The dead body was buried in the ground.

While the three pure ones were fighting for the ray of life, Zang Gu's body turned into a handful of burial soil under the light of destruction.

The rich breath of burying the heaven, burying the earth and burying all living things made the surrounding gray nothingness vaguely affected, but all the consciousness and will of Zang Gu.

Just like Pangu, the original king of heaven, he was completely annihilated. Only the Dao rhyme of burial spirits that he had comprehended in the endless chaotic void era, even if his body turned into ashes, still exuded the horror of all the heavens and the universe being buried.

It was just because there was no Hongmeng Heart in the gray nothingness at this time.

Unable to continuously transform the origin in the void, there is no power of rules, and everything has returned to gray.

Zang Gu's body dissipated in the light of destruction, but his breath permeated the entire space, as if announcing his existence.

His body turned into a handful of burial soil under the light of destruction. That was the end of his life and his final destination.

This handful of burial soil exudes a strong breath of burying the sky, burying the earth and burying all living beings, as if telling his life.

He was once just a lonely wanderer. His body suffered countless injuries over the long years, and his soul struggled in endless pain.

But he never gave up his persistence in life and his hope of transcendence in the future.

The breath of burial soil permeated the gray void, and the surrounding gray void was vaguely affected.

As if responding to the breath of burial soil, the origin in the gray void began to surge, but due to the lack of transformation of the Hongmeng Heart, these origins could not be transformed into the power of rules, and everything became gray.

The Hongmeng corpse controlled by Jiyuan Sanheng in the distance had already been broken. Endless nothingness, like quicksand, flowed over the broken Hongmeng corpse.

Wherever it passed, a trace of flesh and blood would be taken away by the nothingness. The Hongmeng corpse was dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Jiyuan Sanheng's will had long been annihilated without a trace, even the incomplete consciousness had not been retained.

He just floated in the void lifelessly, like an empty shell without a soul.

However, in this body, there was a persistent and powerful weird thought, which had never been cut off in the long river of the Eternal Era, nor had it been worn away by time and fate.

Even at the end of everything, without the power of Hongmeng's rules, without the slightest support of the origin, this weird thought still turned into a weird breath, hovering in the gray void.

It seemed to be looking for something, or waiting for something. This breath is full of endless sorrow and obsession, as if telling the world about its unwillingness and resentment.

Under the influence of this strange thought, the surrounding void also became unusually strange.

They are no longer surging like quicksand, but begin to present various strange forms, like ghost-like dancers, dancing in the void.

These forms are weird, terrifying, or beautiful, but they all carry a deep evil spirit, which makes people shudder.

In the void, time seems to have stopped, only this strange thought and the scene it creates are constantly changing.

They seem to be performing an eternal tragedy, making people feel endless sadness and helplessness.

In general, Jiyuan Sanheng is only for himself after all, but he is so obsessed that he is like a devil.

Driven by the desire in their hearts, they constantly pursue higher realms and stronger powers, but they don’t know that they have fallen into a situation where they can’t extricate themselves.

As the saying goes, "If you cling to one thought, you will be trapped by it; if you let go of one thought, you will be free in your heart."

Their obsession has become their shackles, trapping them in their inner world, unable to extricate themselves.

They cannot let go of their obsessions, cannot free themselves from their desires, and can only constantly pursue higher realms and stronger powers.

Until they are exhausted physically and mentally, and even pay the price of their lives.

The obsession of transcendence, like a maggot attached to the bones, Fuxi attached to the depths of the soul of Jiyuan Sanheng.

Every time they survive a chaotic void avenue rule will launch a final catastrophe, the obsession with transcendence in the depths of the soul will deepen once.

This obsession is like an invisible maggot, constantly eroding their souls, making them unable to extricate themselves.

They tried to use various methods to get rid of the entanglement of this maggot, but always returned in vain.

They didn't know that this maggot had become his

A part of them, unable to give up.

They can only seek ways to transcend in this endless pain, but they don't know that they are getting deeper and deeper.

In the end, under the will of the Chaos Avenue Rules, they can always choose to avoid and escape. Once the creatures survive, they have infinite hope.

They believe that as long as they are alive, they have the opportunity to pursue the way of transcendence and become the legendary existence.

They don't know that they have missed too many opportunities and lost too many things.

They can only repeat their mistakes in this endless cycle and continue to pursue the illusory way of transcendence.

Even the illusory and unprecedented way of transcendence since the endless era will become an opportunity for the strong to pursue.

They think this is their only chance and their last chance.

They don't know that this is just the obsession in their hearts that makes them unable to see the truth of the facts.

They can only lose themselves in this endless pursuit and continue to move towards the abyss of destruction.

The final result is that the will of the three of them has completely dissipated, and only the immortal obsession has turned into a strange idea that cannot be destroyed by the gray nothingness.

Declaring to the nothingness outside the endless primordial space, how deep and how persistent is the transcendental thought of Jiyuan Sanheng!

