The old man was in trouble, and the old man was in trouble.

At this moment, on the long river of time and space in the chaotic void sea, a small boat was slowly heading towards the future timeline. Hou Tu stood at the bow, looking into the distance, with a lot of emotion in her heart.

She knew the difficulty of reincarnating and renewing the previous relationship, because the reincarnated person must abide by the rules of the six reincarnations and lose the memory of the previous life.

It was like a long journey, and every reincarnation was a new beginning. All the experiences of the previous life would be erased, leaving only a blank.

However, Hou Tu saw that the creatures in that world did not give up, and had been looking for a way, a way to allow the reincarnated person to retain the memory of the previous life.

She knew that this was a fight against fate, a game against the rules of Hongmeng.

She also knew that this was not a fight fought by one person. In that chaotic and empty world, countless creatures were waiting, hoping to renew their past relationship and reunite with their loved ones.

However, the passage of time made their hopes fall through again and again. Every time they reincarnate, they will lose the memory of their previous life and start a new life.

They are waiting in the chaotic void, waiting for the person who can reunite them.

They believe that one day, they will find that person, the one who can reunite them.

At this time, Yuanji's figure slowly came behind Houtu, and hugged Houtu who was sighing with both hands.

Softly said: "Houtu, what's wrong?"

Houtu, who was in a low mood, looked at Yuanji with hope in her eyes. She believed that she could get the answer she wanted from Yuanji.

"Brother Yuanji~ Why, why, why... in that world, even though they have the method of reincarnation to continue their past relationship, they still choose new people in the end?"

Yuanji's heart throbbed when he heard this. He would never have thought that he would just take Houtu to travel around the chaotic and empty world of the heavens.

Houtu had already learned the essence. The word "brother" directly awakened Yuanji's youthful heart that had been sealed for many years and was instantly activated.

He hugged Houtu and kissed her. For a while, Houtu didn't know what happened.

Houtu's delicate body instantly became stiff, and a shy blush instantly appeared on her beautiful cheeks.

In her beautiful eyes, there was a look of shyness and shock. She had never thought that Yuanji would do such a thing at this time.

However, she did not resist, nor did she push Yuanji away, but quietly enjoyed the beauty of this moment.

She knew that Yuanji loved her, and she also loved Yuanji, but the relationship between them had never had the opportunity to be sublimated.

And now, Yuanji's action made her feel Yuanji's love and her own heart.

She knew that she had fallen in love with this man, and loved him deeply.

Yuanji felt Houtu's compliance, and his heart became more excited, and his hands began to become restless.

One of his hands slowly stroked Houtu's cheek, feeling Houtu's delicacy and tenderness.

And the other hand began to untie Houtu's clothes, he wanted to make Houtu more beautiful and more moving.

Houtu felt Yuanji's action, and her heart began to become hot.

She knew that she could no longer refuse Yuanji's love, and she didn't want to refuse.

She wanted to be with Yuanji, forever.

So, she began to cater to Yuanji's actions, and her hands began to untie Yuanji's clothes.

The clothes of the two slowly fell to the ground, revealing their perfect figures.

Yuanji looked at Houtu's perfect figure, and his heart became more excited, and his hands began to wander on Houtu's body.

Hou Tu closed her eyes and enjoyed the beauty of this moment.

The two bodies slowly fell to the ground and began a beautiful love affair.

As time and space flowed, Yuan Ji and Hou Tu had crossed the endless river of time and space in a small boat and came to the future time and space that could not be deduced.

Yuan Ji hugged Hou Tu, looked at the endless river of time and space, and said:

"The method of reincarnation and continuation of fate is ultimately an obsession that cannot be let go. For the word "love", there are naturally living beings who give everything."

His voice was full of emotion and helplessness, as if he had experienced endless years and seen through the vicissitudes of the world.

Hou Tu listened quietly, her eyes were gentle and firm, as if she had always been Yuan Ji's solid backing in this long time.

She knew

, everything Yuan Ji said was true, but she also knew that all this was for the restoration of Hongmeng and to open up a new prosperous era.

Yuan Ji sighed deeply and continued, "And choosing a new life is also the responsibility of the six reincarnations under the Hongmeng rules.

If the countless creatures in this magnificent sea of ​​chaos and void will choose to pursue for life after life for obsession, until the entire sea of ​​chaos and void under the Hongmeng rules collapses.

