buddhism.

Buddhism was also greatly hit in this great purge in the human world. Many Buddhist temples were demolished, and many Buddhist disciples were executed. The inheritance of Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty was also greatly hindered.

For a time, the Tathagata Buddha on Lingshan in the Buddhist world felt great pressure, and some regretted that he had rebuked the Human Emperor in his heart.

At the same time, he began to doubt the Buddhist imprint in his soul. After all, when Tathagata Buddha preached, he was completely controlled, so those who were demoted to the mortal world were his direct disciples.

In this purge, many officials were also rehabilitated. They were ordered by the Human Emperor to resume their official positions and were rewarded.

And those officials who had been persecuted by Buddhism were even more appreciated by the Human Emperor. They were ordered by the Human Emperor to be promoted and became the backbone of the Tang Dynasty.

This purge made the officials of the entire human race Tang Dynasty realize the harm of Buddhism again. They began to believe in the Human Emperor more firmly and work harder for the prosperity and development of the Tang Dynasty.

At this time, in the Tang Dynasty Palace, the Human Emperor Li Shimin sat calmly on his Nine Dragon Human Emperor Throne, looking at Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang.

After Li Chunfeng knelt down and saluted, he said, "Your Majesty, the tone of the human world has completely changed regarding the actions of Buddhist disciples."

Human Emperor Li Shimin seemed to have already anticipated the current situation of the existence of Buddhism among the billions of human beings, and then said to Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang:

"The deadline of the One Yuan Meeting has arrived, and the Taoist Sacrifice Ceremony can be arranged. This time, this emperor will let these gods and Buddhas understand what the Hunyuan Dao that the human race believes in is!"

After hearing this, Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang were terrified. After all, they also knew that the sword and the pair of national treasures that the Human Emperor Li Shimin now wore came from the first person in the Taoism of the prehistoric world.

Afterwards, officials from all over the human race received the sacrificial imperial order personally sent to their mansions by the Bad People. After a Yuan Meeting, the human race Tang Dynasty held a grand sacrificial ceremony again.

This year, Sanzang (Jin Chanzi), who was hiding in the Jinshan Temple, was just eight years old. He was deeply influenced by the abbot of the Jinshan Temple and started to eat vegetarian food and chant Buddhist scriptures at the age of three.

However, Sanzang also has his own secret, which is another demon soul of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm hidden on Jinshan. He was in the Jinshan Temple.

The most admired senior in the temple.

The eight-year-old Sanzang stood at the gate of Jinshan Temple, begging the abbot Master Xuantang, hoping to get a chance to go down the mountain to buy rice.

Master Xuantang was compassionate on the surface, but in his heart he was ready to become the Great Saint Buddha of the human race through Sanzang, so that Buddhism would flourish again in the Tang Dynasty.

So looking at Sanzang's little face full of sincerity and desire, he finally nodded and agreed to his request.

Sanzang was very happy. He looked back at his brothers in the temple, and a cunning flashed in his eyes.

This time he went down the mountain, he not only had to purchase rice for the temple, but also went to the human race city at the foot of the mountain to see the grand and lively scene and taste countless delicacies.

With the master's permission, Sanzang happily set off with his brothers.

Along the way, he jumped and jumped, stopped from time to time to observe the flowers, plants and trees on the roadside, and seemed to be full of infinite curiosity about this world.

The brothers looked at his innocent appearance with disdain, thinking that this little brother was very ignorant and could only get his current position by relying on the abbot of Xuantang.

However, they did not know that Sanzang had a small wish hidden in his heart, which was to see the food in the human city.

Finally, they came to the human city. Sanzang was attracted by the lively scene in front of him. He looked around excitedly, looking at the shops and stalls on both sides of the street, listening to the noisy voices and cars, and his heart was full of joy.

However, when he saw that some stalls were slaughtering lives to fill their stomachs, he couldn't help but feel a little pity in his heart.

