The blood of the three tribes in the western continent of the prehistoric world was dyed red by the blood of the three tribes in the terrible war. The countless creatures in the heavens and the worlds lost themselves in the terrible bloody rain.

The crazy slaughter began. This is the power of the calamity launched by the Great Dao. Even if there is no relationship between the creatures, as long as they are born in it, they will be the ones who will be calamity.

However, the Great Dao did not leave a trace of life. As long as they can survive the test of this calamity, they will have the reward of the power of the Great Dao Law, and their practice will be smooth sailing.

However, the practice path of the creatures in the heavens and the worlds does not have a cycle of cause and effect. The calamity is to settle the cause and effect, so there are simply not many creatures who can survive the calamity settlement.

Unless you have peerless cultivation that can lead the prehistoric world like Hongjun and Yangmei, especially the half-step Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm that can leave the prehistoric world like Yangmei.

Or you have infinite merits of the Great Dao, like the Three Pure Ones of Kunlun Mountain, or you can have your fate arranged by the Heavenly Dao like Zhenyuanzi, Nuwa, Fuxi and others.

You will safely survive the catastrophe arranged by the Heavenly Dao, but in the prehistoric world, as long as you have not achieved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian or the Heavenly Dao Saint.

You are just a chess piece on the chessboard, and you will always face the test of the power of the Heavenly Dao. If you don’t deal with it carefully, you will be calculated to death by the Heavenly Dao like Hongyun in the later generations.

Man’s calculations are not as good as Heaven’s calculations, and Heaven’s determination is not as good as the Great Dao.

On the island on the Chaos Eye of the South China Sea in the prehistoric world, the bead emitting infinite divine light in the central lake has become the size of a star, swallowing the surrounding chaotic aura.

Chaos aura is extremely rare in the prehistoric world. Only a few places in the prehistoric world have chaotic aura, but it is also limited. Lu Yuan's island is different. It can always transform chaotic aura and evil aura into chaotic aura under the power of the law of the Great Dao.

In his memory, only the future sage's dojo in the prehistoric world has infinite chaotic aura, because the sage has unparalleled power and can open up the world in chaos.

So as to transform chaotic aura and evil aura for them, but the ability of the sage is limited and the aura converted is just enough for their own practice.

There is also the legend that when Pangu opened up the prehistoric world, he split the chaotic void with an axe and three fragments fell into the prehistoric world, forming the three immortal islands of the East China Sea, Penglai, Yingzhou, and Fangzhang.

However, in the prehistoric world, no one has deduced the specific location of the three immortal islands, even the way of heaven has no ability to deduce it, and can only rely on their own opportunities.

After all, just because the Zizhou Island where the King of Dong Gong was located in the future was used to support the resources of the top forces in the prehistoric world, countless powerful people were chasing the traces of the Three Immortals Island.

But how could the Three Immortals Island appear without enough opportunities, merits and luck? Therefore, the Three Immortals Island, the Taoist temple of the Three Xiaos under the Master of Tongtian in the future, was just the same name.

But Lu Yuan felt that even the Three Immortals Island could not compare with his island. This was the place where the Eye of Chaos was suppressed in the prehistoric world. It had infinite luck and was protected by the power of the law of the Great Dao.

Even the endless chaotic aura was not comparable to the Three Immortals Island, not to mention Lu Yuan’s two companion spiritual treasures, each of which was a treasure that the prehistoric world’s Hunyuan Jinxian realm would envy.

It was also the confidence of Lu Yuan to walk in the prehistoric world in the future, and it was also the treasure that protected him when he achieved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm in the future, and it could also suppress his own luck.

The first one was the 12th-grade Chaos Azure Lotus, a top-grade innate spiritual treasure that continuously purified the chaotic spiritual energy for him. It had 48 and a half innate restrictions, and was only one step away from becoming an innate treasure.

The reason why a new lotus platform was born was because the Great Dao Treasure World Pearl took away a trace of its origin and a lotus root when Pangu's Chaos Azure Lotus, the Chaos Azure Lotus of Creation, was broken.

And because the 12th-grade Chaos Azure Lotus was formed under the nourishment of the rich chaotic spiritual energy, it later evolved into a pool of Azure Lotuses, but none of them were as high-grade as this one.

Naturally, it became Lu Yuan's companion spiritual treasure, and in just a few decades, Lu Yuan refined 12 of the 48 and a half innate restrictions of the 12th-grade Chaos Azure Lotus, which could exert the power of a low-grade or even medium-grade innate spiritual treasure.

