After Yuanji wiped out all the information about him and Lingyun Cave Heaven from the sea of ​​consciousness of all sentient beings in the prehistoric world, he flashed to the front of the Six Paths of Reincarnation in the earthly world.

Hou Tu looked at Yuanji who appeared before the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and felt that a memory was missing from the depths of his own soul, and his puzzled eyes fell on Yuanji.

Yuanji looked at Hou Tu's eyes, and looked at the Six Paths of Reincarnation that was still running smoothly, and sighed:

"Hou Tu, Lingyun Cave Heaven has been annihilated, and I also know the deepest secret hidden in the prehistoric world, and I also understand why the end of the catastrophe can destroy an era."

At the half-step avenue realm, when facing the scarlet chaotic eye, Yuanji felt a huge gap.

Hou Tu, who was standing by, felt the sadness in Yuan Ji's words, and her eyes showed countless comforting expressions. She gently hugged Yuan Ji from behind.

Two lines of hot tears slowly flowed down Yuan Ji's pale face, and his stiff body gradually relaxed in Hou Tu's embrace.

"Yuan Ji, there is no need to be so restrained between you and me. Since you saved me from the endless dark fate of the heavenly way, my life is yours. No matter what you want to do, I will support you unconditionally!"

Hou Tu looked at Yuan Ji and said softly.

Yuan Ji couldn't help trembling when he heard Hou Tu's words. He slowly turned around and looked at Hou Tu's firm eyes, and his heart was full of emotion.

"Thank you, Hou Tu, you will always be the person closest to me!"

Yuan Ji stretched out his hand and gently stroked Hou Tu's face, his eyes full of tenderness.

Hou Tu felt Yuan Ji's touch, and a blush appeared on her face. She gently closed her eyes and enjoyed this moment of tranquility.

However, Yuan Ji's eyes became firm at this time. He looked at the Six Paths of Samsara and said softly:

"But I can't let you bear all the secrets of the chaotic void with me. As an infinite golden immortal, you can't bear it. You shouldn't be involved in this catastrophe of the end of chaos."

Hou Tu was anxious when she heard Yuan Ji's words. She opened her eyes and said:

"No, Yuan Ji, I am no longer the ignorant and incompetent Wu Clan Hou Tu. I have now broken through the realm of Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian. I have the ability to bear all this with you!"

Yuan Ji shook his head and said, "No, Hou Tu, you don't know the dangers here. I don't want you to get hurt."

Hou Tu said, "Yuan Ji, don't think of me as someone who needs your protection anymore. Hou Tu, I have followed the footsteps of the Father God. I have the ability to protect myself, and I also want to be able to protect you! "

Yuan Ji heard Hou Tu's words, and his heart warmed, but he still shook his head and said:

"No, Hou Tu, this Chaos Void Era Ending is too dangerous, you can't get involved."

Hou Tu saw that Yuan Ji still disagreed, and she was a little anxious, she said:

"Yuan Ji, if you don't let me get involved, then I will go to the depths of the Chaos Void to forcibly reverse the reincarnation road and check what is hidden behind this end disaster. I can't let you face it all alone!"

Yuan Ji was shocked when he heard Hou Tu's words. He knew that Hou Tu's character was very stubborn. If he didn't agree, she would definitely investigate the matter herself.

"Okay, Hou Tu, since you insist so much, then I will agree to you, but you must agree to me.

No matter what danger you encounter, you must protect yourself first. I don't want you to be hurt. "Yuan Ji said.

Seeing that Yuanji agreed to his promise, Houtu was delighted and said, "Don't worry, Yuanji, I will definitely protect myself!"

Yuanji looked at Houtu, nodded, and said, "Okay, in that case, let's go into the depths of the Chaos Eye in Lingyun Cave Heaven, which is now blocked by me, and take a look at the Transcendent Gate!"

After that, Yuanji and Houtu looked at the Six Paths of Samsara together, with a flash of determination in their eyes.

A moment later, Houtu had explained the affairs of the prehistoric world to the Styx Patriarch and Zhenyuanzi.

Seeing this, Yuanji took Houtu and disappeared in the prehistoric world, and entered the Lingyun Cave Heaven filled with the end of the Chaos Eye. Houtu looked at the huge scarlet blood eye.

For a moment, Houtu felt the collapse of the power of the Great Dao Law, the scene of the end of the chaotic void, and saw the endless sadness.


