The sky is full of chaos, and the sky is full of chaos.

In the boundless chaotic void above the prehistoric world, there is a huge primordial structure called the Eye of the End.

It towers into the endless chaotic void, emitting endless pressure, as if it is the master of the entire chaotic void.

Around it, the endless rules and laws of the chaotic void are distorted and oppressed, and finally return to the Eye of the Great Dao.

As the power of the laws of the entire chaotic void dissipates, the Taoist disciples in the Chaos Heaven and some creatures who have resisted the erosion of the End of the Qi by their own means also began to gradually dissipate.

At this moment, the faces of the Hunyuan saints are horrified. Their cultivation realm and endless life span seem to have vanished at this moment.

They tried to question, but their voices dissipated in the middle, and finally turned into the laws of the Great Dao, returning to the Eye of the Great Dao.

Tongtian Patriarch stood in the chaotic sky, watching the Taoist disciples disappear one by one, his heart filled with endless grief and anger.

His eyes were red, and endless killing power rushed out of his body, as if to destroy the whole world.

The treasure Qingping Sword in his hand trembled slightly, as if it also felt the anger in his heart.

Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun tried their best to suppress Tongtian Patriarch's emotions.

They knew that Tongtian Patriarch had fallen into a state of madness at this time. If he was not controlled, it might cause a greater disaster.

They tried to persuade Tongtian Patriarch to calm down, but he simply could not listen.

"Why is this happening? How can the cultivation realm and endless life span of our disciples vanish in an instant?" Tongtian Patriarch muttered to himself.

His voice was full of unwillingness and pain. He didn't understand why his disciples, who had reached the realm of cultivation for countless times, lost everything at this moment.

"Tongtian, this is the fate of practicing the laws of the Great Dao. If you fail to comprehend the rules, you cannot escape." Taiqing Laozi said. His voice was full of helplessness and emotion.

At this moment, he was in the Hongmeng Purgatory Array, being watched by the gradually melting era strongmen, and was on the array to sacrifice their origins to the Eye of the End.

The era Sanheng, who opened the door to transcendence, roared in despair:

"Sanheng, you dare to sacrifice our origins to the door of transcendence, you are unworthy of being the strong men who dominate the endless era. I curse you three to have no hope of transcendence even if you pass the endless chaos era!"

His voice was full of anger and despair, as if he was declaring his unwillingness and unyielding to the entire chaotic void.

"Sanheng, you are despicable and shameless, and you want to transcend the power of the rules of the Great Dao. Hahahaha, it's ridiculous..."

The strong men in the formation below began to criticize as one of them roared.

Their voices were full of disdain and ridicule, as if they were making the most severe condemnation of the three people of Jiyuan Sanheng.

"You are willing to sacrifice our lives for endless eras in order to transcend. Such behavior is infuriating to both humans and gods!"

"Sanheng, your actions today will surely be backfired by the Great Dao. We are in hell, waiting for you to come!"


For a while, the entire Hongmeng Purgatory formation was filled with endless abuse and curses.

The three people of Jiyuan Sanheng had gloomy faces and their bodies kept shaking, as if they were suffering from great pain. Their eyes were full of anger and murderous intent.

In the end, Hengmie could no longer endure it. He stretched out his big hand and grabbed it hard below.

The head of a powerful man who had reached the perfect state of Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian was ruthlessly crushed by Hengmie and turned into ashes.

Hengmie's eyes were full of indifference and disdain. He looked down on the creatures below with indifference, as if he was looking at a group of insignificant ants.

He said sarcastically: "Humph, a gnat trying to shake a tree is ridiculous and overestimating oneself. You should feel honored to be our transcendent chess pieces.

Ant-like existences, who want to be contaminated by the will of the rules of the transcendent avenue, should have expected the current situation of living worse than death."

The eyes of the powerful men below were full of dead silence. They dared not imagine the horror of the three constants of the era. Just a big hand pinched, and the strongest among them turned into ashes.

When they knew the dead end, they chose to annihilate their souls on their own, leaving their last trace of dignity.

Their hearts were full of regret and helplessness, and they realized their insignificance and powerlessness.

They once thought they could challenge the will of the rules of the Transcendent Avenue, but now it seems that this is just a luxury.

At this moment, they understood their fate.

They are the pawns of the Transcendents and the tools to be used. Their existence is only to satisfy the desires and ambitions of the Transcendents.

They feel that their lives have become meaningless and all their efforts are in vain.

However, in this desperate situation, Hengmie laughed and said, "Hahahaha, even if you die, you can't avoid the fate of being sacrificed!"

At this moment, Yuanji exuded endless pressure from the rules of the avenue, and sheltered his disciples, Wukong's disciples, and the Three Pure Ones in his own domain.

At this time, Sanheng had been attracted by the Transcendent Gate of the Eye of the End in front of him, and each of them burst out the power of rules, and completely forgot about Yuanji towards the Transcendent Gate.

At this moment, Yuanji stood in the endless chaotic void, waiting quietly, with no intention of entering the Transcendent Gate.