Lu Yuan had already simply understood the role of the Chaos Azure Lotus, which had a defensive ability comparable to an innate defensive treasure, and also had the ability to suppress the luck of a force or an individual, and could also assist in cultivation.


Each ability is so powerful. This is the first time that Lu Yuan truly feels the horror of the prehistoric innate spiritual treasure. Fortunately, he has a soul comparable to the Golden Immortal Realm to refine the spiritual treasure restriction.

As for the second companion spiritual treasure of Lu Yuan, it was made by the World Pearl, but he didn't know what it was. He only knew that the spiritual treasure that was basically formed before the 10,000 yuan meeting was sent to the Eye of Chaos by the World Pearl to absorb the origin of chaos.

You have to wait until he transforms to get it.

And his body is even more against the sky. He simply doesn't take the Heavenly Dao into consideration. It contains a world that can grow infinitely. At the same time, it is engraved with the laws of the Three Thousand Great Daos to shield the power of the prehistoric Heavenly Dao.

Even the Great Dao cannot always calculate the traces of the World Pearl, and many of the treasures are World Pearls, which were picked up after Pangu the Great God killed the Three Thousand Chaos Demon Gods.

Lu Yuan previously relied on the Chaos Demon God Origin in the World Pearl to improve his soul qualification, otherwise, as a mortal soul, he would be nothing more than cannon fodder in the prehistoric world.

Therefore, the Great Dao Treasure World Pearl is his foundation and everything, and the basis for his eternal immortality in the prehistoric world.

In the Eastern Continent of the prehistoric world, since leaving the Taoist temple of the Nanhai Yangmei Patriarch, the Patriarch Hongjun felt uneasy, so he has been using the Chaos Spirit Treasure Creation Jade Book to deduce what hidden means Luohou has.

Finally, after paying some price, the Great Dao Law still let the Patriarch Hongjun know that the Demon Ancestor Luohou has the innate treasure Zhuxian Four Swords transformed from the fragments of the Chaos Supreme Treasure, and is also preparing to use the flesh and blood of the three tribes to refine the Zhuxian Formation Diagram.

Once the Demon Ancestor Luohou succeeds in refining, all the powerful people in the Hunyuan Jinxian realm in the entire prehistoric world will not be able to deal with Luohou, but as long as the Zhuxian Formation Diagram fails to be refined.

It is a semi-finished product, so Luohou can fight four alone. Hongjun Patriarch also has his own secret method of beheading the three corpses, so he has a chance to defeat Luohou.

After making up his mind, Hongjun also knew that he was alone, even though he had three corpses, he was still a little unsure to fight against the crazy Luohou.

Moreover, if the prehistoric world was broken by accident, his karma would be extremely heavy, and his chance of proving the truth would disappear, and all his efforts would be in vain.

So Hongjun Patriarch looked at the three tribes that were still killing, and shook his head helplessly. He could stop them, but they would not stop even if he saved them. The prehistoric world needed a cleansing to give new creatures a chance.

Then Hongjun Patriarch went to the Yin-Yang Divine Mountain in the southern continent, where there was a Chaos Demon God who, like him, had survived the Chaos Period by chance, but he had been practicing in a low-key manner since he came to the prehistoric world.

If it weren't for the Chaos Spirit Treasure Creation Jade Book, it would be impossible for him to know that there was such a person in the prehistoric world. Then, the figure of Hongjun Patriarch quickly shuttled through the space cracks in the prehistoric world.

A thousand years later, Hongjun Patriarch found Yinyang Patriarch, and then said: "Daoyou, poor Daoist Hongjun, this time I came here presumptuously to ask Daoyou to come out of retreat to help, we will seal the demon ancestor Luohou together and return the prehistoric world to peace."

As the Chaos Demon God, Yinyang Patriarch knew what Hongjun Patriarch was planning, but once the demon ancestor Luohou proved the Taoism in the prehistoric world, they might be the first to be killed.

Finally, after Hongjun Patriarch agreed to a bunch of conditions and gave Yinyang Patriarch a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, Yinyang Patriarch agreed to fight against the demon ancestor Luohou together.

Then, Patriarch Hongjun used the same method to invite out the Great Luo in the Central Great Desolation, the Patriarch Hunyuan who was in seclusion in the Hunyuan Divine Mountain, and the Patriarch Qiankun in the Northern Continent. After doing all this, Hongjun also specially found Patriarch Yangmei.

After all, Patriarch Yangmei was his good friend. Although the other people agreed to help him deal with the Demon Ancestor Luohou, their plans were all for the innate treasure, the God-killing Spear in Luohou's hand.

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