He remembered the warnings of his brothers and felt that these mortals were too cruel.

"Brother Sanzang, don't watch mortals slaughtering lives to fill their stomachs. It is a sin!" A brother said softly.

Sanzang came back to his senses, looked at the serious expressions of his brothers, and felt a little guilty.

He knew that as a Buddhist disciple, he should be compassionate and should not be excited about the behavior of these mortals.

So he lowered his head, followed his brothers silently, and walked into a rice shop.

The owner of the rice shop saw that they were Buddhist disciples from Jinshan Temple, and immediately said: "Dear Buddhist masters, our rice is sold out today. Please come back another day."

After that, without giving the Buddhist disciples of Jinshan Temple a chance, he quickly closed the store.

Sanzang was a little disappointed. He looked at other rice shops and found that the rice shops on the whole street had closed their doors. The brothers also showed a look of hatred.

"It seems that we can only come again tomorrow." A brother gritted his teeth and said.

Sanzang nodded, feeling a little reluctant. He knew that his chance to go down the mountain this time was over, and he could only wait for the next time.

At this moment, the senior brother of Jinshan Temple, who was in charge, said, "Forget it, let's go to the human village to buy rice!"

After that, the other brothers of Jinshan Temple seemed to understand something, and the anger on their faces just now disappeared completely, and turned into incomparable joy

Sanzang was led by his brothers to quickly rush to the village outside the human city to buy rice from the human village.

When Sanzang turned around and left, relying on his own qualifications as the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi with the body of a holy Buddha, he heard the conversation in the rice shop.

"Manager, why is the store closed? We still have thousands of dan of rice in stock this year!"

"Hmph, you really dare to buy it. That's a Buddhist disciple. Officials in the court dare not have anything to do with Buddhist disciples, let alone us."


"What the manager said is very true. I am too self-deprecating."

"It's good to know. After all, you should distinguish between buying rice every day and buying rice for one day."

The short conversation of dozens of sentences instantly made the young Sanzang understand that Buddhism is not as universal as the master said, and is deeply loved by the human race.

When Sanzang and his brothers left the city, his heart was full of doubts and shock.

He couldn't understand why the manager was so afraid of having anything to do with Buddhist disciples that he didn't even dare to sell rice to them.

Standing at the gate of the human city, Sanzang recalled the conversation he had just heard. The manager's voice was full of helplessness and cowardice, as if he was facing an existence that could not be provoked.

The other person's answer showed that their fear of Buddhist disciples had penetrated deep into their bones, and they even had to distinguish between buying rice every day and buying rice for one day.

Sanzang felt sad, and he suddenly realized that the status of Buddhism in people's hearts was not as lofty as his master said.

In the eyes of these ordinary people, Buddhist disciples seemed to have become an existence that they could not avoid.

Their every move has been greatly concerned and restricted by the Buddhists.

And all this made Sanzang feel extremely hypocritical and ironic.

He remembered his belief and pursuit of Buddhism, and the efforts and sweat he had made to become a Buddhist disciple.

However, at this moment, he suddenly realized that everything he pursued was nothing but empty.

The universal salvation of all living beings advocated by Buddhism seems to be just an empty talk, and the real Buddhist disciples have become the objects that people avoid.

Sanzang felt that his heart was full of confusion and helplessness. He didn't know how to face this reality, nor did he know how to face his former beliefs.

At this time, Sanzang had unknowingly come to the human village with his brothers.

He stood at the entrance of the village, watching the brothers take off their Buddhist plain clothes and put on a set of human merchants' clothes.

Some brothers even put on black cloaks and wore terrifying masks on their faces.

Sanzang was full of doubts and confusion, and he didn't know why the brothers did this.

However, the brothers did not give him more explanations, but just asked him to stay where he was and warned him not to enter the village. Then, they hurried into the village.

Sanzang stood there, full of curiosity and uneasiness. He wanted to follow and see what the brothers were doing, but he remembered their warnings.