At this moment, Zanggu, who had left the prehistoric human world before, suddenly appeared.

His huge coffin of the sky, exuding endless evil breath, rushed towards the face of Sanheng like a giant beast swallowing the sky.

At this moment, Zang Gu's strength is close to the realm of the Great Dao. His attack caused San Heng, who was only a stone's throw away from the Gate of Transcendence, to be blasted into countless oceans of chaos in an instant.

San Heng's body was shattered in the chaotic void, bleeding and horrible.

Zang Gu stepped out of the shattered chaotic void step by step, his body turned into hundreds of billions of feet, exuding endless breath.

He looked at San Heng, who was blasted into countless oceans of chaos by his attack, and sneered:

"Hahahahahahahaha, all your efforts are just to make wedding clothes for me. I have been waiting for the Gate of Transcendence since the first era of chaos.

How could I let you get such an opportunity? It's just that I didn't wipe you out before the endless era because I thought that the three of you still have some use value."

Zang Gu's words were full of disdain and ridicule. He believed that the efforts of San Heng and others were in vain, and they were just to make wedding clothes for him.

He has been waiting for too long. The Gate of Transcendence is his only goal, and he will not allow anyone to stop him.

Hengsha led the other two and directly broke through the Chaos Sea. The endless aura of the end was suppressed, but their hearts were full of anger and unwillingness.

They were unwilling to be defeated by Zanggu like this, and they were unwilling to let their efforts be taken away by Zanggu like this.

"You, Zanggu deserves death!" Hengsha roared, his voice full of endless anger and unwillingness.

The other two also echoed Hengsha's cry, their eyes full of hostility and hatred.

Zanggu heard Hengsha's cry, his mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a disdainful smile. He looked at Hengsha and others and said:

"Your anger and unwillingness are meaningless to me. You are just a stepping stone for me to pursue the Gate of Transcendence. I don't need your recognition, and I don't care about your unwillingness."

Zanggu's words were full of indifference and ruthlessness, and he didn't care about the life and death of Hengsha and others.

He only cares about the gate of transcendence and his own goal. He has waited for too long, and now it is finally time to achieve his goal.

At this moment, the breath of Zang Gu has reached an unimaginable level, like a towering mountain suppressing down, and San Heng can hardly move under this terrifying pressure.

In the distance, Yuan Ji and others who were hiding in the dark also felt this terrifying pressure, as if the Eye of the Great Dao was here in person.

The moment Zang Gu broke through and appeared, it triggered the chaotic void, and the entire chaotic world fell into chaos.

In the endless void, the Eye of the Chaos Great Dao Rules slowly emerged. This was a scene that had never appeared before, which shocked Yuan Ji, San Qing and others.

In the center of the Eye of the Great Dao Rules, a man wearing Hongmeng armor, holding a Hongmeng Rule Axe, and stepping on the thirty-sixth-grade Hongmeng Purple Gold Lotus Platform opened his eyes.

His eyes were full of endless majesty and power, as if the entire chaos end disaster was under his control.

Instantly, Yuanji, Sanqing and others were shocked by this breath, and Tongtian Sect Master said excitedly: "Then, then, that... is that the Father God Pangu?"

However, he immediately shook his head and denied his thoughts, "No, no, he is not the Father God!"

The others also fell into deep thought, who is this mysterious man?

He exuded the light of the Hongmeng armor, holding the Hongmeng Rule Giant Axe, and stepping on the 36th-grade Hongmeng Purple Gold Lotus Platform. He obviously possessed extremely powerful power.

However, he was not Pangu, because Pangu had turned into all things in the world after the creation of the world, and it was impossible for him to appear here again.

At this time, seeing that the Eye of Chaos Avenue Rule had arrived, Sanheng said together:

"Very good, very good, very good, you are all here, so, then

Let us see who is stronger and can enjoy this gate of transcendence and transcend chaos. "

Their voices were cold and ruthless, as if whispered from the depths of chaos, which made people shudder.

As the voice fell, Sanheng's figure began to dissipate, and then the endless purple-gold light of the chaotic void began to gather around them.

These lights shone like billions of stars, illuminating the entire chaotic void.

Then, an ancient and mysterious body emerged. Its body was so huge that it could not be explored, looked directly at, or deduced, as if it was an existence beyond time and space.

This body exuded endless pressure, making people breathless.

Then, Sanheng's soul began to merge into one and rushed into the head of the ancient corpse. At that moment, the huge eyes opened, and the chaotic void began to tremble. .

What kind of eyes are those! It seems to contain endless rules and power, and can tear apart the endless chaotic end.

Yuan Ji and others felt this terrifying power, their flesh and blood flew, and their origins collapsed. They looked at the Hongmeng corpse in horror, their hearts filled with despair and helplessness.

This Hongmeng corpse is so powerful that its existence seems to have surpassed the boundaries of chaos.

It is the embodiment of rules, the symbol of power, and one of the most mysterious and powerful existences in the chaotic world.

In front of this Hongmeng corpse, all life seems so small and insignificant.

Its existence makes people feel endless fear and awe, and also makes people understand what true transcendence is.

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