In the depths of the chaotic void, the mysterious and ancient power permeated it.

Since Hongjun Daozu

Freed from the shackles of the will of the heaven in the prehistoric world, his soul was immersed in the secrets that were pouring in.

These secrets revealed the past of the Chaos Demon God period, when Pangu, the angel of the will of the Chaos Void Avenue, had not yet evolved, and Hongjun Fate Chaos Demon God had already entered the realm of half-step Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian.

However, Hongjun Daozu did not like to fight endless battles with other Chaos Demon Gods.

He was eager to explore the secrets of the Chaos Void, so he stepped into the most mysterious area of ​​the Chaos Void - the Chaos Ruins.

This is a chaotic world, where countless rules are intertwined to form a chaotic and dangerous area.

There are countless fragments scattered in the ruins, each of which contains ancient information. These pieces of information are like puzzles, gradually piecing together a shocking truth.

Hongjun Daozu discovered that the Chaos Demon God was not the only existence, and even the entire endless Chaos Void was not the only existence.

In that distant ancient era, there was a world that could not be measured by the laws of time and space of the Chaos Avenue.

Everything there was beyond his understanding and imagination, and he felt an unprecedented insignificance and ignorance.

However, these discoveries did not discourage Hongjun Daozu, but instead inspired him to explore more strongly.

He knew that only by constantly pursuing and exploring could he reveal more truth about the chaotic void.

As Hongjun Daozu continued to analyze the information in the fragments, he knew that the chaotic void could be divided into different eras, but each era would be destroyed.

At the beginning of the chaos, the Chaos Avenue enveloped the entire world, and its power was endless and mysterious.

Under this avenue, generations of glorious eras were born.

However, none of these eras escaped the fate of prosperity and decline. They all declined under the calculation of the avenue, and only some broken fragments remained in the end.

These broken fragments gathered in the chaotic ruins deep in the chaotic void, emitting the brilliant civilization light of that chaotic void era.

This is the witness of history, the precipitation of years, and the proof of the glory of that era.

However, in this endless era, some strong men chose to cut themselves and compress their strength comparable to the realm of the Great Dao.

They hid everything they had, deceived the will of the rules of the Chaos Void Great Dao, and thus survived in each Chaos Void era.

They were the rebels of that era, and they were people who were unwilling to be at the mercy of fate.

Hongjun Daozu, in his endless years of exploration, he saw those former strong men and their choices.

He understood that everything they did was to pursue that opportunity to transcend fate.

However, he also knew that all this was in vain, because under the cover of the will of the Chaos Void Great Dao, everything could not escape the arrangement of fate.

At a certain moment, Hongjun Daozu found that he was detected by the will of the Chaos Void Great Dao. He knew that his existence had aroused the vigilance of the Great Dao.

At this time, Pangu the Great God had crossed the barrier of the endless era. He saw his birth and the meaning of his existence.

Pangu the Great God followed the guidance of the will of the Chaos Dao Rule and found Hongjun Daozu. Because he admired Hongjun Daozu, he told Hongjun Daozu that his birth was to start a new era of civilization.

He is the founder of this era and the guardian of this era. His mission is to lead this era to glory, even if everything will be destroyed in the end.

Under the guidance of Pangu the Great God, Hongjun Daozu finally understood his mission. He no longer escaped and was no longer confused.

He decided to use his own power to help Pangu the Great God guard this era and create a glorious era of cultivation that belongs to him.

At this moment, Hongjun Daozu's heart was full of lofty ambitions. He looked at the chaotic ruins, which had been the memory of countless eras and his current battlefield.

Standing here again, Hongjun Daozu lamented the impermanence of the fate of the Chaos Void Dao Rule, and his eyes flashed with endless decisiveness.

He knew that his road was still long, but he already knew that there were not many years left for this era.

He will use his last strength to fight for the last chance to create a glorious era of his own, an era that will not be troubled by the fate of prosperity and decline.

He wants to fulfill the agreement with fellow Taoist Pangu, and also wants to fight for a chance of transcendence for his disciple Yuanji.

Taoist Hongjun clenched his hands, and the seals flew out of his hands continuously.

As the barrier of the chaotic void was broken, a

The huge Chaos Demon God's true body emerged, exuding endless pressure.