However, curiosity eventually overcame his fear. Under the cover of darkness, he quietly followed the brothers into the village.

Sanzang saw that the so-called rice purchase by the brothers was actually based on the identity of merchants, using the Buddhist small magical skills to change the stones picked up by the roadside into gold and traded them to the villagers.

The brothers dressed up as merchants and hurriedly left the village. Then Sanzang saw the deceived villagers, and his face showed anger and helplessness.

They stood there, looking at the gold in their hands, their eyes full of disappointment and helplessness.

Sanzang saw this scene, and his heart was full of guilt and self-blame. He knew that the brothers' behavior had hurt these innocent villagers.

He wanted to go up and explain, to tell them that all this was fake, but he didn't know how to do it. He could only stand there silently, looking at the expressions of the villagers, his heart full of pain and helplessness.

However, the evil deeds of the brothers did not end. Then, one by one, the brothers wearing black cloaks and terrifying hell masks fell into the village.

Dozens of Buddhist seals flashed in their hands, turning into a terrifying heavy blow, instantly destroying dozens of houses under the Buddhist seals.

The villagers who were just immersed in the pain of being deceived were awakened by the terrifying explosion. They turned around and saw that the home where their ancestors had lived for generations was also destroyed in an instant.

At this time, the village chief here stood up and said angrily: "We are the people of the Tang Dynasty. Under the protection of the Emperor, you dare to do it..."

Before he finished his rebuke, the body was separated. Sanzang, who was hiding in the dark, covered his mouth in horror, and tears could not stop dripping on the ground.

He widened his eyes and looked at the miserable scene in front of him, his heart full of helplessness and sadness. He knew that these brothers were extremely cruel and would not let any villager go.

A moment later, this village with hundreds of human households was massacred by Sanzang's brothers, and all the houses were burned and destroyed.

Sanzang's heart was full of anger and pain. He knew that these brothers had lost their minds and were no longer the kind brothers he once knew.

Sanzang wanted to stop them, but he knew that his strength was too weak to compete with these brothers.

He could only watch all this silently, his heart full of helplessness and sadness.

He knew that all this was caused by Buddhist concepts. If it were not for the Buddhist disciples' blind promotion of the belief of saving all living beings, these villagers would not have suffered such a disaster.

Finally, Sanzang took a deep look at the ruins, then turned and left. He knew that he had to find a way to stop the evil deeds of these brothers.

At this moment, Sanzang was full of despair and helplessness. He had been taught Buddhist thoughts by his master Xuantang since he was a child, and he had always believed in the teachings and practice of Buddhism.

However, when he saw his fellow brothers slaughtering innocent people in the village, his beliefs and values ​​were completely broken.

Sanzang's eyes were empty, and he felt that he had lost everything. He once believed that the teachings of Buddhism were to save all living beings, but now, what he saw was Buddhist believers slaughtering all living beings.


He didn't know how to face this reality, nor did he know where to go.

However, deep in Sanzang's sea of ​​consciousness, the ancient Netherworld Burial Qi left by the Netherworld Saint had been aroused by Sanzang's emotions.

One after another, the ancient and profound Netherworld Burial Qi continued to merge into his body, and he felt that his body became heavier and heavier, and he could no longer withstand the impact of this force.

At this moment, Sanzang's mind was filled with the scene of his brothers slaughtering innocent people in the village.

He saw the old men, children and women lying in a pool of blood, their eyes full of fear and despair.

He saw the faces of those brothers, full of cruelty and fanaticism. They seemed to have lost their minds and turned into a group of beasts who only knew how to kill.

Sanzang felt his heart was torn apart, and he couldn't accept such a reality.

He once thought that Buddhism was to save all living beings, but now, what he saw was that Buddhism was slaughtering all living beings.

He didn't know how to face this reality, nor did he know where to go. Sanzang walked with heavy steps towards the place where his fellow brothers were gathered in the darkness.

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