The old man was very happy.

At the place of the fetal membrane of the prehistoric world, seeing the great masters of the prehistoric world entering the chaotic void one after another, the Taoist Master Ran Deng, who was in the perfect state of Taiyi Jinxian, finally proposed that everyone go to the chaos together.

In fact, Ran Deng was just using this group of people's yearning for Zixiao Palace to realize his own calculation of listening to the Tao.

As for whether this group of people lived or died, he was not responsible for saving them. He was only responsible for proposing a plan. In the end, Ran Deng became the commander of this group of Taiyi Jinxian realm masters as he wished, and entered the chaotic void together under his arrangement.

As soon as they entered the chaotic void, there were strong men on the periphery who were directly wiped out by the chaotic energy, and some people immediately had the idea of ​​giving up.

Taoist Master Ran Deng immediately said: "Since fellow Taoists have taken this step, the Purple Sky Palace is just ahead. Several fellow Taoists have sacrificed themselves to help us. If you give up, wouldn't it be a waste of their efforts?"

Everyone was instantly persuaded by Ran Deng's words. After all, the temptation of listening to the teachings in the Purple Sky Palace was too great, and it was just sacrificing a few strong men who had nothing to do with them.

So everyone began to output more spiritual energy to maintain the formation they formed, and other strong men guarded one side to break the chaotic wind that was about to attack. Taoist Master Ran Deng stood in the center with satisfaction.

In the chaotic void, a huge palace on the edge of the prehistoric world guarded the prehistoric world. Ancestor Hongjun was deducing the candidates for this listening to the teachings in the hall.

The Three Pure Ones, Nuwa Fuxi, Dijun Taiyi and others were directly ignored by Ancestor Hongjun, but the appearance of Taoist Master Ran Deng made Ancestor Hongjun admire him a little, but also felt it was a pity.

"Small plans and calculations will never lead to the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian. Whether or not you can break through the realm of Daluo Jinxian without a chance in the future is an unknown. I don't know if the disaster in my life can be resolved..."

Then, Hongjun Patriarch used the power of heaven to explore Lu Yuan's location. He didn't expect Lu Yuan to collect treasures in the Western Continent.

Moreover, he actually got the spiritual treasure of his old rival Luo Hou from the White Tiger Clan, and also the origin of that guy Wuxing. Sure enough, the laws of the Great Dao favored Lu Yuan.

"Bai Zhan of the White Tiger Clan is worthy of being an ancient strongman in the late stage of Hunyuan Jinxian. His vision and planning far exceed other creatures. It can be regarded as leaving a way to save the White Tiger Clan in the future."

On the border of the Western Continent of the prehistoric world, Lu Yuan found the most vulnerable position of the space barrier after a hundred years of exploration. In order to prevent other strong men in the Western Continent from discovering the movement here, Lu Yuan arranged the absolute air-locking formation he learned from the White Tiger Clan.

Countless space materials were wasted by Lu Yuan. After all, this was a formation he had just learned, so failure was inevitable.

However, as a collector, Lu Yuan's inner world was a large warehouse for him. He put everything he had never seen in the prehistoric world into it.

Therefore, Lu Yuan's inner world was forced to expand rapidly because of his terrifying collection speed. Fortunately, there was enough chaotic energy last time, otherwise the source power consumed by expanding the world would have drained Lu Yuan.

The world bead of the Great Dao can also directly extract the chaotic energy from the endless chaotic void to evolve the inner world, but it takes a long time.

As the array eyes of the array diagram were arranged and the runes were carved, a ray of light enveloped the surrounding space, and the space was forcibly frozen.

This array has no other functions, only the function of stabilizing and isolating space. If you want to find abnormalities, you must have the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Or a strong man in the Daluo Jinxian realm who has comprehended the law of space. However, in the Western Continent, apart from the White Tiger Clan who cannot hide, only Jie Yin and Zhunti are in the Daluo Jinxian realm.

But at this time, they have begun to struggle in the chaotic void, because there is no instruction here, and there is no supplement of the innate spiritual energy of the prehistoric world. There is only endless chaotic energy roaring in the void.

Because Jie Yin and Zhunti have no innate spiritual treasures to protect themselves, even those in the Daluo Jinxian realm cannot persist in the chaotic energy for a long time. The two who have no choice can only rely on their bodies to resist.

Compared with the miserable situation of the two in the chaotic void, Lu Yuan has gained a lot in the Western Continent. After the formation was arranged, Lu Yuan used all his strength to activate the Xuanhuang Mirror.

One after another, the laws of the space avenue emerged from it, and more and more laws of the space avenue gathered into sharp swords, crossing the space, and a space portal was finally opened.