In this way, what is the purpose of restoring Hongmeng and opening up a prosperous era!" His voice was full of helplessness and unwillingness, as if he had seen the tragic ending of the future.

Hou Tu gently held Yuan Ji's hand and said, "We are born in Hongmeng, so we naturally have to work hard for the restoration of Hongmeng.

Although this method of reincarnation and continuation of fate is an obsession, it is also the choice of living beings. We cannot change their choice, but we can provide them with a new choice."

Yuan Ji nodded slightly, he knew that Hou Tu was right. Although this method of reincarnation and continuation of fate is an obsession, it is also the choice of living beings.

They can't change their choice, but they can provide them with a new choice.

He looked into the distance, as if he saw the future of Hongmeng and the goal he had fought for.

"If this reincarnation and continuation method can liberate more living beings, then our efforts will not be in vain." Hou Tu said.

Yuan Ji nodded slightly, he knew that Hou Tu was right. Although this reincarnation and continuation method is an obsession, it is also the choice of living beings.

They can't change their choice, but they can provide them with a new choice.

"Forget it, forget it." Yuan Ji said with emotion softly

Because Yuan Ji has left a chance, if someone in that chaotic void world breaks through the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, how can the mere reincarnation and continuation method not be perfect.

Yuan Ji stood on the edge of the future chaotic void sea, looking helplessly at this once prosperous universe. Now, there are only ruins and endless nothingness here.

His eyes were full of fatigue and helplessness, as if he had experienced countless failures and setbacks.

"This is a living being. A single thought can overturn the heavens!" Yuan Ji said with emotion. He looked back at Hou Tu, whose eyes were full of confusion and doubt.

Yuan Ji thought of the past days, when the Chaos Void Sea was still full of vitality and vigor.

The stars in the sky were shining brightly, and the monks were traveling freely in the universe, pursuing the supreme avenue.

However, with the advent of countless calamities again and again, this universe became more and more fragile.

The stars were broken, the will of the avenue rules was out of control, and the air of the Chaos Void was extremely thin.

All living beings lost the basis for survival, and only the human race established a huge civilization system in this endless chaotic void universe.

However, the human race was not a monolithic entity. In this civilization system, countless divisions and conflicts occurred.

In order to compete for resources and power, people killed each other, and the entire universe fell into chaos. Yuan Ji saw all this, and he felt extremely sad and helpless.

"Why is this happening?" Hou Tu asked. Her eyes were full of sympathy and concern for humans.

Yuan Ji sighed silently. He knew that all this was because of human desire and greed.

In pursuit of higher power and greater benefits, they would sacrifice everything, even their own kind. This is human nature and the fate of this universe.

"What can Wu Feng do?" Hou Tu asked. Her eyes were full of firmness and determination.

Yuan Ji smiled. He knew that Hou Tu was a kind and strong person.

She has been working hard to protect this chaotic void universe. Even in the face of great difficulties, she will not give up.

However, he also knew that everything they did was insignificant. In the face of the fate of this universe, humans seem so small and powerless.

"We just need to do our best." Yuan Ji said. His eyes were full of helplessness and sadness.

Hou Tu nodded. She understood that Yuan Ji was telling the truth.

They can only do their best in this chaotic void universe to protect those living creatures and to continue the life of this chaotic void universe.

Yuanji and Houtu turned and left the future chaotic void sea.

However, when he turned and left, countless Hongmeng rule powers were running in Yuanji's other hand.

One after another, treasures, laws, secret arts... countless precious treasures turned into stars and flew into the long river of time and space, flowing between endless destruction and creation.

They are as bright and dazzling as stars, and each one contains infinite power and

Opportunity is what Yuanji has collected throughout his life.

Yuanji looked back at the gradually fading era, and his heart was filled with emotion.

This era has come to an end. It has been glorious and dim, but in any case, it is a great era.

Yuanji smiled, and his smile was full of relief and expectation. He knew that the end of this era did not mean the end of everything, but a new beginning.

The younger generations will rise on this ruins. They will inherit Yuanji's will and ideas and continue to explore the unknown world.

"It doesn't matter if the worlds rise and fall, so that the new creatures of the younger generation will not have the opportunity to rise. The opportunity has been left, and everything depends on you." Yuanji said softly.

His voice was full of emotion and expectation. He knew that the younger generations would face countless challenges and difficulties, but he believed that they would be able to overcome all difficulties and create a more glorious era.

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