The three pure ones watched their disciples getting along with each other, feeling happy and smiling, and Yuanshi Tianzun was also very satisfied with his disciples at this moment.

Taiqing Laozi looked at Yuanshi and Tongtian and said, "Second brother, third brother, Master's sermon is about to arrive in the world, so let's get up early!"

Yuanshi and Tongtian nodded when they heard it, and Yuanji also recognized what Master said.

After all, Master Hongjun's third lecture was about the way of the Hunyuan Saint, which included the great law of the universe.

Duobao and Guangchengzi below heard what Master Taiqing said and looked at the eldest brother with envy.

Who made the eldest brother become a disciple early, with a high level of cultivation, and become one of the Three Thousand Guests of Zixiao?

Yuanshi Tianzun on the cloud platform was very satisfied with what Duobao and Guangchengzi saw. If the disciples of the Three Pure Ones had no ambition, how could they have a place in the future prehistoric world?

Tongtian looked at the desire in Duobao and Guangchengzi's eyes, and looked at Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun, hoping that they would agree to take them with them.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked serious, looked at Yuanji and said: "Nephew Yuanji, you come and tell the junior brothers!"


Yuanji looked at Duobao and Guangchengzi and said: "Two junior brothers, I ask you, are there many creatures in the prehistoric demon clan heaven now?"

Duobao answered first: "Eldest brother, there are hundreds of millions of demon clans in the heaven, and there are countless creatures in the demon clan."

Guangchengzi also nodded, agreeing with what Brother Duobao said.

The three pure beings above also looked at Yuanji curiously, wanting to know why Yuanji mentioned the demon race. However, even though Yuanshi Tianzun disliked the demon race, he did not interrupt Yuanji.

"Since you know that the demon race has billions of creatures, with such creatures, it is easy to produce hundreds or thousands of genius disciples, right?"

Guangchengzi answered: "Yes."

Guangchengzi did not become arrogant because he disliked the demon race. After all, if the demon race was not strong, how could it fight against the witch race.

"Since you know that the demon race has genius disciples, you must have seen the demon race Emperor Jun Taiyi take them to Zixiao Palace, right?"

At this moment, Guangchengzi and Duobao were also very curious, why the demon race Emperor Jun Taiyi did not do this.

Yuan Ji then said, "Two junior brothers, you understand that Master Hongjun is a saint of the prehistoric heavenly way, and preaching is to spread the truth to all living beings."

"To listen to the truth, one must be able to bear the cause and effect of the saint of the heavenly way, otherwise, when the catastrophe comes, there is no escape and one can only be submerged in the prehistoric world."

"Junior brothers, I will give you a sentence, 'If you want to receive the grace of the saint, you must bear its weight', do you understand?"

Duobao and Guangchengzi below heard what the eldest brother said, and their bodies began to tremble unconsciously. How could they bear the cause and effect of the saint?

Said to the eldest brother: "Elder brother, we understand."

The Three Pure Ones on the cloud platform were also pointed out by Yuan Ji's words "If you want to receive the grace of the saint, you must bear its weight".

Then Yuanji looked at the Three Pure Ones and said, "Master Yuanshi and Master Tongtian, why don't we let them travel to the prehistoric world while I go to Zixiao to listen to the teachings!"

Taichuang Laozi approved of Yuanji's arrangement. Although Yuanshi Tianzun was worried about his disciples, he still approved of Yuanji's approach.

Tongtian agreed with Yuanji's approval. During the three lectures of Master Hongjun, the great masters of the prehistoric world were all in Zixiao Palace. The prehistoric world was so quiet that they would not encounter any difficulties when traveling down the mountain.

Afterwards, a golden gourd appeared in the hands of Taiqing Laozi, and hundreds of golden pills flew out of it and flew to Duobao and Guangchengzi below.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian each flew out of a jade talisman in their hands, which fell into the hands of Guangchengzi and Duobao respectively as their trump cards.

When the two saw the golden elixir and jade talisman in their hands, they immediately knelt down to thank the Three Pure Ones for their protection.

Yuanji saw that his master and uncles had all given away treasures. As the first disciple of the Three Pure Ones, he naturally expressed his feelings as the eldest disciple of the entire Three Pure Ones Taoist temple.

Then two middle-grade innate spiritual treasures appeared in his hands, one seal and one talisman, emitting bursts of innate spiritual treasure aura.

"Two junior brothers, these are the middle-grade innate spiritual treasures Xuanwu Seal and Tianlei Talisman, both of which I got from the Wu Clan's treasure house, and I will give them to you."

The Three Pure Ones saw Yuan Ji take out the middle-grade innate spiritual treasures, and they knew that Yuan Ji's spiritual treasures at this moment were probably not less than theirs.

Duobao and Guangchengzi took the spiritual treasures given by Yuan Ji, with bright smiles on their faces, and immediately thanked Yuan Ji, the senior brother.

After everything was over, Taiqing Laozi waved his robe to take Duobao and

Guangchengzi and the other two had been sent to the prehistoric continent, and they could still hear the instructions of Taiqing Laozi.