The Yuanshen of Hongjun Daozu turned into a rich Chaos Demon God Yuanshen, and merged into the most perfect Chaos Demon God body under the Chaos Void Avenue.

His eyes became deep and mysterious, as if he could see through the light of the fate of the entire Chaos Void.

The Fate Chaos Demon God appeared again in the Chaos Void, and his appearance shocked the entire Chaos Void.

He took a step forward, broke the barrier of the Chaos Void, and entered a dead place without any meaning.

There stood twelve huge epoch coffins, exuding a terrifying aura, telling the endless legends of the rise of the silent strongmen in them.

Each coffin represents the end of an era, and also represents the peak glory of that Chaos Void Era.

Just after Hongjun Daozu entered it, twelve majestic voices containing the realm of half-step avenues hit his Chaos Demon God Yuanshen, as if to completely destroy him.

"Ants evolved from the Chaos Void Avenue, I didn't expect you to dare to enter here, you don't know whether to live or die." One of the voices said.

Hongjun Daozu was not frightened by these voices, he only had the pursuit of the Avenue in his heart.

He knew that the twelve coffins were imprisoned with the strong men who had fought against the Chaos Void Avenue.

Although they finally chose to cut themselves, they also had indelible strength.

"I came here today just to fulfill the promise of an old friend and leave a chance for my disciple to transcend," said Hongjun Daozu.

"Hahaha, the chance to transcend the Avenue? This Chaos Void Era actually has transcendence?" Another voice said excitedly.

"Yes, the chance to transcend the will of the Chaos Void Avenue does not belong to you who survived the Era!" Hongjun Daozu asked.

As Hongjun Daozu's last words fell, the strong men sealed in the twelve Era coffins no longer chose to remain silent.

They only knew about the chance to transcend the catastrophe of the end of the era and the will of the rules of the Chaos Void Avenue from the deductions before the endless era.

Therefore, they must fight for it no matter what, and at the same time, they must kill Hongjun Daozu, who has now entered the half-step Dao realm.

The countless threads of fate in Hongjun Daozu's hand linked every strong man in the dead land.

The moment Hongjun Daozu gently waved the thread, except for the twelve peerless strong men who broke the seal, the other epoch survivors who still chose to stay silent were completely crushed.

The remaining twelve strong men who had just broken the seal of the era coffin have now only recovered to the perfect realm of Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian, but as strong men in the half-step Dao realm before the endless era.

Their every move carries the endless power of the law, as if the most mysterious power in the chaotic universe is dancing.

Their eyes met, revealing an indescribable firmness and determination.

They knew that the current Hongjun Daozu had gone completely crazy, and if they did not make some sacrifices, they might not be able to resolve this threat.

The twelve strong men looked at each other, and it seemed that their minds had been communicated at this moment.

They turned into twelve original divine pillars without hesitation, towering and surrounding the real body of Hongjun Daozu Chaos Demon God.

These divine pillars emitted brilliant light, and each ray of light represented a powerful Hongmeng rule power.

Hongjun Daozu looked at the surrounding Hongmeng formation, his eyes filled with endless decisiveness. He knew that he had reached a desperate situation, but he was not afraid of death.

He was willing to use his life to bring peace to the prehistoric world in this chaotic era, and he also wanted to fight for a glimmer of life for his descendants of Xuanmen.

He spoke in a low and firm voice:

"Sacrifice me, sacrifice everything,

The Great Dao is coming, the destiny is flourishing,

The moment is eternal, and the heavens are destroyed!"

This was his last words and his last farewell to this era.

As his voice fell, a terrifying white light burst out from his shattered body, like an explosion at the beginning of chaos, sweeping across the entire dead space.

In this dazzling light, Hongjun Daozu completely fell and disappeared. His body turned into countless fragments and dissipated in the chaotic void.

And the twelve strong men also disappeared in this light. They used their lives to make the final contribution to this dead space.

Sanqing, who was at the edge of the prehistoric world, felt the depression in his heart, and then tears unconsciously fell from his eyes.

At this moment, Yuanji in Lingyun Cave Heaven felt the swan song of Hongjun Daozu, his eyes crossed the endless chaotic void, and saw Hongjun's sacrifice


Drawing the power of the Dao rules, the terrifying white light of destruction burst out from a mysterious chaotic void space and rushed towards the depths of chaos.

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