Lu Yuan took the opportunity to enter the portal, and what came to him was endless resentment, mixed with the roar of the three tribes before their death.

Lu Yuan instantly summoned the Heavenly Merit Golden Wheel, which was suspended in the golden light of merit behind him, forming a barrier around Lu Yuan, isolating these terrifying resentments and the roars that wiped out his will.

Lu Yuan could feel his Heavenly Merit Golden Wheel slowly dissipating. The resentment here far exceeded his assessment of the battlefield of the three tribes, like a burial ground world.

There was no breath of life, only the endless law of death operated this world, and despair and fear filled every corner of the world.

Through the Dharma Eye, Lu Yuan could see that the endless resentful spirits of the heavens and the worlds were all making pilgrimages to this world.

"No wonder the power of the Great Dao Law would seal this place. I'm afraid that there would be no such terrifying scene in the reincarnation underworld in the future. If the Ksitigarbha in the future made a vow here that 'I will not become a Buddha until hell is empty', he might not even think about the quasi-saint realm."

Then Lu Yuan sat cross-legged here, slowly letting the Heavenly Merit Golden Wheel behind him release a trace of resentment to invade his soul, and then Lu Yuan's consciousness entered the memory of his previous life.

The Taoist and transcendence methods taught by the master in the previous life when he was a child emerged in his mind one by one. The Heavenly Dao runes dissipated the resentment bit by bit, and strands of Heavenly Dao merits were released from the dissipated resentment.

However, the transcendence method in the previous life was only used in the small world. Here, the resentment evolved from the unwillingness of the heart of the Tao after the death of the Daluo Jinxian or even the great supernatural powers of the Hunyuan Jinxian realm.

The existence that eroded the heavens and the worlds, if you want to eliminate these, you can only rely on the scriptures of the Taoist in the previous life, re-create his own transcendence method, and save the creatures of the heavens and the worlds.

Saving the resentment of the endless three tribes of creatures here and letting them return to the prehistoric world can also be regarded as eliminating some of their karma, and there may be a chance of reincarnation after death.

Ten epochs passed in a flash, and the Heavenly Dao Merit Golden Wheel behind Lu Yuan had consumed a full 10 million feet of Heavenly Dao Merit to protect Lu Yuan's soul and body from being eroded and destroyed by the resentment here.

At this moment, Lu Yuan's creation of the law ended, and the Dao rhyme flowed around his body. The reincarnation of life and death of all things in the world evolved strange phenomena around Lu Yuan.

The Heavenly Dao is the Lord of the Heavens, and the resentful spirits are like sand and dust.

Transformed into the heavens, Yuanji saved the common people.

Transformed resentment and gathered merit, and saved the sinful souls with compassion.

The sinful souls are really pitiful, I will now speak the wonderful scriptures.

Recite without rest, and close your eyes without stopping.

Enjoy the blessings of the immortal court, and there is no suffering in hell.

The fire cloud becomes a clear office, and the sword tree becomes a Qian.

Go up to Zhuling Mansion and go down to Kaiguang Gate.

Transcend thousands of realms and go straight to Yuanji Heaven.

As the scripture of salvation that Lu Yuan comprehended came out, the merits and virtues between heaven and earth gathered, and the merits and virtues consumed by Lu Yuan were instantly replenished, giving endless merits and virtues to make the golden wheel of merit and virtue more brilliant.

The "Yuan Ji Ji Shi Jing" created by Lu Yuan also turned into petals printed with scriptures under the golden light of merits and virtues, and drifted towards the battlefield of the three tribes. Countless resentful spirits were killed at the moment when the petals passed by.

The resentful spirits knelt down devoutly, listening quietly to the sound of Tao from Lu Yuan's mouth, washing away the resentment on their bodies, and wisps of black air flew out of their souls.

In the air, it turned into a golden light of merits and virtues, and more and more golden flowers of merits and virtues condensed in the air, and Lu Yuan's smile was all over his face.

Then, for all the resentful spirits who were saved by him, the golden flowers of merits and virtues on their heads would be pulled behind Lu Yuan by the golden wheel of merit and virtues and merged into the golden wheel of merit and virtues.

Then, Lu Yuan slowly saved the resentful spirits by rotating from the edge of the battlefield of the three tribes. Step by step, the golden light of his Heavenly Merit Golden Wheel expanded to a radius of a thousand miles.

In the world inside Lu Yuan's body, he was also trying his best to collect the treasures scattered on the battlefield of the three tribes after the death of these strong men. Mines were placed in the world inside his body, forming a continuous mountain range.

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