"My two nephews, the Central Continent is the center of the prehistoric world, and it is also a place where the creatures of the witches and demons must fight for. You can go to the west, where you may have a chance."

After hearing this, the two bowed to the void, and then went to the western continent.

In the Sanqing Hall of Kunlun Mountain, the Sanqing saw Duobao and Guangchengzi had left, looked at each other and disappeared in Kunlun Mountain.

The entire Kunlun Mountain was also sealed, and countless innate killing arrays were in operation. The Queen Mother of the West in West Kunlun watched the Sanqing leave the Taoist temple and slowly went to the chaos.

Countless practitioners in Kunlun Mountain were terrified when they saw the big array on the Sanqing Taoist temple.

After the other great masters of the prehistoric world felt that the Sanqing had left the prehistoric world, they all came out of retreat and flew towards the chaos void.

Because the Three Pure Ones were already too strong, they could not let the Three Pure Ones take the lead, so they naturally did not want to fall behind once the Three Pure Ones moved.

In the endless chaotic void, four figures crossed the void, three of which were protected by the light of spiritual treasures, and only one figure shattered the chaotic energy around him with the terrifying power of his physical body.

Tongtian looked at Yuanji and said, "Little Yuanzi, your physical body is really terrifying enough, worthy of climbing the Father God Buzhou Mountain."

Yuanji smiled and did not answer, and he understood that the Three Pure Ones also knew about his three flowers.

Three top-grade innate spiritual treasure lotus platforms were integrated, and the defense power of innate treasures was beyond reach.

And Yuanji also knew that the current physical bodies of the Three Pure Ones were not weak to be honest, and he gave his master and uncle a drop of Pangu jade marrow each.

However, there were too many dangers in the chaotic void, so spiritual treasure defense was also necessary. Yuanji did not need it because he himself was a terrifying defensive treasure.

Thousands of years have passed, and Sanqing and Yuanji have not felt the guidance of Zixiao Palace, as if it does not exist at all.

Not only that, the surrounding time and space are changing rapidly, and the chaotic energy and killing energy are constantly getting stronger.

Other great masters also sensed the guidance of Zixiao Palace in the surrounding time and space, but unfortunately they did not gain anything.

Yuanji simply gave up looking, and sat cross-legged in the void, and millions of chaotic green lotuses evolved around him, reflecting the heavens and the world.

Feeling the power of the laws of time and space in the chaotic void, the powerful laws of time and space made the great masters in the void ashamed.

Tongtian looked at Yuanji and started practicing the law directly, and asked:

"Little Yuanzi, aren't you in a hurry to find Zixiao Palace? How can you still have the leisure to practice the law?"

Yuanji looked at Tongtian speechlessly and said: "Uncle Tongtian, do you think the master's preaching will be delayed?"

"What the saint of heaven has decided will not go wrong."

"That's all right. The time has not come to the last moment. Why are you in a hurry? Anyway, no one can find it, so you might as well practice."

"Little Yuanzi, this is the saint's preaching, aren't you in a hurry? It's the way of the Hunyuan saint!"

"Uncle Tongtian, Master Hongjun really doesn't want us to find Zixiao Palace. Who can find it in the prehistoric world now? Instead of wandering aimlessly, it's better to practice in the chaotic void."

As soon as Yuanji finished speaking, Taiqing Laozi also sat cross-legged. The innate treasure Tai Chi diagram appeared under his seat, and he comprehended his own law of the great way.

Yuanshi Tianzun also felt that Yuanji was right. All those below the saints were ants. Since the master was not anxious, why should they be anxious?

He simply comprehended his own great Dao law with Taiqing Laozi. The innate treasure Pangu Banner burst out with sword energy beside him, tearing the chaotic energy in the void.

Seeing that the eldest brother and the second brother had started to practice, Tongtian didn't care. The four swords of Zhuxian and the Zhuxian formation were set up, and they comprehended the way of killing.

Other great masters looked at Sanqing and Yuanji and practiced directly on the spot. They all said that Sanqing and Yuanji were irrational.

In the Zixiao Palace in the void, the old ancestor Yangmei looked at Yuanji's behavior and said happily:

"Brother Hongjun, your disciple is really interesting. Your test is nothing to him!"

Hongjun Daozu looked at Yuanji practicing on the spot without any spiritual treasure defense, and became interested in Yuanji's three flowers.

"Daoyou, Yuanji's disciple's body is really terrifying. It is worthy of climbing the Buzhou Mountain of Daoyou Pangu. The chaotic energy has not caused the slightest impact."

Looking at Yuanji's body, the old ancestor Yangmei was also a little shocked. This is in the chaotic void, and he can resist with his body.

For a moment, the old ancestor Yangmei seemed to see the grand scene of Pangu in the chaotic void. Unfortunately, Pangu was too powerful.

In the chaotic void outside, the great masters of the prehistoric world who did not give up were still struggling to find Zixiao Palace, but unfortunately they did not get anything.

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