And Yuanji, who has turned into endless sand, his soul has entered a strange state, and his consciousness has returned to his previous life again.

At this moment, after experiencing the collapse of the human race in his previous life, the endless years of practice in the prehistoric world, and the final end of everything.

Yuanji's heart is filled with endless sadness and emotion. He stood on the city, overlooking the dilapidated high-rise buildings in the city. These once glorious buildings have turned into ruins, leaving only desolation and ruin.

He flew down from the clouds, looking at the streets full of corpses, his heart was filled with endless sadness and pity.

In this dark moment, an eternal and immortal reincarnation rule emerged, turning into a huge reincarnation force, forming a huge six reincarnations in the starry sky at night.

Yuan Ji's pure and soul-stirring voice of salvation for the wronged souls echoed in the ruined city, and the relatives of the dead left tears of regret when they heard this.

Yuan Ji couldn't help but sighed when he saw this: "There are all kinds of weapons in the world. Only the past hurts people the most!"

He sighed deeply, his eyes full of helplessness and sadness. All the past, like a sharp knife, pierced his heart.

He saw those familiar faces, saw their laughter and tears, and saw their lives disappear in an instant.

Perhaps affected by Yuan Ji's emotions, the whole world was snowing in June, and snowflakes bloomed brightly under the moonlight.

These snowflakes seemed to comfort Yuan Ji, telling him that the past was over, and let him let go of his obsession and pain.

Although Yuan Ji's consciousness had reached the supreme realm at this time, even though he knew that this place might not be real, or it might just be his dream.

He still chose to continue watching, without breaking the endless illusion around him.

Relying on his instinctive memory, Yuan Ji took a step forward and came to the Taoist holy land that he had once and could not let go of even now.

As for the matter of Canghai City behind him, he had completely calmed down. For Yuan Ji, a strong man who had conquered the prehistoric world for endless years, life and death were just a matter of thought.

In Yuan Ji's view, if the truth brings pain, then lies will only make things worse. It is better to accept everything, so as to avoid extreme things from happening again.

He knew that everyone in life would have their own secrets and difficulties. Sometimes, instead of revealing the truth, it is better to choose tolerance and understanding.

Because only in this way can the relationship between people be more harmonious and the world become better.

Yuan Ji no longer had any distracting thoughts in his heart, he just wanted to enjoy the tranquility of this moment.

Yuan Ling Zhenren in the Taoist Hall seemed to have sensed something and flew to the top of Yuan Tian Peak.

He stood there quietly, feeling the power of nature, the true energy in his hands gushed out of his body, the teapot on the stone table began to boil, and he took the fairy tea and put it in here.

He poured a cup for himself and a cup for the opposite side. The three ancestors of Taoism and the three pure ones were enshrined on the Taoist platform in the Taoist Hall.

However, above the three pure ones, a Dharma-like Taoist body similar to Yuan Ji was sitting there quietly.

Yuan Ling Zhenren looked up and felt an inexplicable respect in his heart. He knew that this Dharma-like Taoist body was the Taoist

Ancestor, also his spiritual leader.

When Yuanji entered the Taoist sect, the image seemed to feel something, and the stone eyes that had been closed for many years suddenly opened.

At this time, in the hall, a young child was kneeling on the ground, his heart full of piety and desire.

He saluted with both hands, praying to the Three Pure Ones and the mysterious Taoist above, hoping that they could bless him to find his lost parents.

The child kneeling on the ground, his body was still very weak, but his eyes were extremely firm.

He stared at the statues above quietly, as if he could feel the presence of the Three Pure Ones and the Taoist.

In his heart, these statues were not cold and ruthless stones, but existences with magical powers. As long as he prayed devoutly, he could get their blessing and guidance.

He inserted the fragrance in his hand into the incense burner, and the curling green smoke rose and filled the hall. He looked up and saw that the mysterious Taoist image had opened his eyes.

A surge of excitement surged in his heart. In his opinion, this was because the ancestor saw his piety and his heart of Taoism, so he opened his eyes to look at him.

He felt that his prayers were answered, which made him more determined in his faith.

At that moment, his eyes were full of tears, but he did not cry.

He knew that his parents were still waiting for his return outside, and he could not cry here. He had to be strong and face all difficulties bravely.

He silently made a vow in his heart that no matter what difficulties he encountered, he would not give up, and he would keep looking until he found his parents.

The ancestor seemed to feel his determination and perseverance, and a glimmer of approval flashed in his eyes.

The appearance of the Taoist master also became clearer, as if conveying some kind of message to him.

He listened quietly. Although he did not know what the message was, he believed that it must be helpful to him.

As the incense burned, the atmosphere in the hall became more solemn and sacred. The young child also felt that his heart became calmer and more peaceful.

He knew that this was the blessing from his ancestors and the Taoist master, which gave him more strength and confidence to face future challenges.

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